Thursday, 2025-02-20

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:42
idleminddevstack question, setting GLANCE_LIMIT_IMAGE_SIZE_TOTAL doesn't stop the horizon dashboard from emitting a 413 when trying to upload an image larger that 1 gb. any thoughts (centos 9 stream)16:17
idlemindbah was LimitRequestBody is needed in the glance-api configuration for Horizon ... should that be a bug report to have that templated out to match GLANCE_LIMIT_IMAGE_SIZE_TOTAL ? was jarring to still hit issues uploading a cloud image for a major os (Centos 9 Stream coming in just over 1 gb)16:31
*** mtomaska__ is now known as mtomaska18:34
*** mhen_ is now known as mhen19:48

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