Wednesday, 2016-08-24

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clacoI'm failing email this morning. Anyone got a link to the roster/emails handy? Thanks!14:37
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johnthetubaguy"Configuration from release N-1 is supported in release N. Sane defaults for new configuration variables are provided in such a way that deployed code from N can be expected to run without operator intervention."15:26
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diltramcloudnull: hey man, may you verify that ipv6 in cloud1 is working?17:09
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cloudnullwhat do you need to know?17:10
diltramthat I can connect to that vm in some way17:10
cloudnullif you have an ipv6 route you can connect to the v6 addr17:11
diltrami just added to my existing vm ipv6 address from that our external IPv6 network and it's not resolivng IP using dhclient -617:12
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cloudnullso you had a vm17:13
cloudnullwith the gateway net which is v4 only?17:13
cloudnullthen you added another network (nic) to the existing vm?17:14
cloudnullis that right?17:14
diltramno, I added new network - that GATEWAY_NET_V617:14
cloudnullto a new vm ?17:14
diltramand I'm running sudo dhclient -6 eth1 and it's hanging17:14
diltramto the old one17:14
cloudnullso the old vm had GATEWAY_NET on it?17:15
cloudnullor some other network ?17:15
diltramwhich has GATEWAY_NET17:15
cloudnullso you have two networks17:16
cloudnulldo you have the eth1 dhcp config setup in your interface file ?17:17
cloudnulland is that nic up?17:17
diltramI'm running this on my own17:17
diltrami run17:17
diltramsudo ip l s dev eth1 up17:17
diltramsudo dhclient -6 eth117:17
diltramand it's hanging17:17
cloudnullwe know for fact the network is working -- which is all running on the v6 net17:18
cloudnullso its likely something to do with the interface config17:18
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cloudnullI recommend simply adding to the interface config and then running ``ifdown ensX; ifup ensX``17:20
diltramyeah, they work17:21
diltramwe right now trying to debug what is going one with this devstacks17:21
diltramso I'm trying to spin up devstack on IPv6 network17:21
diltramit's the sam17:25
diltramhangs and do nothing17:25
diltramand even cloud-init is not configuring anything for IPv617:25
johnthetubaguyfor folks on the upgrade call: this is the thing I was going to share:
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cloudnulldiltram: are you creating a new vm with both networks ?17:36
cloudnulland is the v6 network the first network ?17:36
cloudnullasking because cloud-init will not configure the second interface for you17:36
diltramcloudnull: this log is from VM only with GATEWAY_NET_V617:36
cloudnullon trusty?17:36
diltramI added new interface to old vm and tried to configure on my own17:37
cloudnullif so thats normal .17:37
diltramyes, taht vms are trusty17:37
cloudnullcloud-init doesn't display the network data for dual stack in trusty17:37
cloudnullit will in xenial though17:37
diltrambut why I cannot get IPv6 ip address manually17:38
cloudnullidk. i have a bastion server setup in the osic with the same setup, first nic GATEWAY_NET second nic GATEWAY_NET_V617:39
diltramand it's working?17:39
cloudnullsure is.17:39
cloudnullif you'd like i can add your key to it17:39
diltramso why I cannot obtain that IP?17:39
diltramI was earlier trying to spin up that vm and it never worked for me17:39
cloudnulldid you add the interface config and ifup/down ?17:40
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cloudnullstill nothing ?17:40
cloudnullcan you add my key to the box17:40
cloudnullso i can login and poke at it17:40
cloudnullalso is devstack already installed on this node?17:41
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diltramcloudnull: weird17:42
diltramgive me a second17:42
diltramno it's only bastion server17:42
diltrambut I tried to add there IPv6 and connect to IPv6 only node17:42
diltramcloudnull: ubuntu user17:43
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cloudnull works for me. boot log from a new vm: -- shell output after connecting17:44
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diltramcloudnull: may you login into that vm17:48
diltramI uploaded your public key17:49
cloudnullwhat image is this ?17:51
cloudnulldo you have the UUID ?17:51
cloudnullI see an fe80 on the interfaces17:53
diltramit's ubuntu-14.04-cloud17:53
diltramoriginal from ubuntu website17:53
cloudnullso your own image? or the default one from the OSIC ?17:54
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cloudnulldo you have the UUID?17:54
diltrammy own17:55
diltrammaybe not own but uploaded by me17:55
diltramcloudnull: 04641ea0-f24e-45cb-ab81-2400fbbd5e0b17:55
diltramfor 14.0417:56
diltramfor 16.0417:56
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cloudnull16.04 isnt working either?17:57
cloudnullis your security group allowing v6 traffic to pass?17:58
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diltramno it's not17:59
cloudnullthat is the issue17:59
diltramyeah I'm using that ipv6 security group17:59
cloudnulli just built two vms using the 14.04 image id -- one w/ v6 only the other w/ first nic v4 second v6 -- bother work18:00
diltramdid you tried to get ipv6 on my bastion server?18:01
cloudnulli did, its not working18:02
cloudnullwhich is why I asked about sec groups.18:02
cloudnullwhat do you have setup in your security group?18:02
cloudnullalso do you know what the UUID of the security group your using is ?18:03
diltramI just added that sec-Ala18:07
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diltrambecause Ala said that it's working for him18:07
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cloudnullwhats the uuid ?18:07
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diltramcloudnull: I don't know18:08
diltramI'm not using cli to do this18:08
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diltramand don't have an access like now to cli18:09
diltramto check that18:09
cloudnullin horizon it'll be in the url18:09
cloudnullsomething like ""18:09
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diltram43586091-3457-49f0-aedc-a8118059002d b2005d26-02a4-412b-8d12-caf783c0660e 3efaa7f1-0a45-4d76-b6c5-3972007b1f9d18:11
cloudnullwhich one are you using ?18:11
diltramthat three18:12
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karthikp_rderose: Hi Ron, got a minute?18:17
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cloudnulldiltram:  these are my sec groups which I know are working
rderosein the middle of another IRC chat18:24
rderosekarthikp_: what's up?18:24
cloudnulldiltram: everything i test w/in the osa-eng proj using the sec groups we have setup seems to work.18:27
cloudnulli can add myself to the osic-eng proj and see about setting up another secgroup ?18:27
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cloudnulldiltram: works for me
cloudnullthat was built using your image, in the osic-eng project, and a new secgroup called GATEWAY18:36
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cloudnulldiltram: i suspect this is your VM ?18:40
cloudnullthis nic 2001:4800:1ae1:18:f816:3eff:fece:9f69 is returning now.18:40
diltramit is cloudnull18:40
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diltramcloudnull: I added that sec group to my bastion server and it's not working with that second interface18:45
diltramand I cannot verify that new one because I don't have an IPv6 in Rackspace18:45
diltramin our network18:46
diltramI need to go to home to verify that18:46
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cloudnullIDK. maybe use a floating IP and connect it to the VM which is only on the v6 network?18:48
cloudnullalso this may be a limitation of trusty (14.04)18:49
cloudnull^ thats another instance using both networks on 16.04 and its working18:49
cloudnullwhich was built in the osic project w/ the "GATEWAY" sec group18:50
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diltramok, I will try with that18:58
diltramcloudnull: ok, it worked on 16.04 and with that gateway, I will try with different image19:00
cloudnullit may be a kernel limitation in the default image.19:00
cloudnullsysctl's between the images w/ regard to ipv6 look like they're the same19:00
cloudnulli've not dug into the kernel perams and 3.x but 4.x seems to work from xenial19:01
diltramcloudnull: I started that with my Xenial image and it's working19:02
diltramso maybe it's that sec group19:02
cloudnullcould be19:03
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diltramcloudnull: thx for helping with that19:11
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cloudnulldiltram: anytime19:41
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