Thursday, 2024-09-05

*** __ministry is now known as Guest254701:36
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tafkamaxHas anyone seen an issue with AppCred-s where member role does not get implied reader role? 12:02
tafkamaxIssue -> Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:servers:detail to be performed.12:02
tafkamaxAppCred has only member role. When creating an AppCred with roles member,reader both, then this works.12:02
tafkamaxThe default is: "os_compute_api:servers:detail": "rule:project_reader_or_admin"12:02
fricklertafkamax: this has been recently fixed in keystone, see
tafkamaxthx for info12:32
*** __ministry is now known as Guest260512:50
Mautorio/ everyone, i got a lvm issue, 8 zombie volumes created by openstack being stuck in Active state and is in use / device busy ( can not find process that has locked them) I can disable the volume pool , but it do not effect the volumes in the pool.. any advice to force remove them on ubuntu. lvremove etc etc just return "is in use , or device is busy), disabled cinder-volume service without 20:17
Mautoriany change  any ideas ?20:17
DHEcheck for automatic activation of their contents... like, if they contain LVM themselves, that LVM hasn't activated them. or if they contain RAID arrays, they haven't been started21:01
DHE`dmsetup ls` and `cat /proc/mdstat` are the relatively low effort ways to check those two things.21:01

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