rdogerrit | hguemar created config: Enable newton-distgit-cbs-* jobs on projects moved to integrated http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2059 | 00:02 |
rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-mitaka-current @ http://tinyurl.com/zsd5jkc |#| Build failure on centos7-mitaka/current: glance: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-mitaka/report.html | 00:03 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Move zaqar-distgit to integrated projects http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2058 | 00:04 |
rdogerrit | Marcus Furlong created openstack/ceilometer-distgit: Remove hardcoded central and compute polling options http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2060 | 00:12 |
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rdogerrit | hguemar proposed config: Enable newton-distgit-cbs-* jobs on projects moved to integrated http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2059 | 00:24 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Enable newton-distgit-cbs-* jobs on projects moved to integrated http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2059 | 00:26 |
number80 | Yes \o/ | 00:26 |
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rdobot | [sensu] RESOLVED: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-mitaka-current @ http://tinyurl.com/zsd5jkc |#| No build failures detected: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-mitaka/report.html | 00:56 |
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dhill_ | FYI https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1373321 | 01:58 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1373321 in openstack-selinux "Can't deploy an overcloud because selinux blocks neutron_t to access unlabeled_t files (nsfs)" [High,New] - Assigned to lhh | 01:58 |
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jamesd | awesome job love the installer... working much better than ubuntu's conjure solution.... | 04:44 |
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atom_ | konsole\ | 05:52 |
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flepied | good morning | 06:29 |
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rdogerrit | Ben Kero created config: Add multinode testing for tripleo undercloud http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2061 | 06:46 |
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number80 | o/ | 07:06 |
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jpena | good morning! | 07:10 |
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chandankumar | jpena: number80 flepied Good Morning :-) | 07:15 |
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chandankumar | dmellado: Good Morning :-) | 07:21 |
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dmellado | o/ | 07:22 |
dmellado | morning everyone | 07:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/packstack: Allow members from the _member_ group to manage swift https://review.openstack.org/365800 | 07:42 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/packstack: Allow members from the _member_ group to manage swift https://review.openstack.org/365804 | 07:42 |
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apevec | EmilienM, looks like we have worked-in-devstack situation? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2057 | 08:07 |
jpena | apevec: have you seen https://review.openstack.org/365772? | 08:07 |
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apevec | afaict scenario002 configures mongodb same as one upstream job which passes fine... | 08:07 |
apevec | jpena, hmm, so how is that passing? | 08:08 |
apevec | aah I see commit msg | 08:08 |
jpena | that review changes the zaqar test to usa API v2 | 08:08 |
jpena | but I've checked one of the zaqar reviews and they seem to use that same job with v1 without problems :-? | 08:09 |
apevec | please add those notes to etherpad | 08:09 |
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apevec | jpena, ok, so we can't really pick this p-o-i change before it's merged, weirdo jobs are doing master checkout... | 08:14 |
jpena | apevec: yes, I think so | 08:14 |
jpena | there's no way we can make a change in review.rdo depend on an review.openstack.org change, and anyway the job will just clone the repo | 08:15 |
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apevec | right... but there might be a way to override TESTS list in weirdo job? | 08:15 |
apevec | need dmsimard|pto to s/|pto// later :) | 08:15 |
apevec | change is actually just this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/365772/3/run_tests.sh | 08:16 |
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apevec | or not, TESTS is not inherited from env :( | 08:16 |
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flepied | apevec: could we apply the 2 patches on the packages to test the result? | 08:33 |
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apevec | p-o-i change for puppet scenario002 cannot be applied, what's the other one? | 08:34 |
apevec | ah puppet-keystone for credential_setup ? | 08:35 |
apevec | hmm, that shouldn't be needed with keystone pinned to milestone 3 | 08:35 |
apevec | it also defaults to False | 08:36 |
apevec | but we now also have 58. tripleo issue | 08:36 |
apevec | jlibosva, ^ any ideas about ctlplane (issue 58. in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/delorean_master_current_issues ) ? | 08:37 |
apevec | server.networks['ctlplane'][0] for server in nova.servers.list() | 08:37 |
apevec | did cli output change? | 08:38 |
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jlibosva | apevec: looking | 08:39 |
flepied | apevec: why the scenario002 fix cannot be applied? | 08:39 |
apevec | flepied, weirdo jobs checkout upstream master of puppet-openstack-integration, it's not packaged | 08:39 |
apevec | we could redirect to a temp fork though | 08:40 |
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flepied | apevec: so it doesn't sound useful to me if we don't test the package | 08:40 |
apevec | jpena, ^ would that be just weirdo job change? | 08:40 |
jlibosva | apevec: is there more info? eg. link to used script or logs from job? | 08:41 |
apevec | flepied, it's testing RDO packages with upstream job unchanged | 08:41 |
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jlibosva | apevec: note it's nova client | 08:41 |
apevec | but yeah tempest and puppet is from upstream source | 08:41 |
apevec | jlibosva, yeah | 08:41 |
apevec | get-overcloud-nodes.py is a script produced by tripleo-quickstart | 08:42 |
jpena | apevec: maybe we could just do a sed, let me check | 08:42 |
jpena | something like -> sed 's/TestManageQueue/v2.test_queues.TestManageQueue/' run_tests.sh | 08:43 |
jpena | after cloning | 08:43 |
apevec | I'll take any non-kosher today :) | 08:44 |
jpena | now I have to find where it clones the repo, it's done in an ansible playbook | 08:44 |
jpena | ohhh, actually it could just be a patch to weirdo itself | 08:44 |
jpena | much better, we can use Depends-On | 08:44 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña created rdo-infra/ansible-role-weirdo-puppet-openstack: TEST (do not merge) Patch zaqar tests for puppet-openstack-integration http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2062 | 08:49 |
jpena | apevec: let's see if ^^ is enough | 08:49 |
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apevec | good that dmsimard|pto is not around yet, he'd probably freak out :) | 08:53 |
jpena | number80: I've found a few cases where the packages we have (either in CentOS base or our dependency repo) have lower versions than requested by global-requirements.txt -> https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/dependency-bumps has the ones | 08:53 |
apevec | ignore pytz | 08:53 |
apevec | rhel has backports so version is irrelevant | 08:54 |
jpena | apevec: mmm that's making some specs in upstream rpm-packaging complain, because we don't rm requirements.txt there :-/ | 08:54 |
apevec | we should sell this removal in rpm-packaging CC number80 | 08:55 |
apevec | it's repeating rpm deps | 08:55 |
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apevec | double is trouble :) | 08:55 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/zaqar-distgit: DO NOT MERGE reproducing zaqar tempest failure in rdo ci http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2057 | 09:03 |
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number80 | jpena: ack | 09:13 |
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jpena | apevec: so thinking about the upstream rpm-packaging project, our options to get a working gate job are either convince them to remove *requirements.txt files in all specs, or have a small dependency repo just to allow them to build (with those overrides and some other dependencies, which would only be used to build) | 09:25 |
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jpena | actually, we might need the small dependency repo anyway (for stuff like debootstrap which we may not want to have in openstack-newton) | 09:26 |
jpena | hey, Depends-On works with weirdo patches \o/ | 09:26 |
jpena | https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/gate-weirdo-dlrn-master-puppet-scenario002/11/console | 09:27 |
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number80 | jpena: cross-projects or cross-gerrit? | 09:33 |
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jpena | number80: if you mean weirdo patches, it's cross-projects | 09:34 |
number80 | jpena: ok, the other option would be surprising :) | 09:34 |
number80 | btw, debootstrap is in common | 09:34 |
number80 | though not tagged | 09:35 |
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flepied | apevec: who is looking at the undercloud issue 58? | 09:52 |
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apevec | flepied, I've asked jlibosva to have a look since "networks was mentioned but issue seems to be in novaclient | 09:58 |
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apevec | jlibosva, btw I forgot to paste you, the script is https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/blob/master/roles/tripleo-inventory/templates/get-overcloud-nodes.py.j2 | 10:00 |
apevec | so looks like novaclient output changed? | 10:00 |
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jlibosva | apevec: thanks, looking | 10:16 |
jlibosva | ok, I'm not much smarter from that :D | 10:16 |
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jlibosva | apevec: is it more likely that the network name has changed? do you have logs what was returned from nova api during this call? | 10:17 |
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dtantsur | folks, what repo is http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/tripleo_images/mitaka/delorean/ build from? | 10:26 |
dtantsur | (I suspect it would be helpful to put README there with a link...) | 10:26 |
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jpena | apevec: experimental tests worked with the zaqar fix -> https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/experimental-weirdo-dlrn-master-puppet-scenario002/2/ | 10:58 |
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rdogerrit | hguemar created openstack/stevedore-distgit: Use pypi.io for Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2063 | 11:16 |
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EmilienM | hello | 11:53 |
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EmilienM | apevec: yes, indeed zaqar was broken | 11:53 |
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flepied | EmilienM: is fixed now? | 11:55 |
flepied | is it fixed now? | 11:55 |
EmilienM | flepied: patch to unblock situation are in our gate | 11:56 |
EmilienM | it's about to merge in a few min | 11:56 |
flepied | EmilienM: do you have the URL of the review? | 11:56 |
EmilienM | flepied: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/365103/ | 11:56 |
flepied | thx EmilienM | 11:56 |
EmilienM | flepied: and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/365772/ | 11:57 |
flepied | ok I see, thx | 11:58 |
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weshay | apevec, greetings.. for the test day.. are the master and newton delorean trunk repos still the same? should we use one or the other? | 12:23 |
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trown | I don't think any projects have branched yet, so they should be the same | 12:26 |
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EmilienM | trown: libraries are branched | 12:31 |
EmilienM | https://github.com/openstack/python-tripleoclient/tree/stable/newton | 12:31 |
EmilienM | https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/tree/stable/newton | 12:31 |
EmilienM | https://github.com/openstack/oslo.config/tree/stable/newton | 12:31 |
trown | oh, well then we want to use newton for test day | 12:32 |
trown | thanks EmilienM | 12:32 |
weshay | FYI.. rdo infra scrum agenda https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rdo-infra-scrum | 12:32 |
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number80 | weshay: master-head == pure master, master == newton-uc | 12:33 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/stevedore-distgit: Use pypi.io for Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2063 | 12:36 |
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jruzicka | I'm in a mood for analyzing/visualising some data, anything like that needs doing? | 12:37 |
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jruzicka | also, what about verwatch, number80 | 12:38 |
number80 | jruzicka: had no time to finish | 12:38 |
* number80 is building like crazy | 12:39 | |
jruzicka | number80, yeah right, want me to finish that for you? :) | 12:39 |
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number80 | jruzicka: I need to publish that code first, it's completely different beast | 12:39 |
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number80 | it's mostly a frozen flask app | 12:40 |
jruzicka | ack | 12:40 |
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trown | uh oh dmsimard is back... everyone look busy | 12:43 |
dmsimard | hello #rdo | 12:43 |
rbowen | Hi, dmsimard | 12:43 |
dmsimard | apevec, jpena|lunch: what's that about weirdo stuff ? need a hand ? | 12:43 |
trown | hola dmsimard | 12:43 |
dmsimard | How's everyone doing ? | 12:44 |
EmilienM | dmsimard: hey ! | 12:45 |
EmilienM | dmsimard: everything was broken, then fixed then broken then fixed then broken and now it's fixed | 12:45 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: oh, so business as usual then ? | 12:45 |
EmilienM | yeah | 12:45 |
weshay | heh | 12:46 |
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weshay | that's our DOD.. was it fixed.. aye, check. Is it broken now.. aye. OK we're done :) | 12:47 |
EmilienM | apevec: https://dashboards.rdoproject.org/rdo-dev | 12:47 |
EmilienM | apevec: how comes tripleo CI is green? | 12:47 |
EmilienM | apevec: did you pin keystone to not have keystone credential setup required? | 12:47 |
weshay | EmilienM, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/365802/ | 12:47 |
sshnaidm | how and where do I submit a bug for RDO regarding wrong delorean.repo file? | 12:47 |
EmilienM | weshay: ah ok | 12:48 |
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EmilienM | weshay: i'm still curious how it passed | 12:48 |
weshay | sshnaidm, for anything regarding RDO you can use bugzilla, community, RDO | 12:48 |
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EmilienM | weshay: tripleo doesn't handle the keystone credential setup yet | 12:48 |
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rbowen | So, what do y'all think, are we going to have a promotion in time for test day on the 8th? | 12:48 |
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sshnaidm | weshay, is bugzilla the main bugtracker in RDO? | 12:49 |
weshay | rbowen, if the tripleo promotion from last night is legit, I think so | 12:49 |
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weshay | rbowen, we finally have a file server stood up, but it's temporary | 12:49 |
rbowen | weshay: Oh, excellent. I was looking at dashboards.rdo and it said 10 days. | 12:49 |
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chandankumar | dmsimard: rbowen EmilienM Hola! | 12:50 |
dmsimard | sshnaidm: something that is related to delorean (dlrn) should be filed here: https://github.com/openstack-packages/dlrn/issues | 12:50 |
weshay | rbowen, RDO has not yet passed, working on that today w/ trown and adarazs | 12:50 |
dmsimard | sshnaidm: dlrn doesn't have a bugzilla component. | 12:50 |
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weshay | EmilienM, that has was pointed out by apevec as the one he wanted for the testday | 12:50 |
sshnaidm | dmsimard, it's wrong repo url in delorean.repo file, I'm not sure it's related to dlrn tool.. | 12:50 |
dmsimard | sshnaidm: the delorean.repo file is generated by dlrn, yes. | 12:51 |
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sshnaidm | dmsimard, ok, thanks | 12:51 |
dmsimard | sshnaidm: but anyway, can you show me what you mean ? | 12:51 |
jpena | dmsimard: we were doing some dirty stuff to weirdo, but just for testing (https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2062) :) | 12:51 |
jpena | welcome back, btw ;) | 12:51 |
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dmsimard | jpena: yay \o/ | 12:54 |
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jpena | dmsimard: now that you're back, with fresh ideas, I have something in mind about DLRN but I'm not sure if we can make it work | 12:57 |
jpena | dmsimard: I see we're wasting a lot of time in our builders just refreshing the git repos and checking for updated commits, so maybe we could do it the other way around: have a job in the post pipeline for repos in review.rdoproject.org that just connects to the proper dlrn instance and triggers the build of that specific package | 12:58 |
dmsimard | jpena: you can do anything you want, sky is the limit and don't let your imagination be stopped by boundaries, you will overcome them! </overlyencouraging> | 12:58 |
dmsimard | jpena: that's a middleground between what we have now and what I wanted to do | 12:58 |
sshnaidm | dmsimard, http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/rdo-trunk-master/delorean.repo - shouldn't it contain "buildlogs.centos.org" instead of "trunk.rdoproject.org" there? | 12:58 |
number80 | sshnaidm: it's the same, redirection | 12:59 |
dmsimard | jpena: which is to decentralize the dlrn instance builds into POST pipeline triggers that would rsync wherever relevant | 12:59 |
dmsimard | number80: it's not | 12:59 |
jpena | dmsimard: yes, that was my other idea | 12:59 |
jpena | and have dlrn rebuild the repo, but in both cases we have the issue of having the jenkins server connect from the internet to inside the ci.centos.org infra | 13:00 |
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dmsimard | number80: it's kind of funny if you use the delorean.repo from buildlogs, you don't actually use buildlogs but rather the public instance | 13:00 |
weshay | rlandy, mtg | 13:01 |
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jpena | sshnaidm: that's *the* issue we need to fix if we want to use the CDN but still download that file. So that file is created by the DLRN code while building the repo, and its contents should be those. However, when we promote a repo we should comment it out and set another baseurl | 13:02 |
dmsimard | jpena: we can solve that by a pull rather than a push | 13:02 |
dmsimard | jpena: not unlike how tripleo is doing for symlink promotions | 13:02 |
dmsimard | jpena: have the dlrn instance pull from the public internet rather than have the public internet push to it | 13:02 |
sshnaidm | jpena, dmsimard so can I submit an issue about this? | 13:03 |
dmsimard | sshnaidm: it's a known issue although not formalized, you can go ahead | 13:03 |
jpena | sshnaidm: however, that's a problem if we have more than one repo (tripleo-ci, current-passed-ci) using the same hashed repo, so the best solution would be to configure the CI jobs to use the buildlogs URLs instead of downloading delorean.repo | 13:03 |
jpena | dmsimard: how can we do that (without polling)? | 13:03 |
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dmsimard | jpena: could be a remote parameterized job, exactly like the tripleo job | 13:04 |
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dmsimard | sec | 13:04 |
sshnaidm | jpena, these repo files are downloaded to images etc, we can't just use url | 13:04 |
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number80 | dmsimard: \o/ | 13:10 |
* number80 is having fun w/ newton-rdo forking | 13:10 | |
number80 | too much things to check | 13:10 |
dmsimard | has upstream started branching newton upstream ? | 13:12 |
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rdogerrit | Ben Kero proposed config: Add multinode testing for tripleo undercloud http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2061 | 13:13 |
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number80 | dmsimard: yes, last week | 13:14 |
dmsimard | EmilienM: have you started branching stable/newton too ? | 13:14 |
dmsimard | I guess we also need to branch packstack | 13:14 |
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EmilienM | dmsimard: no | 13:24 |
EmilienM | i'll branch once our final release is out | 13:24 |
EmilienM | It will happen at October 3 I think | 13:25 |
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dmsimard | jpena|off: can we do -> images.rdoproject.org ? | 13:27 |
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dmsimard | ok | 13:28 |
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jpena | dmsimard: I'm on it | 13:36 |
rdogerrit | hguemar created openstack/oslo-config-distgit: Fix Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2065 | 13:38 |
dmsimard | jpena: ty | 13:40 |
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rdogerrit | rdo-trunk created openstack/ceilometer-distgit: openstack-ceilometer: failed to build a60b004 http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2067 | 13:54 |
rdogerrit | Ben Kero proposed config: Add multinode testing for tripleo undercloud http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2061 | 13:54 |
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rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: ceilometer: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 14:00 |
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rdogerrit | Merged openstack/heat-templates-distgit: python-heat-agent subpackage for simple agent bootstrap http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1909 | 14:00 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed openstack/ceilometer-distgit: Add binary ceilometer-upgrade http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2067 | 14:04 |
rdogerrit | Pradeep Kilambi created openstack/ceilometer-distgit: rename dbsync to upgrade http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2068 | 14:05 |
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number80 | jpena, pradk: duplicate work detected | 14:08 |
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number80 | pradk: recommended way is to reuse the review opened by DLRN | 14:08 |
pradk | number80, :) jpena was first lets use his.. i'll abandon | 14:08 |
number80 | ack | 14:09 |
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EmilienM | apevec: all blockers merged puppet CI is promoted now | 14:09 |
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dmsimard | EmilienM: yay | 14:15 |
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dmsimard | number80: did we make any progress in tempest stuff last week? Eager to unblock designate | 14:16 |
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number80 | dmsimard: discussion ongoing on the list | 14:17 |
dmsimard | ah, haven't caught up on emails yet | 14:17 |
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jruzicka | what URL should I reference as RDO CloudSIG repos? Something stable that points to the actual repos? | 14:55 |
jruzicka | apevec, number80, chandankumar ^ | 14:55 |
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rbowen | http://rdoproject.org/repos right? | 14:56 |
rbowen | Oh, wait ... no. | 14:56 |
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misc | something in https :) | 14:57 |
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jruzicka | might be nice to add a page explaining what these are linking | 14:58 |
rbowen | http://trunk.rdoproject.org/ should always point to the right things. | 14:58 |
misc | are package on trunk signed ? | 14:58 |
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jruzicka | rbowen, but it only mentions trunk.rdoproj while CloudSIG repos are http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/ | 15:00 |
jpena | jruzicka: for actual reports, we should use http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64 | 15:00 |
jpena | those are the signed rpms, anything under trunk.rdoproject.org is not signed | 15:00 |
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jpena | I need to leave now (doctor), will check back this evening | 15:01 |
jruzicka | jpena, I see, so that is just a mirror of trunk.r.o+ singning? Any CI between? how often is it mirrored? | 15:01 |
jruzicka | jpena, sure thing | 15:01 |
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jpena | jruzicka: no, what's in mirror.centos.org is built using the CBS, trunk.rdo.o is built using DLRN | 15:02 |
jpena | i'm pretty sure amoralej created a nice diagram for that | 15:02 |
jruzicka | yeah, right :) | 15:02 |
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jruzicka | so it seems there is no page explaining that | 15:02 |
jpena | https://www.rdoproject.org/images/documentation/rdo-full-workflow-high-level-no-buildlogs.png?1464794623 | 15:02 |
jpena | https://www.rdoproject.org/documentation/rdo-packaging/ has something, it could be expanded | 15:03 |
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jruzicka | yeah I considered that, but that's packager docs, we should have user facing page explaining what it is and pointing to up to date links | 15:04 |
jruzicka | much like trunk.r.o | 15:04 |
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number80 | jruzicka: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/cloud/x86_64/ | 15:19 |
number80 | but simpler is to install centos-release-openstack package from extras | 15:19 |
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rdogerrit | Merged openstack/oslo-config-distgit: Fix Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2065 | 15:21 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard proposed config: Add DLRN-rpmbuild for upstream python-tripleoclient http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1911 | 15:24 |
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dmsimard | bkero: were you the one that added https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack-integration/blob/master/run_tests.sh#L18 ? I forget | 15:27 |
dmsimard | and git blame is not picking up the right thing | 15:28 |
EmilienM | weshay, trown: can you guys join #openstack-release ? | 15:29 |
wrongosaurus | hi, whats the catch in running WeiRDO? | 15:34 |
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wrongosaurus | seems like there are other things in documentation than in git repo | 15:35 |
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dmsimard | wrongosaurus: hi o/ | 15:37 |
dmsimard | wrongosaurus: what are you trying to do ? :) | 15:37 |
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wrongosaurus | run it, namely there should be run-test.sh | 15:38 |
wrongosaurus | but it isn't | 15:39 |
wrongosaurus | i'm new to this, so I need to orient a bit | 15:39 |
dmsimard | wrongosaurus: weirdo is just an ansible wrapper to run upstream packstack and puppet-openstack integration jobs | 15:39 |
wrongosaurus | I thought I'll edit ansible hosts file, and weirdo would install and test packstack for me | 15:39 |
wrongosaurus | for example | 15:39 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/ceilometer-distgit: Add binary ceilometer-upgrade http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2067 | 15:40 |
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bkero | dmsimard: I was | 15:40 |
dmsimard | wrongosaurus: right, so this is an example of how to run weirdo on "localhost" https://gist.github.com/dmsimard/8d14ceb5a4d3a41a1879d25decb6c162 | 15:41 |
dmsimard | wrongosaurus: you can edit that small script and put your own target in the inventory file if you'd like | 15:41 |
wrongosaurus | nice | 15:41 |
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wrongosaurus | i'll try to point it to KVM, so it wouldn't mange my machine | 15:42 |
dmsimard | wrongosaurus: I have to step away for lunch but you can find me here if you have any questions, I'm the author :) | 15:42 |
wrongosaurus | thanks a lot! | 15:42 |
wrongosaurus | i'll have more questions later :) | 15:42 |
dmsimard | wrongosaurus: weirdo won't set up a VM for you, it needs a target to deploy on (so Ansible can connect to it).. that target can be localhost (as per the example) or whatever host/vm you want | 15:43 |
dmsimard | bkero: k I'll have a question for you after lunch :) | 15:43 |
wrongosaurus | my centos VM is already installed | 15:43 |
bkero | dmsimard: sounds good | 15:43 |
* bkero taking a small nap after 6am meeting :) | 15:43 | |
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rdogerrit | hguemar created openstack/oslo-serialization-distgit: Fix Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2069 | 15:47 |
rdogerrit | hguemar created openstack/oslo-serialization-distgit: Add missing %upstream_version fallback macro http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2070 | 15:47 |
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EmilienM | apevec: so keystone is currently pinned? | 15:53 |
flepied | EmilienM: yes: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/rdoinfo/blob/master/rdo.yml#L330 | 15:56 |
EmilienM | flepied: ok. It should be good to unpin it for puppet ci but it will fail in tripleo Ci because tripleo doesn't use the new keystone bootrap tool yet | 15:57 |
rdobot | [sensu] NEW: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| Build failure on centos7-master/current: ceilometer: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 15:57 |
EmilienM | ayoung, shardy: I would like to warn you on this topic | 15:58 |
EmilienM | RDO is currently pinning keystone to newton-3 because a change in keystone made keystone credential setup required | 15:58 |
ayoung | EmilienM, ++ | 15:58 |
EmilienM | puppet-keystone does support this feature but it's not enabled in tripleo | 15:58 |
EmilienM | and enabling it in tripleo is not easy, because we need to generate credential on one node and then export it on other keystone nodes | 15:58 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: fyi ^ | 15:59 |
flepied | EmilienM: I suppose we'll unpin after the test days | 15:59 |
EmilienM | I have no idea how to implement it | 15:59 |
EmilienM | but if we don't do it, we won't be able to run final keystone newton on tripleo | 15:59 |
jaosorior | EmilienM: thanks for the info | 15:59 |
EmilienM | we should really fix that thing as high prio | 16:00 |
EmilienM | I have a workaround in mind | 16:00 |
EmilienM | ayoung: what do you think if we set a static (randomly generated) value in the credential files | 16:01 |
EmilienM | ayoung: we wouldn't have any rotation though, but we don't care now | 16:01 |
ayoung | EmilienM, give me 10 minutes | 16:01 |
jaosorior | EmilienM: ayoung, me and the team are currently in a meeting. | 16:01 |
EmilienM | ah ok | 16:01 |
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apevec | EmilienM, imho this is backward incompatible change as ayoung acknowledged and should be fixed in keystone | 16:02 |
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EmilienM | ayoung, jaosorior: we could use https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1619758 to track it | 16:03 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1619758 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Credential Encryption breaks deployments without Fernet" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Adam Young (ayoung) | 16:03 |
EmilienM | apevec: yes | 16:03 |
EmilienM | apevec: this is terrible from keystone to do this change at the end of cycle | 16:04 |
stevemar | EmilienM: keystone meeting in 2 hours, not much on the agenda, we can talk about it there | 16:06 |
EmilienM | stevemar: ok | 16:06 |
EmilienM | stevemar: this is really problematic | 16:06 |
rdobot | [sensu] RESOLVED: master.monitoring.rdoproject.org - check-delorean-newton-current @ http://tinyurl.com/gud2vup |#| No build failures detected: http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/report.html | 16:06 |
stevemar | EmilienM: i can tell :( | 16:07 |
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stevemar | EmilienM: i suppose you still want your credentials to work too, so running the setup will fix your CI but you guys dont have a way to rotate keys | 16:08 |
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EmilienM | stevemar: in /etc/keystone/credential-keys/ what is diff between 0.txt and 1.txt? | 16:08 |
EmilienM | stevemar: rotation will be a future feature | 16:08 |
chandankumar | number80: jruzicka EmilienM dmsimard rbowen apevec dmellado Good night, see you tomorrow :-) | 16:08 |
rbowen | Good night chandankumar | 16:08 |
EmilienM | now we need to generate it and put it on the keystone nodes | 16:08 |
EmilienM | stevemar: for example http://logs.openstack.org/72/365772/3/gate/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-centos-7/9c5389d/logs/etc/keystone/credential-keys/ | 16:09 |
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stevemar | EmilienM: i assume 0.txt is the primary key and 1.txt is the secondary | 16:11 |
lbragstad | stevemar other way around | 16:11 |
lbragstad | the key with the highest index is the primary key | 16:11 |
lbragstad | meaning it is the key used to encrypt all new credentials | 16:11 |
EmilienM | ok, if I have one key, is it enough? | 16:11 |
lbragstad | EmilienM yes | 16:11 |
EmilienM | i'm going to use Puppet to generate it. | 16:12 |
EmilienM | what is the formula to generate a key? is there a python/shell command I can use? | 16:12 |
lbragstad | EmilienM the `keystone-manage credential_setup` command is going to leave you with a 0 and 1 key in your credential key repository | 16:12 |
lbragstad | EmilienM absolutely | 16:12 |
lbragstad | EmilienM its just a couple lines of python - let me find you an example | 16:12 |
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lbragstad | EmilienM https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/blob/master/src/cryptography/fernet.py#L46 | 16:14 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: ok. My first step is to enable it on undercloud : https://review.openstack.org/366240 as we don't need export/collect and rotations. | 16:14 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: thanks a lot | 16:14 |
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lbragstad | EmilienM you should be able to generate keys all day using - http://cdn.pasteraw.com/o3lppn5zitxkexmnq0yld2l4juuzl2p | 16:14 |
lbragstad | EmilienM then it's just a process of making sure they get named properly (i.e. 0 or 1 or 2, etc... ) | 16:15 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: so what I'm going to do is to 1) generate 2 values 2) use Puppet to write the 1.txt and 2.txt files everywhere Keystone runs, set the credential key path in /etc/keystone.conf with Puppet but NOT run keystone-manage credential_setup | 16:15 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: what do you think? | 16:15 |
lbragstad | EmilienM that would certainly work, but is there any reason to not run keystone-manage credential_setup? | 16:16 |
lbragstad | once you set the key_repository location `CONF [credential] key_repository` | 16:16 |
lbragstad | ? | 16:16 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: because if I run it on multinode, it will generate different keys | 16:17 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: I want to keep control on the content of keys so I can put the right keys on all keystone nodes | 16:17 |
EmilienM | until we find a better mechanism in tripleo | 16:17 |
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lbragstad | EmilienM ah - right | 16:17 |
EmilienM | ok I'll prepare a prototype | 16:18 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: thanks for your help | 16:18 |
lbragstad | EmilienM so the keys that you're generating are going to be the only keys used across all nodes, right? | 16:18 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: right, for now | 16:18 |
lbragstad | ok | 16:18 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: we can add rotations later, as a new feature | 16:18 |
EmilienM | but I want to iterate so we can use latest keystone | 16:18 |
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lbragstad | EmilienM i guess one thing you could do would be to name the files 0 and 1 so that it behaves exactly like keystone-manage credential_setup | 16:19 |
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EmilienM | lbragstad: ok perfect I'll do that | 16:19 |
lbragstad | EmilienM then it would be completely transparent | 16:19 |
EmilienM | yeah | 16:19 |
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EmilienM | ayoung, jaosorior: FYI here's a summary of what i'm doing now https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1619758/comments/3 | 16:21 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1619758 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Credential Encryption breaks deployments without Fernet" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Adam Young (ayoung) | 16:21 |
lbragstad | EmilienM we have some logic in keystone to make it so that if there is a key named 0 in the repository - we won't overwrite those keys https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/b47f10290ed83415149f3d2ab6b0dc64646e578a/keystone/common/fernet_utils.py#L151 | 16:22 |
ayoung | EmilienM, not on the nodes | 16:22 |
ayoung | we need these synced between nodes, which is why in my POC I did it on the undercloud | 16:22 |
EmilienM | ayoung: if we use puppet to manage the file, it will be synced. | 16:22 |
EmilienM | I'll use our password generation mechanism | 16:22 |
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ayoung | EmilienM, use the Keystone-manage command | 16:23 |
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EmilienM | no.. | 16:23 |
EmilienM | you didn't understand the problem here | 16:23 |
jaosorior | EmilienM: so you're talking about generating a random key in heat, and passing that to puppet via hiera? | 16:23 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: yes | 16:23 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: but with File resource. | 16:23 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: exactly, you got it | 16:23 |
jaosorior | ayoung: that's very similar to the approach you had mentioned. I think it's the right way to do it. | 16:23 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: that's the only way we can get it working super fast | 16:23 |
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jaosorior | ayoung: it's not as complete as using a secret-storage tool such as custodia. But as you mentioned, that's not ready yet :/ | 16:24 |
EmilienM | well, nothing is ready yet :-( | 16:24 |
ayoung | EmilienM, jaosorior I really need to finish this team meeting before I can pay full attention. Sorry | 16:24 |
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jaosorior | EmilienM: when you have something let me know and I'll give it priority to review | 16:25 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: yep | 16:25 |
EmilienM | I'm on it now | 16:25 |
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lbragstad | EmilienM feel free to ping me if you want another set of eyes on the review - I'd be happy to review it from a fernet perspective. | 16:27 |
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EmilienM | lbragstad: ok, I appreciate your help | 16:28 |
EmilienM | I have an idea how to do it, in tripleoclient | 16:28 |
lbragstad | EmilienM anytime | 16:28 |
ayoung | EmilienM, we can generate on the undercloud using the keystione mechanism | 16:28 |
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* EmilienM brb lunch | 16:37 | |
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dmsimard | wrongosaurus: so you're interested in testing Packstack ? As in, testing it actually works ? Or do you want to test Packstack from an end user perspective ? | 16:38 |
jaosorior | ayoung: we'll also need it for the undercloud's keystone. That's why Emilien is aiming to do it via heat | 16:41 |
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jaosorior | ayoung: so EmilienM actually has a submission for generating the keys for the undercloud's keystone using the supported mechanism (which is already even supported via puppet) | 16:41 |
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rdogerrit | Jakub Ruzicka created rdopkg: pkgenv: fix traceback on unknown gerrit chain http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2071 | 16:47 |
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imcsk8 | apevec: are you around? | 17:02 |
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EmilienM | jaosorior: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/366240/ | 17:14 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: in the meantime | 17:14 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: I'll change it later probably but it's good enough for this cycle. | 17:14 |
jaosorior | EmilienM: alright, I'll check it out tomorrow. | 17:15 |
EmilienM | thanks | 17:15 |
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jaosorior | EmilienM: it's 8pm here and I'm about to leave. Sorry about that. But tomorrow morning I'll check it out. | 17:15 |
rdogerrit | Merged rdopkg: cbsbuild: make rpm module optional http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1970 | 17:15 |
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EmilienM | jaosorior: don't be sorry | 17:16 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: have a great evening dude | 17:16 |
EmilienM | jaosorior: i'll email you and Adam about my progress | 17:16 |
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rdogerrit | Pradeep Kilambi created rdoinfo: Add panko project http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2072 | 17:43 |
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dmsimard | bkero: ohai | 17:49 |
dmsimard | bkero: re: puppet manage modules | 17:49 |
bkero | hi | 17:50 |
dmsimard | bkero: I guess this is because you pre-install the modules somewhere ? | 17:50 |
bkero | dmsimard: yes, exactly | 17:50 |
bkero | otherwise p-o-i clobbers them | 17:50 |
dmsimard | bkero: just noticed we don't leverage that with weirdo right now so while we're testing openstack projects from packages, the puppet modules are from source as per the Puppetfile | 17:50 |
dmsimard | with Packstack we're already using the appropriate switch to install puppet modules from packages | 17:51 |
bkero | dmsimard: That seems like it could provide some easy test coverage. | 17:51 |
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dmsimard | But p-o-i expects the modules in /etc/puppet/modules, right ? Do you pass a different argument to puppet apply to change the moduledir ? | 17:51 |
bkero | I believe they get symlinked | 17:52 |
bkero | dmsimard: alternatively PUPPET_ARGS="--modulepath=/usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules" | 17:52 |
dmsimard | hm, I don't think they get symlinked | 17:53 |
rdogerrit | jason guiditta created puppet/puppet-barbican-distgit: Add spec for puppet-barbican. http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2073 | 17:53 |
dmsimard | at least not according to https://review.rdoproject.org/r/gitweb?p=puppet/puppet-nova-distgit.git;a=blob;f=puppet-nova.spec;h=685b570a6a4c3c053ce9a9da231bd641982093b9;hb=HEAD | 17:53 |
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dmsimard | jayg: interesting ^ | 17:54 |
bkero | That might have been happening in the test job | 17:54 |
jayg | dmsimard: ? | 17:54 |
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dmsimard | bkero: what a coincidence, if p-o-i would be installing from packages they would fail right now because puppet-barbican isn't packaged yet | 17:54 |
jayg | did I do it wrong? | 17:54 |
dmsimard | jayg: no, just an interesting coincidence | 17:54 |
jayg | ah, ok, yes, we started working on adding puppet-barbican late last week | 17:55 |
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jayg | puppet-ovn too, fwiw, patch coming shortly for that | 17:55 |
dmsimard | jayg: tabs instead of spaces ? | 17:55 |
dmsimard | is that generated by hand or scripted ? | 17:55 |
jayg | script, feel free to comment and I will clean it | 17:55 |
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* jayg could try to fix script as well... | 17:56 | |
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bkero | dmsimard: that's not to say that there shouldn't be p-o-i jobs using/testing the packages | 17:57 |
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dmsimard | bkero: well, it's fine that upstream installs from source -- p-o-i installs through puppet file and so does packstack | 17:58 |
dmsimard | bkero: but with weirdo and RDO in mind, we're using those tests to test our packages | 17:58 |
rdogerrit | Igor Yozhikov created openstack/murano-distgit: Fix io.murano.zip creaton http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2074 | 17:58 |
bkero | dmsimard: p-o-i could test the puppet packages too | 17:59 |
bkero | just MANAGE_PUPPET_MODULES=false | 17:59 |
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dmsimard | bkero: yup, and change the puppet args | 18:06 |
dmsimard | ty, will do that. | 18:06 |
rdogerrit | Merged config: Add DLRN-rpmbuild for upstream python-tripleoclient http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1911 | 18:06 |
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rdogerrit | jason guiditta proposed puppet/puppet-barbican-distgit: Add spec for puppet-barbican. http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2073 | 18:07 |
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rdogerrit | jason guiditta created puppet/puppet-ovn-distgit: Add spec for puppet-ovn. http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2075 | 18:12 |
rdogerrit | Pradeep Kilambi proposed rdoinfo: Add panko project http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2072 | 18:14 |
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mwhahaha | hey i'm attempting to use the tripleo-quickstart stuff and i'm getting an ssl connection failure when it is trying to pull down https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/delorean-deps.repo | 18:19 |
bkero | mwhahaha: check your client's time? | 18:19 |
mwhahaha | my time is fine | 18:19 |
number80 | dmsimard: can you help reviewing puppet-DLRN patchsets? | 18:20 |
number80 | https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/project:rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn | 18:20 |
mwhahaha | Connection failure: unknown error (_ssl.c:2988) | 18:20 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/oslo-serialization-distgit: Fix Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2069 | 18:20 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/oslo-serialization-distgit: Add missing %upstream_version fallback macro http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2070 | 18:20 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/heat-templates-distgit: python-heat-agent-puppet subpackage http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1912 | 18:20 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/heat-templates-distgit: python-heat-agent-ansible subpackage http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1913 | 18:20 |
mwhahaha | yay non descript python ssl errors | 18:20 |
number80 | there are a lot of them, and I'm not comfy to merge them based on my sole judgement | 18:20 |
bkero | huh | 18:20 |
mwhahaha | i can curl/wget all day long | 18:20 |
bkero | mwhahaha: does your python grabbing library use python's cert store? | 18:20 |
bkero | This cert is using the DST Root CA X3 and LetsEncrypt | 18:21 |
mwhahaha | no idea, what does ansible use by default | 18:21 |
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bkero | no idea there | 18:22 |
mwhahaha | it's probably using my system one which probably does not have letsencrypt | 18:23 |
mwhahaha | well if that was the case curl should fail | 18:23 |
bkero | python requests uses it's own cert store | 18:23 |
* mwhahaha sighs | 18:23 | |
mwhahaha | because you know, we need more of those | 18:23 |
bkero | go tell it to the requests people | 18:24 |
number80 | jayg: puppet-xxx spec are missing %upstream_version, is it due to the generating script? If that's the case, I strongly suggest fixing it | 18:24 |
bkero | http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/ looks like there's a way to get it to use other certs with 'certifi' | 18:24 |
number80 | bkero: not necessarily | 18:24 |
mwhahaha | requests was fine | 18:24 |
bkero | number80: does the rpm gut that functionality or something? | 18:24 |
mwhahaha | i just pulled it in python ok, seems to be ansible related | 18:24 |
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number80 | bkero: we patch requests to use system cert store | 18:25 |
bkero | ah ok | 18:25 |
bkero | because software | 18:25 |
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number80 | actually, for secteam, it's a NACK to use bundled cert | 18:26 |
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trown | mwhahaha: howdy thanks for giving quickstart a go... where is it downloading that repo? | 18:27 |
number80 | though I'm more often the one poking at secteam than the reverse | 18:27 |
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mwhahaha | trown: http://paste.openstack.org/show/567246/ | 18:27 |
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trown | mwhahaha: hmm, seems like another bug with devmode... | 18:29 |
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trown | mwhahaha: are you using devmode because the other images are super slow to download by chance? | 18:30 |
mwhahaha | no | 18:31 |
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mwhahaha | i'm a glutton for punishment is seems | 18:31 |
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trown | k, devmode needs some love... like we need to rethink how we are doing it entirely | 18:32 |
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mwhahaha | i already battled libvirt | 18:33 |
mwhahaha | let me try w/o dev mode to see if i run into other issues | 18:34 |
trown | there are RDO images, but the place we were hosting them recently put a rate limiter up... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359796/ will fix that | 18:34 |
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trown | you could pull that patch, or just pass in '--extra-vars undercloud_image_url=http://images.rdoproject.org/master/delorean/current-tripleo/stable/undercloud.qcow2" to quickstart.sh | 18:37 |
trown | asuming you are working on master, or find the appropriate image on images.rdoproject.org to pass in | 18:37 |
mwhahaha | ok thanks | 18:38 |
trown | let me know if you hit any other issues | 18:38 |
mwhahaha | oh i've got a list | 18:38 |
trown | :) | 18:38 |
* mwhahaha cries | 18:38 | |
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trown | dmsimard: any chance you would want to push some JJB for me? https://review.gerrithub.io/#/c/290345 | 18:46 |
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rdogerrit | Pradeep Kilambi created openstack/panko-distgit: Import panko spec and supporting files http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2076 | 18:48 |
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flepied | any idea about the timeout in the CI job tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker ? | 19:08 |
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dmsimard | number80: sorry was deep in my code editor didn't see notification. I will | 19:09 |
dmsimard | trown: looking | 19:10 |
dmsimard | trown: sure, I can push. | 19:10 |
trown | dmsimard: I think weshay just did it | 19:10 |
trown | thanks though | 19:10 |
dmsimard | trown: np, sorry about that,. | 19:10 |
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trown | flepied: last I looked at that I could not reproduce it locally... but it took 3 hours to download the CI image. We should have images getting pushed to images.rdoproject.org for the next run so it will be easier to look at it again. | 19:14 |
flepied | trown: nothing in the logs? | 19:15 |
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trown | flepied: ah most recent one is different | 19:19 |
trown | flepied: it is just failing to complete the deploy in 90 minutes | 19:19 |
trown | I guess we need to bump that ... again... | 19:20 |
flepied | trown: should we raise the timeout? | 19:20 |
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trown | not sure really... doesnt seem like it should take 90 minutes | 19:21 |
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trown | from the logs it looks like it was in Step5 of the deploy for 45 minutes before timing out... so it might just be hanging there | 19:22 |
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flepied | what is going on on step5? | 19:22 |
trown | I think that is when all of the services get started | 19:24 |
trown | EmilienM: step5 is when services are started? | 19:24 |
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trown | I do see a bunch of "High CPU" messages in /var/log/messages on the controller at that time... https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-109/overcloud-controller-0/var/log/messages.gz | 19:26 |
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mwhahaha | trown: so i'm getting stuck when it tries to deploy the configs to the under cloud. it's saying data can't be sent to the remote host but i can ssh to the vm just fine. any thoughts? | 19:28 |
flepied | trown: there are a lot of 'openstack-gnocchi-statsd.service holdoff time over' | 19:28 |
trown | mwhahaha: hmm, what is your command line for quickstart.sh? | 19:30 |
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mwhahaha | trown: http://paste.openstack.org/show/567260/ | 19:32 |
trown | mwhahaha: ah... pinche localhost... ansible tries to be smart about localhost and use a local connection, and we have trouble keeping that working | 19:33 |
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trown | mwhahaha: you can use to workaround it... just make sure you can `ssh root@` without password | 19:34 |
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mwhahaha | no it works fine to localhost | 19:34 |
trown | that will use the normal ssh connection that is CI'd | 19:34 |
mwhahaha | it's when it tries to connect to the undercloud ip that it pulled out | 19:34 |
trown | right but our inventory with proxied configuration to connect to the undercloud breaks | 19:35 |
rdogerrit | Merged rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Add option to define number of processes in workers http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2026 | 19:35 |
dmsimard | number80: reviewed, feel free to ping me anytime.. I'm not very good at keeping up with new reviews, I'll try and figure out a way to pay attention to them. | 19:35 |
mwhahaha | ugh ok let me see | 19:35 |
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flepied | trown: found this error: https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-109/overcloud-controller-0/var/log/gnocchi/statsd.log.gz | 19:40 |
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flepied | trown: EmilienM: gnocci-statsd could be badly configured? ^^ | 19:41 |
trown | flepied: hmm... that does seem like a bug, but I am a bit skeptical that brought things to a grinding halt | 19:42 |
flepied | trown: I agree that's not the central part of the puzzle | 19:42 |
trown | I am kicking a new run so we get an image to test with | 19:43 |
flepied | trown: ok | 19:43 |
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flepied | trown: EmilienM: same thing for metricd | 19:45 |
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trown | weshay: dmsimard, I killed liberty and mitaka promotes for this run... really need a master image so we have some chance to get a pass for Thurs. | 19:45 |
trown | killing some periodic jobs too | 19:46 |
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weshay | cool | 19:47 |
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flepied | pradk: sileht: when you have time, could you take a look at issue 60 in RDO CI job? | 19:52 |
mwhahaha | trown: so that appears not to work because it's still interpreting it as localhost | 19:54 |
trown | mwhahaha: | 19:55 |
mwhahaha | yea | 19:55 |
mwhahaha | well maybe it did, gotta cleanup some stuff i guess | 19:55 |
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trown | I know ansible will interpret as localhost... | 19:57 |
trown | has always been our workaround when we break ansible local connection though | 19:57 |
trown | which has happened a number of times | 19:57 |
mwhahaha | ugh back to failing on libvirt image stuff | 19:58 |
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mwhahaha | trown: nope exact same problem | 20:04 |
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mwhahaha | oh well i'll poke at it some more | 20:06 |
trown | mwhahaha: I would suggest trying to make a fresh clone of tripleo-quickstart (or making sure you have HEAD of origin/master) and running `bash quickstart.sh --teardown all --no-clone --release master` | 20:07 |
trown | the --teardown all will remove all previous libvirt stuff that might be messing you up | 20:07 |
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trown | no-clone will use the git checkout you are in rather than cloning to ~/.quickstart/ which might have got out of date | 20:08 |
trown | those are the things that I can think of that might be causing issues | 20:08 |
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mwhahaha | new failures on that | 20:13 |
* mwhahaha sighs | 20:13 | |
mwhahaha | http://artifacts.ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/images/master/delorean/stable/undercloud.qcow2.md5 doesn't existing by the way | 20:13 |
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trown | mwhahaha: hmm, you must have stale checkout. I just merged the fix to use images.rdoproject.org instead of artifacts.ci.centos.org | 20:15 |
mwhahaha | i just updated | 20:15 |
trown | the second one is rate limited and will take 3+hours to download | 20:15 |
mwhahaha | time to rm -rf / and try again | 20:15 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: the upstream dlrn job is failing, troubleshooting | 20:16 |
dmsimard | looks like there's a hardcoded gerrit url somewhere | 20:17 |
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pabelanger | dmsimard: Ooh, nice. Have a log file? | 20:17 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: oh, wait, actually, that's not right | 20:18 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: we forgot to create a new job to use the run_upstream_tests.sh script | 20:18 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: but anyway, the console output: https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/DLRN-rpmbuild/2110/console | 20:19 |
dmsimard | submitting a fix for the job now. | 20:19 |
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pabelanger | dmsimard: okay, cool | 20:20 |
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trown | hmm... image download from rdoproject.org is also going pretty slow... ugh... | 20:22 |
EmilienM | flepied: back from dentist, looking now | 20:22 |
dmsimard | trown: os1, slow ? | 20:22 |
EmilienM | trown: flepied, FYI we're tracking down some telemetry issues | 20:22 |
EmilienM | with aodh and gnocchi | 20:22 |
flepied | EmilienM: are there any open bugs? | 20:23 |
trown | dmsimard: not artifacts.ci.centos slow... but ya | 20:23 |
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dmsimard | trown: should really try to use the CDN :P | 20:23 |
EmilienM | flepied: not afik | 20:24 |
dmsimard | trown: we tried to understand and fix the md5 mismatch issue while you were out but I wasn't too familiar with it | 20:24 |
trown | dmsimard: there is a bug open about it... CDN is not usable without fixing that bug | 20:25 |
trown | https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=11367 | 20:25 |
EmilienM | flepied: i'll look at it after my current task | 20:25 |
flepied | EmilienM: ok thx | 20:26 |
trown | dmsimard: it is not simply that the md5 is slow to propogate (which is what I originally thought), but that the image sync operation is not atomic, so when an image is in the process of syncing downloads will fail | 20:26 |
dmsimard | ah | 20:26 |
trown | *rather the md5 is too fast to propogate | 20:26 |
trown | we would use CDN in a heartbeat if it worked reliably | 20:27 |
trown | this whole OS1 thing was just to try to find some way to make quickstart actually usable again... after having a rate limiter put up with no warning | 20:28 |
trown | though it seems like OS1 is not going to be usable either at these speeds :( | 20:29 |
* trown would rather be being screamed at by an infant | 20:30 | |
misc | number80: ^ you can provide the infant ? | 20:32 |
misc | infant as a service | 20:33 |
trown | lol | 20:33 |
trown | I have an infant available :) | 20:33 |
trown | that does sound like a genius way to get someone to babysit for less than free | 20:33 |
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misc | have you tought about HA ? | 20:39 |
misc | who will scream if the first one start to sleep or be quiet ? | 20:39 |
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EmilienM | pradk: have you seen this before https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-109/overcloud-controller-0/var/log/gnocchi/statsd.log.gz ? | 20:50 |
pradk | looking | 20:50 |
pradk | EmilienM, hmm no.. looks like bad auth data in conf? .. can i look at the gnocchi.conf? | 20:51 |
EmilienM | weshay, dmsimard: where is /etc/gnocchi and aodh ? https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-109/overcloud-controller-0/etc/ | 20:51 |
EmilienM | pradk: ^ | 20:51 |
dmsimard | EmilienM, weshay, pradk: it's not here: https://github.com/redhat-openstack/ansible-role-tripleo-collect-logs/blob/master/defaults/main.yml | 20:52 |
weshay | yup.. | 20:52 |
weshay | can add it now | 20:52 |
EmilienM | we're hardcoding that? | 20:52 |
EmilienM | beurk | 20:52 |
EmilienM | I know a way to not hardcode it | 20:52 |
pradk | :) | 20:52 |
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EmilienM | https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack-integration/blob/master/copy_logs.sh#L45-L52 | 20:53 |
EmilienM | weshay: ^ use that snipper | 20:53 |
EmilienM | snippet | 20:53 |
EmilienM | weshay: please add it, and re-run the job I want to see the config | 20:54 |
EmilienM | pradk: it's probably something with swift config in gnocchi.conf | 20:54 |
pradk | yea that would be my guess | 20:55 |
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rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Move dlrn job preparation to it's own builder http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2077 | 21:02 |
rdogerrit | David Moreau Simard created config: Differentiate which DLRN test script to run based on Zuul pipeline http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2078 | 21:02 |
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dmsimard | pabelanger: ^ | 21:02 |
dmsimard | pabelanger: there were a couple ways to approach it but this is what I settled with | 21:02 |
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dmsimard | pabelanger: I would've probably preferred to use a job-template with DLRN-rpmbuild-downstream and DLRN-rpmbuild-upstream but that makes re-using the DLRN repositories built inside the gate more challenging | 21:03 |
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dmsimard | I kept in mind that we'll want to re-use this when implementing the new openstack-post pipeline to build after a merge and do things. | 21:07 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Update redirects for current-tripleo and current-passed-ci http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1982 | 21:15 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Switch centos-newton worker to stable/newton http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2016 | 21:16 |
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rdogerrit | Merged config: Move dlrn job preparation to it's own builder http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2077 | 21:19 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Improve compatibility with current Puppet and puppetlabs_spec_helper http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1975 | 21:26 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Add new options for gitrepo driver http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2029 | 21:29 |
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rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Allow entering a custom baseurl for a worker http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1879 | 21:30 |
rdogerrit | Javier Peña proposed rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Allow entering a custom baseurl for a worker http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1879 | 21:32 |
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dmsimard | weshay, trown|outtypewww: pacemaker was the only failed job in the last run :( https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/promotion-pipeline/job/rdo-delorean-promote-master/699/ | 21:42 |
weshay | dang | 21:42 |
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weshay | https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-109/undercloud/home/stack/failed_deployment_list.log.gz | 21:43 |
weshay | diff error at least | 21:43 |
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dmsimard | pabelanger: I think if we have your blessing on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/2078/ we can merge it and it'll work | 21:45 |
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apevec | weshay, is that with pinned newton3 hash and wasn't that supposed to be a different pipeline? | 21:50 |
weshay | master is not pinned afaik | 21:51 |
apevec | right, we wanted that tripleo-rdo pipeline for testday promotion | 21:51 |
apevec | that was the plan we agreed right? | 21:51 |
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dmsimard | apevec: o/ hi | 21:52 |
dmsimard | long time no see :p | 21:52 |
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apevec | reall "see" will be only in BCN :) | 21:54 |
dmsimard | true. | 21:54 |
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apevec | weshay, ah so this was 816d https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/promotion-pipeline/job/rdo-delorean-promote-master-current-tripleo/16/ | 22:00 |
apevec | and it failed | 22:00 |
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apevec | weshay, what was the failure? | 22:00 |
weshay | sec | 22:00 |
apevec | CREATE aborted ? | 22:00 |
apevec | was that just job timeout? | 22:01 |
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apevec | Took 4 hr 19 min ! | 22:01 |
apevec | that looks like stuck somewhere | 22:01 |
dmsimard | I'm out, catch you guys tomorrow o/ | 22:02 |
number80 | Enjoy your evening! | 22:03 |
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number80 | (and thanks for reviewing puppet-DLRN patchsets) | 22:03 |
apevec | or midnight :) | 22:04 |
weshay | apevec, you looking at https://ci.centos.org/job/tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker/109/console or a diff job | 22:04 |
weshay | https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-109/undercloud/home/stack/failed_deployment_list.log.gz | 22:05 |
weshay | that error is from heat.. not jenkins | 22:05 |
apevec | weshay, I was looking at that other pipeline https://ci.centos.org/view/rdo/view/promotion-pipeline/job/rdo-delorean-promote-master-current-tripleo/16/ | 22:06 |
apevec | yeah, it's aborted heat overcloud deploy | 22:06 |
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apevec | unclear what aborted it? | 22:06 |
apevec | maybe jenkins timeout? | 22:06 |
apevec | hmm even minimal takes almost 3h | 22:07 |
weshay | apetrich, deployment passed on the current-tripleo job https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-5/undercloud/home/stack/overcloud_deploy.log.gz | 22:07 |
apevec | so what's diff in rdo-delorean-promote ? | 22:08 |
* weshay makes sure I'm looking at the right log | 22:08 | |
* number80 needs CI experts eyeballs | 22:08 | |
number80 | cp: cannot stat ‘DLRN/logs/*’: No such file or directory | 22:09 |
number80 | https://review.rdoproject.org/jenkins/job/DLRN-rpmbuild/2114/console | 22:09 |
apevec | just bad luck picking slow ci.centos machines? | 22:09 |
number80 | apevec: twice in a row, that's really bad luck then :) | 22:09 |
rdogerrit | Merged rdoinfo: Add panko project http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2072 | 22:09 |
weshay | ah.. no I wasn't.. same error as master https://ci.centos.org/artifacts/rdo/jenkins-tripleo-quickstart-promote-master-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal_pacemaker-11/undercloud/home/stack/failed_deployment_list.log.gz | 22:10 |
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apevec | and Step5 - that's what trown and flepied discussed earlier? | 22:11 |
apevec | that's bad, so even 816d has problem w/ tripleo | 22:11 |
apevec | but why only pacemaker | 22:12 |
apevec | is it not the same set of services? | 22:12 |
rdogerrit | Merged DLRN: Fallback to rpm-master when branch is *-rdo http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2024 | 22:15 |
weshay | apevec, was that discussion on #rdo? | 22:15 |
apevec | weshay, offlist thread, I'm updating it | 22:16 |
apevec | I wanted CI passed and discuss it on RDO meeting tomorrow | 22:16 |
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apevec | under testday readiness agenda topic | 22:16 |
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weshay | k.. looks like high cpu and Sep 6 07:48:49 localhost systemd: Unit openstack-gnocchi-statsd.service entered failed state. | 22:17 |
apevec | right, same as noted by flepied earlier here | 22:18 |
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apevec | weshay, ahh you mean "that discussion" trown / flepied ? | 22:18 |
weshay | ya.. I see it | 22:18 |
apevec | sorry, past midnight here | 22:18 |
weshay | np | 22:19 |
apevec | I'll need few more shots | 22:19 |
weshay | :) | 22:19 |
apevec | so that's 60. in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/delorean_master_current_issues | 22:19 |
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EmilienM | lbragstad: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:keystone/credentials | 22:27 |
lbragstad | EmilienM sweet - we have another plan too | 22:27 |
apevec | weshay, ok, re-reading backchat, action was to add missing gnocchi logs and rerun the job? | 22:28 |
lbragstad | EmilienM https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-credential-encryption-null-key | 22:28 |
lbragstad | in case you haven't seen that yet | 22:28 |
lbragstad | but that should make your upgrade path a little easier | 22:28 |
weshay | apevec, that should be merged | 22:28 |
* weshay looks | 22:28 | |
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apevec | weshay, is job re-run ? | 22:29 |
weshay | meh.. waiting on gate | 22:29 |
apevec | ah gate | 22:29 |
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EmilienM | weshay: did you add gnocchi and aodh config ? | 22:30 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: ok | 22:30 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: so all I did is useless? | 22:31 |
lbragstad | EmilienM nope - it will still be useful | 22:31 |
lbragstad | because you'll forsure need it in the future | 22:31 |
EmilienM | lbragstad: please review my stuff, it looks secure | 22:31 |
weshay | EmilienM, it's in the gate right now | 22:31 |
lbragstad | when you guys want to do key rotation | 22:31 |
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EmilienM | lbragstad: it's a question? | 22:32 |
EmilienM | weshay: where? | 22:32 |
EmilienM | OH WOW | 22:32 |
EmilienM | sorry | 22:32 |
EmilienM | where is prad | 22:33 |
EmilienM | tripleo got gnocchi/aodh working | 22:33 |
EmilienM | weshay: I know why it fails in RDO | 22:33 |
rdogerrit | hguemar created openstack/oslo-context-distgit: Use pypi.io for Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2079 | 22:34 |
EmilienM | see #tripleo | 22:34 |
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EmilienM | apevec: fyi | 22:35 |
rdogerrit | hguemar proposed openstack/oslo-context-distgit: Use pypi.io for Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2079 | 22:36 |
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apevec_ | EmilienM, I lost connection, what was fyi? | 22:36 |
EmilienM | apevec_: see my email | 22:37 |
rdogerrit | Merged openstack/panko-distgit: Import panko spec and supporting files http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2076 | 22:41 |
apevec_ | EmilienM, ack | 22:42 |
apevec_ | weshay, so 816d is now abandonware... we'll need latest hash where all those puppet/THT fixes land | 22:43 |
EmilienM | apevec_: also see https://review.openstack.org/#/q/branch:master+topic:keystone/credentials | 22:44 |
EmilienM | apevec_: my work to come back on keystone trunk | 22:44 |
apevec_ | ack but let's keep keystone pinned to newton3 for now | 22:44 |
apevec_ | at least for testday repo | 22:45 |
EmilienM | apevec_: yes, just fyi | 22:45 |
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apevec_ | I see keystone folks have a plan https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-credential-encryption-null-key | 22:47 |
EmilienM | well, my stuff aims to fix us for short term | 22:48 |
apevec_ | and ayoung's proposed no-op will be abandoned? https://review.openstack.org/365087 | 22:48 |
EmilienM | they might have a plan but release is very soon and we need a plan | 22:48 |
EmilienM | if nobody comes up with code we'll fail to release newton on time | 22:48 |
EmilienM | my patches are not really ugly, we just don't manage the keys with keystone manage | 22:49 |
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rdogerrit | hguemar proposed openstack/oslo-context-distgit: Use pypi.io for Source0 URL http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2079 | 22:52 |
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dhill_ | https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1370653 affects also newton | 22:56 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1370653 in rdo-manager "Deploying overcloud fails at step4 of the controllers" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to hbrock | 22:56 |
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apevec_ | dhill_, ^ this should be filed upstream tripleo (and RDO/rdo-manager component removed...) | 23:13 |
dhill_ | apevec_ what do you mean? | 23:13 |
apevec_ | that this is upstream issue, not RDO packaging | 23:13 |
dhill_ | oh | 23:13 |
apevec_ | in RDO bz we file only packaging issues | 23:13 |
dhill_ | ohhhhhh | 23:14 |
apevec_ | and rdo-manager is gone | 23:14 |
dhill_ | so | 23:14 |
dhill_ | the canonical bug report thing you mean? | 23:14 |
apevec_ | https://www.rdoproject.org/blog/2016/02/rdo-manager-is-now-tripleo/ | 23:14 |
dhill_ | https://launchpad.net/ ? | 23:14 |
dhill_ | https://launchpad.net/tripleo ? | 23:15 |
rdogerrit | hguemar proposed rdopkg: Fix new-version release tag management http://review.rdoproject.org/r/2039 | 23:15 |
apevec_ | http://tripleo.org/contributions/contributions.html#reporting-bugs | 23:15 |
apevec_ | dhill_, yes | 23:15 |
dhill_ | sorry then | 23:15 |
dhill_ | I didn't do it at the right place | 23:15 |
dhill_ | why are we having a BZ ? | 23:16 |
dhill_ | maybe everything should go in launchpad no? | 23:16 |
dhill_ | that would be less confusing for everybody | 23:16 |
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apevec_ | RDO strives to be pure upstream in RPM form but there might be still packaging issues specific to RDO | 23:20 |
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apevec_ | it's fine to file BZ initially but it should be moved to the right place once triaged | 23:20 |
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dhill_ | cool | 23:23 |
dhill_ | ty | 23:23 |
dhill_ | apevec_ | 23:23 |
dhill_ | apevec_ is openstack-selinux also upstream or is it RHEL specific? | 23:23 |
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apevec_ | RHEL | 23:24 |
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apevec_ | RDO/openstack-selinux is the right place | 23:24 |
dhill_ | ok | 23:24 |
dhill_ | ty | 23:24 |
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EmilienM | apevec_: I got keystone credential working with my work | 23:26 |
EmilienM | in tripleo | 23:26 |
EmilienM | apevec_: when my stuff is merged we'll be able to try the unpin in rdo CI | 23:27 |
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apevec_ | EmilienM, was that with keyston pinned to newton3? credentials change is later | 23:28 |
apevec_ | current-tripleo has .0b3 keystone | 23:29 |
EmilienM | apevec_: the feature is still available | 23:29 |
EmilienM | we'll need credentials after b3 | 23:29 |
EmilienM | in other words, my stuff is required to run latest keystone | 23:30 |
rdogerrit | Merged rdo-infra/puppet-dlrn: Update redirects for current-tripleo and current-passed-ci http://review.rdoproject.org/r/1982 | 23:32 |
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EmilienM | apevec_: it's in gate now. | 23:44 |
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