Monday, 2016-03-28

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toanstergreeting to all, claco included!13:41
clacois it Friday yet?13:42
jthorneclaco yes13:44
clacosweet! See you next week!13:44
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toansterclaco, enjoy! we'll be right behind you!13:58
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jrollmornin \o14:11
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pumaranikargood morning14:39
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dasmo/ good morning all14:53
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ankurguptagood morning dasm:15:00
dasmankurgupta: hey man. how's your dev env?15:01
dasmdid you manage to setup it somehow?15:01
pumaranikarhello johnthetubaguy , are you around ?15:02
ankurguptadasm: yea I usually keep a Linux machine running at home, so I just brought that. Setup exactly like my NUCs. with 8gb less ram :(15:03
dasmyou should learn to use vim ;)15:03
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ankurguptaI am using VIM on this machine to update that Horizon patch. Laptop can't handle running devstack, horizon and pycharm.15:04
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rosmaitapumaranikar: holiday in UK today, he'll be back tomorrow15:05
spotzmorning dasm15:06
dasmspotz: good morning.15:06
pumaranikarrosmaita, ok. thanks.15:07
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sarafrajpumaranikar: UK folks are off today. Use #openstack-nova for any queries.15:45
ski3kencjohnston: is this not being persued?15:46
pumaranikarsarafraj, yes :)15:48
kencjohnstonski3 As far as I know it is.15:55
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kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 What's with the -1? Waiting on the user story?15:56
sigmavirus24kencjohnston: waiting to update it because I was side-tracked by the OSA project hunting down weird integration bugs and didn't get to update the spec with the user-stories and other bits15:57
sigmavirus24I don't want to add a bunch more content after they've already spent part of a meeting discussing it15:57
sigmavirus24I'd expect them to respect my time, so I'm trying to respect theirs15:57
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 cool, I hope to get the user story merged this week15:57
kencjohnstonsigmavirus24 so is it on the agenda for next weeks CPS meeting?15:57
ski3kencjohnston: if you look at the bottom, it's saying to point to the categorized user story, dunno, might just be my misread15:58
kencjohnstonski3 No it should point to the categorized story.15:58
sigmavirus24kencjohnston: if I get it finished today (crossing my fingers to not have too many more interruptions) I should be able to add it to tomorrow's agenda15:59
kencjohnstonok great sigmavirus2415:59
kencjohnstonThey are also putting together agenda for cross project sessions at the Design Summit15:59
kencjohnstonwill you add it there?15:59
* kencjohnston looks for links...16:00
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dolphm_botrderose, xek: Keystone standup!16:00
dolphm_botWhat are you working on today, and what do you need help with?16:00
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rderoseToday I'll catch up on some reviews and work on a patch for "Drop EPHEMERAL user type".  Also, I'll be traveling back to SA this afternoon.16:00
* kencjohnston shuts up to let the Keystone standup happen...16:00
dolphmkencjohnston: don't let us interrupt :P16:00
dolphmi was out friday, but today i'm doing a few spec reviews, and apparently investigating mitaka fernet performance :P16:01
lbragstadtoday I'm going to be out in the afternoon but I'm also doing fernet performance testing and analysis16:02
* kencjohnston has confirmed he can do no harm to dolph's bot.16:02
dolphmi should also really fix the bot's pinging strategy soon - and perhaps prune the list of participants16:03
dolphmrderose: how did vidyo work for you last week - would that be easier for you than IRC for standups?16:04
dolphmlbragstad: looks like you reduced the devstack node to 1 process / 1 thread?16:05
rderosedolphm: for some reason, my wireless headset didn't work with vidyo, so ended up calling in and it was difficult to hear16:05
lbragstaddolphm it's whatever devstack sets up16:05
lbragstaddolphm I haven't tinkered with the apache config16:05
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dolphmlbragstad: ah, k. well, results:
rderosedolphm but I think it would be better than IRC and could try again with different headset16:06
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dolphm_botThank you, dolphm, lbragstad, rderose!16:15
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hemanthmaunnam_: you beat me to the driver xenapi driver config options :)17:42
hemanthm*xenapi driver17:43
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aunnam_hemanthm: It was a small patch and my first one to get started with. I looked at your patches and I have the same question as you regarding the use of group name, its not standardized18:53
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hemanthmaunnam_: cool, congratulations on your first patchset!18:55
hockeynutgreetings y'all - I have a general question.  I'm looking thru some of our roadmaps and I see references to card numbers.  However I don't see card numbers in Trello.18:56
hemanthmyeah, let's see what the reviewer says.18:56
rosmaitahockeynut: you need to look at trello in the chrome browser, and i think you need to add an extension to chrome18:56
hockeynutah, thanks rosmaita - I've been using Trello Flluid.18:57
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aunnam_Thanks hemanth.,yup18:58
hemanthmaunnam_: mind linking to your patch?18:58
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rosmaitahockeynut: here are some more plugins for trello if you decide to try chrome:
hockeynuttyvm rosmaita !18:59
aunnam_hemanthm: sorry i didn't get you., linking what?19:00
hemanthmaunnam_: just checking if your code is ready for review19:01
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hemanthmaunnam_: our patches are going to conflict once one of the two merge19:18
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inc0and I'll be out of town that day! ;(19:53
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izaakkmaan, thanks inc0. I will enjoy for you :)20:39
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hemanthmaunnam_: my patch got merged before yours, you gotta rebase yours21:40
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aunnam_hemanthm:nice, will rebase it:)21:43
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