Wednesday, 2024-10-30

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:54
*** srelf_ is now known as Continuity09:34
jovialTrying to determine the best driver to use with tooz? I know the docs say that zookeeper is the reference implementation. I'm just wondering if if that information is up to date? Is there a reason to prefer zookeeper over redis?11:03
*** jcosmao is now known as Guest795513:22
*** jcosmao5 is now known as jcosmao13:22
*** avanzaghi16 is now known as avanzaghi113:32
*** amorin_ is now known as amorin17:35
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily at 20:30 utc (half an hour from now) to apply a configuration change20:01
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily to apply a configuration change20:30

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