Monday, 2025-02-24

rdogerritRodolfo Alonso proposed config master: Revert "[ci bootstrap] Pin openstackclient to 7.2.1"
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/cinder-distgit dalmatian-rdo: openstack-cinder-25.1.0-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/cinder-distgit caracal-rdo: openstack-cinder-24.3.0-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/swift-distgit bobcat-rdo: openstack-swift-2.32.1-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/cinder-distgit bobcat-rdo: openstack-cinder-23.4.0-1
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/neutron-distgit rpm-master: openstack-neutron: failed to build 8160f2d20e
amoralejjcapitao[m], may you take a look into ?12:33
amoralejsorry, not that :)12:34
amoralej this12:34
jcapitao[m]amoralej: is it ready to be merged ?13:17
amoralejI'd say so, at least the branch is created13:17
amoralejwe can ask the owner to confirm13:17
jcapitao[m]yeah, and it's same commit as main so nothing would be required after the merge13:18
rdogerritMerged rdoinfo master: Track tcib/antelope branch for antelope release
rdogerritrdo-trunk rdo-trunk proposed openstack/ironic-distgit rpm-master: openstack-ironic: failed to build b44cce176

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