Wednesday, 2022-06-15

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out00:06
rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.11-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.16-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2021-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for xena-8s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk created rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for wallaby-8s-testing
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rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdo-jobs master: [DNM] distgit cs9 jobs
rdogerritChandan Kumar created openstack/tempest-distgit wallaby-rdo: Backport relevant wait_until_sshable_pingable patches
rdogerritChandan Kumar created rdoinfo master: [DNM] wait_until_sshable_pingable patches testing
rdogerritMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin-distgit xena-rdo: python-ironic-tests-tempest-2.4.0-1
rdogerritMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin-distgit wallaby-rdo: python-ironic-tests-tempest-2.4.0-1
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rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Update ovn-2021 and openvswitch-selinux-extra-policy
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed gating_scripts master: Update repoclosure command
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed gating_scripts master: Update repoclosure command
rdogerritUser bshewale proposed rdo-jobs master: Repareting sc010 jobs using -options job
rdogerritUser bshewale proposed rdo-jobs master: Remove centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-master job
rdogerritUser bshewale proposed rdo-jobs master: Reparented standalone-full-tempest-api and scenarios jobs
*** soniya is now known as soniya|ruck08:40
rdogerritJoel Capitao created config master: Update to the new CentOS Pagure RSA Pubkey
rdogerritJiří Podivín proposed rdo-jobs master: DNM Adding several component jobs
rdogerritChandan Kumar proposed rdoinfo master: [DNM] wait_until_sshable_pingable patches testing
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*** tosky_ is now known as tosky09:42
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.16-testing
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed gating_scripts master: Update repoclosure command
rdogerritMatthias Runge created rdo-jobs master: Disable GPG check when installing opstools repo
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed gating_scripts master: [DNM] Update repoclosure command
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed gating_scripts master: [DNM] Update repoclosure command
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:31
rdogerritAlfredo Moralejo proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-testing
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.16-testing
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|brb10:56
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch11:04
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*** dviroel|afk is now known as dviroel11:28
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added new ShellCheck job
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky11:55
rdogerritMatthias Runge proposed rdo-jobs master: Disable GPG check when installing opstools repo
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Extract data fetching from functions
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Print correct component hash
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added logging for ruck_rover script
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej12:32
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-2.15-testing
*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|ruck12:48
tkajinamhi. is anybody aware of the filing c8 package build for Octavia ?12:59
tkajinamlooks like this was caused by removal of py36 support
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:08
jcapitao[m]hi tkajinam, yes it's blocked since
jcapitao[m]so yeah removal of py36 support13:13
jcapitao[m]tkajinam: we discussed this topic in last rdo meeting
*** tosky__ is now known as tosky13:17
Tenguhello there! does anyone know if there's any CI expected to run against th openstack/openstack-selinux-distgit project?13:19
jcapitao[m]Tengu: lemme check, I see your patch haven't triggered any jobs yet13:20
Tengujcapitao[m]: :) that's why I'm asking13:20
amoralejit should i guess13:20
Tenguis the "Depends-On" blocking anything? it's pointing to a (now merged) github PR13:21
amoralejactaully it ran recently in yoga-rdo13:21
Tengumaybe rewriting the commit message to remove the mention of "Depends-On" may do the trick ?13:22
amoralejthe pr is merged so i guess you can remove the depends-on13:22
amoralejbut i'm not sure if it's related at all13:22
TenguI'll keep mention of that PR anyway.13:22
amoralejyeah, np13:22
rdogerritCédric Jeanneret proposed openstack/openstack-selinux-distgit rpm-master: Add a new %verify scriptlet
amoralejactually, the commit is merged already
Tengulet's see.13:23
amoralejthe upstreasm one, i mean13:23
Tenguamoralej: err which one?13:23
Tenguoh, the openstack-selinux github thingy. yeah13:23
TenguI've worked closely with Julie and Lon to get it in13:24
Tenguthat's the "consequence" of a good collaboration I started last week :)13:24
amoralejit's not triggering any job13:24
Tenguso now it's "just" a matter of adding that %verify thingy.13:24
Tengusoo... let's merge it? :)13:24
amoralejsorry, it is13:24
Tenguor is "rpm-master" not the right target?13:24
amoralejjobs are running13:25
Tenguso it was due to the Depends-On13:25
Tenguguess it failed to fetch the code or something13:25
amoralejdit seems it doesn't like depends-on with github13:25
Tengulet's see if it's all green, and merge it! I have 2 other patches in the pipe for that topic :)13:25
amoralejactually, it doesn't work with github prs13:25
tkajinamjcapitao[m], ack. if there is a plan to remove c8 jobs then I'll wait till then13:25
amoraleji mean, the depends-on doesn't work in distgits13:25
Tenguamoralej: kind of makes sense. Should have guessed. Though I did't think it would crash the jobs.13:26
amoralejbut i didn't expect that jobs don't even start13:26
Tenguyeah :)13:26
Tengulearning everyday :)13:26
amoralejyep :)13:26
amoralejjcapitao[m], have you seen the mail on centos ci-users ?13:27
amoralejchanges are coming13:27
Tenguwhat kind of changes?13:27
jcapitao[m]the hosting of CI nodes13:28
amoralejand the entire openshift cluster13:29
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jcapitao[m]amoralej: yeah :( I thought it was a viable solution in first place13:29
amoralejwe need to reconsider if we really need to keep using centos-ci13:30
rdogerritMerged openstack/openstack-selinux-distgit yoga-rdo: openstack-selinux-0.8.31-1
amoralejor can move everything to rdo ci13:30
rdogerritChandan Kumar created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Comment out kvm internal for master promotion temprorly
rdogerritUser karolinku proposed gating_scripts master: [DNM] Update repoclosure command
jcapitao[m]amoralej: in fact we can move all our jobs to RDO CI, can't we ?13:37
jcapitao[m]I mean the phase-1 pipelines13:38
amoralejjcapitao[m], i'd say so13:42
amoralejTengu, where did yo find %verify?13:42
amoraleji think it's not doing what you expect13:42
Tenguamoralej: it's allowing to run `rpm -V <package name>'13:42
Tenguit doesn't do anything at install time unfortunately, because RPM is terrible, but at least, we can access this feature before crashing the whole deploy.13:43
amoralejactually, what is doing is adding it to %preun13:43
Tenguas if it doesn't know about that %verify13:43
Tenguwhich is.... meh.13:43
Tenguit's in the spec.13:43
Tenguas a "basic scriptlets"13:43
amoralejrpm -q --scripts -p
amoralejnote all the %verify block is in preunistall scriptlet13:44
amoralejit seems it doesn't understand %veify13:44
Tenguand it shouldn't13:44
Tenguwhat I just said :/13:44
Tenguand I don't see why it knows about %preun but not %verify, they are listed in the same "Basic scriptlets" in the rpm spec13:45
jcapitao[m]amoralej: hmm looks like the ppc jobs are failing since a while13:46
amoralejTengu, see
amoralejit seems %verify is intended to be used inside %files13:47
amoralejto specify what kind of verifications must be executed for a file13:48
Tenguso that's not really the intended use indeed.13:48
amoralejdocumentation is confusing13:48
Tenguyeah... I've rarely read such a terrible doc, to be fair.13:48
Tenguso, the "rpm --verify" has a "--noscript", stating "don't execute verify script(s)".13:49
Tenguhave now to find out HOW to define verify script......13:49
amoralej%verifyscript Directive13:50
amoralejthat may do what you want13:50
spotzRDO Meeting in 10 minutes -
rdogerritCédric Jeanneret proposed openstack/openstack-selinux-distgit rpm-master: Add a new %verifyscript scriptlet
*** tosky__ is now known as tosky13:58
spotzamoralej jcapitao[m] - either of you remember who was chairing today?:) Otherwise I will14:00
spotz#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2022-06-1514:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jun 15 14:01:19 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2022_06_15'14:01
spotz#topic ROll Call14:01
jcapitao[m]we didn't choose but I can chair :)14:01
spotz#chair jcapitao[m]14:01
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: jcapitao[m] spotz14:01
spotzI knew it wasn't on the etherpad but that doesn't mean anything:)14:02
spotz#chair kkula14:02
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: jcapitao[m] kkula spotz14:02
spotz#topic SWAG Update14:04
amoralejsorry for being late14:05
spotzJust real quick the gym bags are ordered so hopefully we'll get an update on those soon. It looks like hey may be removing some of the collections in the store in which case I'll need to figure out shipping logistics moving forward14:05
spotz#chair amoralej14:06
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: amoralej jcapitao[m] kkula spotz14:06
spotzAny questions on that?14:06
amoralejno from my side14:06
spotz#topic Final Berlin report14:07
amoralejhow was it?14:07
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Comment out kvm internal for master promotion temprorly
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk14:08
spotzIt went really well and it was great to see old friends and meet new ones. The next Summit will be next June in Vancouver14:08
spotzThe RDO Social had 10 teams of 50ish people and was won by OVH who had also won the SuperUser award earlier in the day. Got a lot of good feedback even though it was a little long distance wise.14:09
amoralejoh, that's a bunch14:09
amoralej10 teams of 5 people?14:10
spotzI think if we had been able to get at least drinks before we started off and have more folks potentially grouped together it might have been a little better. I had to wait for the last team to leave so went with them and wasn't at the end (wasn't really sure where it was)14:10
spotzYeah there was 1 team smaller but 1 team larger, they just could't all have the app on their phone as that was limited to 5 a team14:11
spotzWhen I went and scoped the original meetup spot I didn't like it so moved it to the front of the Summit venue14:11
jcapitao[m]at least you succeed to make it :)14:12
jcapitao[m]with all restrictions14:12
amoralejgreat work!14:12
spotzThe Forum session went well I thought with some positive discussions. I also put it out there expanding the mission of the CentOS Cloud SiG to CentOS users in the cloud or running their cloud on CentOS vs just packaging. Hopefully that will help grow the group14:13
spotzThanks I appreciate it14:13
spotzThe OPS Meetup ended up with 59 folks on Friday, just under our final increased lunch contract for 60:)14:13
amoralejany feedback wrt RDO?14:14
spotzMost people seemed to be using one of the packaging projects for their actual deployments. Kolla and OpenStack=Ansible were mentioned, no TripleO.14:15
spotzOn the plus side no one was running Diablo anymore but apparently someone on the mailing lists is on Juno14:15
amoralejyeah, it seems OSA is widely used in DIY users14:15
spotzI see alot of OSA as I'm core there, but I hear a lot of Kolla14:16
spotzWe also discussed the possibility of running the OPS Meetups adjacent so Developers can join a day or 2 of OPS Meetup and then the OPS folksstay and join the devs. Might not happen for this next PTG though14:17
amoralejwhen is next ptg btw?14:17
spotzLost the word PTG in the start of that:)14:17
spotzOctober 17-20 in Columbus Ohio14:18
spotzOverall it was a prefectly sized Summit and things went well some of the rooms for talks could have been larger but I think that speaks to the topics14:19
spotzAnything else on Summit?14:20
spotz#topic Next Chair14:22
amoraleji can take it14:22
spotzThanks amoralej14:22
spotz#topic Open Floor14:22
amoralejwrt centos8 removal in master14:23
amoraleji think we are fine from puppet and tripleo projects14:23
amoralejkolla is still wip14:23
amoralejbut i think kolla is not longer using rdo packages14:23
amoralejso it's probablly fine to stop dlrn builder14:24
amoraleji'll check with them14:24
spotzHave we reached out to ask?14:24
amoralejrlandy ^ molecule jobs are moved to centos9 now, right?14:24
rlandyamoralej: depends on where14:24
rlandysome work still in progress14:27
rlandyexample patch ^^14:27
amoralejah, sorry, for some reason i thought that was finished14:28
rlandychkumar|rover is on rr this week14:28
rlandymaybe next week to continue14:28
rlandyalso cloudnull who was also on this is no longer :(14:28
rlandyso it got a bit delayed14:28
rlandywill raise at DF call14:29
chkumar|roveramoralej: rlandy will take care of that next week14:29
rlandychkumar|rover++ awesome - thanks14:29
amoralejfrom #openstack-kolla14:29
amoralej<amoralej> would we break something in kolla if we stop building openstack packages for CentOS 8 in master?14:29
amoralej<hrw> nope14:29
amoralej<hrw> we killed cs8/master CI already14:29
spotzOk perfect14:30
jcapitao[m]ok so we have to wait a little bit more14:32
amoralejbut we are closer14:32
jcapitao[m]yes :)14:33
jcapitao[m]I see bolt now supports Ruby 314:33
amoralejrlandy, btw, i'm preparing to move to openvswitdh2.17 and ovn22.03, i'll ask you how to test it before pushing it so we don't break CI14:34
amoralejovs/ovn major updates are always tricky14:34
Tenguamoralej: thanks for the merge for that new openstack-selinux feature :)14:34
jcapitao[m]wrt CentOS CI topic, we'll discuss it tomorrow during CloudSIG meeting14:35
amoralejglad to help Tengu 14:35
amoralejjcapitao[m], yep, there is dojo on friday, i guess we'll get some more details there14:36
jcapitao[m]it will be recorded14:36
spotzYeah virtual Dojo on Friday and still working out some details for an in person one in August in Boston with DevConf US14:37
spotzAny other topics for today?14:41
rdogerritMerged openstack/openstack-selinux-distgit rpm-master: Add a new %verifyscript scriptlet
jcapitao[m]not from my side14:42
spotzamoralej kkula?14:42
kkulanothing from me14:43
amoralejnothing from my side14:43
spotzOk everyone have 17 minutes back!14:44
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jun 15 14:44:12 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:44
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jcapitao[m]thank you spotz14:44
spotzYou're welcome it was great typing with everyone! Soon hopefully we'll get to meet!14:44
amoralejthanks spotz !14:45
rlandyamoralej: ack - thanks14:50
rdogerritMerged config master: Update to the new CentOS Pagure RSA Pubkey
rdogerritAmy Marrich (spotz) created rdo-website master: June meetings added
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep|out14:57
rdogerritMerged rdo-website master: June meetings added
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|out15:08
rdogerritMerged deps/python-editables c9s-zed-rdo: Update to 0.3
rdogerritRonelle Landy created rdo-infra/ci-config master: Revert "Comment out kvm internal for master promotion temprorly"
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:18
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin-distgit rpm-master: python-kuryr-tests-tempest: failed to build 28da7f6
*** xek__ is now known as xek15:34
*** jlibosva is now known as Guest218815:52
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/ci-config master: Revert "Comment out kvm internal for master promotion temprorly"
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:15
rdogerritrdo-trunk created openstack/tripleo-validations-distgit ussuri-rdo: openstack-tripleo-validations: failed to build 817f431
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off16:45
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added shellcheck linting
rdogerritAmol Kahat proposed rdo-infra/ci-config master: Added new ShellCheck job
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:42
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|brb18:33
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk18:47
*** rlandy|brb is now known as rlandy19:15
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:09
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