Wednesday, 2025-01-22

opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-neutron master: allow to use access_log_env_var for apache wsgi
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-keystone master: Fix broken OIDC auth due to OIDCRedirectURI change
tobias-urdintkajinam: ^ if you could check above for regression that needs backporting10:11
tkajinamtobias-urdin, I guess we have to backport instead ?10:49
tkajinamtobias-urdin, I've left a few comments. This made me aware that I should have added a release note for which was released in 2024.2 ...10:52
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-keystone stable/2023.1: Fix wrong OIDCRedirectURI
tobias-urdintkajinam: ah thx! created backport of that fix for 2023.1 instead10:59
tobias-urdinyeah release notes on both these changes could have saved some headache10:59
tobias-urdini even forgot it myself and i approved it :D10:59
tkajinamugh I made 2023.2 backport but did not create 2023.1 backport...11:16
tkajinamtobias-urdin, 2023.1 is on its way to EOL. I can discuss it with the release team if you want but it might be too later to merge that backport...11:17
tkajinamif we merge it then we may need a new release11:17
tobias-urdintkajinam: that's unfortunate, that it didn't make it into the final release, would you be ok checking with the release team?12:19
tobias-urdinwould really help skip having to fork or pull all code for the template internally for fixing 4 bytes in a string12:20
tobias-urdinbut if it's too late, then i'll have to fix it somehow myself12:21
tkajinamtobias-urdin, I've asked for opinions in #openstack-release so let's wait for it12:36
tkajinamif having it in an upstream branch helps then we can attempt to merge it after the branch is transitioned to unmaintained/2023.1 but adopting CI for unmaintained migration is messy, you know12:37
tobias-urdintkajinam: thanks, that would work fine as wel12:38
tobias-urdini'd be fine with setting integration jobs as nonvoting and just merge the fix directly into unmaintained/2023.1 branch tbh, if you're ok with it12:38
tkajinamok. I'll keep that in my mind.13:01
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-keystone stable/2023.1: Prepare final stable/2023.1 release again
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-keystone stable/2023.1: Fix wrong OIDCRedirectURI
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-keystone stable/2023.1: Prepare final stable/2023.1 release again
tobias-urdintkajinam: thanks!16:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-neutron master: allow to use access_log_env_var for apache wsgi
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: nova: Enable management of ceph client
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: dnm: test using openvox
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/puppet-openstack-integration master: dnm: test using openvox
tobias-urdintkajinam: LarsErikP ^fun test to just straight up replace puppet19:51
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes22:55

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