Thursday, 2016-03-24

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pumaranikargood morning13:58
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sigmavirus24Good day all14:15
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spotzMorning gang14:29
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kencjohnstonOSA Roadmap Review LInks -
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odyssey4methanks kencjohnston - I'm happy to field questions, comments or feedback for any of those14:39
kencjohnstonyou can join our vidyo call right now...14:39
kencjohnstonametts's room14:40
odyssey4mealthough tradition demands that such things happen within the etherpad - so if anyone makes comments, etc then please feel free to ping me to let me know14:40
amettsodyssey4me: Vidyo 296714:40
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homerpmy vidyo died14:55
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michaelxinCan our Intel teammates join our internal IRC channels?15:00
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kencjohnstonmichaelxin - if you mean this channel then yes.15:03
jrollmichaelxin: great question, internal irc is regulated by ldap and/or network access (depending on internal or external endpoint)15:03
jrollhowever osic stuff should happen in the open, on freenode15:03
kencjohnstonright, if you mean a Rax internal server, then no15:03
michaelxinkencjohnston: Thanks. I mean Rackspace Internal channel15:04
michaelxinGot it.15:04
michaelxinWe will just use freenode channel15:04
michaelxinit should work15:04
johnthetubaguytoanster: I can't make that meeting later around the roadmap, but its basically in an order already, and I think rosmaita knows the details anyways15:11
johnthetubaguytoanster: I will try join if I get free early15:11
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toansterjohnthetubaguy: thanks!15:12
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izaakkHey guys, quick question. When creating new file for a patch.. at least in OSA I've seen the Apache license like:
izaakkI've also seen Individual names instead of Rackspace, What is the way to go for OSIC developers?15:31
inc0izaakk, put Intel15:31
nortmanizaakk: Last time I asked that question the answer I got was that no copyright notice was needed at all, but I'm not sure that's the correct answer.15:31
inc0that's what I do anyway;)15:32
inc0nortman, for python code gate-pep8 will punch you unless you add license15:32
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dasmgood morning.15:33
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cloudnull izaakk ++ add the intel name on the license for files you create, you can also add your name as an author if you want to.15:35
odyssey4meto copyright notice or not is at the discretion of the person/org supplying the code - it's not required, but generally if you make a substantial contribution you are considered to have the right to add a copyright15:36
odyssey4methere's actually a guide in one of the openstack docs15:36
izaakkgot it! will check the docs too. Thanks cloudnull inc0 odyssey4me15:37
odyssey4mehere you go:
odyssey4mea bit more here:
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odyssey4metl/dr the copyright notices are not required, but don't hurt - the git history shows all authors and contributors, so if a dispute ever does arise then there is enough evidence to look to in order to determine whether someone contributed something to a portion of code15:39
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dolphm_botdolphm, jorge_munoz, xek: Keystone standup!16:00
dolphm_botWhat are you working on today, and what do you need help with?16:00
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jorge_munozWorking on a feed reader to invalidate capstone’s cache.16:01
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lbragstadi'm working on deploying more capstone16:02
dolphmrderose: o/16:02
lbragstadmoar capstone!16:02
dolphmrderose: i put up a revised shadow user spec for newton yesterday (i think) -- have you had a chance to review that?16:02
pumaranikarsarafraj, link to nova newton summit ideas shared by matt.16:03
sarafrajjohnthetubaguy: Hey John can you post vidyo link to join Nova roadmap meeting16:03
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rderosedolphm: no, not yet.  I'll take a look at it today and will work on reviews.  I also have some interviews to do as well.16:03
dolphmrderose: for keystone? :D16:04
dolphmrderose: the spec is super short, it's just a delta from the mitaka one16:04
dstaneki have a few more capstone things to clean off and then i'm doing keystone reviews16:04
rderoserderose: no, not necessarily.  we're trying to build up to 100 developers; mostly recent college grads.  and march is a critical month, so we've been doing 3 or interviews a week.16:05
rderose* 3 or 416:06
rderosedolphm: regarding spec, cool, I like short :)16:06
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rderosedolphm taking a quick look now16:07
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dstaneki think i may just need to start writing down what i say in my daily standup so that i can just paste it here :-)16:07
amettsNova OSIC Meeting:
sarafrajpumaranikar: Thanks16:09
rderosedolphm: spec looks good16:10
rderosedolphm: "5. Drop support for "federated" tokens." caught my eye16:11
dolphm_botThank you, dolphm, dstanek, jorge_munoz, lbragstad, rderose!16:15
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dolphmrderose: i.e. the federated token format in fernet (and uuid, etc)16:15
dolphmrderose: with local identities, we don't need to convey in the token that the user authenticated via federation16:16
rderosedolphm: ah, that makes sense16:16
* lbragstad can't wait for that to happen16:16
pdardeaukeystone guys - swift will likely be soon working on some keystone/swift integration pain points. just mentioning as fyi (nothing needed at the moment)16:17
* dolphm appreciates being looped in early though, pdardeau :)16:18
lbragstadpdardeau awesome - let us know if you need anything16:18
rderosedolphm: so user authenticates, rules applied; mapping evaluated, and then treated like any other user16:18
dstanekpdardeau: nice. i echo what dolphm and lbragstad said16:18
rderosedolphm: right?16:18
dolphmrderose: correct16:18
dolphmrderose: normal token, no federated payload16:18
dolphmrderose: and no groups in the token16:19
lbragstadrderose yeah - the role assignments are applied through groups assignments16:19
rderosedolphm: nice :)16:19
rderoselbragstad: right16:20
rderosedolphm lbragstad lots of code to cleanup, should look pretty nice when we are done :)16:21
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dolphmrderose: ++16:21
lbragstadrderose i can't wait for the day16:21
rderoselbragstad: haha16:22
rderoselbragstad or dolphm one thing I'm noticing in the code is, it looks like user can authenticate with certificate and be federated16:26
rderoseis that right?16:26
lbragstadrderose I haven't tried that16:27
dolphmrderose: that's a new feature from the last release or two - i haven't played with it either16:27
dolphmrderose: it's a form of external auth16:27
rderoselbragstad: okay, yeah, ran into when trying to remove ephemeral user type16:28
dolphmrderose: which i think uses the mapping engine. calling it "federated" is odd, i think16:28
rderosedolphm: yeah, that it seemed odd as well16:28
rderose* though it16:28
rderoseman, I'm tired, took my daughter to the airport at 3 AM, can't type16:29
dolphmrderose: are you back in SA?16:30
rderosenot until Tues16:30
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rderoseI've probably gained about 10 lbs.  My wife's aunt is here and she's been cooking up a storm.  She doesn't speak English and when asked me something I don't understand, I just say "si" and she brings more food.16:32
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electrocucaracharderose, it could be worse if you say "mas, por favor"17:33
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johnthetubaguysarafraj: hey, sorry, only just spotted your note, I had a clash myself :(17:49
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kencjohnstonHi OSIC Team, I have a quick request for you all18:29
kencjohnstonThe marketing folks are making t-shirts for the summit18:29
kencjohnstonand trying to think of words to put on them18:29
kencjohnstonright now the best they've got is "OSIC: Built for Scale" whicih I"m not very satisfied with18:29
inc0<3 VMWare18:30
kencjohnstonCan you guys throw out some other ones (and please no Boaty McBoatFace)18:30
kencjohnstonand I'll send around a poll so the team can vote.18:30
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kencjohnstonWe need to get them a response by tomorrow end of day18:30
kencjohnstoninc0 don't we all...18:31
kencjohnstonThis is your opportunity to not have to wear a lame t-shirt...18:32
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inc0how about we make image of a conductor standing on one leg, on wobbly chair over pool with sharks, conducting with one hand and spinning a plate in the other18:34
spotzkencjohnston OSIC: Community through Partnership?18:34
spotzinc0 You need gators.. Just saying18:35
inc0gators will work as well18:35
inc0or pirannias18:35
inc0or better18:35
inc0let's make it a lava pit18:35
spotzinc0 that does work with Texas summers:)18:36
inc0and guy with OSIC on tshirt will run toward him with a fire extinguisher18:36
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inc0you get my drift18:37
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inc0or just say on the bottom "They said migrate to Neutron..."18:39
inc0It will be fun they said18:39
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spotzinc0 hehehe19:04
odyssey4me'nova-net is my safe word' ?19:30
odyssey4methat's cloudnull's favourite one :)19:31
ankurgupta1Open Stack Is Cool19:33
spotzOOh Opening the Stack for everyone?19:34
ankurgupta1#Feel the Bern19:34
spotzhrm Feel the Neutron Heat of the Nova on the Horizon19:35
ankurgupta1Drumpf uses AWS19:35
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kencjohnstonI just want you all to realize that this is why we can't have nice things :)19:36
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spotzI thought we were doing pretty good kencjohnston! Ok except odyssey4me:)19:37
kencjohnstonI starting to wonder if you have an accurate definition of "good"19:37
ankurgupta1[O]pen [S]tack [I]ntel ra[C]kspace19:38
spotzOk Stacky McStackyFace it is!19:39
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kencjohnstonspotz now we are talking.19:41
kencjohnstonI actually kinda like "Stacky McStackFace"...19:42
inc0Stacky McStackFace wins for me as well19:43
kencjohnstonMaybe something like, "We all voted and decided to put "Stacky McStackFace" on this t-shirt."19:43
spotzI win!:)19:43
* kencjohnston reminds himself that spotz always wins.19:44
spotzSweet I feel the love:)19:44
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hockeynut+ oo for Stacky McStackFace19:47
ankurgupta1"OSAD makes deployment NOSAD" i think i saw that somewhere19:48
palendaeankurgupta1: Yes, that was the old RPC US team shirt :)19:48
ankurgupta1haha awesome. I wish Intel had a stronger t-shirt game.19:49
spotzt-shirts are fun!19:50
odyssey4meStacky McStackFace gets my vote :D19:51
odyssey4mespotz wins!19:51
ankurgupta1kencjohnston: something I saw at a conference last summer that was cool was putting each persons IRC nick on the back of the shirt.19:52
inc0that actually would be super useful19:53
spotz+1 ankurgupta1 I wish they'd be on our conference badges. I've aded it to my name in gerrit so people can find me19:54
kencjohnstonankurgupta1 Do we also get numbers?19:54
kencjohnstonI like the idea19:54
spotzThat's how everyone knows everybody. I introduce myself and also give my nick19:55
ankurgupta1its a good icebreaker since people don't know faces necessarily but know IRC nicks19:55
spotzI should just wear Dalmatian stuff every day and see if anyone catches on...20:00
inc0last person who wanted to wear dalmatians stuff didn't end 101 dalmatians...20:05
sigmavirus24"Feel the slow heat death of the universe" (coming into a conversation about 30 minutes late)20:06
inc0slow heat death...well20:08
inc0heat usually dies pretty fast20:08
sigmavirus24only if your cloud can handle it20:08
spotzI was trying to put together a coherent sentence using OpenStack Projects:)20:09
sigmavirus24it's ironic, isn't it, a cloud not being able to handle orchestration at cloud scale20:09
spotzAnd yet Stacky McStackface is a favorite20:09
sigmavirus24maybe we just need better projects to rally around20:09
sigmavirus24we could take a glance at other communities20:09
inc0let's not use glance for it as well:P20:09
inc0heat will be better soon tho20:10
inc0convergence might change a lot20:10
sigmavirus24inc0: oh how young you must be ;)20:10
sigmavirus24rosmaita: do people ever actually use glance?20:10
sigmavirus24or do they just throw all their junk into it20:10
rosmaitanobody uses glance! ask jay pipes20:10
rosmaitasigmavirus24: speaking of glance, i have a image question for you20:11
* sigmavirus24 runs20:11
sigmavirus24what's up?20:11
inc0truth be told...glance can be just glorified proxy for swift20:11
inc0or ceph20:11
inc0but that being is cinder20:11
rosmaitawe use vhd for xen server, and have to keep tight track of the min_disk on the image20:11
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rosmaitaso if a user resizes server from 20G disk to 40G, the resulting snapshot has to have min_disk 4020:12
rosmaitabut i think that's becasue of the way vhds get resized20:12
rosmaitawondering if that's just vhds, or other formats too20:12
rosmaitafigure you might know, since you don't use vhd in private cloud20:13
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sigmavirus24rosmaita: I have 0 clues20:16
rosmaitaok, just thought i'd ask20:18
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sigmavirus24Sorry :/ Generally private cloud customers seem to have very few problems with glance & snapshots from what I know so20:24
sigmavirus24I haven't had the privilege of digging too much into anything along those lines20:24
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rosmaitasigmavirus24: glad to hear about people having few problems with glance!20:28
sigmavirus24Me too20:28
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ntpttrankurgupta1: do OSIC alumni get shirts20:35
anush+1 for the nick idea20:36
sigmavirus24I can imagine someone turning around to me "Wait.. is that really your nick? What's wrong with you?"20:37
sigmavirus24(Assuming remotes get tees)20:37
anushthat'll be fun sigmavirus2420:38
sigmavirus24I met someone at a conference once. They didn't recognize my real name until they saw my twitter handle/irc nick on my badge and then they got upset that I didn't tell them who I was20:38
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sigmavirus24They were giving me crap for not using my twitter display name at the time for my real name portion20:42
sigmavirus24Because they would have recognized that too20:42
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spotzWe all know each other by nick but then the non-IRC community goes what'a nick?20:54
sigmavirus24"What is a spotz?" "It's my openstack security number"20:56
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jlvillalOne reason jlvillal uses a nick somewhat related to his name...21:08
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ediardoHi Richard!21:23
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