Wednesday, 2025-02-26

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-manila master: Add support for cephfs_cached_allocated_capacity_update_interval
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Fix wrong option name
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Replace redundant hard-coded default values
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Remove own hard-coded defaults
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Fix wrong option name
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Replace redundant hard-coded default values
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Remove own hard-coded defaults
opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-manila master: Add support for cephfs_cached_allocated_capacity_update_interval
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: hpe3par: Support an array value for hpe3par_iscsi_ips
d1nuc0mHi, a quick question, when using puppet-designate with bind9, designate fails because it does not find /etc/rndc.conf, am I supposed to manage it manually?10:22
tkajinamd1nuc0m, yeah you have to create the file. I guess it can even be an empty file11:15
tkajinamd1nuc0m, I made usage of rndc.conf optional by but that may not be backported given its impact11:15
tkajinamwe used to create the file externally but removed it by
d1nuc0mtkajinam, thank you, I had it in production as I installed it a long time ago, while now reinstalling the testbed it was missing, fixed with a file resource
d1nuc0mIt can't be empty AFAIK as it needs to reference the secret key11:21
tkajinamd1nuc0m, if you have rndc_key_file in pool.yaml then you don't need it, IIUC11:21
tkajinambut you can have it in rndc.conf without adding it to pool.yaml and pool data in designate db11:22
d1nuc0md1nuc0m, thanks, didn't have it11:22
d1nuc0m* tkajinam 11:22
d1nuc0mNoob question, can I use resource providers inside lib/puppet or are these supposed to be for internal use only? Like
tobias-urdind1nuc0m: you can use them (in your example the nova_flavor resource)12:40
d1nuc0mtobias-urdin, thanks, should these also be documented? In case I'll open a quick PR12:42
tobias-urdini will assume you mean in the readme file, probably yes - the documentation part is probably lacking in most modules, feel free to improve it :)12:44
d1nuc0mIn the header of the file? Dunno, where should the proper place for documentation be12:46
tobias-urdinim not actually sure12:54
d1nuc0mDoes the project use/plan to use Puppet strings?12:55
tobias-urdinwe haven't talked about or had a plan about that to my knowledge12:56
tkajinamif there is a good way to document the interfaces within the code then we can evaluate it, but I'm a bit hesitant to maintain independent doc, given the fact that these can be quite easily outdated12:56
tkajinamexamples files we have kept in each repo are a good "example" of such pain12:57
d1nuc0mI was thinking of Puppet strings because of this - it means having the parameters/resources documented in the head of the Puppet file they're declared in (so no separate files) and allows to generate a reference. Disadvantages - one more thing to set up13:29
d1nuc0mWell probably you know it better than me XD13:29
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/puppet-cinder master: Deprecate support for bare SAN driver
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