Wednesday, 2017-08-02

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tonybI'm really new to puppet.  I'm tryign to use packstack and one of the jobs?manifests is failing with an I *think* it's due to an undefined variable.  Any pointers on how I can debug this?00:16
mnasertonyb got any logs?00:21
tonybmnaser: sure let me pastebin them00:22
tonybmnaser: slightly edited
mnaserlooks like localip is not set for whatever reason00:28
mnaserdo you have the openvswitch interface configured/selected in packstack?00:29
mnasermore specifically CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_TUNNEL_IF00:30
tonybmnaser: okay so that telss me I've misunderstood the OVS code00:31
tonybmnaser: I do have them configured and more than likley I have them configfured badly00:32
mnasermake sure you have that interface correctly set00:32
mnaseri think its not set most likely00:32
tonybThanks. I'll check that00:32
tonybI thought that is it was unset, then neutron_ovs_tunnel_if woudl be undef, which measn that ovs_agent_vxlan_cfg_neut_ovs_tun_if will also be unset which means that I'd hit line 25 'localip = choose_my_ip(hiera('HOST_LIST')'00:34
tonybwhat did I misunderstand?00:35
mnasertonyb: im assuming it probably tried to autoselect based on the choose_my_ip and didnt exactly pick the right one00:37
mnasertonyb i work with the puppet modules often but not packstack specifically so my knowledge goes to as far as that the value is incorrect there but i dont know why/how it should be set00:37
mnaserbut there certainly should be an interface there00:37
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tonybmnaser: Thanks.  I certainly get what you're saying.  I'm just trying to learn more (any) puppet ;P00:40
mnasernp :)00:41
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oyrogergEmilienM: G'day, here I am as you suggest00:44
oyrogerggregoryo is taken on another server, so I reversed it.00:45
dmsimardtonyb: looking at the packstack integration tests is a good way to get started00:46
dmsimardand then you have the different scenarios file such as
tonybdmsimard: cool  Thanks!00:47
dmsimardtonyb: we have the same thing for pure puppet, puppet-openstack-integration:
dmsimardWith scenarios here and the different manifests here:
EmilienMoyrogerg: welcome here!00:51
oyrogergI'm glad there's some overlap - I'm in AWST (UTC+8) which often makes quick communication challenging.00:53
EmilienMoyrogerg: I'm usually online on PST evenings00:54
EmilienMoyrogerg: but I'm based in PST and mwhahaha (Alex) on MST00:54
oyrogergWhat's MST?00:54
* oyrogerg fires up worldtimebuddy.com00:54
oyrogergAh that's USA too00:55
mwhahahaUtc-7 (it's 6:55 PM)00:55
EmilienMoyrogerg: yeah00:55
EmilienMoh that's Alex :)00:55
EmilienMoyrogerg: so you're using Puppet modules to deploy OpenStack right?00:55
EmilienMoyrogerg: do you use the upstream ones, do you fork them? what version of them do you use, we want to know everything ahahaha00:55
oyrogergYep. I started with the AIO fixture/scenario, then started going through it to try to create a new compute node on our existing (Fuel-deployed) environment.00:56
oyrogergI want to stick with upstream if possible00:56
oyrogergMy Puppetfile is largely a copy and paste from the one at
EmilienMwell, I suggest to read our code, all modules / libraries are on github/openstack, and if you have any question let us know00:57
EmilienMkeep in mind is used by CI00:57
oyrogergWell, my main questions so far are around which00:59
oyrogergWell, my main questions so far are around which modules I will need for which node types.00:59
mnasera new user? :>00:59
oyrogergThe AIO obviously uses all (most?) of them, but clearly cinder isn't needed for a compute node, etc.00:59
mnaseroyrogerg id familiarize myself with the different openstack services -- but most of the time, neutron/nova will go in compute nodes and rest go in controller :>01:00
EmilienMmnaser: yeah! we have a new user and AFIK a new potential contributor :D01:00
mnaseroyrogerg: welcome :>01:00
oyrogergSo I'm taking a somewhat naive approach (being entirely new to OpenStack in January), and looking at the packages installed and services running on an existing compute node01:01
oyrogergThen working out which module will make that happen on my new compute node01:01
oyrogergIf there's a better way, I'd love to hear it01:02
mnaserthat's a pretty good way of getting started, you can also use the puppet modules to take over a cloud01:02
mnaserso "ok: i need neutron-<something>-agent and nova-compute" .. add the appropriate configs and classes, and technically a puppet run should make no changes (puppet agent -tv --noop is my goto)01:03
oyrogergOnce we are more familiar with it, we will either do that, or replace the existing cloud with a new deployment.01:03
oyrogergYep, that's my command line too (:01:04
mnaseri've done plenty of "takeovers" -- i try to grep the service configuration file and make sure i have all the settings are in the puppet manifest01:04
mnasersed '/^#.*/d' /etc/nova/nova.conf | sed '/^$/d'01:04
oyrogergIt's not so simple with this Fuel deployed one though - just looking at nova, there were at least half a dozen (or a dozen? can't remember) deprecated settings that I had to go and check01:05
mnaseroh yeah you'll have to go through that little process but you get the hang of it, just make sure you're using modules from the appropriate version of cloud you're taking over01:05
oyrogergi.e. they weren't mentioned anywhere in Puppet modules, but were in nova.conf - and sure enough, we won't be needing them01:05
oyrogergIt's all Ocata01:05
mnaseroh good, that's pretty recent, id suggest using stable/ocata in your puppetfile01:06
mnaserand yeah, that's no fun, but going through the openstack nova code its easy to identify whats needed and whats leftover from previous upgrades, etc.01:06
mnaseri say nova, but it could be any project01:06
* tonyb waves at oyrogerg from AEST ;P01:07
* tonyb also waves at EmilienM :)01:07
EmilienMwoot, a tonyb around here01:07
oyrogergThe past few days have been networking, and my head is spinning. I'm using the example42-network module to configure it, but in the end it's VLANs and local config compexity that's hard.01:07
oyrogergG'day tonyb, pleased to meet another ozstacker online - I haven't found many01:08
tonybEmilienM: tryignto get my head around all the things puppet/tripleo/ironic :)01:08
EmilienMgood luck!01:08
EmilienMI've heard they are cool projects01:08
tonyboyrogerg: Theer are a few of us over here but <5001:08
EmilienMI think you're lucky.01:08
oyrogergYeah, nova seemed like a good place to start since it's somewhat standalone01:08
tonybEmilienM: Well wait and see what I try and do to/with them then decide if you're lucky01:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova stable/newton: Switch nova_security_rule to openstack provider
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova stable/ocata: Switch nova_security_rule to openstack provider
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LarsErikPwouldn't it be a good idea to backport the placement.pp in nova to stable/newton since it is mandatory in ocata?06:34
LarsErikPwill make upgrading so much easier06:35
LarsErikPand as I say this, a vague memory of someone else proposing this earlier this summer.... EmilienM ? mwhahaha ?06:36
LarsErikP^ i tend to leave some words out of my sentences... *needs more coffee*06:37
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mwhahahaLarsErikP: yea mnaser proposed it and I think we merged it? If not i'll take a look today11:31
LarsErikPmwhahaha: oooh nice! But I don't think it was ever merged:
LarsErikP404 ;)11:37
LarsErikPI'm sure you already have it, but I found the change:
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* mwhahaha pokes Hunner12:15
mwhahahaHunner: seems to have broken puppet-pacemaker12:15
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Pin stdlib to 4.16.0
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-panko master: Add panko client install support
mnaserLarsErikP: looks like its about to merge.. so you should be able to use it :)13:00
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/puppet-ironic master: Add a class to run the db online_data_migrations
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We have disable infracloud-vanilla due to the compute host running mirror.regionone.infracloud-vanilla.o.o being offline. Please recheck your failed jobs to schedule them to another cloud.13:58
openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/puppet-oslo master: Remove use of oslo.messaging rpc_backend
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openstackgerritAndy Smith proposed openstack/puppet-qdr master: Fix permissions on qdrouterd.sasldb
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mnaseri've been looking at when the jobs timeout and it seems that the second run of installation takes 10 minutes (and the the initial taking 30 minutes)14:38
mnaserunfortunately because the job is timing out we have zero logs14:38
mwhahahait happens from time to time14:38
mwhahahausually it's a cloud provider issue with repos so it hangs or is really slow downloading14:38
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mnasermwhahaha: im going to check with infra if we can do something like at least pull out the puppet logs on job timeouts so we can pin point issues -- maybe we can setup our own timeout - 10 minutes which collects all data and fails before we get killed14:39
mwhahahait's probably related to infracloud-vanilla14:40
mwhahahayou can check the logs to see what cloud it ran on14:40
mwhahaha(it's one of the first few lines)14:40
mnaserin this case it was citycloud14:40
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mnaserand 26 minutes for another install on rackspace and 10 minutes for 2nd run as well (seems like the 10 minute pattern is weird)14:42
mnaser and both just almost exactly 10 minutes, so looks like something is timing out and taking 10 minutes14:42
mwhahahayea that's probably an overloaded vm14:43
mwhahahathe 2nd run is just a rerun puppet so it should it would make sense that it's shorter but 10 mins seems a bit long14:45
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mnaseryeah for me it seems odd that its almost exactly 10 minutes to the dot, seems like its stuck somewhere with a 10 minute timeout14:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova stable/newton: Nova Placement API support
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration stable/newton: nova: activate placement API service
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mnaserLarsErikP ^ its there now :)15:37
Hunnermwhahaha: thanks for your detective work!15:38
mwhahahabtw it timed out in the tempest run not the deployment15:38
openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia master: Change service-type to load-balancer
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/puppet-ironic master: Add a class to run the db online_data_migrations
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openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Pin stdlib to 4.16.0
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EmilienMiurygregory: if you around
iurygregorysure EmilienM17:21
iurygregoryyw :D17:25
EmilienMiurygregory: same for, if you can17:26
iurygregoryEmilienM,  done ;)17:52
EmilienMiurygregory: thx17:56
iurygregoryanytime o/17:56
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openstackgerritBrent Eagles proposed openstack/puppet-octavia master: Change service-type to load-balancer
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Add telemetry to POI scenario002
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LarsErikPmnaser: brilliant! thanks :) :)20:40
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LarsErikPthat'll make life easier for a lot of us I guess!20:43
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: Deploy buildlogs from OpenStack Infra mirrors
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-nova master: Fix resources for latest puppet
openstackgerritMerged openstack/puppet-swift master: Update resource references for dependencies
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