*** mhen_ is now known as mhen | 02:34 | |
st326 | Hi all, I'm new to openstack. I succesfully did a devstack install in a vm, and am currently attempting a 5 node install with openstack-ansible | 14:20 |
st326 | I've successfully got as far as being able to get a login page via Horizon (after a couple of weeks of pain!) | 14:21 |
st326 | however, I'm now hitting a problem -- if I try to log in (as admin with the relevant password from the secrets file), it's failing with a 'Something went wrong! An unexpected error has occurred. Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't help, contact your local administrator.' | 14:21 |
st326 | I've been digging around for a while but I've failed to find any useful logs to diagnose this further | 14:21 |
st326 | where's the best place to look? | 14:21 |
st326 | (I've already looked at the horizon logs in /openstack/log but there's nothing useful there as best I can see, either under the horizon or keystone containers) | 14:22 |
st326 | Interestingly, if I try to go back to the login page with the back button in the web browser the log in page has the message 'You do not have permission to access the resource: /project/ Login as different user or go back to home page' | 14:22 |
st326 | Any help would be appreciated at this point -- I'm kind of hitting a wall here | 14:22 |
jrosser | st326: a good place to ask js the #openstack-ansible irc channel | 15:17 |
jrosser | but making sure you have deployed one of the released stable branches and not the master branch would be my first question | 15:19 |
st326 | I have the master branch, that's probably my bad | 15:19 |
jrosser | that’s where development for the next release takes place | 15:22 |
jrosser | I think I may have answered your question on the mailing list this week? | 15:28 |
jrosser | anyway - during eu working hours you can generally get some pretty good real-time help in #openstack-ansible | 15:29 |
jrosser | st326: i would also strongly suggest that you deploy an openstack-ansible all-in-one https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ansible/2024.2/user/aio/quickstart.html as an intermediate step between devstack and a multinode deployment | 15:38 |
jrosser | you will then have a known good reference to compare with your multinode deployment (the AIO is what we use to test openstack-ansible for CI jobs to merge code, so its a very heavily tested setup) | 15:39 |
st326 | Good suggestion for AIO -- I'm deploying on proxmox VMs right now so it's easy enough to tear that down and run the AIO version instead. | 16:34 |
st326 | Also good to know that its configs are well tested | 16:34 |
jrosser | for the all-in-one the config is autogenerated for you | 16:35 |
st326 | Am currently setting up 2024.2 on the multinode setup, so I might as well test that once the install finishes | 16:36 |
jrosser | it kind of has to have that capability to be able to bootstrap itself as a test environment | 16:36 |
jrosser | it would be worth looking at the “tempest” tests once your deployment is done | 16:36 |
st326 | makes a lot of sense | 16:36 |
jrosser | those will weed out a lot of problems before fighting with horizon | 16:37 |
st326 | this is 90% a learning exercise so I can get hands on with openstack before I go to a bare metal config that goes to production | 16:37 |
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