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EmilienM | mjblack: https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-keystone/+bug/1554242 please read my question | 00:01 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1554242 in puppet-keystone "Fresh install with v3 is returning service catalog is empty" [Undecided,New] | 00:01 |
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mjblack | EmilienM: one sec, just got home :) | 00:12 |
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EmilienM | mfisch: I was thinking about re-ipv6/ssl coverage. We have 6 jobs, 3 scenarios and 2 operating systems. Maybe we can test SSL/IPv6 for each scenario on one OS so we keep tests for non-SSL/IPv4 | 00:13 |
EmilienM | and since RDO is always at the trunk maybe keep SSL/IPV6 tests on centos7 | 00:14 |
EmilienM | example: scenario001 non-SSL/IPv4 on Ubuntu // scenario001 SSL/IPv6 on centos7 | 00:15 |
mfisch | _ody: congrats https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=Cody | 00:15 |
EmilienM | same for scenario002 and scenario003 | 00:15 |
mfisch | you'd want to mix it up some | 00:15 |
mfisch | so you have SSL/IPv6 on ubuntu and cent | 00:16 |
EmilienM | mfisch: yes! | 00:16 |
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mfisch | makes sense though | 00:16 |
EmilienM | that's a good iea | 00:16 |
EmilienM | idea* | 00:16 |
EmilienM | my final goal is to have full testing coverage for SSL and IPv6 | 00:16 |
EmilienM | mfisch: 3 talks congrats | 00:17 |
mfisch | ugh | 00:17 |
mfisch | yeah | 00:17 |
mfisch | ;) | 00:17 |
EmilienM | why I'm not surprised ;-) | 00:17 |
EmilienM | mfisch: hoefully you'll find some time to say hello in puppet confs | 00:17 |
mfisch | yes I hope so oto | 00:18 |
mfisch | too | 00:18 |
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EmilienM | it was not a question LOL | 00:18 |
mfisch | ha | 00:18 |
mfisch | oh hey I have to commute to denver tomorrow so I will miss the meeting | 00:18 |
mfisch | and im about to go eod | 00:19 |
mfisch | so ttyl | 00:19 |
EmilienM | mfisch: o/ | 00:19 |
mjblack | EmilienM: so I'm getting an error with that user_role, Could not find resource 'Keystone_user_role[admin@openstack]' for relationship on 'File[/root/openrc]' | 00:20 |
EmilienM | you need to adjust Keystone_user_role[admin@openstack] | 00:20 |
EmilienM | let me check your data again | 00:20 |
mjblack | I even changed the admin tenant back to openstack | 00:21 |
mjblack | or rather commented it out | 00:21 |
EmilienM | yeah I found out your data is different from mine | 00:22 |
EmilienM | so | 00:22 |
EmilienM | Keystone_user_role[admin@admin] | 00:22 |
EmilienM | use that ^ | 00:22 |
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mjblack | EmilienM: looks like there is no resource at all for it | 00:30 |
mjblack | ok I found out, I had commented out the class that creates that resource, running it again | 00:32 |
EmilienM | mjblack: make sure you drop /root/openrc before puppet run if it exist | 00:37 |
EmilienM | /root/openrc requires the admin resources in place | 00:37 |
EmilienM | that's the new thing in mitaka | 00:38 |
mjblack | EmilienM: I'm using vagrant so I rebuild from fresh install :D | 00:38 |
mjblack | but I'm still getitng errors | 00:38 |
mjblack | Error: Could not prefetch keystone_user provider 'openstack': Could not authenticate. | 00:38 |
mjblack | this time there is no openrc created | 00:39 |
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EmilienM | mjblack: weird did you see the keyston-manage boostrap running? | 00:41 |
mjblack | yeah | 00:42 |
mjblack | endpoints are created now | 00:42 |
EmilienM | mjblack: wait, do you run keystone wsgi??? | 00:42 |
mjblack | I tried it but then I went back to plain old keystone | 00:42 |
EmilienM | I don't see the classes in your hiera | 00:42 |
EmilienM | with mitaka? | 00:42 |
EmilienM | you cant | 00:42 |
EmilienM | they dropped eventlet at 100% | 00:42 |
mjblack | ok Ill add that back in | 00:42 |
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mjblack | heh, if I nail this part I should be able to do the rest of the openstack components easier | 00:46 |
EmilienM | mjblack: anyway, I think there is something to implement to avoid this issue | 00:49 |
EmilienM | I'm working on 2 patches | 00:51 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_extras: auth_file: add tag to File resource https://review.openstack.org/289636 | 00:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: admin role: make sure openrc is created after https://review.openstack.org/289640 | 00:56 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: keystone: drop workaround for openrc orchestration https://review.openstack.org/289641 | 00:58 |
EmilienM | mjblack: the 3 patches should help you ^ | 00:58 |
mjblack | ok I'll pull them down | 01:11 |
mjblack | and then I'll test | 01:11 |
EmilienM | I think it should work | 01:15 |
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EmilienM | our CI is running it and I haven't noticed failures on keystone | 01:15 |
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mjblack | EmilienM: That last patch, I dont need it since I'm not using that module | 01:33 |
EmilienM | right | 01:33 |
EmilienM | that's our CI manifests. | 01:33 |
EmilienM | what is supposed to work. | 01:33 |
mjblack | ah ok | 01:34 |
mjblack | been a long day ;) | 01:34 |
EmilienM | mjblack: https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack-integration#overview | 01:34 |
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mjblack | EmilienM: so it made it further, it created the tenants but still having issues with the keystone user role | 01:42 |
EmilienM | ok so my patches help | 01:42 |
mjblack | sorry, openstack provider is failing on admin keystone user resource | 01:43 |
EmilienM | so you don't have tenants? | 01:43 |
mjblack | I do now :D | 01:43 |
mjblack | it wasnt creating the tenants before | 01:43 |
mjblack | only admin tenant existed because of bootstrap | 01:44 |
EmilienM | anyway, EOD for me, might come back later but not sure, let me know here your progress | 01:44 |
mjblack | will do, thanks! | 01:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-horizon: Support custom TIME_ZONE option in localsettings https://review.openstack.org/289110 | 02:11 |
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_ody | mfisch: Thanks! Now I can get those abstract updates posted too. | 04:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Marcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-swift: typos and grammar fixes in the README https://review.openstack.org/289713 | 05:26 |
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openstackgerrit | zhongshengping proposed openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Add api_paste type/provider for Ceilometer https://review.openstack.org/285358 | 06:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Marcus Furlong proposed openstack/puppet-horizon: remove non-existent parameter from README https://review.openstack.org/289754 | 07:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrew Spiers proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Add manifest for designate-zone-manager https://review.openstack.org/289760 | 07:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrew Spiers proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Add manifest for designate-zone-manager https://review.openstack.org/289760 | 08:10 |
openstackgerrit | Andrew Spiers proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Add manifest for designate-zone-manager https://review.openstack.org/289760 | 08:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrew Spiers proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Add manifest for designate-zone-manager https://review.openstack.org/289760 | 08:47 |
openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/puppet-ceph: Allow setting of public_addr from ::profile::mon and ::mon https://review.openstack.org/280351 | 08:51 |
openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make OpenStack service ports configurable in HAProxy https://review.openstack.org/287199 | 08:54 |
Kvisle | rarely seen anyone ask for help here, so tell me off if I'm in the wrong place - but; using puppet-nova:stable/liberty on centos7, I end up with /etc/nova/nova.conf owned by root, and none of the nova-services want to start because of this. bug in the module, or configuration error on my part? | 08:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make OpenStack service ports configurable in HAProxy https://review.openstack.org/287199 | 09:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make OpenStack service ports configurable in HAProxy https://review.openstack.org/287199 | 09:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-ceph: adding configurable yum proxy options for the yum repositories https://review.openstack.org/288169 | 11:53 |
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EmilienM | good morning | 12:09 |
EmilienM | Kvisle: you're at the right place! | 12:09 |
EmilienM | Kvisle: can you share your manifest and data if you have please? So I can see if we can reproduce your issue | 12:09 |
Kvisle | EmilienM: I think this is pretty much it: https://gist.github.com/kvisle/a10f025d922330c29d1c | 12:12 |
Kvisle | note workaround at the bottom - it does what I need. | 12:12 |
EmilienM | Kvisle: you're using RDO Liberty? Our CI uses it too, and we don't have any problem, can I see the URL you're using? | 12:14 |
Kvisle | EmilienM: the puppetfile ref. ? | 12:15 |
Kvisle | EmilienM: we're using stable/liberty (git hash: bc3eda43a6fa59334414dd5c1916fad8b5f99a57) ... pointing to a local mirror ... I can see there are 5 more commits upstream | 12:18 |
Kvisle | I'm going to check those now | 12:18 |
EmilienM | Kvisle: no, the RDO packages you install | 12:20 |
EmilienM | what repo do you use? | 12:21 |
Kvisle | ah | 12:24 |
Kvisle | EmilienM: we mirror http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/$arch/openstack-liberty/ | 12:29 |
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EmilienM | Kvisle: that's weird, we use the same | 12:36 |
EmilienM | and the packages do not set root to /etc/nov | 12:37 |
EmilienM | or maybe https://github.com/openstack-packages/nova/blob/rpm-liberty/openstack-nova.spec#L728-L729 | 12:39 |
EmilienM | but 755 should be fine https://github.com/openstack-packages/nova/blob/rpm-liberty/openstack-nova.spec#L557 | 12:39 |
EmilienM | Kvisle: maybe you can join #rdo channel and ask your question, puppet modules do not manage POSIX resources | 12:40 |
Kvisle | EmilienM: maybe it's inheriting a default from our own puppet infrastructure somewhere ... I'll have a check about that | 12:40 |
Kvisle | does the puppet modules support multiple availability zones on the same compute node? something along these lines: http://ceph.com/planet/openstack-nova-configure-multiple-ceph-backends-on-one-hypervisor/ ... or is this out of scope for the modules? | 12:45 |
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EmilienM | Kvisle: yes it does, we have the parameters for that | 12:52 |
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Kvisle | I'm impressed with the quality of these modules | 12:59 |
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EmilienM | Kvisle: thanks! it's a nice team work | 12:59 |
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mjblack | EmilienM: Got a question, with the v3 and domains, is the openstacklib setup to pass the --domain parameter to the cli? | 13:38 |
openstackgerrit | Mykyta Karpin proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Remove POSIX users, groups, and file modes. https://review.openstack.org/211593 | 13:48 |
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mjblack | mfisch, EmilienM: either of you two around? want to run an idea by either of you | 14:59 |
EmilienM | upstream meeting is about to start | 15:00 |
mjblack | EmilienM: https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-keystoneclient/+bug/1554555 | 15:00 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1554555 in python-keystoneclient "openstack cli provider needs to pass domain in v3 calls" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Matthew J Black (mjblack) | 15:00 |
EmilienM | mjblack: will help you after the meeting | 15:00 |
EmilienM | or feel free to join it | 15:01 |
mjblack | the prefetch isnt passing domain with getting a list of users, which the cli apparently needs, and thus it fails everything | 15:01 |
mjblack | EmilienM: can you send me the info for the meeting? | 15:01 |
EmilienM | mjblack: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Puppet | 15:01 |
mjblack | thanks | 15:01 |
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mjblack | chem: I'm going to do a terminal recording session so I can show exactly what I see | 15:15 |
chem | mjblack: oki, thanks, in the meantime I try to reproduce it with the domain_specific_drivers_enabled option enabled | 15:17 |
chem | mjblack: I'll start in ~10min as I'm in the middle of something | 15:17 |
mjblack | sure np | 15:18 |
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_ody | EmilienM: I was double booked for today's meeting. I disabled puppet-openstack mailing list. It is available for archival purposes but eamail sending is no avialable. | 15:37 |
EmilienM | _ody: cool | 15:37 |
chem | mjblack: are you aware of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-keystone/+bug/1485508 | 15:45 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1485508 in puppet-keystone "when domain_specific_drivers_enabled=True keystone_user provider fails " [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Gilles Dubreuil (gdubreui) | 15:45 |
chem | mjblack: and then which version of the keystone module are you using ? | 15:46 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario002: switch Keystone/Glance/Ironic/Nova to SSL https://review.openstack.org/286899 | 15:46 |
mjblack | chem: master | 15:46 |
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mjblack | and I think I did see that bug, but I may have forgotten that it existed, I was working pretty late on this | 15:47 |
chem | mjblack: they looks so much alike. Anyway, as you're on master.. the associated patch doesn't seem to help. | 15:48 |
mjblack | the patch looks different than what is one master | 15:49 |
mjblack | wait, no I'm wrong, it is the same | 15:50 |
mjblack | the only problem is the supposed fix that was merged didnt solve the problem | 15:50 |
mjblack | I started working on a patch for it but I'm kinda stuck on the unit test | 15:52 |
mjblack | its expecting when a user list is performed that three users in three domains are returned, which is different than how keystone works in v3 | 15:52 |
chem | mjblack: you're describing the current rspec test or the test you're creating ? | 15:54 |
mjblack | no this one | 15:54 |
mjblack | https://github.com/openstack/puppet-keystone/blob/master/spec/unit/provider/keystone_user/openstack_spec.rb | 15:54 |
mjblack | specifically this line https://github.com/openstack/puppet-keystone/blob/master/spec/unit/provider/keystone_user/openstack_spec.rb#L82 | 15:55 |
openstackgerrit | Matt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: WIP Keystone hooks support https://review.openstack.org/283898 | 15:56 |
mjblack | and the next test below it too | 15:57 |
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chem | mjblack: oki, don't get bogged down by the rspec detail, commit the stuff you have in gerrit and we can look at it and help. I'm spawning a vm with the latest keystone code to try to reproduce the error. | 16:00 |
mjblack | ok cool, I'll mark it as a WIP | 16:01 |
chem | mjblack: thanks | 16:01 |
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openstackgerrit | Matthew J Black proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: WIP keystone user provider fix for v3 calls https://review.openstack.org/289995 | 16:08 |
openstackgerrit | Juan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Make OpenStack service ports configurable in HAProxy https://review.openstack.org/287199 | 16:10 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repo: promote RDO to March 8th packaging https://review.openstack.org/289997 | 16:12 |
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emccormick | hey guys. I'm trying to use the Liberty modules for the first time and I'm running into an error with Keystone I can't seem to trace | 16:15 |
emccormick | Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not autoload puppet/type/keystone_tenant: /etc/puppet/environments/rwdc1prod/modules/keystone/lib/puppet_x/keystone/composite_namevar/helpers/utilities.rb:17: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ']' | 16:15 |
emccormick | .zip(required_resources)] | 16:15 |
emccormick | ^ | 16:15 |
emccormick | .map { |namevar| existing.send(namevar) } | 16:15 |
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emccormick | if anyone has any thoughts, I would appreciate the guidance :) | 16:16 |
mjblack | emccormick: what version of puppet are you using? | 16:21 |
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emccormick | 3.8.6 | 16:22 |
emccormick | and I made sure the agents and master are the same version | 16:22 |
emccormick | http://pastebin.com/HtQ8tdSa since that error pasted in here was kinda garbled | 16:23 |
mjblack | what version of ruby? I'm using 3.8.4 puppet and that file is the same as the one on master branch, not seeing the same issue | 16:29 |
emccormick | I'm running through some other updates now to see if it might be a needed ruby update | 16:31 |
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emccormick | as for the openstack branch I pulled down stable/liberty | 16:32 |
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emccormick | ruby is default EL6 version | 16:34 |
emccormick | ruby- | 16:34 |
emccormick | clients are EL7 but never had a problem with that prior | 16:35 |
mjblack | what did you use prior for openstack? | 16:36 |
emccormick | the OS and puppet versions are the same | 16:36 |
emccormick | just went from Juno to Liberty | 16:36 |
emccormick | to be fair though, I haven't used the keystone module for some time since I implemented V3 in Juno | 16:37 |
chem | emccormick: not sure that the ruby-1.8.7 was tested with this code. mjblack which version of ruby you've got ? | 16:37 |
mjblack | 1.9 | 16:37 |
mjblack | its the default on trusty | 16:38 |
emccormick | merp | 16:38 |
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emccormick | guess I can try and set up an EL7 puppetmaster and see if that helps | 16:38 |
mjblack | looks like juno didnt have the puppet_x | 16:38 |
chem | mjblack: emccormick juno didn't have it for sure | 16:39 |
mjblack | I'm thinking the issue is a ruby 1.8.7 issue | 16:40 |
emccormick | EL7 has 2.0.0 | 16:40 |
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emccormick | will give that a go | 16:41 |
chem | mjblack: emccormick yep, that's my guess too. Hopefully only a formatting issue :) | 16:41 |
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chem | mjblack: sorry my setup env is taking exceptionnaly long time to setup (I've enable ipv6 and I shouldn't have). I have to go now. I will review your patch relative to my finding on my tomorrow morning. | 16:49 |
mjblack | chem: sure np | 16:50 |
chem | mjblack cool, see you | 16:50 |
chem | emccormick: I've tried to build ruby 1.8.7 using rbenv, but it failed. Will give it another try later. In the meantime don't hesitate to fill a bug report if upgrading ruby is not an option (or doesn't solve it) | 16:52 |
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emccormick | chem: Thanks. Redoing the master isn't entirely desireable, but it's probably easier than maintaining a different version of Ruby on EL6. I'll report back once I test with EL7 | 17:10 |
chem | mjblack: oki, did some overtime. here is what I'm seeing http://fpaste.org/335808/45675714/ . So without domain_specific_drivers_enabled all user get listed, with domain_specific_drivers_enabled enable only user of a specific (here default) domain are listed. This look a bit like your behavior but not exactly. If you think of differences I should add to match your env, that would be cool : I'm applying this | 17:10 |
chem | https://github.com/openstack/puppet-keystone/blob/master/spec/acceptance/keystone_wsgi_apache_spec.rb#L8-L69 . | 17:10 |
chem | mjblack drop the message here, I will check it out latter (prefix it with my pseudo so I get it easily) | 17:11 |
mjblack | chem: it is the issue but the only thing with the admin_token there is no domain being passed with it | 17:13 |
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mjblack | chem: btw, it has to be the admin token not the contents of /root/openrc, it happens for me on a brand new install | 17:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Nate Potter proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Add glance multi/single store declaration examples https://review.openstack.org/290033 | 17:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Nate Potter proposed openstack/puppet-glance: Add glance multi/single store declaration examples https://review.openstack.org/290033 | 17:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: WIP Keystone hooks support https://review.openstack.org/283898 | 17:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/puppet-tempest: Add parameter to configure enabled Sahara plugins https://review.openstack.org/290049 | 18:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-keystone: Add keystone::disable_admin_token_auth class https://review.openstack.org/280929 | 18:37 |
mjblack | well I feel stupid, I put the bug report in the wrong project | 18:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-glance: Implement multiple store configuration https://review.openstack.org/242718 | 19:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-keystone: Fix rabbitmq ssl logic https://review.openstack.org/287510 | 19:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Matt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: WIP Keystone hooks support https://review.openstack.org/283898 | 19:19 |
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_ody | anyone opperate out of Phoenix? | 19:44 |
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_ody | EmilienM: Do you have an example vagrant file for running puppet-openstack-integration. Restarting my work getting us testing againt puppet 4. | 21:03 |
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EmilienM | I'm on my phone, i have nothing handy but something is on my blog | 21:09 |
EmilienM | _ody ^ | 21:09 |
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_ody | ok | 21:11 |
EmilienM | _ody http://my1.fr/blog somewhere | 21:11 |
EmilienM | Thanks for looking on puppet 4, let us know the progress! | 21:12 |
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EmilienM | _ody: why puppetlabs does not provide puppet4 packaging? | 21:13 |
EmilienM | Afik we install 3.8 | 21:14 |
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_ody | EmilienM: Because we simply don't ship anything they isn't a complete stack anymore. Puppet 4 is only installable on our ruby. | 21:17 |
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dmsimard | EmilienM: are you guys also hitting sahara hdp tempest errors ? | 21:18 |
_ody | The packages exist, they are just named and distributed differently for puppet 4. | 21:18 |
EmilienM | Not afik | 21:18 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: hah: https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack-integration/blob/master/manifests/sahara.pp#L25-L27 | 21:18 |
EmilienM | If scenario003 is failing, but idk, on my phone | 21:18 |
dmsimard | fyi https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289959/ | 21:19 |
EmilienM | Cool | 21:19 |
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EmilienM | _ody: maybe we can start using it, but i want to make sure we still test 3.8 | 21:20 |
EmilienM | I'm off cheers | 21:21 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: wait | 21:21 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: quick question | 21:21 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: if you do a depends-on on a tempest patch, it's not picked up by a puppet-tempest clone, is it ? | 21:21 |
EmilienM | OK | 21:22 |
EmilienM | Yes it does | 21:22 |
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EmilienM | Wait | 21:22 |
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EmilienM | Only on integration jobs | 21:22 |
dmsimard | ahhhhhh, it uses git, not zuul cloner ? https://github.com/openstack/puppet-tempest/blob/master/manifests/init.pp#L277 | 21:22 |
EmilienM | We use zuul cloner | 21:22 |
EmilienM | Yes | 21:22 |
dmsimard | so you don't clone through puppet-tempest ? | 21:22 |
EmilienM | No | 21:22 |
dmsimard | ok ty | 21:22 |
EmilienM | Cool | 21:23 |
EmilienM | Bye | 21:23 |
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dmsimard | Can someone explain what $::os_service_default really does ? | 21:32 |
clayton | what it's set to, or what it means? | 21:33 |
dmsimard | I see https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstacklib/blob/master/facts.d/os_service_default.txt and https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstacklib/blob/master/lib/puppet/parser/functions/is_service_default.rb but it doesn't explain much | 21:33 |
dmsimard | clayton: yeah, I want to try and see what it sets a parameter to (I guess?) | 21:34 |
clayton | it evaulates to <SERVICE DEFAULT> which is a magic value that basicallt sets ensure to absent | 21:34 |
clayton | the idea being that if a user hasn't requested a specific setting, we shouldn't be setting it to anything either | 21:34 |
clayton | except in the few cases where we know better than the service itself | 21:35 |
clayton | or if there is no default at all | 21:35 |
dmsimard | clayton: ty | 21:45 |
clayton | np | 21:45 |
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_ody | bah. So lost focus today after having to troubleshoot an internal OpenStack outage. | 22:23 |
_ody | Guess I'll just relinquish myself to reviewing some code. | 22:24 |
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EmilienM | dmsimard: we have it documented | 23:13 |
EmilienM | let me find url | 23:13 |
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EmilienM | dmsimard: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Puppet/Coding_style#Config_file_defaults_and_parameters | 23:14 |
* _ody thinks he is going to ignore TripleO failures for README changes. | 23:18 | |
_ody | http://tripleo.org/cistatus.html show new runs happening right now. | 23:18 |
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EmilienM | _ody: yeah, for README it's ok ;-) | 23:21 |
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_ody | EmilienM: Oh so much do I wish that tripleo didn't take two hours to run. | 23:21 |
EmilienM | _ody: I have some patches ready for review | 23:22 |
EmilienM | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/288244/ | 23:22 |
EmilienM | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289636/ | 23:22 |
EmilienM | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289640/ | 23:23 |
EmilienM | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289641/ | 23:23 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-swift: typos and grammar fixes in the README https://review.openstack.org/289713 | 23:24 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/puppet-horizon: remove non-existent parameter from README https://review.openstack.org/289754 | 23:25 |
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_ody | EmilienM: Ok. These were all enoough, no issues so +2'ed done. | 23:29 |
EmilienM | _ody: thanks! | 23:30 |
EmilienM | I just noticed a new problem when running neutron from trunk | 23:30 |
EmilienM | I'll figure out tomorrow, maybe rdo folks already found what it was | 23:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repo: promote RDO to March 8th packaging https://review.openstack.org/289997 | 23:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: repo: promote RDO to March 8th packaging https://review.openstack.org/289997 | 23:58 |
EmilienM | _ody, mwhahaha: I have a bigger patch, take 2 or 3 coffees before :-P https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213315/ | 23:59 |
EmilienM | it took months to make it work :-P | 23:59 |
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