Friday, 2025-01-31

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen03:03
collinlHi all, I posted in openstack-discuss a few days ago asking for help with my openstack configuration.  I am new to openstack, and am missing something in my configuration.  My instances in openstack are unable to reach the internet.  See
collinlIs there anybody here that can help me figure out what I am doing wrong?21:43
luchaaijer[m]<collinl> "Is there anybody here that can..." <- Never used packstack, but any chance of something doing mac filtering?22:30
collinlI don't think so. . .unless it is something inside openstack that would be doing it?  The openstack controller host can ping externally just fine, and since it is using SNAT, it should be using the same MAC, correct?22:36
collinlmeaning traffic coming from the controller and from the instance inside openstack would be seen to use the same MAC?22:38

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