Wednesday, 2016-08-24

beaglesgerrit having a tizzy?00:04
beagleswhoops no, there it is00:04
openstackgerritAndy Botting proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Use native hash for pool_target options
EmilienMdmsimard: promotion is happenning00:58
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Configure keystone authtoken options
dmsimardEmilienM: cheating but ok :P01:09
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Add configuration purge functional test
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EmilienMdmsimard: no choice01:48
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
EmilienMmwhahaha: sounds like we don't need it anymore01:51
EmilienMthey yanked the release01:51
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Mode Heat to authtoken
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Move Heat to authtoken
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iurygregory_EmilienM, fyi i think mistral still use old options and not new ones (username, etc) i think is the same case for sahara02:49
EmilienMiurygregory_: ok02:56
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iurygregory_EmilienM, np ^^02:59
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Configure keystone authtoken options
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: CI test - never merge
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-nova: CI test - never merge
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-keystone: Revert "Fix ldap_backend and puppet 4.6"
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Move Heat to authtoken
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: updates to fluentd support
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Revert "Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.1"
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack_spec_helper: Move other-requirements.txt to bindep.txt
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Add support for new vendordata plugins
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SanjayHello all, I am trying to install keystone openstack using puppet.I have downloaded openstack keystone module using r10k and a puppetfile. Keystone is present inside my modules directory now.  How can I configure keystone now? I have taken keystone.pp manifest file provided by file provided by  How to install/configure keystone using this manifest ?  k06:45
SanjayKeystone.pp is at:
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openstackgerritIvan Berezovskiy proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Remove manager option
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openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-nova: add missing options for monkey_patch
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Updated from Puppet OpenStack modules constraints
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO repository to latest consistent URL
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova profiles
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Removing WARNING: line has more than 140 characters in puppet-nova profiles
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Configure keystone endpoints in service profile
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Configure keystone endpoints in service profile
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-neutron: Configure the numvfs for SRIOV interfaces
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openstackgerritXiaohua Yuan proposed openstack/puppet-nova: add missing options for monkey_patch
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openstackgerritAndy Botting proposed openstack/puppet-designate: Use native hash for pool_target options
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add Manila CephFS backend to manila class
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openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Introduce ironic::pxe class
dtantsurhi folks! How do you create release notes? You don't seem to have tox :)10:15
dtantsurWould be cool to add information about release notes to
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SanjayHello all, I am trying to install keystone openstack using puppet.I have downloaded openstack keystone module using r10k and a puppetfile. Keystone is present inside my modules directory now.  How can I configure keystone now? I have taken keystone.pp manifest file provided by file provided by  How to install/configure keystone using this manifest ?  k10:37
openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Introduce ironic::pxe class
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Add support for new vendordata plugins
jaosoriordegorenko: is that better?10:44
degorenkojaosorior, yeah10:49
jaosoriordegorenko: thanks for the review10:49
jaosoriordegorenko: I never know what to write on the release notes haha10:50
degorenkojaosorior, dont worry, your note is ok :)10:50
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socialchem: when you'll find some time please have look at
chemsocial: I've looked into it allready, waiting for the jenkins checks to comment :)10:58
socialchem: thanks10:59
davideagleI'm trying to figure out how to use puppet-swift module to configure statsd logging for swift, any one have a clue on how to go about this?10:59
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Configure cleaning parameters
dtantsurdegorenko, ^^^11:04
degorenkodtantsur, ok, thanks, waiting for ci11:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Move nova to authtoken
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova: Remove security_group_api option
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: Revert "Fix ldap_backend and puppet 4.6"
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EmilienMgood morning12:01
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EmilienMchem: it sounds like puppet 4.6.1 is good12:03
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add Manila CephFS backend to manila class
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iurygregorygood morning :D12:19
Jokke_afternoon iurygregory12:20
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openstackgerritKeith Schincke proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Introduce scenario004
iurygregoryJokke_, haha to me is morning sorry =(12:36
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AhharuI am having trouble with Puppet Openstack modules and CentOS7 ( running stable/mitaka branch )12:41
Ahharuif i re-run puppet manifest i get12:42
AhharuCould not evaluate: Execution of '/usr/bin/openstack user show --format shell nova --domain default' returned 1: Could not find resource default12:42
Ahharubut if I run this manually it returns properly12:42
iurygregoryAhharu, can you share your manifest?12:42
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iurygregorylet see if I get, you're trying to setup a controller with neutron right?12:52
iurygregorybut i didn't get where you need to run openstack user show...12:52
Ahharuit is inside neutron::keystone::auth12:53
iurygregoryok oh12:53
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Ahharuits openstack upstream class, it should get the auth credentials from the rcfile and ensure the neutron@services user is created12:53
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to have latest Trove
iurygregorywell the auth class is for the endpoint, and the error is execution of openstack user12:56
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: re-enable trove
Ahharuyes and I ran this manually from the host and it worked flawlessly12:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Updated from Puppet OpenStack modules constraints
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Move Heat to authtoken
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karthiksEmilienM,  Could you please review
EmilienMkarthiks: I was already on it13:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-tripleo: Add manifests to inject and trust CA certificates
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to have latest Trove
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: re-enable trove
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davideagleHi I'm trying to configure statsD for swift using the puppet module, as far as I know its params need to be located in the [Default] section in object-server.conf and I have a hard time figuring out how to set anything there14:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift: Add CORS settings
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ironic: Configure cleaning parameters
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: updates to fluentd support
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/puppet-nova: Add support for new vendordata plugins
colonwqdavideagle, I think the thing you are looking for is the swift_object_config ini file helper. See:
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openstackgerritLukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/puppet-ironic: Introduce ironic::pxe class
davideaglecolonwq, but using that results in a service restart on each puppet run right ?14:50
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colonwqdavideagle, I guess so unless you can have it reload the config. I dont know if swift supports that.14:51
davideaglebecause ::swift::storage::server will overwrite the config that I set through it and then swift_object_config will add to that config and restart the service again14:52
iurygregoryany expert in heat to help me ? XD
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colonwqdavideagle, wow. this stuff is never simple.14:59
davideaglecolonwq, basically if I use storage::server define to configure the object-server swift_object_config does not work, since storage::server define will override any changes swift_object_config makes to the object-server.conf file14:59
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davideaglecolonwq, it could be if I could just append custom key, value pairs through the define ;)15:01
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davideaglecolonwq, this is basically what happens
mwhahahaand this is why templates are bad :D15:07
colonwqdavideagle, Could you extend the erb file for the params?15:08
davideagleit is a possibility, but I lack the knowleg15:08
mwhahahaI can probably get it added for you15:09
mwhahahayou just need the log_statsd stuff?15:09
davideagleI could rewrite the whole define, but that would kind of beat the purpose of having a module ;)15:10
davideaglemwhahaha, are you talking about adding it to the module on github?15:12
mwhahahawell to the puppet-swift module yea15:14
davideagle<mwhahaha> asking because I'm still using Version 6.1.0 of the module since we are still in kilo15:14
mwhahahaif you create a bug someone can work on it and fix it15:14
mwhahahaoh no it won't be backported15:14
mwhahahabut you could take the change and use your own version with it15:14
davideagleI thought so15:14
mwhahahaso you could at least see how to fix it15:14
davideaglewhere do I file bug reports for the modules?15:15
davideaglewish I just had the time create a PR for this15:16
openstackgerritMatt Fischer proposed openstack/puppet-trove: Policy support for Trove
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-ceilometer: Move ceilometer to authtoken
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openstackgerritAlex Ruiz Estradera proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Fix the neutron-port resource with binding options
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openstackgerritAlex Ruiz Estradera proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Fix the neutron-port resource with binding options
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: updates to fluentd support
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EmilienMyeah! trove is working again in our CI16:25
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iurygregoryyeah \o/16:38
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openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: updates to fluentd support
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: Promote RDO to have latest Trove
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration: scenario003: re-enable trove
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iurygregorymwhahaha, you around? o/18:00
* mwhahaha hides18:00
iurygregoryjust wondering if you could help me with
mwhahahamove it up18:01
mwhahahayou need to define it before the ::heat class call18:02
mwhahahait's a parse order thing18:02
iurygregoryyeah i thougth that18:02
iurygregoryi have try to move up
iurygregorybut didn't work haha18:03
mwhahahawhat did that error on?18:03
iurygregoryand the log says that heat class is duplicated when is up18:03
mwhahahabecause of the include ::heat18:03
iurygregoryi shold remove the include?18:04
mwhahahathat was a work around for 4.6.0 or whatever18:04
mwhahahabut we can't use it18:04
mwhahahain this case because you have two dependencies conflicting with each other18:04
mwhahahathey both depend on each :D18:04
iurygregoryyeah =(18:05
iurygregoryi'll try to remove the include :D18:05
iurygregoryit's better i think18:05
mwhahahaso in the case where you are not specifing the user/pass on the init class, you should not need the include ::heat18:05
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add stats configuration options
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add statsd configuration options
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mwhahahaEmilienM: what is Hitachi Manila HNAS CI and why is it reporting on our puppet-swift changes?18:11
EmilienMmore CI !18:14
EmilienMI guess it's an error18:15
EmilienMprobably a wrong regex18:15
mwhahahayea i messaged ganso as he's listed as an owner18:17
mwhahahaso we'll see18:17
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openstackgerritKarthik S proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: SR-IOV numvfs config is made persistent across reboots
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-swift: Add statsd configuration options
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openstackgerritAlex Ruiz Estradera proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Fix the neutron-port resource with binding options
openstackgerritAlex Ruiz Estradera proposed openstack/puppet-neutron: Fix the neutron-port resource with binding options
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vinsh_ Invalid parameter auth_uri on Keystone::Resource::Authtoken[ironic_inspector_config] at /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/ironic/manifests/inspector/authtoken.pp:24219:04
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EmilienMsounds like related to authtoken work19:08
vinsh_I am guessing maybe this is depricated in keystone.. but ironic config still tries to use it19:09
vinsh_is Keystone::Resource an openstack extras thing?19:09
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iurygregoryvinsh_, what is the patch?19:11
vinsh_This is just master or puppet-ironic19:11
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vinsh_First time I have used manifests/inspector/authtoken.. and it seems to have this failure right away.19:12
iurygregoryvinsh_, how you're using?19:12
vinsh_well, included that class in my manifest.  setting some values in hiera19:13
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vinsh_I am guessing what ever checkout of the puppet-keystone we have.. or whatever provides "Keystone::Resource::Authtoken" is new/old and dropped that setting19:13
vinsh_for example in inspector/authtoken.pp.. i'm not even setting auth_uri19:14
vinsh_it's just failing with it's default19:14
iurygregoryvinsh_, did you set auth_strategy in inspector class?19:15
vinsh_same failure on "auth_version"19:15
vinsh_I left it at default of keystone19:15
iurygregoryyeah humm19:15
vinsh_auth_type also19:16
vinsh_what the heck..19:17
mwhahahawhat are the hash versions of the modules?19:17
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mwhahahalooks like you're missing
vinsh_@mfisch ^^^ it's your fault19:19
iurygregoryvinsh_, lol19:19
vinsh_we are back on March16th on that module..19:19
pabelangerEmilienM: have a minute to talk about your DLRN proposal job for puppet?19:19
mwhahahado try and keep up19:19
vinsh_If only mfisch would own his service better. :-/19:20
iurygregoryvinsh_, git pull origin master hahaha19:20
vinsh_Oh yeah. I can do that in test... I need to get that module current for staging/prod also though.19:21
iurygregoryvinsh_, good luck o/19:21
pabelangerEmilienM: specifically, seeing about running the process more then once a day19:21
vinsh_iurygregory: if it breaks, it's mfisch problem ;)19:21
EmilienMpabelanger: let's talk about it19:21
EmilienMpabelanger: I created this job but I don't like it19:22
EmilienMit requires manual +2 +A to actually promote19:22
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iurygregoryvinsh_, i think mfisch have many problems with the ketystone module i think hahah19:22
EmilienMI wish we could automate it19:22
vinsh_iurygregory: :)19:22
pabelangerEmilienM: Yes, that is the current downside of it.19:22
EmilienMpabelanger: what is your idea?19:23
pabelangerEmilienM: well, I wanted to have it more often, maybe multiple times a day. Like now the requirements job works19:23
EmilienMpabelanger: I don't want to burn developpers time to periodically looking at it and +2 +A it19:24
pabelangerEmilienM: if you didn't need to +A them?19:24
EmilienMpabelanger: how?19:24
EmilienMtripleo doesn't do that19:25
dmsimardpabelanger, EmilienM: dlrn proposal job for puppet ?19:25
* dmsimard listens19:25
EmilienMthey have a periodic job that self promote a repo19:26
pabelangerEmilienM: changing the hash externally to the gate is easy, but it means you are not making sure the hash works19:26
pabelangerEmilienM: yes, that is broken and I am trying to fix it19:26
dmsimardpabelanger: we're in the process of moving the promotion on the RDO side19:26
EmilienMthat would be better imho19:26
dmsimardpabelanger: the plan is to create a p-o-i review if the RDO promotion doesn't work.19:26
EmilienMyeah ! that rocks19:27
EmilienMso when we see p-o-i review, we know something's bad19:27
dmsimardpabelanger: tl;dr RDO maintains "current-passed-ci" which is a superset that includes p-o-i19:28
dmsimardpabelanger: and we'll have a puppet-passed-ci (or something like that)19:29
dmsimardnot unlike the tripleoci symlink.19:29
EmilienMseriously I'm open to anything here19:29
EmilienMthe only thing I don't want is more "promotion" patches here.19:29
pabelangerSo, is puppet-openstack-integration using a dlrn hash of the repo or current?19:30
pabelangerwell, they don't have to happen in puppet-openstack19:30
pabelangerbut need to happen some place19:30
openstackgerritLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: updates to fluentd support
dmsimardpabelanger: repos.pp pins to a particular hash19:31
pabelangerright, but you still need to propose a patch here to change that19:31
dmsimardThe hashes are whatever was at /consistent/ at the time the proposal bot did the review19:31
pabelangerwhich doesn't solve the +A issue EmilienM said19:32
EmilienMat some point we will stop to change our repo.pp and use a consistent URL19:33
pabelangerokay, so in that case19:33
EmilienMif we do that, we will be able to kill our periodic job that promotes19:33
EmilienMmore promotions, less human work19:33
EmilienMand quicker feedback19:34
pabelangerI don't know about less human work19:34
pabelangermoving it to rdo just means new humans do it19:34
EmilienMhuman resources remain the same I think today we see the failures in upstream CI and are debugged by RDO contributors19:35
EmilienMtomorrow it would be in RDO CI19:35
pabelangerbut does RDO CI have the infrastructure to keep up with the demand?19:35
EmilienMthat's a good question19:36
pabelangerI feel the trade off could be more pressume on rdo19:36
EmilienMthe cost is 3 jobs very X hours19:36
EmilienM(3 scenarios)19:36
pabelangerand when things don't work.... could be more fires to deal with19:36
dmsimardpabelanger: we're already running p-o-i in our promotion pipeline19:36
dmsimardpabelanger: the net effect for RDO is zero19:37
pabelangerEmilienM: what is you had more humans to do the +A on promotions?19:37
dmsimardpabelanger: we're not going to be running it more or less, we're just going to be promoting a repository tagged as having passed puppet19:37
dmsimardand if it doesn't pass, we create an upstream review with the failed hash to have upstream humans test it19:37
pabelangerdmsimard: yes, but what is you lose your cloud or have hardware issues?  I like, but there is a lack of redundancy today19:37
EmilienMgood point19:38
dmsimardif is dead, your gate is dead anyway because the repos won't be availble? :p19:38
pabelangernot saying moving to RDO is wrong, I think you need to be prepared for the infra related issues that will happen19:38
dmsimardwhat infra related issues ?19:38
pabelangerdmsimard: not unless I mirror them in AFS19:38
pabelangerwhich is something I am considering19:38
dmsimardlike I mentioned, the net effect is zero for RDO19:38
dmsimardthis isn't going to drive additional load or anything19:39
pabelangerdmsimard: I don't have examples of what could go wrong, but I feel RDO is already dealing with fires today.  I'd just hate to see this process move to rdo, and start to be problematic19:39
dmsimardpabelanger: those puppet-openstack jobs are going to move up one level and promote a symlink19:39
EmilienMpabelanger: the AFS is more useful for our stable CI repo atm19:40
EmilienMpuppet CI uses your mirrors only for stable branches iirc19:40
EmilienMmoving on #rdo19:40
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Move Heat to authtoken
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openstackgerritayoung proposed openstack/puppet-tripleo: Optionally include mod auth mellon for apache
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-keystone: Add log directory to .gitignore
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openstackgerritDaniel Pawlik proposed openstack/puppet-watcher: Change authtoken to class
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openstackgerritIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/puppet-heat: Move Heat to authtoken
socialanyone still up for review? I'd love you guys to have a look at
EmilienMsocial: on my todo, sorry for lag21:33
socialEmilienM: no problem but I guess it's already late for you so tomorrow :)21:33
EmilienMsocial: I'll review it asap.21:33
iurygregoryi'll take a look21:34
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_odyAny chance someone has experience testing murano with tempest? '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/murano_tempest_tests/extras/MockApp/manifest.yaml' is missing on EL and its causing my tests to fail.21:54
_odyGoing to do a run vs. xenial again but it was failing because of packaging issues yesterday.21:54
iurygregorysocial, done o/22:03
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iurygregoryvinsh_, you around?22:25
vinsh_Hi iurygregory22:27
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iurygregoryVinsh, hey you are expert in puppet-swift right? XD22:28
VinshI do know it pretty well22:28
VinshI have 3 major patches to finish too.. need to get time away from ironic work22:29
Vinshput some love back into puppet-swift22:29
iurygregorydo you know if swift should have keystone_authtoken information?22:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1604463 in puppet-trove "Modules should use keystone::resource::authtoken to configure keystone_authtoken settings" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira (iurygregory)22:29
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Vinshpuppet-swift sets most of those authtoken things directly in proxy-server.conf using the swift::proxy::authtoken22:33
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VinshSo it sounds like swift could make use of that same central setting22:34
iurygregoryVinsh, oh lol it uses a template22:34
iurygregoryomg many old parameters, do know if swift support the new ones?22:35
iurygregorythis is in .ini file no?
Vinshthey are set there yes22:37
VinshThe thing is.. this module generates the config files using templates.. vs copying in a full config file and then setting values in that.22:37
VinshPretty sure swift would support the new auth settings fine...22:38
Vinshmost of the stuff in proxy:authoken is marked as deprecated already22:38
iurygregoryyeah i notice i'll update the template and the authtoken class =)22:39
VinshI will keep an eye open for the review22:39
iurygregoryVinsh, thanks22:39
iurygregoryEmilienM, in swift i don't think we can use the resource because it will configure the [keystone_authtoken] section and in the file is [filter:authtoken], should i jsut add all parameters without use the resource?22:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-cinder: Loopback volume - prevent race between losetup and pvdisplay
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