Wednesday, 2025-01-22

rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-9s-openvswitch3.3-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-9s-openvswitch3.4-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for epoxy-10s-testing
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed rdoinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for epoxy-9s-testing
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-9s-openvswitch3.4-testing
rdogerritMerged nfvinfo master: Promote CBS tags update for nfvsig-9s-openvswitch3.3-testing
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed config master: Add another timestamp to ftbfs dashboard
rdogerritMerged config master: Add another timestamp to ftbfs dashboard
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed deps/python-ldappool c10s-epoxy-rdo: Update to 3.0.0
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed deps/python-kubernetes c10s-epoxy-rdo: Update to 31.0.0
rdogerritKarolina Kula proposed deps/python-kombu c10s-epoxy-rdo: Update to 5.3.7
spotz[m]Meeting in 37 minutes - agenda
rdogerritMerged deps/python-kubernetes c10s-epoxy-rdo: Update to 31.0.0
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/trove-distgit rpm-master: Drop removed build requirements from excludes
spotz[m]Meeting in 1 minute!13:59
spotz[m]#startmeeting RDO meeting - 2025-01-2214:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jan 22 14:02:08 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz[m]. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'rdo_meeting___2025_01_22'14:02
spotz[m]#topic Roll Call14:02
spotz[m]We'll give anyone else a minute to join14:04
spotz[m]Agenda if anyone wants to add anything14:04
spotz[m]Topic 114:05
spotz[m]#topic Community poll14:05
spotz[m]We had 5 responses for both 9 ad 10 of CentOS Stream and 2 responses of 10 only14:06
spotz[m]We had 4 responses for all releases and 3 responses for SLURP only14:07
spotz[m]The both question definitely had a community preference towards both looking at the responders for each answer. The SLURP related responses were a mix for both responses14:08
jcapitao[m]and for the puppet-openstack-integration project viability, tkajinam raised concern if we build only SLURP releases14:11
spotz[m]Ok so it seems that all is the better option from a technical perspective?14:12
jcapitao[m]yes for sure, at least the Trunk repos14:13
jcapitao[m]the problem is our capacity to do so14:14
spotz[m]Can we put together a what help is needed and how to that we can present as an if you want us to continue this past X release we need help and this is how?14:15
spotz[m]I know the 2 Stream versions is a one off every few years(candence could very) but we could also prep for that with a doc as well14:16
jcapitao[m]well, we can do this kind of documentation14:17
jcapitao[m]the thing is if we commit to do build every release and the 2 Streams for Epoxy, then if nobody shows up to help on that, then we'll have to handle all by ourself14:18
jcapitao[m]and there will be issue to fix14:18
jcapitao[m]specially on CS10 as it's post GA14:19
jcapitao[m]and we are only 2 core maintainer full time14:20
spotz[m]SO if we document first, we can put the caveat of we need volunteers to help with these things in order to do all releases going forward?14:20
jcapitao[m]yes 14:21
jcapitao[m]like we commit to build Epoxy on CS10 but not CS914:21
jcapitao[m]if you'd like to have an Epoxy running on CS9, feel free to ping us and we'll help you14:22
jcapitao[m]kind of like the "unmaintained" phase in upstream14:23
spotz[m]Ok so let me make sure I'm with you we need help to do CS9 epoxy, do we also need help going forward to do Flamingo if we want to do the non-SLURP? Just want to make sure if we put something together to send I'm clear on the ask14:26
jcapitao[m]for the non-SLURP releases I'd say we need to keep building it to satisfy p-o-i project14:28
jcapitao[m]as we are using it as deployment tool14:28
spotz[m]And the resources are there for that?14:28
jcapitao[m]yes by reducing the life cycle of our RDO releases14:30
jcapitao[m]as soon as upstream put a release in unmaintained status, we'll do the same14:30
jcapitao[m]so we'll end up with 4 releases to maintain + master14:31
jcapitao[m]wdyt karolinku ?14:31
spotz[m]Ok so let's work on documentation on how to build for a Stream release and ask for help. Let's also document how to maintain a release if someone wants to step up to do so but not plan on that actually happening:)14:31
spotz[m]If we have the build for stream docs ready we can go ahead and ask for help and work on the other docs when we can as we have a little more time there14:32
jcapitao[m]works for me 👍️14:33
karolinku[m]release is one problem (effort) and then the maintenance is another14:34
karolinku[m]for C9 on Epoxy - I fully agree that we need community help gere14:36
spotz[m]Well the dual version is not a regular effort aka every release so lets get help from folks who want both. Then we work on finding folks who want to maintain older releases and if there aren't any we retire them as we do upstream no worries14:36
karolinku[m]wrt non-SLURP releasese, im not sure if I understood why it is needed to satisfy p-o-i14:36
tkajinamp-o-i uses rdo packages for voting jobs. we have ci with ubuntu but these are non-voting because of its instability (and there are some tricky things sometimes require us to use older versions)14:37
tkajinamso if RDO does not ship flamingo for example we have no packages available to test flamingo14:38
tkajinamregarding the centos release I understand the situation but may need to sync with you about the timeline of migration. In the past we spent some amount of effort for upgrading centos post release and I'm not very sure that we can complete migration before E14:38
tkajinamI mean the expected timeline for Epoxy GA of RDO if you need puppet/packstack test coverage14:39
tkajinamgiven the fact I'm not full time now, as you know14:39
jcapitao[m]yeah sure, we'll have to do the same work for packstack as well14:40
jcapitao[m]we might validate with packstack only at the beginning if needed, so no rush14:40
tkajinamI hope the package changes are not much huge. My current main concern is remaining usage of network-scripts which might need to be replaced by networkmanager hell14:41
tkajinambut we'll see details later14:41
tkajinamin this cycle14:41
jcapitao[m]ah right, we've already hit that network issue :/14:41
tkajinamwe may also have to wait until base puppet and other modules adopt to c1014:41
spotz[m]tkajinam: If we doc how to build c9/c10/etc do you think you and others could contribute?14:42
karolinku[m]oh, I just realize how bad may be this networkig stuff:/14:43
jcapitao[m]I haven't started digging in the ruby/puppet modules for CS10 TBH (I'm afraid :) )14:43
jcapitao[m]I'll do once the base python dependencies built14:43
tkajinamspotz[m], I hope I can... but I'm not aware of "others" atm14:44
spotz[m]Ok I'll take one hopeful:)14:45
spotz[m]Ok so do we have a plan? Doc and then ask for assistance? Worry about ongoing maintenance until later or just retire like upstream if no volunteers?14:48
jcapitao[m]I think we have a plan14:49
jcapitao[m]for maintenance of CS9 Epoxy it will be "best effort" and retire it if no community help14:50
jcapitao[m]but if someone shows up to build it I guess he/she will maintain it14:51
spotz[m]Ok I'll try to write something up and share before emailing but I'll leave the how to docs to you and Karolinku14:51
spotz[m]I'm going to push us forward so we can get to your other topic14:52
spotz[m]#topic CentOS Connect and FOSDEM14:52
spotz[m]Connect is Jan 30-31 in Brussels I'll add links to stuff in a sec. Joel is speaking and there is an OKD meetup THursday morning. At FOSDEM there is an OpenStack BoF on Saturday afternoon. OpenStack Birthday party Saturday night14:53
spotz[m]#topic centos10-master Tunk bootstrapping14:54
jcapitao[m]just a quick update on
jcapitao[m]we are currently building the dependencies for RDO on CS1014:55
jcapitao[m]the effort is tracked on
jcapitao[m]that's it for this stopic14:56
spotz[m]#topic Chair for next week14:56
spotz[m]I will be in Brussels setting up for COnnect14:57
jcapitao[m]me too14:57
spotz[m]Ok let's skip then and do Feb 5?14:57
jcapitao[m]yes let's dot that14:58
spotz[m]That will be the video call14:58
spotz[m]Anyone want to volunteer we're at time, also need the watcher15:00
karolinku[m]maybe I will be finally able to do whole week of watching ;D15:00
jcapitao[m]hopefully :)15:01
spotz[m]Ok so watcher is karolinku?15:01
spotz[m]Ok and we can decide chair later. Let me close this out15:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jan 22 15:02:23 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jcapitao[m]thank you !15:03
spotz[m]email sent I'll get the patch up between meetings15:03
spotz[m]Ok we haven't updated since July, it'll be a bit:)15:13
rdogerritMerged openstack/trove-distgit rpm-master: Drop removed build requirements from excludes
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/trove-distgit rpm-master: Use existing config file to generate trove.conf
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge15:58
rdogerritMerged openstack/trove-distgit rpm-master: Use existing config file to generate trove.conf
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/trove-distgit rpm-master: openstack-trove: failed to build e9fa651a
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed puppet/puppet-neutron-distgit rpm-master: puppet-neutron: failed to build 601f31bd
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed config master: Add /usr/local/bin in PATH explicitly
rdogerritJoel Capitao proposed config master: Add /usr/local/bin in PATH explicitly
rdogerritAmy Marrich (spotz) proposed rdo-infra/rdo-mkdocs-website master: Updated list of meetings going back to June
rdogerritMerged config master: Add /usr/local/bin in PATH explicitly
rdogerritMerged rdo-infra/rdo-mkdocs-website master: Updated list of meetings going back to June
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes22:55

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