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jpena | good morning! | 07:09 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Add option to purge command to exclude RPMs from certain dirs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1547 | 07:24 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Add option to purge command to exclude RPMs from certain dirs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1547 | 07:24 |
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rdogerrit | rdo-trunk created openstack/mistral-distgit: openstack-mistral: failed to build 5d51dfc http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1774 | 07:48 |
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number80 | jpena: mistral needs newer cachetools, on it | 08:17 |
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number80 | .whoowns python-cachetools | 08:18 |
zodbot | number80: jeckersb | 08:18 |
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rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: mistral: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 08:20 |
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jpena | number80: ack | 08:21 |
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number80 | it's tagged for newton, I'll retrigger the build in gerrit CI, should I push a mock change or let you retrigger the build in DLRN instance? | 08:24 |
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jpena | number80: I'll retrigger the build once you tell me it's ok | 08:24 |
chandankumar | number80, http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1774 are you working on this? | 08:24 |
number80 | ack | 08:25 |
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number80 | chandankumar: that's no bug in mistral packaging, mistral used newer API from cachetools without bumping requirements | 08:25 |
number80 | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/349857/ | 08:25 |
chandankumar | number80, Thanks :-) | 08:26 |
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mandre | number80: what's the recommended way to add a dependency on ansible for a package in rdo? iiuc, the configmgmt sig is supposed to have an ansible package but it is not yet ready | 08:32 |
mandre | apevec seemed to say we could use the ansible package built by the paas sig as a temp measure | 08:32 |
number80 | mandre: yes, I can add it to common temporarily | 08:34 |
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number80 | (actually PaaS retagged some of our packages to build ansible) | 08:34 |
mandre | number80: awesome! is there anything I need to do on my side? | 08:35 |
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number80 | mandre: checking the build | 08:36 |
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number80 | mandre: tagged in common-testing => ansible- | 08:37 |
number80 | that's vanilla fedora package, so no issues | 08:37 |
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mandre | number80: so, this will now automagically find an ansible package when building tripleo-validations? | 08:38 |
number80 | mandre: if it's a Requires:, it's only resolved at installation time but it will work | 08:39 |
mandre | number80: I also have it in BuildRequires for the test package | 08:40 |
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number80 | mandre: works too | 08:43 |
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mandre | number80: err, DEBUG util.py:421: Error: No Package found for ansible :'( | 08:45 |
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number80 | mandre: how are you building things? | 08:49 |
number80 | DLRN should have access to -testing but I guess that repo has not been re-generated yet | 08:49 |
mandre | number80: I'm using doc at https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2016/07/how-to-build-new-openstack-packages/ | 08:50 |
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rdogerrit | chkumar246 created openstack/murano-distgit: Added python-murano-tests subpackage http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1775 | 08:55 |
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number80 | mandre: then DLRN | 08:58 |
openstackgerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/packstack: Fix pep8 and py27 tests in Ubuntu Xenial https://review.openstack.org/349885 | 08:58 |
mandre | number80: how can I check I have access to -testing and if -testing contains ansible? | 08:58 |
mandre | number80: I see in my build log it pulls packages from delorean-newton-testing | 08:59 |
number80 | mandre: you can do with the cbs command-line from centos-packager copr | 08:59 |
jpena | number80: DLRN is still failing to build mistral: https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/DLRN-rpmbuild/1620/console | 08:59 |
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number80 | mandre: or check web interface => http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=11347 | 09:00 |
chandankumar | number80, i am going to write a blog on how to use fedora-review tool for reviewing RDO packages | 09:00 |
number80 | jpena: still pulling old => DEBUG: ---> Package python-cachetools.noarch 0:1.0.3-2.el7 will be installed | 09:00 |
chandankumar | currently trying out fedora-review using dlrn.cfg in mock | 09:01 |
number80 | chandankumar: good, please insist that people should still try to package released version when possible or fedora-review will be a pain | 09:01 |
jpena | number80: yes, that's the version in http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/openstack-newton/common/ . I guess we need to wait for sync | 09:01 |
number80 | *nods* | 09:01 |
number80 | chandankumar: I need to update this repo btw => https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/hguemar/rdo-packager/package/mock-rdo-config/ | 09:01 |
number80 | it provides RDO mock profiles | 09:02 |
chandankumar | number80, can we get mock-rdo-config and fedora-review in centos? | 09:05 |
chandankumar | number80, i have installed fedora-review from epel packages | 09:05 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Add worker param to set cron job command-line options http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1768 | 09:06 |
mandre | number80: do I need to update my dlrn.cfg to enable cloud7-openstack-common-testing? | 09:07 |
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number80 | chandankumar: not really | 09:07 |
number80 | mandre: nope | 09:07 |
number80 | profiles provided by dlrn should work | 09:08 |
jpena | number80: checking the python-cachetools package in cbs, I see it only has the cloud7-openstack-common-candidate tag. Does it need another one? | 09:08 |
mandre | number80: ok, so I guess I just need to give it a little more time to sync | 09:08 |
* jpena is not familiar enough with cbs tags | 09:08 | |
number80 | jpena: tagging must have failed for some reason | 09:08 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Run fedora* instances with --head-only http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1769 | 09:12 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Run fedora* instances with --head-only http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1769 | 09:12 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: New DLRN instance with tags=newton-uc http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1770 | 09:12 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: New DLRN instance with tags=newton-uc http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1770 | 09:13 |
number80 | interesting, the shell that was running tagging got killed | 09:16 |
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mrunge | number80, apevec could you please make sure python-django-1.8.14-1.el7 from cloud7-openstack-common-candidate is propagated to release? | 09:26 |
mrunge | it fixes a CVE | 09:26 |
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number80 | mrunge: ack | 09:31 |
chandankumar | apevec, number80 jpena https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1775/ | 09:31 |
mrunge | number80++ | 09:32 |
zodbot | mrunge: Karma for hguemar changed to 13 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any | 09:32 |
mrunge | thank you! | 09:32 |
number80 | mrunge: thanks for notifying us | 09:33 |
number80 | should be caught in the next repo mash | 09:33 |
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number80 | http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/openstack-newton/?C=M;O=D damn cachetools is not yet there | 09:37 |
apevec | number80, is cachetools too new for common-testing ? | 09:39 |
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number80 | apevec: I haven't reviewed changes, it's the kind of stuff that breaks API easily | 09:40 |
apevec | ack | 09:40 |
apevec | yeah, newton-testing is safer for now | 09:41 |
number80 | this one has not been tested in liberty upper-constraints | 09:41 |
apevec | mandre, it takes up to 2h for freshly tagged build to show up on buildlogs.c.o | 09:41 |
number80 | last is 1.1.5 | 09:41 |
apevec | yeah, stable u-c is now updated after GA | 09:42 |
apevec | at least it shouldn't be, there were glitches where we ended up with N+1 versions in u-c | 09:42 |
apevec | jpena, re. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1770/4/examples/common.yaml@33 - this will replace centos7-master immediately ? | 09:43 |
jpena | apevec: not really. It's just the example file, we need to adapt the yaml file on the server itself | 09:44 |
apevec | ah ok | 09:44 |
jpena | although we use the example file as a guide | 09:44 |
apevec | right, and it's fine for from-scratch install | 09:44 |
number80 | yes, just to be on the safe side | 09:44 |
number80 | And also never trust conference wifi | 09:45 |
apevec | jpena, ok, then first step is to do some purging first | 09:45 |
jpena | apevec: yep | 09:45 |
apevec | anyone wants to give one last look at https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1547/ before merging? | 09:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/packstack: Create Gnocchi legacy resources https://review.openstack.org/330478 | 09:48 |
number80 | this one's ok | 09:48 |
apevec | number80, so https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1774/ is b/c of new cachetools ? | 09:49 |
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apevec | please leave a comment about it, so everyone knows it's being worked on | 09:50 |
apevec | flepied, any last comments on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:newton-uc ? | 09:50 |
apevec | I think we're good to merge'm all | 09:50 |
flepied | apevec: that's good for me | 09:51 |
apevec | please rubber stamp for the record ;) | 09:51 |
flepied | apevec: later we'll add unit tests to update-uc.py but let's not block on this | 09:52 |
apevec | ack | 09:52 |
openstackgerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/packstack: Fix Puppet4 compatibility for file resources https://review.openstack.org/349908 | 09:52 |
apevec | number80, flepied - this one is critical for production (we had broken repos on passive trunk.rdo) https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1772/ | 09:53 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: [TEST] Replace %{version} with %{upstream_version} in gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1559 | 09:57 |
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rdogerrit | Merged rdoinfo: Script for updating pins in rdoinfo http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1747 | 10:00 |
flepied | apevec: I commented on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1772/ | 10:01 |
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rdogerrit | Merged rdoinfo: Pin ALL non-TripleO projects present in upper-constraints http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1748 | 10:02 |
apevec | jpena, ^ good point re. delete-after | 10:03 |
apevec | but are we ever syncing into existing folder? | 10:03 |
jpena | that could happen when we retry a failed build | 10:04 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/murano-distgit: Added python-murano-tests subpackage http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1775 | 10:04 |
rdogerrit | Merged DLRN: Add option to purge command to exclude RPMs from certain dirs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1547 | 10:04 |
apevec | jpena, ^ purge what you can! | 10:04 |
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jpena | ok, will do | 10:05 |
jpena | looking at disk usage, I see the public server has 74G used by fedora-rawhide-master vs 4.3G in the internal instance (maybe I didn't delete anything on the public one) | 10:05 |
chandankumar | jpena, anyidea when python-horizon-tempest-tests will be available in rdo-trunk? | 10:06 |
jpena | I'll start by removing everything in fedora-rawhide-master, then rsync from the internal | 10:06 |
apevec | jpena, I did purge in internal fedoras and forgot about passive | 10:07 |
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apevec | jpena, not sure what would be faster, maybe purge in trunk.rdo first? | 10:08 |
rdogerrit | Merged rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Add worker param to set cron job command-line options http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1768 | 10:08 |
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jpena | apevec: purge depends on the db, so I'd need to know which directories were removed | 10:08 |
jpena | with this delta (and being fedora-rawhide), it's easier to remove then copy over | 10:09 |
apevec | it will still take time to transfer 4.3 G | 10:09 |
jpena | apevec: not that much, we've done it before | 10:10 |
apevec | also maybe we should just bootstrap fedora from scratch? | 10:10 |
jpena | chandankumar: I see python-horizon-tests-tempest still has tags: under-review in rdoinfo | 10:10 |
apevec | ok, let me know when rsync starts what ETA it says | 10:10 |
jpena | ok | 10:11 |
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chandankumar | jpena, i think it should be removed | 10:11 |
chandankumar | jpena, sending a followup patch on that | 10:11 |
jpena | chandankumar: yes, DLRN won't build until it is done | 10:11 |
apevec | chandankumar, that's the last step in https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/rdo-packaging/#how-to-add-a-new-package-to-rdo-trunk | 10:12 |
jpena | apevec: did you run rsync? | 10:14 |
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apevec | jpena, no | 10:14 |
apevec | jpena, something fishy? | 10:15 |
jpena | apevec: ok. I see a rsync execution from a few seconds ago in the user's history :? | 10:15 |
jpena | I didn't do it, and I seem to be the only one connected | 10:15 |
apevec | yeah, I'm not logged in atm | 10:15 |
apevec | is dlrn running? | 10:16 |
rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: mistral: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 10:17 |
jpena | apevec: no. It can be an old transfer, but history says it happened today | 10:17 |
jpena | anyway | 10:17 |
apevec | ah, I noticed that timestamp in history is current time | 10:18 |
apevec | not command execution time, something is not setup right | 10:18 |
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rdogerrit | Merged rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Run fedora* instances with --head-only http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1769 | 10:18 |
apevec | jpena, btw, there are daily mails for root Subject: Cron <root@n30> /usr/local/bin/update-web-index.sh | 10:19 |
apevec | need to redirect to log or null in that cron job | 10:19 |
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apevec | it's minor so I'll put it in backlog https://github.com/rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn/issues | 10:20 |
jpena | apevec: ack | 10:20 |
rdogerrit | Merged rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: New DLRN instance with tags=newton-uc http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1770 | 10:20 |
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danpawlik | number80, apevec, jpena: pls review https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1350974 ( https://github.com/dduuch/openstack-watcherclient ) and if you can, pls make comments on github . Thanks! | 10:21 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1350974 in Package Review "Openstack python-watcherclient" [Unspecified,Assigned] - Assigned to karlthered | 10:21 |
apevec | jpena, /home went down to 74% did you purge something already today? | 10:22 |
jpena | apevec: yes, removed fedora-rawhide-master on the public server. Now syncing (but rsync gives not ETA) | 10:22 |
jpena | but it looks quick enough | 10:23 |
apevec | jpena, 74% is on n30 | 10:23 |
chandankumar | apevec, jpena how to generate dlrn.cfg locally on my system? | 10:23 |
jpena | apevec: oh, yes. It was 73% yesterday, it's the public server that was running out of space | 10:23 |
apevec | ah | 10:23 |
apevec | chandankumar, number80 has a packge he pointed to earlier | 10:24 |
chandankumar | apevec, i had used mock-rdo-config it is not working | 10:24 |
chandankumar | https://paste.fedoraproject.org/399701/14701327/ | 10:24 |
chandankumar | getting this | 10:24 |
apevec | chandankumar, what is in the build.log ? | 10:25 |
chandankumar | one minute | 10:25 |
chandankumar | https://paste.fedoraproject.org/399706/14701336/ | 10:26 |
apevec | chandankumar, is mock-rdo-config latest version, I see number80 just updated it https://github.com/hguemar/mock-rdo-config/commits/master | 10:27 |
chandankumar | apevec, i have pulled latest build | 10:27 |
chandankumar | from copr | 10:27 |
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apevec | hm, that's all in build.log ? | 10:28 |
apevec | what you paste looks like a successfull srpm build | 10:28 |
chandankumar | apevec, let me run again | 10:28 |
chandankumar | earlier i had used dlrn.cfg it worked fine | 10:29 |
jpena | apevec: transfer complete. I'm going to run the purge on centos-master (fingers crossed) | 10:29 |
* apevec crosses all he can | 10:30 | |
jpena | well, once it finishes the current run :) | 10:30 |
chandankumar | apevec, here is the build log https://paste.fedoraproject.org/399709/33838147/ | 10:30 |
apevec | chandankumar, weird, number80 ^ | 10:32 |
apevec | it says ERROR: Exception ... but no actual error in build.log | 10:32 |
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chandankumar | apevec, https://paste.fedoraproject.org/399712/01340701/ | 10:35 |
chandankumar | it is the list of steps i have done. | 10:35 |
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mandre | number80, apevec: hooray, ansible appeared in buildlogs.c.o | 10:39 |
mandre | bad news is, it's missing dependencies: http://paste.openstack.org/show/545598/ | 10:40 |
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jpena | apevec: dry-run for purge seems to be going well | 11:10 |
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jpena | just one minor fix I'll have to prepare, but that's another story :) | 11:10 |
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apevec | number80, see from mandre ^ missing: python-keyczar, sshpass - anything else for repoclosure? | 11:23 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña created DLRN: Purge: only check for rpm in directory if there are rpms in commit http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1776 | 11:23 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: rsync all files/dirs in a single command http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1772 | 11:26 |
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apevec | number80, "Keyczar is an open source cryptographic toolkit" ... yet another crypto lib :( | 11:30 |
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apevec | number80, mandre: python-keyczar-0.71c-2.el7 sshpass-1.05-5.el7 tagged into cloud7-openstack-common-testing | 11:35 |
apevec | number80, any news about ansible builds from cfgmgt SIG ? | 11:36 |
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* misc see number80 fighting with slides | 11:36 | |
apevec | ah, last minute presentation, ack :) | 11:37 |
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misc | well, more "video is not working yet" | 11:37 |
Jehane | hi | 11:38 |
Jehane | I'm looking for info / example about keystone and ldap authentication | 11:38 |
misc | Jehane: o/ | 11:38 |
Jehane | eh misc, you here ? | 11:39 |
misc | I am everywhere :) | 11:39 |
Jehane | actually, either my local authentication is working (admin and services account) | 11:39 |
Jehane | or my ldap authentication (all the user from $workplace but not admin and services accounts) | 11:39 |
Jehane | is there a way to have active at the same time ? | 11:40 |
Jehane | +both | 11:40 |
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Jehane | (I'm using sql backend and want only the identity part using my external ldap, the assignement part will stay in keystone) | 11:42 |
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misc | I am not sure if you can, reading the doc, there isn't a obvious way for that :/ | 11:43 |
Jehane | that's why I'm looking for help :/ | 11:44 |
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* misc would try on #openstack-keystone, per http://adam.younglogic.com/2015/12/questions-about-keystone/ | 11:46 | |
Jehane | thanks | 11:46 |
Jehane | see you there misc ? | 11:47 |
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mandre | apevec: wonderful, thanks | 11:51 |
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fbo | number80, hi, if I want to have the newton-rdo branch on keystoneclient-distgit what is the process I need to follow ? | 11:54 |
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jruzicka | fbo, I don't know but I think the goal is to auto-create them because contributors shouldn't be bothered... just like you now :) | 12:00 |
misc | Jehane: nope | 12:00 |
Jehane | well, I didn't think my setup was so original :/ I would have consider it as "classic" | 12:02 |
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misc | I suspect mixing auth is a hard problem | 12:03 |
misc | maybe using sssd ? | 12:03 |
Jehane | in keystone ? | 12:03 |
misc | yeh, since sssd is able to mix local and remote user | 12:04 |
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misc | so having keystone using local auth, that go to sssd, then ldap might work | 12:04 |
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Jehane | the only way I see is having a dedicated ldap who import users from my master ldap and services users from sql | 12:04 |
fbo | jruzicka, yep maybe there was already a tool for that used for Mitaka. Well but I can try to do that manually | 12:05 |
Jehane | misc: "local" as in "stored in sql by keystone" | 12:05 |
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misc | Jehane: mhh, ok, so yeah, that's harder | 12:05 |
EmilienM | apevec: look what happens if I don't install neutron aas tempest plugins http://logs.openstack.org/65/349765/1/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-centos-7/9e22eca/console.html#_2016-08-02_11_31_11_415522 | 12:06 |
apevec | EmilienM, you must not install *aas | 12:06 |
misc | Jehane: another solution is to do it on the apache side, like have a reverse proxy with auth from sql and auth from ldap, I suspect this might work | 12:07 |
social | jlibosva: I'm still hitting the issue :( | 12:07 |
jlibosva | social: even with the fix? | 12:07 |
apevec | EmilienM, that's one of the other aas which you have installed, you need to set their var to available | 12:07 |
EmilienM | apevec: that's what I did | 12:07 |
jlibosva | social: do you have the env right now? | 12:07 |
EmilienM | and if I don't install them, it fails | 12:07 |
social | jlibosva: do we have the fix in? | 12:08 |
apevec | EmilienM, where is that change? | 12:08 |
jlibosva | social: it's not in neutron tree yeat | 12:08 |
jlibosva | yet | 12:08 |
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EmilienM | apevec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/349765/ | 12:08 |
social | jlibosva: ah so I should apply manualy? | 12:08 |
jlibosva | social: if you want to not have the issue then yes | 12:08 |
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EmilienM | apevec: it fails with the logs I gave to you | 12:08 |
jlibosva | social: you can also fallback to ovs-ofctl interface for of_interface | 12:08 |
Jehane | misc: I don't want to do too custom workarounds, it will be to hard to maintain | 12:08 |
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apevec | EmilienM, that change sets all to false, you need to set in p-o-i to true those which are installed&configured | 12:09 |
apevec | ah, that's chicken egg, which comes first | 12:10 |
EmilienM | apevec: I disagree, people should be able to deploy with default values | 12:10 |
EmilienM | apevec: and if I set false to default, it fails to deploy | 12:10 |
EmilienM | I'll have to set lbaas and fwaas to true probably | 12:10 |
apevec | EmilienM, true, but then p-o-i needs to change | 12:11 |
EmilienM | neutron plugins are a mess <-- that's a great summary | 12:11 |
Jehane | misc: http://adam.younglogic.com/2014/08/getting-service-users-out-of-ldap/ this seems to do the trick | 12:11 |
apevec | well, life is a mess, but that makes it interesting | 12:11 |
jruzicka | whoa, that got deep so suddenly | 12:12 |
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apevec | we can sort it out, let's see where are *aas in poi configured | 12:12 |
EmilienM | apevec: it's not in poi | 12:12 |
apevec | jruzicka, and it's not even Friday :) | 12:12 |
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apevec | EmilienM, what pulls lbaas and fwaas then? | 12:13 |
jruzicka | :D | 12:13 |
EmilienM | apevec: the problem is that if you set neutron_available to True, you install neutron FWaaS and Neutron LBaaS but not the plugins, Tempest will fail. | 12:13 |
EmilienM | apevec: poi does install the services | 12:13 |
weshay | apevec, morning.. so the ha failures for ooo are hardware related afaict | 12:13 |
apevec | EmilienM, that's what I'm asking: where is neutron FWaaS and Neutron LBaaS installed? | 12:14 |
weshay | apetrich, the test image passes locally for me.. | 12:14 |
weshay | apetrich, sry | 12:14 |
apevec | weshay, too low ci.centos resources still for HA to pass? | 12:14 |
chandankumar | apevec, while submitting rdoinfo review do i need to run update-uc.py also? | 12:14 |
apevec | almost said paas :) | 12:14 |
apevec | chandankumar, no, ignore that for now! | 12:14 |
weshay | apevec, afaict yes.. do we have a handle on the puppet failures? | 12:14 |
apevec | weshay, just typing w/ EmilienM ^ about it | 12:15 |
weshay | rockin | 12:15 |
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EmilienM | apevec: so if I change poi to not deploy vpnaas tempest plugin scenario002 fails to work and zaqar tests fail (yes...) | 12:16 |
EmilienM | apevec: I saw the failure twice, so likely consistent. | 12:16 |
rdogerrit | chkumar246 created rdoinfo: Added newton tag to python-horizon-tempest-tests http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1777 | 12:17 |
rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: mistral: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 12:17 |
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apevec | EmilienM, wha, zaqar? | 12:17 |
EmilienM | yes.. | 12:17 |
EmilienM | http://logs.openstack.org/55/349155/4/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario002-tempest-centos-7/95acf83/console.html#_2016-08-02_03_59_59_724993 | 12:17 |
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edannon | ping | 12:17 |
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galiral | hi guys | 12:19 |
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galiral | i'm getting "Error: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Could not find declared class ::remote::db at /var/PATH/controllerip_mariadb.pp" | 12:20 |
galiral | when installing a new node | 12:20 |
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EmilienM | apevec: I'm investigating | 12:22 |
apevec | EmilienM, that can't be related to vpnaas! | 12:22 |
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EmilienM | apevec: let me dig | 12:23 |
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apevec | more like latest tempest master with zaqar tempest plugin incompatibility ? | 12:23 |
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EmilienM | apevec: something broke in zaqar | 12:24 |
EmilienM | and don't ask me why but when we deploy tempest, it updates zaqar | 12:25 |
apevec | like in, git clone ?? | 12:26 |
apevec | EmilienM, back to aas and poi, in manifests/neutron.pp fwaas is always enabled and lbaas is enabled in scenario001 ? | 12:28 |
EmilienM | apevec: yes | 12:29 |
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misc | Jehane: good, so you found :) | 12:31 |
social | jlibosva: I guess we can't temporarly add patch into RDO for this? :) | 12:32 |
apevec | so setting neutron_fw/lbaas_available = true in manifests/tempest.pp should work | 12:32 |
jlibosva | social: you can add a patch to TripleO to set of_interface to ovs-ofctl | 12:33 |
apevec | lbaas only in fixtures/scenario001.pp (with more parameters) | 12:33 |
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chandankumar | jpena|lunch, can dlrn be tweaked to generate only dlrn.cfg ? | 12:40 |
mandre | apevec, number80: I was able to build my package with ansible dependency! | 12:42 |
mandre | thanks for the help | 12:42 |
mandre | chandankumar: ^ you too :) | 12:42 |
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galiral | hey guys, anyone know a workaround to this problem? https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/84820/rdo-could-not-find-declared-class-remotedb/ | 12:47 |
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pabelanger | kbsingh: curious if you asked around about enabling rsync on cloud.centos.org ? | 12:57 |
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EmilienM | apevec: found a zaqar bug | 12:58 |
EmilienM | apevec: not related to vpnaas :) | 12:59 |
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EmilienM | apevec: it's in tempest I think | 13:00 |
EmilienM | maybe https://github.com/openstack/tempest/commit/11d8cd0fbc0aafc4fc410887f8f3e55c799e2a35 | 13:00 |
EmilienM | apevec: therve got it fixed already https://review.openstack.org/#/c/349809/ | 13:01 |
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chandankumar | EmilienM, python-murano-tests is available now in RDO trunk https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1775/ | 13:02 |
EmilienM | chandankumar: excellent | 13:02 |
EmilienM | thanks | 13:02 |
chandankumar | EmilienM, How to enable it in puppet-tempest | 13:02 |
chandankumar | ? | 13:02 |
chandankumar | EmilienM, https://github.com/openstack/puppet-tempest/blob/master/manifests/init.pp#L269 should be changed to True i think | 13:03 |
chandankumar | what you say? | 13:03 |
EmilienM | chandankumar: I think it's alraedy done | 13:03 |
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EmilienM | https://github.com/openstack/puppet-tempest/blob/452cdb6c29c663ae031c7f309b3ab28bd0f9d7bd/manifests/params.pp#L25 | 13:03 |
EmilienM | chandankumar: no, false by default | 13:03 |
EmilienM | and people set it to true if they want it | 13:03 |
chandankumar | EmilienM, one more query | 13:04 |
chandankumar | EmilienM, How you test if add a new package in params.pp? | 13:04 |
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chandankumar | EmilienM, like this on https://review.openstack.org/349462 | 13:04 |
EmilienM | chandankumar: in https://github.com/openstack/puppet-tempest/blob/master/spec/acceptance/basic_tempest_spec.rb | 13:05 |
EmilienM | you enable the service and it will install the package in our beaker jobs | 13:05 |
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jpena | chandankumar: I've never tried it, but I can send you the one it creates for me | 13:06 |
rdogerrit | Merged DLRN: Purge: only check for rpm in directory if there are rpms in commit http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1776 | 13:07 |
jpena | apevec: purge is (slowly) making progress. I'm keeping the centos-master worker disabled while it's running, how long can we afford it? | 13:09 |
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apevec | jpena, atm we have a blocker in puppet, but longer we pause it, it will take longer to catch up later | 13:10 |
apevec | it took more than 2x the pause last time | 13:10 |
apevec | that's also why we started profiling to see where time is lost | 13:10 |
dmsimard | jpena: not too long, catching up takes a long time | 13:11 |
dmsimard | jpena: I'd say no longer than 2 hours | 13:11 |
apevec | jpena, any eta for purge to finish, what's the velocity? | 13:11 |
jpena | in theory we could unpause it while the purge is running, but my arachnid sense tells me it's not a good idea | 13:12 |
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jpena | apevec: it seems to be going backwards (from newer to older). It's purged 6 days in a bit less than 2h | 13:13 |
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honza | jruzicka: apevec: just got back from pto, any movement on the tripleo-ui packaging work? i know that number80 is at a conference so things might be slower? | 13:14 |
jruzicka | honza, I checked https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1359950 yesterday | 13:15 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1359950 in Package Review "tripleo-ui" [Unspecified,Assigned] - Assigned to hguemar | 13:15 |
apevec | jpena, so master DLRN is already down 2h ? | 13:15 |
jruzicka | and it tarball is unavailable | 13:15 |
jpena | apevec: yes, I launched it before lunch | 13:15 |
jruzicka | honza, waiting for next version so I can fedora-review it until it works | 13:15 |
honza | jruzicka: right, i realized that today --- we only recently started publishing builds to tarballs.openstack.org and the project doesn't have a tag yet | 13:16 |
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jruzicka | honza, ping me once there is updated spec I should review. | 13:16 |
honza | jruzicka: would you rather that we create a tag or update the spec with a git sha as the version? | 13:17 |
jruzicka | honza, proper way it will be done on release - thus tag | 13:17 |
honza | jruzicka: yes, so should we cut a release that introduces packaging? | 13:18 |
jpena | apevec: I can abort purge now, and restart once we have the new neuton-uc worker bootstrapped | 13:18 |
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apevec | jpena, ack - let's do that | 13:19 |
jpena | it will be a smaller issue to keep it stopped then | 13:19 |
apevec | we should have enough space on /home now? | 13:19 |
jruzicka | honza, doing a release and then packaging it is what we want, no? :) | 13:19 |
honza | jruzicka: :) | 13:19 |
jpena | We are at 71%, ~75GB free | 13:19 |
apevec | jpena, we first need bootstrap only for newton-uc and run CI pipeline on it | 13:20 |
honza | jruzicka: actually --- when we do a release in the future, do we need to involve you guys? is that how it works? is everything automatic? | 13:20 |
apevec | so that's only single full repo | 13:20 |
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apevec | what's the size on master for that? | 13:20 |
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jruzicka | honza, project is responsible for its release, I'd strive for automation that creates new release when you push tag | 13:21 |
jpena | apevec: ~200 MB + the git repos (like 1 or 2 GB) | 13:21 |
jruzicka | (I actually still need too do that for rdopkg) | 13:21 |
jruzicka | honza, then packaging... rpm-master should pick up any new commits while package maintainer is responsible for updating <release>-rdo branch (with rdopkg new-version I reckon) | 13:22 |
jruzicka | apevec, still the case, yes? ^ | 13:22 |
honza | jruzicka: what repo is that branch on? | 13:22 |
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apevec | jruzicka, honza - for now let's focus on master only, triple-ui doesn't have stable branches | 13:23 |
jruzicka | allrighty | 13:23 |
honza | i see | 13:23 |
apevec | and <release>-rdo proces is being refactored | 13:24 |
jruzicka | apevec, but we still want releases in tripleo-ui? | 13:24 |
honza | is there a checklist of things to do when i want to release a new version of tripleo-ui? | 13:24 |
apevec | yes, but for review you can do it on git hash snapshot | 13:24 |
honza | i presume it's more than just tag and git push --tags? | 13:25 |
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jruzicka | honza, repo will be https://review.rdoproject.org/r/openstack/triple-ui-distgit | 13:25 |
jruzicka | but first we need to finish the review | 13:26 |
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honza | so i'll see about tagging a release on tripleo-ui | 13:27 |
jruzicka | honza, well apevec said you can use git hash snapshot for the review, so feel free to do that... | 13:27 |
honza | ugh, sorry, missed that | 13:27 |
jruzicka | highlight just for you <3 | 13:28 |
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jruzicka | releases are up to the project really, so if you don't have releases yet git snapshot must suffice | 13:28 |
chandankumar | apevec, jpena https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1777/ | 13:30 |
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dmsimard | myoung: I'm not doing anything :D | 13:38 |
rdogerrit | Fabien Boucher created openstack/keystoneclient-distgit: Fix Source path to the tarball http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1779 | 13:39 |
dmsimard | myoung: trown and I explained our understanding of the issue here: https://review.gerrithub.io/#/c/285765/ | 13:39 |
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rdogerrit | chkumar246 proposed rdoinfo: Added newton and newton-uc ag to python-horizon-tempest-tests http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1777 | 13:40 |
myoung | dmsimard: thx for context | 13:40 |
dmsimard | apevec: I'm not sure about https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1748/ | 13:41 |
dmsimard | apevec: I don't think we want to be maintaining those numbers by hand | 13:41 |
apevec | dmsimard, we won't | 13:41 |
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dmsimard | those tags are automatically generated somehow ? | 13:42 |
jpena | dmsimard: we need to create an update bot | 13:42 |
apevec | dmsimard, previous rdoinfo commit added update-uc.py | 13:42 |
dmsimard | ah, didn't see that update-uc script. | 13:42 |
dmsimard | we can set up a periodic job on review.rdo | 13:43 |
apevec | which will be used by the bot, periodic for now, and triggered on post-commit openstack/reqirements eventually | 13:43 |
apevec | dmsimard, yep | 13:43 |
rdogerrit | chkumar246 created openstack/tempest-distgit: Added missing test packages as a requirements http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1780 | 13:43 |
apevec | dmsimard, also need to add jobs on rdoinfo reviews which will trigger dlrn-build + pipeline | 13:43 |
dmsimard | apevec: oh, post commit requirements is even better | 13:44 |
apevec | I've written that down somewhere | 13:44 |
apevec | dmsimard, yeah, once we have 3rd party setup | 13:44 |
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chandankumar | apevec, i am going to do a clean up of openstack-tempest spec file tonight | 13:45 |
chandankumar | apevec, one query why we use fork of tempest as a source in our tempest spec file? | 13:47 |
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apevec | chandankumar, long story, but basically for now it's b/c there's non-upstream config-tempest script | 13:48 |
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apevec | dmellado, ^ can tell more :) | 13:48 |
apevec | dmsimard, chandankumar, we could sync on a quick BJ tomorrow? | 13:49 |
rbowen | leanderthal: Hey, I presume you've seen this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNGDxZGwUELpgaBoLvABsTA/ | 13:49 |
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dmsimard | aortega: sure | 13:53 |
dmsimard | aortega: err | 13:53 |
dmsimard | apevec: ^ sure | 13:53 |
apevec | err, that was for dmellado :) | 13:53 |
apevec | sorry | 13:53 |
apevec | re. tempest fork | 13:53 |
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dmsimard | apevec: T_T | 13:54 |
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dmsimard | apevec, weshay: KB will not be implementing a chassis selection API in duffy, he will update the bug. | 13:55 |
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leanderthal | rbowen, i hadn't! subscribed! watching! | 13:56 |
remix_tj | anyone has succesfully deployed liberty using tripleo from latest rdo-release repository? i had issues with puppet during configuration of computing nodes and had to revert back to a previous mirror that i did (around may) | 13:56 |
rbowen | leanderthal: Excellent. :-) | 13:56 |
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apevec | dmsimard, but he mentioned machines would be returned sorted by cpu power ? | 13:57 |
apevec | like, give duffy Intel if available | 13:57 |
dmsimard | apevec: I don't know about that, just asked him about chassis selection explicitely | 13:57 |
apevec | it was on irc, lemme try to find it | 13:58 |
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apevec | dmsimard, http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23rdo/%23rdo.2016-07-26.log.html#t2016-07-26T13:56:34 | 14:00 |
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weshay | dmsimard, oy... ok | 14:02 |
chandankumar | apevec, sure, at what time? | 14:04 |
apevec | weshay, dmsimard - there's also evil way of allocate until duffy is returned :) | 14:04 |
fbo | apevec, number80 working on "automate stable packages release" I stumbled upon a build deps issue (https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/newton-distgit-cbs-validate/2/console) -> http://cbs.centos.org/kojifiles/work/tasks/3807/103807/mock_output.log python-olsotest is missing from the newton repo. Could help me by pushing the missing deps ? | 14:04 |
dmsimard | apevec: no, no evil things on my watch | 14:04 |
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apevec | hehe | 14:04 |
rlandy | dmsimard: fyi ... instructions on how to patch host cloud for ovb ...https://github.com/cybertron/openstack-virtual-baremetal#how-to | 14:04 |
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apevec | chandankumar, I'll send invite, not sure when dmellado is available | 14:04 |
apevec | fbo, ah you're working on newton | 14:05 |
apevec | number80, ^ so we need to push newton2 builds of at least deps in CBS | 14:06 |
dmsimard | rlandy: ok if we can make it work without OVB it'd be better, will you check with Goneri ? | 14:06 |
apevec | fbo, number80 - could you switch to mitaka-rdo for one test package? | 14:06 |
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apevec | fbo, number80 - until we sort N2 deps in newton cbs tags | 14:08 |
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rlandy | dmsimard: agreed - I need to familiarize myself with that ovb approach will get back to you | 14:09 |
dmsimard | rlandy: awesome, let me know | 14:09 |
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rbowen | Are any of you folks here familiar with CloudLab - http://cloudlab.us/ | 14:12 |
rbowen | They have (among other things) a way to spin up a private OpenStack cloud for educational purposes. Kind of like TryStack, but a whole cloud, not just a tenant on an existing cloud. | 14:13 |
rbowen | There was a presentation about it at a meetup I attended last week here at Univ. Ky. | 14:13 |
fbo | apevec, ok why not for the check pipeline. But next for the gate pipeline where we are suppose to do a non-scratch build I think it won't be safe to be based on mitaka | 14:13 |
fbo | I mean to have the full workflow | 14:14 |
fbo | I should maybe take a package with less deps than keystoneclient and stay on newton ? | 14:14 |
fbo | apevec, ^ ? | 14:14 |
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apevec | fbo, yes, I mean just temp switch to mitaka-rdo (we'll need automation there too!) to unblock you, and work on deps in parallel | 14:16 |
rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: mistral: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 14:17 |
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apevec | number80, fbo - flepied has some code in DLRN to compute BR dep tree from specs, we could extract that and run on keystoneclient spec to get a list? | 14:17 |
apevec | or just do it manually | 14:18 |
rdobot | [sensu] RESOLVED: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| No build failures detected: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 14:19 |
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apevec | jpena, ^ all good, we can now abandon https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1774 ? | 14:20 |
apevec | jpena, how is newton-uc bootstrapping going? | 14:20 |
fbo | apevec, number80 yes ok it would be nice ! I'll wait for number80 to help solving the deps issues. | 14:20 |
jpena | apevec: abandoned | 14:20 |
jpena | I'm working on the newton-uc bootstrap. Right now running puppet with --noop | 14:21 |
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rdogerrit | Fabien Boucher created config: Extend the job newton-distgit-cbs-validate to dib-utils-distgit http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1781 | 14:38 |
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social | hmm what creates ceph-mon service? I don't seem to have it on RDO master | 14:51 |
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apevec | social, looks like you have ceph hammer while puppet in newton works w/ jewel | 14:57 |
number80 | apevec, fbo: I suspect that it should be easier to use oslotest | 14:57 |
number80 | as guinea pig | 14:57 |
apevec | number80, good idea | 14:58 |
apevec | that should be close to the root of dep tree | 14:58 |
number80 | or oslo-sphinx | 14:58 |
number80 | https://github.com/rdo-packages/oslotest-distgit/blob/rpm-master/python-oslotest.spec | 14:58 |
number80 | https://github.com/rdo-packages/oslo-sphinx-distgit/blob/rpm-master/python-oslo-sphinx.spec <-- closest one possible | 14:59 |
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dmsimard | myoung: so, think you can help me figure out why the log upload doesn't work ? All I have for weirdo is https://github.com/rdo-infra/weirdo/blob/master/playbooks/logs-ci-centos.yml and it works.. | 15:04 |
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myoung | dmsimard: the image gates when they need to publish do a 2 step copy like this... https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/blob/master/roles/images/publish/tasks/main.yml | 15:06 |
fbo | number80, ah I already started to use dib-utils-distgit | 15:06 |
fbo | apevec, ^ less deps than keystoneclient | 15:07 |
myoung | i remember trown mentioning something about the artifacts server being accessible from the local jenkins workspace, but not from the ansible target (where we are actually building the image in this case) | 15:07 |
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myoung | errr...s/jenkins// | 15:07 |
dmsimard | myoung: the jenkins slave and the duffy nodes are in the same flat network | 15:07 |
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dmsimard | myoung: however, the duffy node would /not/ have the RSYNC_PASSWORD env variable available unless explicitely given to it (like my tripleo-collect-logs patch tried to do) | 15:08 |
fbo | let me know if that's ok if not I'll change to the one you suggested | 15:08 |
dmsimard | myoung: weirdo uploads logs to the artifact server from the duffy node directly, it doesn't pull them to the jenkins slave first | 15:08 |
myoung | dmsimard: i need to look up RSYNC_PASSWORD, our obs use -e 'ssh -i key' | 15:09 |
number80 | ack | 15:09 |
dmsimard | myoung: artifacts.ci.centos is not key based, it requires a password | 15:09 |
dmsimard | apevec, weshay: fyi firewalld and networkmanager removal is merged in weirdo and weirdo jobs for ci.centos, it should hopefully reduce flapping. | 15:10 |
number80 | fbo: for quick reaction, ping me on my fedoraproject.org mail | 15:10 |
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* number80 has no VPN in his phone | 15:10 | |
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* myoung likes keys better than passwords in env variables ;) | 15:10 | |
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myoung | dmsimard: can you pls link me the log of this failing? | 15:10 |
dmsimard | myoung: https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/POC/job/poc-new-slaves-tripleo-quickstart-periodic-liberty-delorean-full-deploy-minimal/20/console | 15:11 |
dmsimard | 10:27:07 fatal: [ -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "rsync -av /home/centos/workspace/poc-new-slaves-tripleo-quickstart-periodic-liberty-delorean-full-deploy-minimal/tripleo-quickstart/collected_files/ rdo@artifacts.ci.centos.org::rdo/$BUILD_TAG", "delta": "0:00:00.336240", "end": "2016-08-02 10:27:07.116266", "failed": true, "rc": 5, "start": "2016-08-02 10:27:06.780026", "stderr": | 15:11 |
dmsimard | "@ERROR: access denied to rdo from n4-62.cloud.ci.centos.org (\nrsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1516) [sender=3.0.9]", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": ["Consider using synchronize module rather than running rsync"]} | 15:11 |
* myoung looks and nods in thanks | 15:11 | |
dmsimard | so the upload is done from the jenkins slave, not from the duffy node | 15:12 |
dmsimard | from reading that | 15:12 |
fbo | number80, alright if the choice of dib-utils-distgit is ok could you review https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1781/ to activate the job on it ? | 15:12 |
dmsimard | myoung: downloading the logs simply to re-upload them sounds pretty innefficient to me ;( | 15:12 |
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dmsimard | myoung: but let me look, maybe there is a rsync permission error on the server side since you're uploading from a new cloud slave | 15:13 |
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myoung | dmsimard: (fyi) this is borderline 'the telephone game'...i've not been working on this (ci.centos) personally/directly, just using it in gates a lot, and using this same code in other contexts and recall having some of these same questions | 15:15 |
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dmsimard | myoung: ok | 15:15 |
number80 | fbo: works for me | 15:15 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Extend the job newton-distgit-cbs-validate to dib-utils-distgit http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1781 | 15:16 |
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rdogerrit | Merged rdoinfo: Added newton and newton-uc ag to python-horizon-tempest-tests http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1777 | 15:25 |
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dmsimard | weshay, myoung: found the issue around log uploads from the new cloud and posted about it https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/ci-users/2016-August/000319.html | 15:36 |
dmsimard | weshay, myoung: the reason why it works for weirdo and doesn't for tripleo-quickstart is because weirdo uploads the logs from the duffy node while it looks like tripleo-quickstart uploads the logs from the jenkins slave | 15:37 |
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dmsimard | rhallisey: o/ does this look legit to you ? Should I open a bug about it ? | 15:40 |
dmsimard | type=AVC msg=audit(1469800130.190:99833): avc: denied { name_connect } for pid=17120 comm="glance-registry" dest=11211 scontext=system_u:system_r:glance_registry_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:memcache_port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket | 15:40 |
rhallisey | dmanchad, hey! | 15:40 |
rhallisey | yes | 15:40 |
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dmsimard | rhallisey: ok. | 15:41 |
rhallisey | ugh wrong name again | 15:41 |
rhallisey | dmsimard, thanks :) | 15:41 |
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dmsimard | rhallisey: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1362609 enjoy | 15:46 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1362609 in openstack-selinux "glance-registry AVC name_connect when using memcached" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to lhh | 15:46 |
rhallisey | dmsimard, :) | 15:47 |
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dmsimard | ayoung: are you around o/ | 15:55 |
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dmsimard | need a keystone expert to help me troubleshoot a performance issue that /seems/ to be related to keystone | 15:55 |
ayoung | dmsimard, is this a trick question? | 15:55 |
ayoung | Oh, dangit.... | 15:55 |
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ayoung | dmsimard, it is never keystone | 15:57 |
dmsimard | ayoung: :) | 15:57 |
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dmsimard | ayoung: so I'm in a situation where I'm seeing most commands return awfully slowly ( openstack server list can take like 10 seconds sometimes ) .. tailing logs, I see that once the request hits nova, the response is almost immediate but there is a few seconds before where nothing hits nova .. looking at keystone logs, there isn't anything obvious but it definitely seems to be doing "something" and pegs CPU for | 15:59 |
dmsimard | both keystone-main processes and httpd | 15:59 |
dmsimard | This is the debug log generated from just one "openstack server list" command: http://pastebin.centos.org/50211/raw/ | 15:59 |
ayoung | dmsimard, interesting. How are keystone direct commands responding? | 15:59 |
ayoung | 16:52:57.220 to 16:52:57.313 | 16:00 |
ayoung | .2 seconds. Not as fast as I would like, but not what you are describing | 16:01 |
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dmsimard | things like openstack endpoint list and openstack project list can take >5 seconds | 16:01 |
ayoung | 16:52:57.083 | 16:02 |
ayoung | get a log from that, please | 16:02 |
ayoung | dmsimard, you doing LDAP? | 16:02 |
dmsimard | ayoung: no, sql with fernet | 16:02 |
dmsimard | ayoung: basically: https://github.com/dmsimard/centos-cloud/blob/master/puppet/modules/centos_cloud/manifests/controller/keystone.pp | 16:03 |
dmsimard | ayoung: you want a log of what ? openstack endpoint list ? | 16:03 |
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ayoung | dmsimard, yes please | 16:04 |
dmsimard | k, sec. | 16:04 |
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ayoung | dmsimard, lets remove as many variables as possible. endpoint list is a pretty simple call. My guess is that the slowdown is happening in token validation somehow | 16:05 |
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dmsimard | ayoung: 17 seconds: http://paste.openstack.org/show/545673/ .. logs: http://pastebin.centos.org/50216/raw/ | 16:07 |
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ayoung | end time is 17:05:34.911 lets see where the gap is... | 16:09 |
dmsimard | ayoung: the keystone conf is here: http://paste.openstack.org/show/545675/ | 16:09 |
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rdogerrit | Merged openstack/nova-distgit: update BuildRequires to allow without -doc to build http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1743 | 16:12 |
ayoung | dmsimard, look through the times in that log you posted, and look at where it jumps 1 second... | 16:12 |
dmsimard | ayoung: yeah I noticed it keeps looping or something but can't see why | 16:13 |
ayoung | dmsimard, it looks like it is starting new threads on each, no? | 16:14 |
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ayoung | complete dump of the config options? | 16:14 |
ayoung | dmsimard, so there are multiple threads going on here...we need to look at the request. In a log line like this... | 16:15 |
ayoung | 2016-08-02 17:05:28.134 9705 | 16:15 |
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ayoung | that last value is the thread id (I think) or the PID or something | 16:15 |
dmsimard | ayoung: ah, so.. worth mentioning | 16:16 |
dmsimard | this is on a machine with 32 cores so perhaps there is some worker/thread/process tweaking to be done | 16:16 |
dmsimard | I believe it's defaulting to whatever puppet is providing right now | 16:16 |
ayoung | dmsimard, might want to make sure you have a sane setting to the number of threads and processes | 16:16 |
dmsimard | so public_workers = 32 | 16:17 |
ayoung | it might be sqlalchemy pool exhausting | 16:17 |
dmsimard | and admin_workers = 32 as well | 16:17 |
ayoung | dmsimard, try dropping those numbers. Also, how many threads? | 16:17 |
dmsimard | processes=32 threads=32 on httpd side | 16:17 |
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ayoung | AHHHHHHHHHHH! | 16:18 |
dmsimard | so that's a silly default, then ? :) | 16:19 |
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ayoung | you do reaklize that means 32 * 32 threads, and each thread gets a pool, and each pool gets a set of DB connections, and Mysql only allows so many connections.... | 16:19 |
ayoung | dmsimard, I am listening to old Jethro Tull, and, at the end of Baker St. Muse, Ian Anderson trys to open a door and shouts "I can't get out." How timely.... | 16:20 |
dmsimard | lol :) | 16:20 |
dmsimard | Okay, I'll tone that down and see what happens. | 16:21 |
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dmsimard | ayoung: I guess that was it, it's much better now | 16:26 |
dmsimard | ayoung: ty <3 | 16:26 |
ayoung | dmsimard, and now I am listening to "Thick as a Brick" | 16:27 |
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ayoung | The Whole Album...good coding music | 16:27 |
rdogerrit | Fabien Boucher created config: Fix the package listing plus install the freshly built packages http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1783 | 16:27 |
dmsimard | ayoung: afraid I don't know about them .. when I need to focus I put Iron Maiden in my ears :) | 16:28 |
rdogerrit | Fabien Boucher proposed config: Fix the package listing plus install the freshly built packages http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1783 | 16:28 |
ayoung | dmsimard, let's just say Maiden owes Tull a debt of Gratitude. | 16:29 |
dmsimard | ayoung: never heard of Tull :/ Am I too young ? | 16:29 |
ayoung | dmsimard, you may never have heard of Tull, but you have heard Tull. | 16:30 |
ayoung | dmsimard, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1xY7Heaqg8 | 16:30 |
dmsimard | haha, nope. Sorry. /me hides | 16:31 |
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chandankumar | number80, Hello | 16:31 |
mnaser | dmsimard, i'm not sure if you've used it before but python-openstackclient has a --timing flag which comes in useful sometimes (hopefully you've resolved your issue) | 16:31 |
mnaser | helps us profile things sometimes in an easy/sane way | 16:31 |
dmsimard | mnaser: ah, is that what enables the osprofiler thing ? Good reminder that it exists | 16:32 |
mnaser | dmsimard, i haven't touched osprofiler much so i'm not sure :x | 16:33 |
dmsimard | mnaser: I *think* osprofiler might be server side | 16:34 |
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dmsimard | mnaser: the --timing option is awesome though, never tried it before and it's awesome thanks for letting me know about it ;) | 16:34 |
mnaser | :> | 16:34 |
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dmsimard | adarazs: hey you seem to be familiar with processes/workers/threads relationship: https://bugs.launchpad.net/puppet-keystone/+bug/1602530 | 16:40 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1602530 in puppet-keystone "Set the WSGI threads=1 And processes/workers to $::processorcount by default" [Undecided,New] | 16:40 |
dmsimard | adarazs: I just got bitten by defaults from a machine with a large amount of cores :D | 16:41 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: checking in on the credentials needed by zuul.rdoproject.org, did you get some created yet? | 16:41 |
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dmsimard | pabelanger: nope :/ It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm on other things ahead.. not going to stop you if you want to take care of it | 16:42 |
dmsimard | adarazs: what would you recommend then -- processes to $::processorcount, threads to 1 and then what about the admin_workers/public_workers config in keystone.conf in relation to that ? | 16:42 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: okay, let me poke into it, now what I can log into review.rdoproject.org | 16:44 |
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pabelanger | dmsimard: talk with SF to see how I can update zuul.conf with the connection info | 16:53 |
dmsimard | fbo, mhu: do you happen to know how to modify zuul.conf properly or should we ask tristanC ? | 16:55 |
jpena | finally, after a long time cloning git repos, we have a first newton-uc package built :) | 16:56 |
mhu | dmsimard, you should probably ask tristanC | 16:56 |
mhu | :p | 16:56 |
dmsimard | jpena: nice | 16:57 |
jpena | bootstrapped packages will not show up for now at the public site, I'll rsync the whole lot at the end of the first run | 16:57 |
jpena | I'll keep monitoring this, see you tomorrow! | 16:57 |
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imcsk8 | jpena|off: still around? | 17:23 |
rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Traceback (most recent call last): | 17:23 |
rdobot | File "/usr/local/bin/check-delorean-builds.py", line 72, in <module> | 17:23 |
rdobot | versions = retrieve_versions(url) | 17:23 |
rdobot | File "/usr/local/bin/check-delorean-builds.py", line 53, in retrieve_versions | 17:23 |
rdobot | versions = requests.ge [...] | 17:23 |
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rdobot | [sensu] RESOLVED: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| No build failures detected: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 17:24 |
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dmsimard | ayoung: yeah that "warm up" time to fire off the workers on the first api call is brutal | 17:40 |
dmsimard | but after that it's okay | 17:40 |
ayoung | dmsimard, Blog post it, please | 17:44 |
dmsimard | ayoung: not a bad idea, and it's a quick one, too. | 17:46 |
ayoung | ++ | 17:46 |
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dmsimard | EmilienM: seeing that in RDO CI for p-o-i all of a sudden | 17:58 |
dmsimard | 16:05:37 + gem install r10k --no-ri --no-rdoc | 17:58 |
dmsimard | 16:05:37 ERROR: Error installing r10k: | 17:58 |
dmsimard | 16:05:37 fast_gettext requires Ruby version >= 2.1.0. | 17:58 |
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EmilienM | yes, ody talked about it 1h ago on puppet-openstack channel | 17:58 |
* dmsimard looks | 17:59 | |
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dmsimard | EmilienM: I added 28 to etherpad | 18:09 |
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EmilienM | dmsimard: added what? where? | 18:11 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/delorean_master_current_issues | 18:11 |
EmilienM | ah | 18:11 |
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dmsimard | weshay: fyi added 28 to etherpad | 18:20 |
weshay | master? /me looks | 18:21 |
dmsimard | weshay: master and mitaka | 18:21 |
weshay | ack | 18:21 |
weshay | thanks | 18:21 |
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bookwar | hi, everyone. Where i can find a repo to use for rdo trunk dependencies? I have Centos Base and Centos Extras enabled, but i can not install python-keystonclient due to missing python-keyring package | 20:06 |
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dmsimard | bookwar: you're particularly interested in trunk or stable mitaka would work for you ? | 20:09 |
bookwar | i need trunk to test future newton package | 20:13 |
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dmsimard | bookwar: ok, then what you probably want are those: http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/rdo-trunk-master-tested/delorean.repo and http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/delorean-deps.repo | 20:14 |
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bookwar | dmsimard: delorean-deps it is, thanks! | 20:18 |
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dmsimard | bookwar: you'll need both for things to work | 20:18 |
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tumble_ | would it be possible to have a controller node deployed in a VM which is hosted by the undercloud baremetal machine? or as alternative - I have two quite big baremetal hosts which I planned to use as compute nodes. Could I use one of them as controller AND compute node? | 20:35 |
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dmsimard | tumble_: I'm not super familiar with tripleo but maybe tripleo-quickstart can help: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart | 20:37 |
dmsimard | It basically installs the overcloud (or is it the undercloud, I always mix them up) in virtual machines instead of bare metal | 20:38 |
tumble_ | I've already followed this guide: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-docs/basic_deployment/basic_deployment_cli.html up to the point where I would deploy the overcloud, choosing certain flavors. I just wondered why these flavors are that little, especially the compute flavors | 20:39 |
tumble_ | my baremetal hosts which I planned as compute nodes both have 96gb ram, however, the default compute flavor takes only 4 and the guide says that's "enough for most scenarios" | 20:40 |
tumble_ | confused me | 20:40 |
tumble_ | I thought the compute nodes do the heavy lifting, hosting all the VMs | 20:40 |
dmsimard | They do, but in TripleO, there's two layers of OpenStack (OpenStack on OpenStack: TripleO) | 20:40 |
dmsimard | So there's an OpenStack cloud that hosts an OpenStack cloud | 20:41 |
tumble_ | I understood that the undercloud is a single-machine openstack installation which then creates the overcloud | 20:41 |
dmsimard | Your "final" compute nodes that will be hosting real virtual machine won't be hooked up to the two clouds, just one of them. | 20:41 |
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tumble_ | and I thought that's the "real" cloud where I host VMs then | 20:41 |
tumble_ | but what you say sounds like there is one more layer on top? | 20:41 |
dmsimard | There's two, the undercloud and the overcloud | 20:42 |
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tumble_ | so my fat baremetal hosts are compute nodes which belong to the overcloud, right? | 20:44 |
dmsimard | I /believe/ the place where you run actual workloads is the overcloud, yes | 20:44 |
tumble_ | that's how I understood it too | 20:44 |
tumble_ | is the overcloud consisting of VMs as well or is it on the metal? | 20:45 |
tumble_ | I mean, will it deploy a compute node VM on my baremetal host? | 20:46 |
tumble_ | or will the services be installed on the metal? | 20:46 |
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apevec | hrmm, centos7-master is 7h behind? Last build time 2016-08-02 21:27:43 for commit: 2016-08-02 14:34:39 | 21:37 |
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dmsimard | apevec: did jpena forget to re enable worker after purge ? | 21:44 |
dmsimard | There was also a server crash, maybe a stale lock file | 21:44 |
dmsimard | On my phone right now.. | 21:45 |
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apevec | dmsimard, no, it is running but catching up after 3h pause | 21:59 |
apevec | and now we also have newton-uc bootstrapping | 22:00 |
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apevec | hm 49 build errors in bootstrap | 22:03 |
apevec | crap, oslo failing to build b/c rpm-master space has changes past last u-c version | 22:06 |
apevec | jpena|off, ^ | 22:06 |
apevec | e.g. usr/bin/oslo-messaging-send-notification': No such file or directory | 22:06 |
apevec | this will suck | 22:06 |
apevec | number80, ^ FYI we'll need to fork newton-rdo based on last released versions | 22:07 |
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apevec | jpena|off, ok, looks like it's mostly oslo-messaging cascading | 22:46 |
apevec | newton-rdo created, pushing rdoinfo fix | 22:46 |
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rdogerrit | Alan Pevec created rdoinfo: Set matching distro branch for the pinned release http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1784 | 22:51 |
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rdogerrit | Merged rdoinfo: Set matching distro branch for the pinned release http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1784 | 22:58 |
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tristanC | dmsimard: you can modify zuul.conf directly, but the file gets rewritten by puppet when sfconfig.sh is executed (which is not automatic), you can find the template in /etc/puppet/environment/sf/zuul | 23:06 |
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dmsimard | tristanC: ok, I'll look tomorrow. Thanks. | 23:21 |
tristanC | dmsimard: you're welcome, have a good evening! | 23:25 |
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