Sunday, 2024-10-27

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:57
frickleryosal_: starting with the last question: some people publish their IRC name on their membership profile, so you can check
fricklerbut also lots of developer are not on IRC07:50
fricklerhow reviewers are notified depends on their settings, most should notice comments and react to them within a reasonable time, which I'd consider to be a couple of days. if you do not get a response after that, asking on IRC is a good option07:51
fricklerthere are no strict rules on when to mark a discussion as done. when in doubt, you can leave it open07:52
fricklerthe difference between "reply" and "quote" is just that the latter includes a copy of the previous comment in case you want to reply very spicifically to that07:53
frickler"ack" generates a reply with content "ack", just as a shortcut. "done" is similar, but also sets the "done" flag07:54
fricklerall of these are good questions and we should likely include these in our documentation, thanks for bringing them up07:55
fricklerfungi: ^^ do you want to pick this up as part of bridging-the-gap?07:56
yosal_Thank you very much08:03
fungifrickler: i guess the takeaway is that contributor documentation could refer to gerrit ui documentation like (that talks about reply vs quote vs ack...)11:29
fricklerah, that link doesn't actually take me to the anchor, that was a bit confusing. but yes, that might be good to link to, however the more important part for me would be to explain a bit the expected social contract12:25
fungiinteresting, the ui implies that should be a linkable heading (i copied the link from the little chain-link icon that appears next to it)15:07
fungiand yeah, agreed, maybe the social interactions go in the contributor guide and then we link from there to the ui documentation. i'm mainly just wary of duplicating gerrit's own documentation, especially since it changes over time and then we end up with divergent instructions15:09
YosefVery interesting document15:48

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