Thursday, 2016-10-06

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antwashhahaha -- good Thursday13:21
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anush_JayF -  I will add him14:37
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irtermiteno cloud for you!14:45
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dasm[openstack-dev] [openstack-announce] OpenStack Newton isofficially released!14:59
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sigmaviruswe're all doomed15:11
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anushirtermite - thx for setting up the accounts15:15
irtermiteof course anush15:15
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dasmsigmavirus: just a little bit15:17
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sigmavirusdooooOOOOOOOoomed I say ;)15:17
sigmavirus'tis the season, after all15:17
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raj_singhrosmaita: hemanthm Does Glance pass Service token along with user token to Swift in any case? If yes can you please point me to the code for that?16:29
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abashmakraj_singh, possibly here:
abashmakI don't know anything about tokens, just guessing that's where it might be16:38
raj_singhabashmak: Thx16:40
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sigmavirusraj_singh: abashmak I'm not sure that work ever merged16:41
raj_singhyea I could not find any evidence of that16:42
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hemanthm+1 don't think we have support for service-tokens yet in Glance16:43
hemanthmthere is some support for trusts, although I haven't looked into that much16:44
raj_singhok, thank you guys16:46
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