Tuesday, 2018-04-24

openstackgerritZhenyu Zheng proposed openstack/refstack-client master: Refstack-client should use stestr for tempest testing  https://review.openstack.org/56295602:08
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/refstack-client master: [DNM]Generate tempest.conf using python-tempestconf  https://review.openstack.org/56382705:43
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/refstack-client master: [DNM]Generate tempest.conf using python-tempestconf  https://review.openstack.org/56382705:55
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/refstack-client master: [DNM]Generate tempest.conf using python-tempestconf  https://review.openstack.org/56382707:32
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openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Refstack integration  https://review.openstack.org/56267209:39
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Refstack integration  https://review.openstack.org/56267209:40
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/refstack-client master: [DNM]Generate tempest.conf using python-tempestconf  https://review.openstack.org/56382709:46
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chandankumartosky: kopecmartin hello13:16
chandankumartosky: kopecmartin with this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/562672/, one thing is still missing for refstack integration13:17
kopecmartinwhich one?13:17
chandankumartosky: kopecmartin as per ptg discussion, before running refstack-client config user should source clourc credentials13:18
chandankumarthen refstack client config should generate accounts.yaml file and use them during tempest.conf generation13:18
chandankumaraccount.yaml is generated by tempest account-generator with needs username and password, tenant name which has permissions to create resources like admin credentails13:19
kopecmartinchandankumar, why does accounts.yaml file need to be generated?13:19
kopecmartinwell, i understand why, but is it refstack case too?13:20
toskythe credentials used may not be powerful enough to create resources, and being able to create resources is not a requirement for refstack-client, if I remember correctly13:20
chandankumarthe question is when refstack tests will be invoked the user will be sourcing non-admin crendentials (which might not have the power to generate resources)13:20
chandankumarthat time refstack-client config will dump the credentails in account.yaml file13:21
chandankumartosky: am i correct?13:21
chandankumarif user credentials have power then it will use tempest accoutn generator to create accounts.yaml13:21
toskythen I don't understand the part about "needs username and password, tenant name which has permissions to create resources like admin credentails"13:22
toskyoh, I see13:22
toskybut I don't get one thing13:22
chandankumar*which needs13:22
chandankumartosky: yup13:22
toskydo we need two different code paths? If refstack-client or tempestconf can create accounts.yaml, why do we need toi use tempest account generator?13:23
toskybecause they will be new non-admin credentials in a separate tenant?13:24
chandankumartosky: the end goal was to have create accounts.yaml, I was speaking about the implimentation details so asked13:24
toskychandankumar: do you have the link to the etherpad with the notes that you took during the PTG?13:25
toskythe one that you used to create the stories13:25
chandankumartosky: one way to create tempest account-generator otherway is to dump the data in accouts.yaml13:25
chandankumartosky: kopecmartin https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200169313:25
chandankumartosky: kopecmartin https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200169613:25
chandankumartosky: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/541273/25/refstack_client/refstack_client.py@793 at os-cloud usage part hogepodge was not sure13:27
toskychandankumar: that's another implementation question13:30
chandankumartosky: https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/rocky-tempest-ptg13:30
chandankumarwhich i taken notes during ptg13:30
kopecmartinso the big epic goal is to be able to run refstack with python-tempestconf with only non admin credentials, right?13:31
chandankumarkopecmartin: yup13:31
kopecmartinthat mean, a user already has all resources python-tempsetconf needs for generating tempest.conf13:32
chandankumarkopecmartin: yup13:32
kopecmartinso where is the problem, tempest.conf is generated and refstack be run13:32
kopecmartin*can be run13:32
toskyoh, on review.rdoproject, I was looking in the wrong place13:34
chandankumarkopecmartin: the problem is about the implementation question. once clourc file is sourced, then tempestconf should generate accounts.yaml (by dumping the data in yaml file as per https://github.com/openstack/refstack-client/blob/master/etc/accounts.yaml.sample)13:35
chandankumartempestconf should use it to discover resources through refstack client config and write the date to tempest.conf13:35
chandankumarkopecmartin: but we need to maintain a general usecase here for generating accounts.yaml which will be used for admin/non-admin users13:36
kopecmartini still missing the point .. if a non admin user wants to run refstack, we expect all resources are already created for him by admin .. why accounts.yaml file is not created by that admin as well?13:40
chandankumarreason for using accounts.yaml was not expose password/user credentails in tempest.conf13:41
chandankumarkopecmartin: yup resources will be created by user having permissions before that13:42
kopecmartinand also that user who has permissions can create an accounts.yaml file13:43
kopecmartinand no admin credentials are exposed to tempest.conf13:43
toskykopecmartin: the idea is: tempest.conf can be published, and having the credentials on accounts.yaml you don't expose user's credentials13:44
toskyso basically the idea is more: never expose the credentials in tempest.conf so that you can publish tempest.conf13:44
chandankumarkopecmartin: but that user having permission to creat accounts.yaml will create test accounts for the same na13:45
toskyif I remember correctly13:45
toskykopecmartin: and if you start using accounts.yaml, you can always use it13:45
chandankumarkopecmartin: but for running refstack tests, non-admin accounts should be created by admin it might be not be create using tempest account generator13:46
chandankumartosky: yup13:46
kopecmartinan admin creates resources for demo user, admin also creates accounts.yaml file so that demo user is able to run tempest tests which require creating new resources ... then demo user wants to generate tempest.conf .. no problem, he passes his credentials and path to accounts.yaml file to tempestconf and done, configuration is generated , RESULT: tempest.conf doesn't have admin credentials and can be published13:50
kopecmartinso i don't understand, why python-tempestconf should be able to create accounts.yaml when it does't even have admin credentials13:50
toskykopecmartin: because (if I remember correctly) you don't want to publish the credentials of public clouds on non-admin users, but you may want to publish tempest.conf13:52
chandankumarkopecmartin: tosky sorry let me rewrite again13:53
chandankumartempest account-generator is generally used to create accounts.yaml, It required admin or user having previlage to create resources.13:54
chandankumaron running tempest account generator it will create test-accounts in accounts.yaml.13:55
chandankumarBut for a normal cloud operator, might create test-accounts manually then dump the data in accounts.yaml for refstack purpose13:56
toskychandankumar: that's clear, I think that the question from kopecmartin was more: why do you need to create and use accounts.yaml if you are not an admin?13:56
chandankumarthen tempestconf can use this accounts.yaml to generate tempest.conf13:56
toskynot *how*, but *why*13:57
toskyhow is pretty straightforward13:57
toskythe why, I think it's about detaching the credentials from tempest.conf in any case, admin or not13:57
chandankumaron using accounts.yaml, we are detaching credentails from tempest.conf13:58
chandankumarthe workflow discussion was this: if we source clourdrc file and then no accounts.yaml then tempestconf tool should generate accounts.ayml and use it for config generation14:00
chandankumarkopecmartin: due to above point, I was asking about the implementation details14:02
kopecmartinto conclude, in case of running python-tempestconf from refstack , we don't to have any credentials in tempest.conf?14:08
chandankumarkopecmartin: yup14:09
kopecmartinit means, you want to create an test-accounts.yaml file and make an reference to it from tempest.conf (still don't understand the difference between accounts.yaml and test-accounts.yaml file)14:10
chandankumarboth are same, it will be used the locking the accounts and using the same for running refstack tempest14:11
kopecmartinok, then we will not be creating accounts.yaml in python-tempestconf, tempest can do it, why should we copy the functionality14:13
toskykopecmartin: I didn't know what test-accounts.yaml is, but if I read it correctly, accounts.yaml is the name used by default in tempest documentation for the file with credentials14:13
kopecmartintosky, ok, makes sense so far14:13
toskykopecmartin: not copy; the point is not who does what (ok, it is important, but) but adapt the code so that the credentials do not end in tempest.conf14:14
toskyso something should happen inside tempestconf to make sure that this happens; if it is "call some magic (with a stable interface)", sure14:14
kopecmartintosky, oh, i get it now!14:15
toskythat's the part about implementation detail that chandankumar was raising too14:15
chandankumartosky: kopecmartin For next tripleo tempest ci sprint, we are targetting refstack integration epic to get it done14:15
kopecmartinchandankumar, ok14:16
chandankumartosky: apart from this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/562672/ this one looks ok from myside (the thing which i needed )14:19
chandankumarkopecmartin: please update the commit message something meaningful14:19
toskymore than "refstack integration", it's more "make tempestconf easier to use as library"14:20
toskyor something like that14:20
chandankumararxcruz: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/562672/ feel free to take a look14:20
kopecmartinchandankumar, what's not meaningful about that?14:21
toskykopecmartin: see my comment ^^ for a possible explantion14:21
chandankumarkopecmartin: 'refstack integration' should be changed to something useable as tosky suggested14:21
chandankumarsorry for mine sleepy head14:21
kopecmartinoh, i see, ok14:22
kopecmartinI have enough too, this one hour conversation was too hard :D14:22
chandankumarkopecmartin: we can get it merged today, I am going out in sometime, may be join meeting for next week continously I am skipping lots of things14:23
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Make tempestconf easier to use as an external library  https://review.openstack.org/56267214:25
chandankumarlogging out14:56
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openstackgerritmegan guiney proposed openstack/refstack master: allow for the addition of new capability sources  https://review.openstack.org/54724617:27
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openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Make tempestconf easier to use as an library  https://review.openstack.org/56267220:59
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