Wednesday, 2018-05-16

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chandankumararxcruz: please update this review
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arxcruztosky: chandankumar i'm gettin problems because i did both reviews one depending the other, the download cirros image fix and load basic config, now the laod basic confi patch was merged and when i try a git review i got error08:08
arxcruzyou guys know how to fix?08:09
toskyarxcruz: you did not properly rebase again origin/master08:11
toskygit review -d <mynewreview>08:11
toskygit rebase origin/master08:11
toskygit review08:11
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Fixing download of the cirros image
arxcruzi was rebasing the previous patch, i should just git rebase --skip08:14
toskywell, it's fixed now :)08:16
toskylet's wait for the gates and then rekick +w (we need to wait anyway for the 1st run)08:17
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Make tempestconf easier to use as an library
chandankumarkopecmartin: hello08:26
chandankumarkopecmartin: can you please take care of this bug also!/story/200178408:26
chandankumararxcruz: hey, Since you are working on compute coverage is it possible to include this one also bug 1569613 in python-tempestconf "compute.min_compute_nodes not discovered by tempestconf" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to chkumar08:28
chandankumararxcruz: if not then we can move to next sprint08:28
arxcruzchandankumar: sure, i'll take a look, fixing some other stuff on oooq08:28
chandankumararxcruz: kopecmartin I will plan for next sprint in advance for tempestconf08:29
toskyarxcruz, chandankumar : if it's a real bug/feature request not just for RH systems, a story on storyboard would be nice too08:34
chandankumararxcruz: Can i create a card for stackviz stuff also?08:34
chandankumartosky: correct copying th stuff to storyboard08:34
arxcruzchandankumar: what's happening with stackviz ?09:08
arxcruzchandankumar: the cards are for our sprint09:08
arxcruzshit man, packstack is always getting can't find compute node :(09:09
arxcruzcan't test nova stuff09:09
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Allow users to upload images to glance
kopecmartinchandankumar, I took a look at!/story/2001784 and there is nothing to do with that right now, i commented there09:44
kopecmartinchandankumar, i would close it, but i have no idea how the whole storyboard works09:45
chandankumarkopecmartin: this will solve your problem09:45
chandankumarkopecmartin: for current implementation we can use try except till this patch lands09:46
chandankumarwith a fix me or we can wait till this patch lands09:46
kopecmartinchandankumar, we can wait09:47
kopecmartinkopecmartin, if we wait it's only one patch, if we implement it now, we will require another patch to remove v2 ..09:47
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Fixing download of the cirros image
chandankumarkopecmartin: so from rocky v3 will be default09:49
chandankumaron glance side, I think image api v1 will be removed09:50
arxcruzso... ntp...09:52
arxcruzthe big vilain09:52
arxcruzif you not set a ntp compute node even if it's all in one will not get registered09:52
arxcruz(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻09:52
toskyarxcruz: try to work with SSL stuff without ntp, and good luck09:53
toskykopecmartin: re storyboard, is the question about the usage of Story: and Task:, or about the workflow for "closing" stories?09:59
kopecmartintosky, i find it anything but not intuitive10:00
kopecmartintosky, but I'll read a doc or somthing and figure it out10:00
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Make tempestconf easier to use as an library
toskykopecmartin: you work on the tasks, and they have states10:05
toskykopecmartin: you can close automatically a certain task using (instead of Closes-Bug:) footer like Story: and Task: in the commit message10:05
toskybut yes, strongly suggested to read the documentation a bit10:05
kopecmartintosky, what if a task or a whole story was resolved but there is no review for that? let's say it was resolved a different way than by a review10:08
toskykopecmartin: you can manually change the status of the corresponding task10:08
toskycheck it - there is a listbox for each task10:08
toskya story is not active anymore when all the tasks (which may be just one) have a final state10:09
toskyapart from the fact that a story can have more tasks for the same project (repository), that's not much different than launchpad10:09
kopecmartinthere are options like review, merged or invalid , so if there is no review, i can't choose review or merged, so only option is invalid :D10:10
kopecmartinbut i get the rest10:10
toskydo you have an example of something that does not fit in those categories?10:11
toskyif the issue is fixed with some other fixes in other projects, then there should be a task for the other project10:11
toskywhat I think it's missing is marking a story as duplicate10:12
arxcruzgreat, now i can't ssh into vm10:13
* tosky bbl10:13
arxcruztosky: anything i need to do? security group are enabled properly10:13
toskyarxcruz: is console access available?12:00
arxcruztosky: just get rid of everything and reinstalling again12:01
arxcruztosky: have you ever install it on rdocloud ?12:05
arxcruzin a rdocloud vm i mean12:05
toskyI don't have an account there12:05
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Use volume v3 service client as the default
chandankumartosky: I need some help related to swift healthcheck api13:13
kopecmartinchandankumar, tosky when i hit `openstack service list` i can see for example volume, volumev2, volumev3 .. my question is, when we are gathering for example api_extensions for volume service, all of the extensions from volumev2 and v3 are going under volume-feature-enabled section?13:13
chandankumartosky: first thing In order to make sure healthcheck api is available we need to hit swift service <public endpoint>/healthcheck na?13:14
arxcruzchandankumar: tosky to volume encryption set13:17
arxcruzcan i just check if barbican is enabled and set to true? otherwise set to false?13:17
chandankumararxcruz: I think barbican is enabled and a role creator is there then i think we can set it to true13:18
arxcruzchandankumar: role creator is just for non admin be able to create encrypted volume13:18
arxcruztosky: +w ?13:28
toskyarxcruz: I was rechecking it13:31
arxcruz(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻13:31
toskyarxcruz: but if the directory exists, what happens? Isn't OSError raised?13:31
arxcruztosky: no because it checks if directory exists first :)13:31
toskyoh, right13:32
toskyI probably even checked it before13:32
toskyluckily they fixed this complicated behavior in python313:32
tosky"exist_ok=True yes please, I don't care, no need to write tons of lines"13:33
arxcruzso, please, +w13:33
arxcruzgotta go to home now13:33
arxcruzso, the vm, cirros isn't getting dhcp, dont know why13:33
toskycirros 0.3.4? 0.3.5? 0.4.0?13:34
arxcruzand then i can't test the volume attach, because attach the volume is returning is attached13:34
arxcruzbut inside cirros isn't attaching13:34
arxcruzno idea let me check13:34
arxcruzif i set manually using virsh console and ip link bla bla bla13:35
arxcruzi'm able to connect through ssh with ip netns exec router13:35
arxcruzbut that's a freaking workaround :/13:35
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openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Filter deprecated versions out
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Use healthcheck api to determine swift service
chandankumararxcruz: kopecmartin tosky ^ Please have a look at this one14:56
toskychandankumar: why the function is called "def check_object_storage_service_status(self):"?15:03
toskycan't we have a generic check_service_status in Service, inherited and reimplemented by each member?15:03
toskythis was exactly the reason for a generic base class for services: cover the common operations15:03
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Store volumev2 and v3 extensions as well
chandankumartosky: that would be doable, I will do it for swift15:08
chandankumartosky: arxcruz kopecmartin regarding this one any feedback or comments15:09
kopecmartinchandankumar, I'm trying to understand what it does and why15:10
toskychandankumar: I'm still unconvinced by the commit message vs the content15:11
toskyalso, isn't catching Exception a bit broad? Isn't there a specific exception?15:11
toskyoh, now it's image only, not for flavors15:12
kopecmartinchandankumar, so you got rid of allow_creation and the exception informing that creation is not allowed -> it should be fine, It's the same like a user who doesn't have permissions to create an image but will pass --create (a user lied :D )15:29
kopecmartinchandankumar, but i can't find, why is this code better, what does it solve?15:29
chandankumarkopecmartin: tosky In openstack deployment, an normal user can upload the image to glance but flavor is restricted15:34
chandankumarkopecmartin: tosky --create is only permitted when an user has admin related power15:35
chandankumarkopecmartin: tosky so for normal user, they need to ask admin user to create flavor and image, but above change will allow user to pass the image and use the falvor, tempestconf will take care of uploading the imahe and generarting imahe id15:37
kopecmartini see, so the point here is to make it more OpenStack CLI like15:37
chandankumarfor worse case, if an user does not have permission to even upload the image then that exception will be called15:38
kopecmartinchandankumar, if it's true what you said,  they didn't have to as admin to upload the image there, they can do it via OpenStack CLI .. but i see the point ... if it's able via OpenStack CLI why not via python-tempetsconf15:39
kopecmartin*it's possible15:40
chandankumarkopecmartin: that is what i was intending to do15:42
kopecmartinchandankumar, great, get it .. i commented the change15:43
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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Allow non admin users to upload image to glance
chandankumarkopecmartin: tosky ^^15:54
toskychandankumar: isn't there a more specific exception than Exception?16:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tempestconf master: Fixing download of the cirros image
chandankumartosky: need help on that16:30
chandankumartosky: kopecmartin I need to send one more patch for swift operator role16:31
chandankumarthe implementation I think is something like that:16:32
chandankumarcheck for overrides values, if role, present set it, if nothing passed, get the default role from tempest.config and check for it, if not present create it if --create is passed and set the role to that user16:33
chandankumarthe same goes for reseller one16:33
chandankumarwhat do you think?16:33
* chandankumar headed home16:36
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toskyonly if you have admin, of course17:12
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