Wednesday, 2024-10-23

rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for dalmatian-9s-release
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for antelope-9s-release
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed config master: Refactor sending ftbfs report job
rdogerritMerged config master: Refactor sending ftbfs report job
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for antelope-9s-release
rdogerritDaniel Pawlik proposed config master: Improve send_ftbfs_report.j2 script
rdogerritMerged openstack/oslo-config-distgit rpm-master: Define %global repo_bootstrap
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed rdo-jobs master: Fix tempest config multinode adoption crc ceph job
rdogerritMerged config master: Improve send_ftbfs_report.j2 script
jcapitao[m]karolinku: could you review and when you have a chance please ?07:09
karolinku[m]one of them needs rebase07:10
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed config master: Run packstack modules sync periodically
rdogerritDaniel Pawlik proposed config master: Use command module instead of script
rdogerritMerged config master: Run packstack modules sync periodically
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed config master: Use command module instead of script
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint exception for openstack-dashboard
tobias-urdinamoralej: i was checked on a reported vulnerability in YAQL (OSSN-0093) and saw we haven't bumped python-yaql to 3.0.0 so
tobias-urdinwhat is the stance on backporting/updating to 3.0.0 on older stable releases? it does remove a functionality, but the functionality itself is considered unsafe and there is other ways to do the same07:38
jcapitao[m]tobias-urdin: you want to backport 3.0.0 down to which release ?07:41
jcapitao[m]I see 2024.1 and .2 have 3.0.0 in u-c07:41
jcapitao[m]2023.x have 2.0.007:41
jcapitao[m]I'll review this afternoon07:42
tobias-urdinideally i'd like 3.0.0 backported as far as possible to all releases possible07:48
rdogerritDaniel Pawlik proposed config master: Use command module instead of script
opendevreviewMerged x/packstack master: Updated from Packstack modules constraints
rdogerritDaniel Pawlik proposed config master: Use command module instead of script
rdogerritMerged config master: Use command module instead of script
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/horizon-distgit rpm-master: Expose local_settings.d to the config directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/heat-dashboard-distgit rpm-master: Let local settings files into data directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/manila-ui-distgit rpm-master: Let local settings files into data directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdo-jobs master: Add rpmlint exception for openstack-dashboard
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/manila-ui-distgit rpm-master: Let local settings files into data directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/horizon-distgit rpm-master: Expose local_settings.d to the config directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/heat-dashboard-distgit rpm-master: Let local settings files into data directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed rdoinfo master: DNM Test horizon manila-ui and heat-ui patches
rdogerritAnanya Banerjee proposed rdo-jobs master: Run tempest tests before adoption workflow start
opendevreviewMerged x/packstack master: Add support of Python 3.12
apevecamoralej: can you add jcapitao and karolinku as Sponsors in and remove jpena? To me it says: To change group details or add sponsors, file a ticket with fedora-infra
amoralejapevec, should we also remove hguemar ?10:27
apevecprobably yes10:30
apevecI did not see him around for years...10:30
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/horizon-distgit rpm-master: Expose local_settings.d to the config directory
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed gating_scripts master: Add support of CS10 in NFV SiG
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rdogerritMerged rdo-jobs master: Fix tempest config multinode adoption crc ceph job
spotz[m]Add agenda items -
karolinku[m]I will need to skip today's meeting, sorry13:41
spotz[m]No worries13:58
jcapitao[m]amoralej: could you review this patch please when you have a chance ? no urgency14:00
jcapitao[m]I'm asking you because it's a tricky case, and you have the history14:00
jcapitao[m]it's related to
amoraleji'l check it later but I'd like to get radomir input before merging that14:02
spotz[m]Do we have enough for the meeting? I can just give a quick update on the SWAG as that's the only agenda item and we can save the log and mail space:)14:02
jcapitaospotz[m]: I have nothing to bring today14:04
jcapitaoI think we can skip it for today14:04
jcapitaoor do you want to share the SWAG update today ?14:05
spotz[m]Ok so let's cancel but I'll throw the update here14:05
jcapitaoamoralej: ack, thank you14:05
jcapitaospotz[m]: alright14:05
spotz[m]So not everyone replied with whether they wanted a hat or not or their size so I put in an order for about 25 hats. I haven't heard back from the vendor yet, I'm hoping they'll go ahead with the order or supply alternatives14:06
jcapitaoamoralej: FYI I put more info in like the commands to test the upgrade path locally14:07
spotz[m]We're in a holding pattern for now on SWAG - that's the update14:08
amoralejjcapitao, my issue is that if that may affect other deployment tools14:10
amoralejI'm unsure, tbh14:10
amoralejand if so, they should be aware14:11
amoraleji.e. there is some logic in
amoralejmmm actually i think that will not affect it tbh14:15
amoralejas it just touches local/enabled not local_settings.d I'd say14:15
rdogerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed rdo-jobs master: Add hugepages coverage for no-ceph adoption job
jcapitao[m]it does not affect p-o-i and packstack14:19
rdogerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed rdo-jobs master: Add hugepages coverage for no-ceph adoption job
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rdogerritBogdan Dobrelya proposed rdo-jobs master: Add a multi-cell non-voting job
rdogerritFrancesco Pantano proposed rdo-jobs master: multinode adoption: run also basic glance and swift tests
rdogerritFrancesco Pantano proposed rdo-jobs master: multinode adoption: run also basic glance and swift tests
rdogerritFrancesco Pantano proposed rdo-jobs master: multinode adoption: run also basic glance and swift tests
rdogerritFrancesco Pantano proposed rdo-jobs master: multinode adoption: run also basic glance and swift tests
rdogerritFrancesco Pantano proposed rdo-jobs master: multinode adoption, ceph: run also basic manila tests

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