Monday, 2025-01-06

jordzillaHello! I'm trying to use the latest release RDO for Dalmation, but in Rocky Linux 9.5 which does not have any remnants of the old "network" service, only NetworkManager. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed (other than switching to CentOS Stream 9?02:47
jordzillaHello! I'm trying to use the latest release RDO for Dalmation, but in Rocky Linux 9.5 which does not have any remnants of the old "network" service, only NetworkManager. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed (other than switching to CentOS Stream 9)?02:48
rdogerritYatin Karel proposed config master: Refresh outdated config-core members
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/networking-mlnx-distgit rpm-master: python-networking-mlnx: failed to build afaca06
*** marios_ is now known as marios12:47
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/networking-mlnx-distgit rpm-master: Remove toxinidir from dependencies
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Bump rdoinfo epoxy-uc tags to latest upper-constraints or latest Puppetfile
rdogerritMerged deps/python-sphinxcontrib-apidoc c9s-epoxy-rdo: Update to 0.5.0
rdogerritMerged deps/python-tosca-parser c9s-epoxy-rdo: Update to 2.12.0
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/networking-mlnx-distgit rpm-master: Remove toxinidir from dependencies
opendevreviewJoel Capitao proposed x/packstack master: Remove usage of the keystone client class
jordzillaHi, can someone please suggest the best place to ask questions about installing RDO dalmatian 2024.2 on CentOS Stream 9?22:52

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