Tuesday, 2025-03-11

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:45
ozzzo_workI'm seeing an issue with openstack client 6.5.1. When I try to list ports by project, I get an empty list. This doesn't happen with 6.6.0, but I'm using 6.5.1 because it's the correct version for Wallaby, and we had some other things broken with
ozzzo_workLooking at the debug output from 6.5.1, the initial responses are the same as 6.6.0. First the client requests "api-ext.de6.ourdomain.com:5000/v3/projects/DEV-abraden" and gets a 404. Then it requests "api-ext.de6.ourdomain.com:5000/v3/projects?name=DEV-abraden" and gets the project ID13:33
ozzzo_workThe problem occurs in the next step, where it uses the project ID to get the list of ports. In 6.6.0, the request to the "ports" API references "tenant_id" and it gets a response, and then prints that response. In 6.5.1 the request references "project_id" and it gets the exact same response, but doesn't print the response.14:33
ozzzo_workIs this a bug in 6.5.1?14:33
fricklerozzzo_work: it might depend on which version of openstacksdk you are using in each case. but also all of these are long eol, so you won't get much support for it here. newer versions of OSC should still work with older deployments in general, though15:46
ozzzo_workfrickler: : thanks for the advice. I didn't realize Wallaby was eol already. We just upgraded to it from Train this year16:01
fricklerozzzo_work: https://releases.openstack.org/ has the time table. technically Wallaby is still called "Unmaintained" only, but the difference is pretty small16:05
ozzzo_workfrickler: : What do you recommend? If I open a bug report will someone work on it, or is it too late for that?16:22

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