Thursday, 2024-06-13

rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-openvswitch3.1-release
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for caracal-9s-release
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Adds task to call test role
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Adds task to call test role
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Adds task to call test role
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Adds task to call test role
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for caracal-9s-release
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Bump cinder-tempest-plugin to 1.14.0 in A, B and C
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit caracal-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit bobcat-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit antelope-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-1
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed openstack/octavia-distgit rpm-master: Revert patch introducing cert_not_valid_after function
*** tosky_ is now known as tosky12:28
toskykarolinku[m], jcapitao[m]: so now we have and the other backports, should we merge are they are and then create a rebuild commit, or amend the proposed change to bump the release in bobcat and caracal?12:29
jcapitao[m]tosky: what are the other backports ?12:34
rdogerritMerged openstack/octavia-distgit rpm-master: Revert patch introducing cert_not_valid_after function
jcapitao[m]we should amend the proposed change by bumping the release12:34
toskyjcapitao[m]: and
jcapitao[m]ah ok, I thought you were talking of some patches12:55
toskyjcapitao[m]: so should I merge antelope and amend the other two, and leave them to you to merge?13:10
toskyso that the antelope version is lower13:10
toskyas it was done for other changes13:10
jcapitao[m]tosky: right13:11
jcapitao[m]it's a tedious workflow tbh 13:13
jcapitao[m]but as we backport the same version in different releases we have no choice than bumping Release in order to have distinct NVR with dedicated per release distgit content13:14
toskybut let me fix it quickly, so that we can close it13:14
rdogerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit bobcat-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-2
rdogerritMerged openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit antelope-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-1
rdogerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit caracal-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-3
toskyjcapitao[m]: like those ^^ ?13:23
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/horizon-distgit rpm-master: Ignore tzdata automatic dependency
jcapitao[m]tosky: good, I merged the bobcat one13:28
jcapitao[m]waiting for CI result of the caracal one 13:29
toskyyay, thanks!13:29
rdogerritMerged openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit bobcat-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-2
rdogerritMerged openstack/cinder-tempest-plugin-distgit caracal-rdo: python-cinder-tests-tempest-1.14.0-3
rdogerritJoan Francesc Gilabert proposed rdo-jobs master: Allow user to pass install_yamls vars for adoption jobs
rdogerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin-distgit caracal-rdo: python-whitebox-neutron-tests-tempest-0.5.0-3
rdogerritMerged openstack/horizon-distgit rpm-master: Ignore tzdata automatic dependency
rdogerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin-distgit antelope-rdo: Fix the source URL
rdogerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin-distgit antelope-rdo: python-whitebox-neutron-tests-tempest-0.5.0-1
toskyoh, I think I've managed to fix with
toskyso and can be later merged too15:35
jcapitao[m]thank you tosky++ , I merged the patches17:07
rdogerritMerged openstack/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin-distgit bobcat-rdo: python-whitebox-neutron-tests-tempest-0.5.0-2
rdogerritMerged openstack/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin-distgit caracal-rdo: python-whitebox-neutron-tests-tempest-0.5.0-3
rdogerritMerged openstack/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin-distgit antelope-rdo: Fix the source URL

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