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rdogerrit | rdo-trunk created openstack/tripleo-common-distgit: openstack-tripleo-common: failed to build f16d44d http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1890 | 00:43 |
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honza | number80: yay! | 04:21 |
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rdogerrit | Honza Pokorny proposed rdoinfo: Add openstack-tripleo-ui http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1733 | 04:32 |
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jpena | good morning! | 07:13 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña created openstack/tripleo-common-distgit: Create rpm-mitaka branch http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1891 | 07:18 |
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chandankumar | number80: jpena dmellado Good Morning :-) | 07:30 |
jpena | o/ | 07:30 |
dmellado | hey chandankumar and guys | 07:31 |
dmellado | off sick today, reading some emails and off :\ | 07:31 |
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chandankumar | dmellado: Get well soon :-) | 07:31 |
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dmellado | thanks! | 07:32 |
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number80 | o/ | 08:07 |
openstackgerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/packstack: Include SSL cert parameters even for existing CACERT files https://review.openstack.org/356518 | 08:07 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Parallel mock builds in DLRN http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1806 | 08:17 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Add option to show verbose mock output on console http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1828 | 08:18 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Handle the case where a source branch is changed http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1868 | 08:18 |
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number80 | jruzicka: we're short on reviewers for DLRN ^ | 08:24 |
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hewbrocca | number80: merci mille fois pour ton aide avec le TripleO-UI | 09:27 |
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rdogerrit | Honza Pokorny proposed rdoinfo: Add openstack-tripleo-ui http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1733 | 09:36 |
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matbu | hi, the download from artifacts.ci.centos.org is really slow, is it only me or is there an issue with the network ? | 09:41 |
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mah | Hi all, how can I change the configuration of an openstack service to be not "disabled on boot" | 09:51 |
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jruzicka | number80, on it | 10:20 |
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mah | Hi all, Is there a way to let some of openstack services not disabled on boot ? | 10:37 |
jpena | mah: you can use systemctl enable <name of openstack service> to enable it on boot | 10:38 |
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mah | ok thanks | 10:39 |
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mah | I have another question please, I have openstack-nova-network is inactive and when I try to restart it, it is not found. So is neutron openvswitch is working instead of it or that is something different ? | 10:43 |
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jpena | mah: the default configuration uses neutron (for both packstack and TripleO installers), so yes, you probably have neutron running | 10:46 |
mah | yes I have neutron running . thanks | 10:46 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Allow package name substitution in gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1842 | 11:19 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: [TEST] Replace %{version} with %{upstream_version} in gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1559 | 11:19 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Add option in gitrepo driver to determine source branch from spec http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1818 | 11:19 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña created DLRN: Manage versions with a tilde in the gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1892 | 11:19 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Add option in gitrepo driver to determine source branch from spec http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1818 | 11:20 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Allow package name substitution in gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1842 | 11:21 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Manage versions with a tilde in the gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1892 | 11:33 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed DLRN: Manage versions with a tilde in the gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1892 | 11:33 |
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dmsimard | tristanC: config-check does exactly what it's supposed to do, it uses gerrit as a source of truth and ensures that every gerrit project is mapped in replication.config, zuul layout and gerritbot | 12:10 |
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dmsimard | tristanC, pabelanger: the fact that it failed means that someone created the tripleo-ui project in gerrit but didn't create the remainder of the boilerplate which is exactly what we want to be catching | 12:12 |
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dmsimard | it's unfortunate that it can fail unrelated jobs, though | 12:12 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: Add tripleo-ui to zuul and gerritbot configs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1889 | 12:13 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add openstack-check pipeline for 3rd party CI http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1862 | 12:13 |
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tristanC | dmsimard: alright, fair enough :) | 12:25 |
dmsimard | tristanC: so you cherry picked that zuul change then ? | 12:26 |
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chandankumar | number80: finally fully switched to weechat, i am loving it with notification.:-) | 12:27 |
tristanC | dmsimard: yep, and it seems like it fixed the issue | 12:27 |
dmsimard | cool ty | 12:27 |
tristanC | (the config-check issue) | 12:27 |
tristanC | dmsimard: i also addressed your comment on gerrit_connections issues here: http://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/4614/ | 12:28 |
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dmsimard | tristanC: awsome :) | 12:30 |
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number80 | o/ | 12:31 |
weshay | dmsimard, any infra issues re: slaves not being able to ssh to the hosts this morning? | 12:32 |
weshay | matbu, ^ | 12:32 |
matbu | hi is someone know why the rdo slaves can't connect to the virthost : https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/tripleo-periodic/job/poc_matbu_quickstart_live_liberty_upgrade/26/console | 12:32 |
matbu | weshay: thx | 12:32 |
matbu | also the DL from artifact.centos is really really slow | 12:32 |
dmsimard | Not that I'm aware of | 12:32 |
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weshay | kbsingh, when you have a moment can you email rdo-list re: the rate limit on images | 12:34 |
weshay | matbu, ^ | 12:34 |
weshay | well... on large files | 12:34 |
weshay | matbu, any of your jobs timing out on download? | 12:35 |
weshay | we need to adjust ci to the new rate limit | 12:35 |
matbu | weshay: no timeout, but the download from the internal jenkins of the undercloud.qcow2 takes 1 hour or more | 12:36 |
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kbsingh | weshay: willdo today | 12:36 |
kbsingh | matbu: how often do you need to do this? | 12:36 |
weshay | matbu, ya.. ci.centos has the downloads throttled so that we don't kill their networks | 12:37 |
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matbu | kbsingh: idk, but at least every day | 12:38 |
kbsingh | do you have a host we can seed at a managed rate ? | 12:39 |
matbu | kbsingh: when i'm working on a box , i need to DL the images. Maybe we should miror them internaly weshay ? | 12:39 |
kbsingh | alternatively, can you get them from buildlogs instead? | 12:39 |
matbu | kbsingh: yep sure | 12:40 |
* kbsingh tried to pgup on the mobile to see if its one that we put on buildlogs | 12:40 | |
weshay | kbsingh, we're missing master images there http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/tripleo_images/ | 12:40 |
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kbsingh | weshay: would that then e the problem to solve here? | 12:41 |
matbu | weshay: for now that fine w/ buildlogs, can you move the live liberty env there ? (http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/tripleo_images/) | 12:41 |
matbu | plz | 12:41 |
weshay | kbsingh, that would help us move to it, also there was an rsync option mentioned re: not making the content available until it's all synced w/ --delay-updates put all updated files into place at transfer's end | 12:44 |
weshay | if that option is already in place, I think that would resolve trown's issue | 12:44 |
kbsingh | weshay: since its a CDN on the front end, its hard to do that with content where the filename does not change | 12:45 |
kbsingh | i have got a conversation going with the cdn guys to get an api call ( or a dozen ) that allow us to flush on dand | 12:45 |
kbsingh | demand even | 12:45 |
kbsingh | we can then maybe purge cache for content from the rsync post xfer script | 12:46 |
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kbsingh | might take a few days to get this in though | 12:46 |
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weshay | kbsingh, k.. what would help from our side? Maybe us putting together some info on the workflow of oooq? | 12:47 |
kbsingh | would it help if i were to post a diagram of how all this comes together.. | 12:47 |
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weshay | hrybacki, this one https://review.gerrithub.io/#/c/287826/ | 12:47 |
kbsingh | weshay: that would help | 12:48 |
hrybacki | weshay: ack. I will pull and take a swing at scale | 12:48 |
weshay | kbsingh, ya.. both groups probably need a little more info to make good decisions | 12:48 |
kbsingh | +1 | 12:48 |
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rdogerrit | Merged rdoinfo: Add openstack-tripleo-ui http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1733 | 13:11 |
rdogerrit | hguemar proposed config: Add tripleo-ui http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1888 | 13:12 |
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dmsimard | jpena: o/ | 13:39 |
jpena | o/ | 13:39 |
dmsimard | jpena: so that symlink sync script was mostly to generate discussion, it's easier to generate discussion around a review :) | 13:39 |
dmsimard | jpena: fwiw I like amoralej's idea of embedding it in the promotion scirpt | 13:40 |
jpena | dmsimard: yes, I think it's a good idea. That way, we can simply have each promotion script do it, as long as they have permissions to write stuff | 13:40 |
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dmsimard | Do we have a Cinder expert other than ehearney ? | 13:44 |
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dmsimard | Otherwise I'll defer to cinder IRC, I want to have eyes on https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1615059 | 13:44 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1615059 in Cinder "Cinder fails to create a crypted volume when barbican is used as key manager" [Undecided,New] | 13:44 |
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dmsimard | so much 3rd party CI on cinder reviews.. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251503/ it's disgusting | 13:45 |
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number80 | looks like the jenkins gnome shell extension can filter jobs per view | 13:52 |
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misc | dmsimard: what is disgusting exactly ? | 13:52 |
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dmsimard | misc: I usually browse with toggle ci enabled and the comments are a clusterf... | 13:53 |
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rdogerrit | Merged openstack/tripleo-common-distgit: Create rpm-mitaka branch http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1891 | 14:01 |
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dmsimard | weshay: did you say tripleo had a way of building a review before testing ? | 14:04 |
weshay | ya | 14:05 |
weshay | ansible-role-tripleo-gate adarazs ^ | 14:05 |
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dmsimard | weshay: oh yeah we discussed re-using that for weirdo or other things I remember | 14:06 |
dmsimard | weshay: because p-o-i picked up a cinder < - > barbican issue | 14:07 |
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dmsimard | a cinder dev is submitting a fix but he'd like us to test it | 14:07 |
adarazs | dmsimard: so I'm just writing the docs for that. it would leave you with a tar.gz repo that you can add to your env and do a yum update | 14:09 |
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dmsimard | I think I would like a way to consume it entirely standalone -- like, as a builder, even | 14:09 |
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dmsimard | This is sort of what we do for in-gate integration testing of dlrn spec files | 14:10 |
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dmsimard | adarazs: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=config.git;a=blob;f=jobs/DLRN.yaml;h=d737c991e801b2ed955c9017d18681a98f50e575;hb=HEAD#l1 | 14:11 |
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dmsimard | the repository is generated from dlrn's run_tests.sh from the prior job | 14:12 |
adarazs | dmsimard: I'm not using run_tests.sh | 14:12 |
adarazs | dmsimard: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/ansible-role-tripleo-gate/blob/master/tasks/dlrn.yml | 14:13 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: wait, now that the Zuuls are connected, does that mean we can do a Depends-On on a patch from the other gerrit instance ? | 14:13 |
adarazs | dmsimard: this also supports multiple dependent changes with "Depends-On:" | 14:14 |
adarazs | dmsimard: this role can actually do depends on like Depends-On:<change-id>@gerrithub too :) | 14:14 |
dmsimard | yeah except stuff shouldn't be on gerrithub | 14:14 |
dmsimard | we have to migrate everything to review.rdo sometime, it's the whole point | 14:15 |
weshay | +1 | 14:17 |
adarazs | dmsimard: anyway, it can connect to arbitrary gerrit cross dep, but I limited it in the script: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/ansible-role-tripleo-gate/blob/master/library/jenkins_deps.py#L47-L50 | 14:17 |
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dmsimard | hmm, I found a sort of workaround to testing upstream reviews | 14:19 |
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jpena | number80: quick question: do you know why would the requirements from the srpm in http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=10434 not be present in the generated RPM? Not a short-term issue, but there's an upstream rpm-packaging review that will fail to build in DLRN (https://review.openstack.org/358585) | 14:25 |
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dmsimard | jpena: I want to pull a patch into a spec file to test something with dlrn. I know it's easy but I need something to have something to look at as an example. Do you have that somewhere nearby? It doesn't look like we're carrying patches right now in the few projects I looked at :p | 14:29 |
jpena | dmsimard: sure, just a sec and I'll find an example | 14:29 |
jpena | dmsimard: https://github.com/rdo-packages/os-net-config-distgit has an example | 14:31 |
jpena | if you just want to play locally, you can also do the change in the downloaded source repo, then run with --local | 14:31 |
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dmsimard | jpena: the idea is actually to submit a review on review.rdo with an upstream patch that hasn't yet merged so that dlrn will build that package and then weirdo will test that new package with the patch in it | 14:34 |
jpena | dmsimard: ok, then GOTO first option | 14:34 |
dmsimard | in other words, a way to test https://review.openstack.org/#/c/358670/ | 14:34 |
* dmsimard nods | 14:34 | |
dmsimard | ty | 14:34 |
number80 | jpena: which requirement is missing? | 14:34 |
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jpena | number80: all of them. The spec lists six, pbr, babel, ply and dateutil, and none of them are in the rpm | 14:35 |
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number80 | jpena: I know why => http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/python-yaql.git/tree/python-yaql.spec#n28 | 14:37 |
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number80 | ok, I'll fix it | 14:37 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Use a glance template to have optimal coverage on different scenarios http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1893 | 14:37 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Add distgit projects that benefit from using glance as a template http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1894 | 14:40 |
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dmsimard | jpena: hm, we don't have a package for puppet-barbican | 14:45 |
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dmsimard | these exist just in RDO, right ? | 14:46 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add distgit projects that benefit from using glance as a template http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1894 | 14:47 |
number80 | dmsimard: master only | 14:48 |
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dmsimard | number80: yeah but I mean, we're not submitting those to fedora, right ? | 14:49 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Add cinder dlrn weirdo jobs to projects that benefit from cinder testing http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1895 | 14:50 |
number80 | dmsimard: nope | 14:50 |
number80 | they'd be useless there, anyway | 14:51 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add cinder dlrn weirdo jobs to projects that benefit from cinder testing http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1895 | 14:52 |
dmsimard | jpena, number80: would love your input on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:integrated-pipeline-refactor+project:config+status:open | 14:53 |
dmsimard | they're cherry-picks from the WIP review for the integrated testing | 14:53 |
dmsimard | tl;dr, it successfully builds a package from a spec review and then weirdo tests it with relevant tests | 14:54 |
chandankumar | number80: When we will remove clients packages from fedora? since it is not consumed and we have to maintain those client packages for new release. | 14:55 |
number80 | ack | 14:55 |
number80 | chandankumar: we're not removing clients from fedora | 14:55 |
number80 | I just push latest release there | 14:55 |
dmsimard | jpena, number80: just glance and cinder for the time being.. I want to use the cinder patch ASAP so I can test https://review.openstack.org/#/c/358670/ which is a promotion blocker | 14:55 |
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chandankumar | number80: but it is not consumed anywhere na? | 14:56 |
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number80 | chandankumar: if we want people to interact with openstack clouds, we need to ship clients in workstation distros | 14:57 |
chandankumar | yes, got that. | 14:58 |
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jpena | dmsimard: were we already using something similar for glance? I didn't know that (https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1893/1/zuul/integrated.yaml) | 14:59 |
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dmsimard | jpena: just glanceclient, it was the project we chose to poc-test the integrated pipeline with | 15:00 |
jpena | still non-voting, right? | 15:00 |
dmsimard | if you submit a patch to glanceclient today, it'll have weirdo jobs in it | 15:00 |
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dmsimard | jpena: aye, line 2 of https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1893/1/zuul/integrated.yaml@2 | 15:01 |
jpena | mmm nice :) | 15:01 |
dmsimard | they're in check non-voting | 15:01 |
dmsimard | and not in gate | 15:01 |
dmsimard | because since weirdo tests with current-passed-ci, we have no way to guarantee that the review will work | 15:01 |
dmsimard | jpena: this works because weirdo jobs will use this builder: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=config.git;a=blob;f=jobs/DLRN.yaml;h=d737c991e801b2ed955c9017d18681a98f50e575;hb=HEAD#l1 | 15:02 |
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dmsimard | it required some backend work but hey, it works well now :p | 15:03 |
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dmsimard | think we needed a zuul backport and https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=config.git;a=commitdiff;h=5a53131ab5e28a13b34734662ed270d3f3e1e727 | 15:04 |
jpena | dmsimard: about https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1894, will the moved jobs still have some voting job? IIUC, DLRN-rpmbuild remains as voting one | 15:04 |
dmsimard | yes, dlrn-rpmbuild remains voting in both check and gate | 15:05 |
imcsk8 | jpena: i got this error while testing your delorean patch: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/412498/47187829/ | 15:05 |
jpena | imcsk8: set tags=newton in your projects.ini. That package is still under-review, and DLRN is trying to build it while there is no spec file | 15:06 |
dmsimard | jpena: the moved projects use the templates and the templates have dlrn-rpmbuild in both check and gate | 15:06 |
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imcsk8 | jpena: cool thanks! | 15:07 |
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rdogerrit | Merged openstack/os-apply-config-distgit: Create os-apply-config empty templates directory http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1883 | 15:11 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/os-collect-config-distgit: Add missing dependencies http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1885 | 15:14 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/os-refresh-config-distgit: Create standard os-refresh-config script directories http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1884 | 15:14 |
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dmsimard | jpena: replied | 15:17 |
dmsimard | jpena: fyi there's a sizeable u-c bump coming | 15:20 |
dmsimard | new osc version | 15:20 |
dmsimard | it's still not merged but the osc version was tagged | 15:20 |
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dmsimard | I think they caught some problems when testing the u-c bump (hey, what do you know, it's almost like they're not testing master+master :)) | 15:21 |
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jpena | :D | 15:21 |
jpena | we could use this bump to test something using the zuul_cloner patch on dlrn + these changes in cinder and glance | 15:21 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Use a glance template to have optimal coverage on different scenarios http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1893 | 15:22 |
dmsimard | jpena: is that in yet? | 15:22 |
dmsimard | jpena: oh, wait, nevermind I see what you mean | 15:22 |
jpena | dmsimard: yep, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1848 | 15:22 |
dmsimard | create a dummy specfile patch with a depends-on rdoinfo ? | 15:22 |
jpena | exact | 15:22 |
dmsimard | not exactly what I had in mind but it'd work yes | 15:23 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Add distgit projects that benefit from using glance as a template http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1894 | 15:23 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Add cinder dlrn weirdo jobs to projects that benefit from cinder testing http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1895 | 15:23 |
dmsimard | we need to have a cron to submit those u-c bump patches .. | 15:24 |
dmsimard | or a periodic job in-gate actually | 15:24 |
dmsimard | no need for crons | 15:24 |
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dmsimard | jpena: hm, so do I insert the patch here ? https://github.com/rdo-packages/cinder-distgit/blob/rpm-master/openstack-cinder.spec#L15 or after all the sources ? | 15:35 |
jpena | dmsimard: after the Sources: | 15:35 |
dmsimard | k | 15:35 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created openstack/cinder-distgit: Do not merge: Test upstream fix for #1615059 http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1896 | 15:41 |
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dmsimard | jpena: ^ and integrated jobs are queued until the package is built https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/ | 15:42 |
jpena | cool :) | 15:43 |
dmsimard | MOAR TESTING | 15:44 |
dmsimard | jpena: now that I think about it | 15:45 |
dmsimard | jpena: pabelanger and I are working on third party jobs based on upstream zuul/gerrit | 15:45 |
dmsimard | jpena: we could probably have a post commit hook on requirements u-c updates to send a patch to update it on our end too | 15:45 |
jpena | dmsimard: that would be awesome | 15:46 |
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pabelanger | dmsimard: we should be able to do our first tests this afternoon | 15:50 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: right, are you going to address tristanC's comment ? | 15:50 |
pabelanger | yes | 15:50 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: also, can we do Depends-On change IDs that are from upstream gerrit now ? | 15:50 |
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pabelanger | sadly no | 15:50 |
dmsimard | aw, that would've been nuts | 15:51 |
pabelanger | Depends-On doesn't work across zuul instances..... yet! | 15:51 |
dmsimard | :) | 15:51 |
pabelanger | Ya, I hope one day it will support it | 15:51 |
dmsimard | Not an absolute requirement, I'm working around it for now | 15:51 |
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dmsimard | jpena: hmm, looks like my patch review failed :( | 15:55 |
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jpena | dmsimard: I see the spec uses %autosetup -S git, in that case you can remove the "%patch0001 -p1" line | 15:56 |
dmsimard | jpena: ah, autosetup automatically applies the patch ? | 15:56 |
jpena | dmsimard: yes, it should | 15:56 |
dmsimard | TIL | 15:56 |
dmsimard | magic | 15:57 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed openstack/cinder-distgit: Do not merge: Test upstream fix for #1615059 http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1896 | 15:57 |
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rdogerrit | Merged openstack/manilaclient-distgit: Add python3 subpackage http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1859 | 16:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/packstack: Include SSL cert parameters even for existing CACERT files https://review.openstack.org/356518 | 16:18 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created DLRN: Add --verbose-mock to display rpmbuild.log output during build http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1897 | 16:22 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: No longer print the output of rpmbuild.log http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1898 | 16:23 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Use the proper job names for dlrn-weirdo jobs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1899 | 16:27 |
rdogerrit | Merged DLRN: Add option to show verbose mock output on console http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1828 | 16:27 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: Use the proper job names for dlrn-weirdo jobs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1899 | 16:29 |
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dmsimard | jpena: \o/ verbose-mock works well in-gate https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/DLRN-rpmbuild/1834/console | 16:36 |
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jpena | dmsimard: nice, I've seen it :) | 16:37 |
dmsimard | I was actually watching the console, though! :D | 16:37 |
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dmsimard | jpena: this is what we get otherwise https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/DLRN-rpmbuild/1835/console | 16:37 |
dmsimard | jpena: we know it's building but we don't know where it's at | 16:38 |
dmsimard | <3 | 16:38 |
rdogerrit | Stephen Finucane created openstack/nova-distgit: Require '-rhev' variant of 'qemu-kvm' package http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1900 | 16:39 |
dmsimard | jpena: on a related note, there are failure to build the docs in https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/DLRN-rpmbuild/1834/console | 16:39 |
dmsimard | jpena: but it didn't fail the build ? | 16:39 |
dmsimard | import errors all over the place | 16:40 |
dmsimard | I've had to fix something similar in swift doc generation somewhat recently | 16:40 |
dmsimard | except it actually made the swift build fail | 16:40 |
dmsimard | here it doesn't | 16:40 |
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jpena | dmsimard: I think it depends on the options passed to sphinx-build. With some combination, it just ignores the error and moves on | 16:42 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Use the proper job names for dlrn-weirdo jobs (take 2) http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1901 | 17:11 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Use the proper job names for dlrn-weirdo jobs (take 2) http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1901 | 17:13 |
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rdogerrit | pabelanger proposed config: Add openstack-check pipeline for 3rd party CI http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1862 | 17:52 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: ^ | 17:53 |
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rdogerrit | Jon Schlueter created openstack/nova-distgit: Update Requires http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1902 | 18:16 |
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rdogerrit | Merged DLRN: Add --verbose-mock to display rpmbuild.log output during build http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1897 | 18:42 |
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danpawlik1 | jpena, number80: Hello, if you have some time pls review https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1350974 and if something is wrong, pls comment it on bugzilla and github page (https://github.com/dduuch/openstack-watcherclient). Thanks :) | 19:11 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1350974 in Package Review "Openstack python-watcherclient" [Unspecified,Assigned] - Assigned to karlthered | 19:11 |
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rdogerrit | Jon Schlueter proposed openstack/nova-distgit: Update Requires http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1902 | 19:49 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: +w | 19:52 |
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pabelanger | dmsimard: nice | 19:53 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: let me know when you have some time to debug, and we can get a commit into openstack-dev/sandbox and make sure zuul.rdoproject.org does the noop | 19:54 |
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dmsimard | pabelanger: troubleshooting something right now already, let you know when I'm good | 19:59 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: ack | 19:59 |
dmsimard | Anyone familiar with this error ? Seeing it on a couple packages. http://paste.openstack.org/show/562283/ | 20:00 |
dmsimard | [snip] | 20:00 |
dmsimard | Error: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install openstack-barbican-api' returned 1: Error unpacking rpm package python-crypto-2.6.1-1.el7.x86_64 | 20:00 |
dmsimard | error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pycrypto-2.6.1-py2.7.egg-info: cpio: rename failed - Is a directory | 20:00 |
dmsimard | looks like a conflict that'd occur between a pip install pycrypto and a packaged install of pycrypto | 20:02 |
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imcsk8 | never seen that error | 20:04 |
dmsimard | wow there is a ton of pip-installed packages on our nodepool images | 20:04 |
dmsimard | http://paste.openstack.org/show/562285/ | 20:04 |
dmsimard | bkero: ping | 20:05 |
zodbot | dmsimard: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings | 20:05 |
bkero | dmsimard: pong | 20:05 |
dmsimard | bkero: pycrypto, you have a story with it, yes ? :) | 20:05 |
* bkero looks | 20:05 | |
bkero | I've ran into problems with it before, yeah | 20:06 |
dmsimard | ╰─>$ git log --grep crypto --oneline | 20:06 |
dmsimard | 185c626 jjb: delete pycrypto uninstall from puppet-scenario jobs | 20:06 |
dmsimard | b132227 puppet-openstack-integration remove pip pycrypto from image | 20:06 |
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dmsimard | I guess we need to kill it with fire | 20:06 |
dmsimard | do we know what is pulling it ? | 20:06 |
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bkero | Let me look at irc logs. | 20:06 |
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dmsimard | bkero: probably zuul | 20:07 |
dmsimard | zuul pulls paramiko which pulls pycrypto | 20:07 |
dmsimard | afaik | 20:07 |
bkero | https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1389/ | 20:07 |
dmsimard | why do we even install zuul on the jenkins slave nodes ? | 20:08 |
dmsimard | does that make sense ? | 20:08 |
bkero | For zuul-cloner | 20:08 |
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dmsimard | oh... | 20:08 |
dmsimard | I guess upstream doesn't bump into that issue because they install everything from pip/source | 20:08 |
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bkero | yup | 20:09 |
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dmsimard | there's a couple bugs filed in various places around the package but no fix in sight | 20:11 |
bkero | dmsimard: This was happening. http://rpmfactory.beta.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/puppet-openstack-integration-scenario001/17/console | 20:11 |
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dmsimard | .whoowns python2-crypto | 20:11 |
zodbot | dmsimard: No such package exists. | 20:11 |
dmsimard | lies | 20:11 |
dmsimard | .whoowns python-crypto | 20:11 |
zodbot | dmsimard: pghmcfc | 20:11 |
bkero | 2016-04-01 11:59:11 bkero Error: Execution of '/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install openstack-glance' returned 1: Error unpacking rpm package python2-crypto-2.6.1-9.el7.x86_64 2016-04-01 11:59:12 bkero error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pycrypto-2.6.1-py2.7.egg-info: cpio: rename failed - Is a directory | 20:11 |
dmsimard | bkero: yeah I'm seeing the same thing | 20:11 |
bkero | bleh | 20:11 |
bkero | dmsimard: did you confirm it was zuul that was pulling it in? | 20:13 |
dmsimard | bkero: zuul has a requirement on paramiko | 20:13 |
dmsimard | and paramiko has a requirement on crypto | 20:13 |
bkero | Can we fix the pycrypto package? | 20:14 |
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dmsimard | I don't know. I can file a proper bug about it and ping maintainers. | 20:15 |
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dmsimard | I just don't know what's the impact of uninstalling pycrypto like that | 20:16 |
dmsimard | bkero: it works in fedora | 20:17 |
dmsimard | so perhaps it was fixed in the meantime and we're not carrying a recent enough version | 20:17 |
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bkero | dmsimard: I'd compare the spec files for both then | 20:17 |
dmsimard | python2-crypto 2.6.1-10.fc24 in fedora | 20:17 |
bkero | I wonder what the diff is between -9 and -10 | 20:17 |
dmsimard | python2-cryptographyx86_642016-03-15 19:33:391.2.1 | 20:18 |
dmsimard | in CentOS | 20:18 |
dmsimard | hrm, wait no | 20:18 |
dmsimard | python-cryptox86_642014-12-19 22:31:542.6.1 | 20:18 |
bkero | https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1300792 | 20:18 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1300792 in python-crypto "python2-crypto is attempting to replace (obsolete) python-crypto from CentOS Extras" [Unspecified,Closed: notabug] - Assigned to paul | 20:18 |
dmsimard | http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/openstack-newton/common/python-crypto-2.6.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm | 20:18 |
bkero | and here (might be) the spec. http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/python-crypto.git/tree/python-crypto.spec | 20:19 |
bkero | -10 is just "Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild" | 20:20 |
dmsimard | yeah but we're carrying 2.6.1-1 | 20:20 |
dmsimard | fedora has 2.6.1-10 | 20:21 |
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bkero | Oh, the integration jobs I was running were sourcing in -9: python2-crypto-2.6.1-9.el7.x86_64 | 20:21 |
dmsimard | huh. | 20:21 |
* dmsimard looks | 20:21 | |
dmsimard | not sure how you got that | 20:22 |
dmsimard | http://logs.openstack.org/45/356245/1/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario002-tempest-centos-7/9146ae7/logs/rpm-qa.txt.gz python-crypto-2.6.1-1.el7.x86_64 | 20:22 |
dmsimard | number80: if you're around, can we update python-crypto ? | 20:24 |
bkero | Good Q. I was just using SF's base images. Maybe they had different repos that sourced in a newer version | 20:24 |
dmsimard | bkero: ah, they enabled EPEL iirc | 20:24 |
dmsimard | bkero: maybe from there | 20:24 |
bkero | That would do it. | 20:24 |
dmsimard | see, EPEL is evil | 20:24 |
dmsimard | version of python-crypto in RDO deps is from 2014-12-19 22:31:54 | 20:25 |
dmsimard | almost 2 years | 20:25 |
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dmsimard | I'll ping Haikel by email | 20:26 |
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bkero | oof | 20:33 |
bkero | I wonder if that's the deprecated version and we should be using python2-crypto | 20:34 |
dmsimard | hm, wait | 20:34 |
dmsimard | it's pycrypto, not cryptography | 20:34 |
dmsimard | Collecting pycrypto!=2.4,<3.0,>=2.1 (from paramiko<2.0.0,>=1.8.0->zuul) | 20:34 |
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dmsimard | still can't reproduce on fedora though, trying on centos | 20:35 |
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dmsimard | bkero: https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/2016-August/msg00182.html | 20:44 |
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dmsimard | bkero: what's weird is that I didn't run into that error until today .. | 20:54 |
dmsimard | weirdo jobs have been running in review.rdo for a while now. | 20:54 |
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bkero | Huh | 21:02 |
bkero | I'm not sure why that would be. | 21:02 |
dmsimard | bkero: so in your experience removing pycrypto didn't break anything ? | 21:03 |
bkero | dmsimard: Not that I could tell, no | 21:05 |
bkero | It didn't break anything with my jobs. | 21:05 |
dmsimard | let's try it in the meantime I guess | 21:05 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Remove pycrypto from the weirdo base image http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1903 | 21:07 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Remove pycrypto from the weirdo base image http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1903 | 21:10 |
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dmsimard | pabelanger: huh, nodepool tries to guess what user to use to login ? | 21:14 |
dmsimard | I'm seeing it try ubuntu@, fedora@, cloud-user@ etc | 21:14 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: yes | 21:17 |
pabelanger | I think you can define the default | 21:18 |
pabelanger | pretty sure I added that code | 21:18 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: ah, I'll look. Because it takes like 2 minutes for nodepool to start building the actual image (not DIB yet) because it tries every login 4 times T_T | 21:18 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: did you chat with tristanC about using dib ? | 21:18 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: Let me find my patch, I'll push it up stream | 21:19 |
number80 | dmsimard: well, not a bug, it's a feature | 21:19 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: ah, you didn't push it? :p | 21:19 |
dmsimard | number80: what are you referring to ? | 21:19 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: not recently, we should try to get DIBs going | 21:19 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: slipped thought the cracks | 21:20 |
number80 | dmsimard: pycrypto | 21:20 |
dmsimard | number80: I don't follow | 21:20 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: I'll do it tonight | 21:20 |
dmsimard | number80: it's made purposefully not installable ? | 21:20 |
number80 | dmsimard: no, you're probably having different versions of setuptools that installs eggs infos as file or directory, and RPM don't like updating a dir by a file (well, it's a CPIO limitation) | 21:21 |
dmsimard | number80: well yeah, I mentioned that pycrypto is pulled by zuul being pip installed in the base image | 21:21 |
dmsimard | number80: so we should install python2-crypto before doing pip install zuul ? | 21:21 |
number80 | best would be just using virtualenv for user-installed stuff | 21:22 |
number80 | dmsimard: could work in that case | 21:22 |
dmsimard | number80: ok, I'll try. | 21:22 |
number80 | I was checking if pip was able to detect that correctly | 21:22 |
dmsimard | number80: if it works I'll send a patch upstream to sf | 21:22 |
number80 | ack | 21:22 |
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dmsimard | I was just wondering why I wasn't able to reproduce on fedora | 21:22 |
dmsimard | I guessed it was hidden somewhere between 2 years worth of updates :p | 21:22 |
brandor5 | hey guys, does anyone know what version of openstack that redhat openstack platform 9 is built on? | 21:23 |
dmsimard | brandor5: OSP 9 would be Mitaka | 21:23 |
brandor5 | @dmsimard: awesome, thanks :) | 21:23 |
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dmsimard | brandor5: details here https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/openstack/platform | 21:24 |
dmsimard | ( OSP 9 doesn't show up yet but you can see that OSP 8 is Liberty ) | 21:24 |
number80 | dmsimard: just change in setuptools eggs format | 21:24 |
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brandor5 | thanks for the info dmsimard | 21:25 |
number80 | actually, it's a combination of two crappy corner case: 1. RPM can't replace a dir by a file 2. setuptools discrepancy | 21:25 |
number80 | I | 21:25 |
dmsimard | number80: is there a formal bug to file against python-crypto ? I didn't because I thought it was fixed since I couldn't reproduce. | 21:26 |
number80 | nope, there was not much interesting change except one unbundling but I need to check if it works for us | 21:28 |
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dmsimard | ok, I'll explore pre-installing prior to zuul | 21:28 |
number80 | ack | 21:28 |
dmsimard | looks like it's good Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pycrypto!=2.4,<3.0,>=2.1 in /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages (from paramiko<2.0.0,>=1.8.0->zuul) | 21:31 |
dmsimard | I'll fix our base images and send a fix to sf | 21:31 |
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dmsimard | bkero: ping | 21:37 |
zodbot | dmsimard: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings | 21:37 |
dmsimard | bkero: can I remove your pip uninstall hacks considering http://softwarefactory-project.io/r/#/c/4626/ ? | 21:38 |
dmsimard | bkero: I'm writing a patch on review.rdo to fix it. | 21:38 |
dmsimard | ah it doesn't look like they exist anymore | 21:39 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Install python-crypto before installing Zuul http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1904 | 21:40 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: Install python-crypto before installing Zuul http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1904 | 21:42 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: ok I have a bit of time if you're available | 21:43 |
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bkero | dmsimard: I want to say I tried that and it didn't work, but if you can produce a fix with it, go ahead | 21:44 |
dmsimard | bkero: works afaict | 21:45 |
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rdogerrit | hguemar proposed config: No longer print the output of rpmbuild.log http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1898 | 21:53 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: No longer print the output of rpmbuild.log http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1898 | 21:56 |
rdogerrit | Merged DLRN: Add option in gitrepo driver to determine source branch from spec http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1818 | 21:59 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add openstack-check pipeline for 3rd party CI http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1862 | 22:05 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Add openstack-check pipeline for 3rd party CI http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1862 | 22:08 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: zuul_swift_upload: set TTL to 1 year http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1656 | 22:08 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: zuul_swift_upload: set TTL to 1 year http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1656 | 22:11 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Add nova related projects integrated dlrn jobs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1905 | 22:14 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add nova related projects integrated dlrn jobs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1905 | 22:14 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: Add nova related projects integrated dlrn jobs http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1905 | 22:17 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created rdoinfo: Update upper-constraints http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1906 | 22:35 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed rdoinfo: Update upper-constraints http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1906 | 22:37 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created rdoinfo: Nitpick: remove extra whitespace http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1907 | 22:38 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Temporarily remove trystack from nodepool http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1908 | 23:00 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Temporarily remove trystack from nodepool http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1908 | 23:01 |
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rdogerrit | Steve Baker created openstack/heat-templates-distgit: python-heat-agent subpackage for simple agent bootstrap http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1909 | 23:04 |
rdogerrit | Steve Baker proposed openstack/heat-templates-distgit: python-heat-agent subpackage for simple agent bootstrap http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1909 | 23:07 |
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rdogerrit | Steve Baker proposed openstack/heat-templates-distgit: python-heat-agent subpackage for simple agent bootstrap http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1909 | 23:10 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: sure, so if you git clone http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/sandbox/ | 23:13 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: update a file, then create a review upstream, we should see zuul.rdoproject.org run the noop job | 23:13 |
pabelanger | https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/ has the openstack-check pipeline | 23:13 |
pabelanger | dmsimard: works! | 23:16 |
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pabelanger | dmsimard: just see it on review.rdoproject.org/zuul | 23:16 |
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pabelanger | you can find 358902,1 in the zuul log | 23:17 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Revert "zuul_swift_upload: set TTL to 1 year" http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1910 | 23:44 |
dmsimard | tristanC: fyi this didn't work ^ | 23:44 |
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tristanC | dmsimard: arf... oups :-) | 23:45 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Revert "zuul_swift_upload: set TTL to 1 year" http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1910 | 23:45 |
dmsimard | tristanC: sorry for reverting rather than trying to fix.. been a bit frustrated by the gate today | 23:48 |
dmsimard | /maybe/ just removing the floating would've worked, we can look some other time | 23:48 |
tristanC | dmsimard: sure no worries... is there something I can help with regarding to rdo gate ? | 23:50 |
dmsimard | No, just a bunch of random issues | 23:51 |
dmsimard | Had to disable trystack temporarily, that python-crypto thing all of a sudden | 23:51 |
dmsimard | We just merged third party ci on openstack-dev/sandbox | 23:52 |
tristanC | arf, sometime things seems to be falling appart for no good reasons, probably just bad coincidence | 23:53 |
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