Thursday, 2016-02-18

crinklemfisch: clayton do you still deploy designate in virtualenvs with puppet? or any other openstack services?00:04
claytonno, we deploy it in docker now00:14
claytonbut it's a virtalenv inside the docker container00:15
claytonwe use this code + the puppet-designate module -
claytonwe also deploy heat and nova the same way00:21
claytongoing to probably do neutron or keystone next00:21
crinkleclayton: hmm okay00:23
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mfischis anyone using the neutron_router_interface provider?01:33
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Add api_paste type/provider for Sahara
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kindjalDoes anyone have an example of puppet-manila?03:06
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EmilienMkindjal: is a good start03:37
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Mitaka master updates
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Add acceptance spec for zaqar with mongo.
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Cinder with RBD backend
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Add acceptance spec for zaqar with mongo.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
EmilienMcrinkle: I think we have an orchestration issue with the disable admin token class, I'm trying to solve it here:
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: CI test - never merge
EmilienMand I think puppet-keystone gate is currently broken04:49
EmilienMcrinkle: should we really require keystone::roles::admin ?04:50
crinkleEmilienM: require it where?04:52
EmilienMI think it can causes issue04:52
EmilienMall beaker tests are failing right now04:52
EmilienMbecause in some beaker tests, we change the default domain04:53
EmilienMand openrc needs to be updated but in the right order I think04:53
crinkleEmilienM: yes it needs to be required because the admin user needs to be created with the admin token before it gets disabled04:53
crinklethey were passing when we merged the thing04:53
EmilienMright, I'm sure I screwed up something04:54
EmilienMI'll dig tomorrow04:54
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Add acceptance spec for zaqar with mongo.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
EmilienMI confirm puppet-keystone beaker jobs are broken:
crinkleEmilienM: can we maybe just keep that beaker test in the keystone module and remove it from the integration repo05:02
EmilienMcrinkle: what do you want to remove from integ? the class?05:02
EmilienMrevert ?05:02
crinkleyes the disable_admin_token_auth class05:02
EmilienMcrinkle: I would like to have this class in our integration tests though05:03
EmilienMI thought it might be useful to test it05:04
EmilienMwith other components, like glance, neutron05:04
EmilienMcrinkle: I can try to revert it05:07
EmilienMI'll dig a little bit more tomorrow.05:07
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Add acceptance spec for zaqar with mongo.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Add api_paste type/provider for Sahara
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openstackgerritOleksiy Molchanov proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add possibility to use mod_proxy for radosgw
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Add the capability to configure api-paste.ini with config.pp
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openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Add the capability to configure api-paste.ini with config.pp
openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Add the capability to configure api-paste.ini with config.pp
openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-sahara: Add the capability to configure api-paste.ini with config.pp
degorenkohey o/12:41
EmilienMdegorenko: fyi, I'll me 100% off tomorrow12:42
degorenkoEmilienM, ok, ack :)12:42
EmilienMdegorenko: and fyi puppet-keystone beaker jobs are broken12:42
degorenkothat's not good :(12:43
* degorenko looking12:43
EmilienMbecause of
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Glance with RBD backend
EmilienMI wanted to revert it but I think that's not good12:44
EmilienMwe need to fix beaker12:44
EmilienMI'm trying to fix here:
EmilienMbut I failed until now12:44
degorenkohow it passed then tests before?12:45
degorenkoi'm about keystone_disable_admin_token_auth_spec.rb12:45
degorenkooh, we do nothing here12:45
degorenkoi see12:46
EmilienMdegorenko: crinkle did the patch before me in puppet-keystone
degorenkoyeah, i've +2 it12:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Upgrade all packages after puppet managed ones
degorenkoEmilienM, looks like providers also use token_auth12:51
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: packages: secure upgrade workflow from dependency cycles
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gfidenteEmilienM, do you know if there is a reason why puppet-ceph doesn't allow setting of 'host=' key?13:26
EmilienMgfidente: no idea13:26
gfidentecan I go adding it or is it not included by choice?13:27
EmilienMi don't know this param13:27
gfidenteack will add it13:27
EmilienMbut go ahead13:27
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Allow customization of DEFAULT/host
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Add acceptance spec for zaqar with mongo.
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-zaqar: Add acceptance spec for zaqar with mongo.
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
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openstackgerritOleksiy Molchanov proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add possibility to use mod_proxy for radosgw
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Glance with RBD backend
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
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chemjayg: I posted some comments and a patch on the puppet-pacemaker lint patch15:07
chemjayg: I assume that you have created a patch for adding the headers to the file.15:07
chemjayg: I think you should adjust part of it, see my comments :)15:08
jaygchem: ok, will look at your comments after call15:12
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add support for civetweb
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IvanBerezovskiyEmilienM: you will be glad to know
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IvanBerezovskiyand CI is coming! :)16:01
EmilienMIvanBerezovskiy: I already commented16:01
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IvanBerezovskiyEmilienM: you are welcome to review as well ;)16:02
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jaygchem: ok, updated if you want to take a look before I run recheck16:24
chemjayg: the check will run anyway I think16:25
jaygah, k16:26
jayg(didn't seem like it did last time, maybe I was too impatient)16:26
chemjayg: this LGTM, I just removed two rogues space because I'm being pedantic, I'll +2 now16:33
chemjayg: I'm just waiting for the tests to be triggered and then I'll +216:36
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degorenkochem, hey :) can you review my cinder patch again? :) it should be ready now16:47
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jaygchem: thanks for catching those, I thought I had cleaned them all :)17:01
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add support for civetweb
chemdegorenko: will do, tomorrow morning, is that ok ?17:26
degorenkochem, sure, thanks17:26
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Create PKI signing folder if pki setup is enabled
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chemjayg the infra is slow today... will give a look at it latter and if green (no reason it won't be, but hell, let's do it the right way) I'll put +217:31
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jaygchem: fair enough, I was just checking for any results as well17:33
jayghad a transient error yesterday that needed recheck, so I'll watch for results17:33
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ayoungOK, working on the last two providers  for the Keystone Federation APIs:  mapping and federation protocol.  Doing the last on first.  I've cloned: (reverse-i-search)`cp': sudo cp /etc/puppet/modules/keystone/spec/unit/type/keystone_identity_provider_spec.rb /etc/puppet/modules/keystone/spec/unit/type/keystone_federation_protocol_spec.rb17:35
ayoungmade the following dir:17:35
ayoungand replaced identity_provider with federataion_protocol17:36
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ayoungwell, except without the typo17:36
ayoungcat protocol.pp17:36
ayoungkeystone_federation_protocol { 'keycloak':\n    ensure => present\n}\n17:36
ayoung(\n added by me to not spam17:36
ayoungsudo puppet apply protocol.pp17:37
ayoungError: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type keystone_federation_protocol at /home/heat-admin/protocol.pp:3 on node overcloud-controller-0.localdomainWrapped exception:17:37
ayoungSo it seems it is not finding my new thing17:37
ayoungpastes are  and
ayoungrichm, EmilienM, or mfisch  ^^  ?17:44
jaygayoung: did you add type in addition to provider?  that is what it looks like the error is saying is missing17:49
jaygyou spec requires 'puppet/type/keystone_federation_protocol'17:49
ayoungjayg, I thought so...let me double check17:50
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jaygbut the pastes above show only provider/keystone_federation_protocol/openstack.rb17:50
ayoungjay file is /etc/puppet/modules/keystone/spec/unit/type/keystone_federation_protocol_spec.rb17:50
ayoungjayg, in this one
jaygright, that is the spec, but I mean in /lib/puppet/type17:51
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Cinder and Nova with RBD backend
ayoungjayg, ayuh.  that was it17:53
jaygcool :)17:53
ayounghere's hoping that I don't hose my system too badly...17:53
EmilienMayoung: use a vm :P17:54
ayoungEmilienM, I am.  I need to get setup better for Puppet development, though17:55
ayoungI'm using a tripleo overcloud controller node,17:55
EmilienMayoung: I use vagrant:
ayoungjayg, EmilienM, it failed, but in a good way:17:57
ayoungthat makes sense to me, didn;'t have the idp or mapping in the call.17:58
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Handle redirects for Horizon
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Cinder and Nova with RBD backend
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Set default branch to stable/liberty in .gitreview
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Allow customization of DEFAULT/host
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder: Allow customization of DEFAULT/host
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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Create PKI signing folder if pki setup is enabled
mfischEmilienM: I dont understand your selinux comment19:14
mfischcan I add what?19:14
EmilienMsorry for that I wanted to cancel it19:14
EmilienMin a separate patch I want to add selinux_ignore_defaults19:14
EmilienMbecause if SElinux is enforced we can have troubles if keystone packaging already manage this dir19:15
mfischlet me check ubuntu19:16
mfischmaybe we dont need this folder at all19:16
EmilienMno need for ubuntu19:16
mfischdoes RDO have it?19:16
EmilienM(for selinux)19:16
EmilienMbut I've seen many cases in openstack where we manage dirs already managed by packaging19:16
EmilienMand it leads to selinux issues19:16
EmilienMlet me show you an example19:16
mfischbut yeah that should be a separate patch I think19:17
EmilienMno worries19:18
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openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add ability to manually install puppet modules
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openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add ability to manually install puppet modules
openstackgerritBen Kero proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Add ability to pass puppet args in as env var
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bkero^ backports to liberty branch20:02
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (4 for 2..3)20:03
ayoungError: Invalid parameter mapping(:mapping)20:03
ayoungError: /Stage[main]/Main/Keystone_federation_protocol[keycloak]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Invalid parameter mapping(:mapping)20:03
ayoung  what am I doing wrong?20:03
ayoungjayg, EmilienM ?20:04
kindjalpuppet-manila installs an ancient manila client: 0.1~git20140208-0ubuntu120:04
kindjalI do not see a more modern client in the apt repos…20:04
kindjalshould there be: provider => pip in the client.pp module?20:05
EmilienMkindjal: we don't support source installs, only packaging. But contributions are welcome20:05
EmilienMayoung: which code?20:05
kindjalEmilienM: Is it correct that puppet-manila install that older client? I mean, it doesn’t work...20:06
kindjalIs that a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?20:06
EmilienMkindjal: it depends on your repos config20:06
EmilienMpuppet-manila does not manage the repos for you20:06
ayoungEmilienM, I'm hacking up a new provider20:07
EmilienMit's just run "apt-get intall python-manilaclient', nothing else.20:07
ayoungI can paste.  1 sec20:07
EmilienMkindjal: or yum install..20:07
EmilienMbut we don't configure repos for you20:07
EmilienMso if you say package is old, its not because of puppet-manila20:07
EmilienMbut your repo config20:07
kindjalthis is: trusty-updates/kilo main20:07
kindjalwhich doesn’t appear to have python-manilaclient20:07
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EmilienMwell, you running Kilo, obviously it's old ;-)20:08
EmilienMyou should check in your manifests what is installing Kilo repository.20:08
EmilienMand update it20:08
kindjalEmilienM: ok, thanks20:08
ayoungEmilienM, and, this is just "learn by Cargo culting" not near production code20:08
EmilienMayoung: I'm about to leave now and I'm back Monday, so I prefer being honest and say I can't help right now. But next week I'm all yours if you want20:09
ayoungSo I am hardcoding the list call on line  6420:09
ayoungEmilienM, No problem. We can talk on Monday20:09
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EmilienMmfisch: fyi puppet-keystone beaker jobs are broken20:10
EmilienMsince yesterday20:10
EmilienMan attempt to fix them: -- but not successful yet.20:10
EmilienMif nobody takes over it, I'll look on Monday20:10
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: rbd: make sure libvirt is run before get-or-set virsh secret
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Cinder and Nova with RBD backend
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: deploy & test Zaqar
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jaygayoung: sorry, wasn't watching irc, did you add :mapping to the type/ declaration as well?  I have seen similar errors when I did not add it in bot provider and type20:45
ayoungjayg, nope.  let me do that20:46
ayoungjayg, what is the simplest way to make that read/write?20:47
ayoung  newparam(:name, :namevar => true) do20:48
tristanCEmilienM: so beside the "collect exported resources" red warning, is there a way to make the puppet-gnocchi less verbose ? It seems like each statements are reschedulling restart of all gnocchi services, resulting in quite big puppet logs20:48
ayoung    newvalues(/\S+/)20:48
ayoung  end20:48
ayounglike that but with mapping?20:48
EmilienMtristanC: yes, you don't need to run puppet with debug options20:48
jaygayoung: I think so, depends how much you need to limit content, though I am no expert in that area20:48
EmilienMtristanC: and serviecs should not restart at each puppet run20:49
EmilienMtristanC: our CI is currently testing gnocchi puppet runs as being idempotent, and they are idempotent20:49
tristanCEmilienM: those are 'Info' log, see
EmilienMwhich means first puppet run takes care of config/services and second does nothing20:49
EmilienMyour exec is not idempotent20:50
EmilienMthis is how we do:
tristanCEmilienM: it's not about being indepotent, this is output from the very first run20:50
EmilienMah ok20:50
EmilienMyeah, you're usin --debug I guess20:51
EmilienMuse -vt and you'll see less output20:51
tristanCEmilienM: this is Info, we don't run debug20:52
EmilienMyou won't see all those "Info" things without --debug20:52
EmilienMwhat options do you use?20:52
tristanC$ssh puppet apply --test --environment sf --modulepath=/etc/puppet/environments/sf/modules/:/etc/puppet/modules/ $manifest20:52
EmilienM--test: Enable the most common options used for testing. These are 'verbose', 'detailed-exitcodes' and 'show_diff'.20:53
ayoungjayg, getting further20:53
EmilienMtristanC: --test is enabling --verbose, so maybe that's why20:53
ayoungnow it creates the entry, buty tries to do it every time.  I get this error20:53
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': undefined method `collect' for "\n":Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput20:53
ayoungEmilienM, go away!20:54
EmilienMtristanC: in your manifest, I suggest you to add an "onlyif" or an "unless" to make it idempotent.20:54
EmilienMayoung: yeah... I'm leaving, just helping tristanC20:54
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Fix rabbitmq ssl logic
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tristanCokay, so I'll just hide those Gnocchi:: service rescheduling then... thank20:56
jaygayoung: is that coolect in the paste from before or something new?20:57
tristanCwould be sweet to make puppet not schedule any restart and just write configurations20:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: rbd: make sure libvirt is run before get-or-set virsh secret
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario001: deploy Cinder and Nova with RBD backend
EmilienMtristanC: it should not restart any service at second puppet run21:00
EmilienMour CI is testing it21:00
EmilienMI need to drop off, please report a bug in launchpad if you find something weird, we'll take care of it.21:01
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tristanCEmilienM: Thank you21:06
mfischDoes the client_package_name in keystone's manifest/python.pp have any value?21:12
mfischclient.pp doesn't use it21:12
mfischI'm going to remove it21:12
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mfischactually does this whole class have any value?21:14
mfischdang it, everyone usesit21:15
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Make client & python classes behave the same
jaygayoung: I am heading out, but am here tomorrow if you need any more help from me21:25
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Add support for civetweb
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openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Remove deprecated tenant_ LDAP parameters
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ayoungmfisch, good one!22:04
ayoungkill that LDAP assignemtn cruft22:04
mfischthat one made me happy22:04
mfischim working on reconfiguring some anchors to allow alternative install methods like venv and docker and fixing stuff that I see22:05
mfischif project gets renamed again Im quitting openstack22:06
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ayoungmfisch, so..I'm trying to write a provider via cargo culting an old one22:13
ayoungand getting this22:13
mfischEmilienM: looking at your review22:13
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': undefined method `collect' for #<Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput:0x000000034a3050>22:13
ayoungError: Execution of '/bin/openstack federation protocol create --format shell --identity-provider keycloak --mapping keycloak-saml2 saml2' returned 1: Conflict occurred attempting to store federation_protocol - Duplicate Entry (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-40f7b12f-b1f3-44e5-b48e-d4fe7fff1805)22:13
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ayoungmfisch, he better not be here.22:14
mfischayoung: do you already have a saml2 defined?22:14
ayoung list.collect do |federation_protocol|22:14
ayoung      current_resource =22:14
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ayoungmfisch, yeah, but that is not the problem22:14
ayoungI tried to get just the top line22:15
ayoungthat failure leads to the second, so I know why that is happening22:15
ayoungmfisch, what I don't get is the undefined collect message22:15
mfischso is the undef method what you're digging into?22:15
ayoungmfisch, I would expect the show to fail...I'll past the code22:16
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mfischim not a ruby expert but I assume that you're not getting any output and so collect is failing?22:16
ayoungoh...if that is it, then I can guess why....22:16
ayounglet me try to fix the show command22:17
mfischputs "#{list}"22:17
mfischbetween 2/322:17
ayoung| id    | mapping        |22:18
ayoung| saml2 | keycloak-saml2 |22:18
mfischthats what list looks like?22:19
ayoungso maybe a format thing?22:19
mfischI think usually we use csv format and some other options22:19
mfisch'--quiet', '--format', 'csv'22:20
ayoungok...lemm try22:20
mfischI thought request did that for you22:20
mfischthats in the request code22:20
richmmethinks the compound request string is throwing off request()22:21
mfischcrinkle: can you tell me how to run spec tests now with r10k?22:22
mfischbundle install && bundle exec rake spec no longer works22:22
mfisch/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin/r10k: No such file or directory22:22
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ayoungmfisch, Error: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (6 for 2..3)22:22
mfischopenstack client right?22:23
crinklemfisch: i had that problem too and decided to let the ci run it for me >.>22:23
ayoungmfisch, yeah22:23
mfischcrinkle: thats what I've been doing22:23
crinklemfisch: i don't know what changed22:23
crinklemfisch: are you using rbenv or rvm?22:23
ayoungmfisch, I was trying the format from the 'identity provider' provuider (heh) and that works OK22:24
ayoungthat looks like this22:24
richmayoung: it should be something like this22:24
richmrequest('federation protocol', 'list', '--identity-provider', 'keycloak')22:24
ayounglist = request('identity provider', 'list')22:24
ayoung    list.collect do |identity_provider|22:24
ayoung      current_resource =22:24
ayoung        request('identity provider', 'show', identity_provider[:id])22:24
ayoungrichm, I started with that, but it complained...22:24
richmayoung: what was the complaint?22:24
ayounglert me roll back22:25
mfischrequest should be doing all the csv foo for you22:25
mfischcrinkle: I dont even know22:25
mfischcrinkle: I will ask osdev22:25
mfischmaybe help someone else22:25
ayoungrichm, Error: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (7 for 2..3)22:25
ayoungError: Execution of '/bin/openstack federation protocol create --format shell --identity-provider keycloak --mapping keycloak-saml2 saml2' returned 1: Conflict occurred attempting to store federation_protocol - Duplicate Entry (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-1713afb0-ee8f-4664-91b4-83c0dfab2a84)22:26
ayoungrichm, Ah...I bet is another one of those spec things.  I need to say more params are allowable somewhere?22:26
crinklemfisch: EmilienM might have insight22:26
ayoungcrinkle, we depend on him too much22:26
ayounghe's gone til monday22:26
mfischayoung: can you paste the line thats used for that federation list?22:27
mfischthe command22:27
ayounglist = request('federation protocol', 'list', '--quiet', '--format', 'csv' ,'--identity-provider', 'keycloak')22:27
ayoungmfisch, let me see where the error comes from,22:27
richmayoung: omit the '--quiet', '--format', 'csv' ,22:27
richmrequest with a 2nd argument of 'list' will do that automatically22:28
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (4 for 2..3)22:28
mfischrichm: yeah thats what I meant when I said I think request() wil do that for you22:28
mfischsorry for the bad original info22:28
ayoungso this opne is different from most lists in that it needs the id-p variable22:28
ayoungis this a problem with the call to the openstack client expecting it to be param-less?22:29
ayoungDinner TIME!22:29
richmayoung: try list = request('federation protocol', 'list', ['--identity-provider', 'keycloak'])22:29
mfischcrinkle: solved r10k with a symlink22:30
crinklemfisch: hax22:31
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mfischi am 3133722:31
crinklemfisch: it works for me with rvm and not with rbenv...though these are different machines so that might not be the only difference22:31
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ayoungrichm, Error: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (4 for 2..3)22:52
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ayoungrichm, ok, I think I can fake it out with an array22:54
ayoungrichm, "id","mapping"22:55
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': undefined method `collect' for "\"id\",\"mapping\"\n\"saml2\",\"keycloak-saml2\"\n":Puppet::Util::Execution::ProcessOutput22:55
ayoungthe top two lines are the output from  puts "#{list}"22:55
crinklemfisch: if you follow what jjb does instead of using normal ruby management tools it works
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richmayoung: I don't understand - list_of_things = request('thing', 'list', ['arg1', 'arg2'])23:05
richmthis is valid syntax used elsewhere23:05
ayoungrichm, I think that works.  I think it is the constructor that is failing23:05
ayoung undefined method `collect' for "\"id\",\"mapping\"\n\"saml2\",\"keycloak-saml2\"\n"23:05
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ayoungthat calls new23:06
ayoungrichm, let me paste the current code in toto23:06
richmayoung: the output of request('thing', 'list', ...) should be an array of hashes23:06
richmthe method `collect' is a valid method for an array object23:07
ayoungah, maybe it does not think it is an array due to the \n23:08
richmayoung: hold on23:08
richmayoung: try this23:08
richmayoung: list = request('federation protocol', 'list', ['--identity-provider', 'keycloak'])23:08
richmayoung: same with show23:09
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (5 for 2..3)23:09
richmthat is the exact same syntax used in several places23:10
richmayoung: that is coming from the 'list' command, not the 'show' command?  because the show command has the same problem23:11
richmthe show command should be this23:11
richmrequest('federation protocol', 'show', ['--identity-provider', 'keycloak',  federation_protocol[:id]])23:11
ayoungyeah, that is from list.  When list executes correctly I get a different problem23:12
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ayoungwhat implements "request" here?23:12
richmayoung: that's the old paste23:12
ayoungwhere is the base class23:13
ayoungrichm, I know, but you see the show command in there23:13
ayounghaven't changed it23:13
ayoungrichm, OK, walk me through this, because I know nothing from ruby:23:13
ayoungequire 'puppet/provider/keystone'23:14
richmayoung: which calls
richmthe third argument is either a single string property, or an array of properties - it must be one object, at any rate23:15
ayoungdoes that --format shell seemed to work23:15
richmayoung: here is an example of how to use request('thing', 'list', [list of args])23:16
ayoungrichm, nope I lied23:17
ayoungdid not work23:17
richmayoung: here is an example of using 'show' with an array of args:
richmayoung: If you are doing exactly as in the examples, then we'll have to get creative in debugging this thing23:20
ayoungrichm, the problem is def the list right now.  I'm going to hack toward what the baseclass does23:20
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richmayoung: can you paste the current code you're using? is the old wrong code23:22
ayoungrichm, will do.editing ATM23:26
richmayoung: replace line 74 with list = request('federation protocol', 'list', ['--identity-provider', 'keycloak'])23:32
richmayoung: remove line 7523:32
richmayoung: replace line 81 with this23:32
richm        request('federation protocol', 'show', ['--identity-provider', 'keycloak',  federation_protocol[:id]])23:33
ayoungError: Could not prefetch keystone_federation_protocol provider 'openstack': wrong number of arguments (5 for 2..3)23:33
richmbut there aren't 5 arguments . . . there are 3 :P23:33
richmayoung: I suppose you could hack puppet-openstacklib/lib/puppet/provider/openstack.rb23:35
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richmin def self.request add a puts "properties #{properties}"23:35
richmin def self.openstack23:35
richmadd puts "args #{args} and #{*args}"23:35
richmfind out wth is actually being passed to these methods23:36
ayoungrichm, I need to get this set up better for development.  Right now I'm hacking as root inside /etc/puppet23:37
ayoungshould I clone to start?23:37
ayoungor can I get away with just cloning
richmayoung: I suppose you have already cloned puppet-keystone23:38
richmayoung: and you don't need to clone puppet-openstacklib if you're just going to hack on a file for the purposes of debugging (unless you find an actual bug)23:39
ayoungnope, this is all out of the git tree to date...thought it was going to be quick and dirty...23:39
ayoungits 3 sshs deep on a tripleo controller node23:39
ayoungssh to Hardware, ssh to undercloud, ssh to controller23:40
ayoungI am guessing I can ssh direct from HW to controller, though23:40
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Revert "Allow customization of DEFAULT/host"
ayoungHi Ho Triple O23:40
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack/puppet-cinder: Revert "Allow customization of DEFAULT/host"
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ayoungrichm, OK,  I have it git cloned.  How to tst puppet apply against the local dir?23:49
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richmayoung: I think you use puppet resource or puppet edit to exercise self.prefetch23:50
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openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: first hack at keystone_federation_protocol
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ayoungrichm, that is my WIP23:56
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ayoungrichm, let's work with that review:  annotate what you think needs to be done;.23:57

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