Saturday, 2024-08-24

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stiw47Hi. Can someone help me to understand application credential?13:42
stiw47Example: If I create application credential without specifying --access-rules, everything is working. I can e.g. do openstack server list, and get an output13:43
stiw47But if I specify --access-rules, exactly as mentioned in docs: , it is not working13:44
stiw47I am getting13:44
stiw47# openstack server list13:44
stiw47The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) (Request-ID: req-b2ca1a25-d7b7-4eb3-a7de-fe3293e77ee1)13:44
stiw47This is what I'm specifying in rules13:45
stiw47--access-rules '[ { "service": "compute", "method": "POST", "path": "/v2.1/**" }, { "service": "compute", "method": "GET", "path": "/v2.1/**" } ]'13:45
stiw47And both credentials, with and without --access-rules, had been created with admin user13:46
stiw47And when trying to use application credential from the openstack CLI, these are variables I am sourcing: 13:47
stiw47# export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3applicationcredential13:48
stiw47export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID=f9d9b04a9b824fcb922c54fc462c204713:48
stiw47export OS_AUTH_URL=
stiw47working if I export OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID of the credentials where --access-rules were not used, and not working if I have --access-rules (all other variables are the same, it is also same secret on both credentials)13:50
fricklerstiw47: you can add "--debug" to your OSC command and it will show you the URLs it is calling, that should you allow to identify which call exactly is failing. from a quick test it seems that that command also accesses glance to identify images19:37

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