Thursday, 2018-07-12

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openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: add jobs for python-tempestconf only
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-refstack master: Update Gemfile for Zuulv3
kopecmartintosky, hi, what's the benefit of using the old version of sphinx-argparse ?08:22
kopecmartinwhen i downgraded it complained about import of a directive08:22
toskykopecmartin: it's already packaged, that's it; I know that it's a downstream problem, and that for example RDO can include the new version if the documentation is built there (which I don't remember right now)08:26
toskybut if the older version were going to work without changes, it could have been used08:26
toskythat said, if you see that downgrading the version removes a functionality, ok, no need08:27
toskyyou tried to downgrade and the answer to my question is "it's not the same, it requires other changes"08:27
kopecmartinI'll try to google the problem, i just don't understand why it matters if it's packaged or not .. it's installed via pip08:28
kopecmartinbut maybe I'm missing a different point of view ..08:28
toskykopecmartin: RDO builds the documentation in their packages08:29
toskythat's why I wrote that this is a downstream problem, and that if RDO (or other packagers) want to provide the rebuilt documentation, they should solve it08:30
toskybut still, if most of them provides the old version, I was wondering if lowering the dependency was going to work in the same way, that's it08:31
kopecmartini see08:31
kopecmartinas i said, I'll try to google, maybe there's a quickfix .. but if there is not, RDO should update their packages.. 0.1.5 is too old version anyway08:32
toskykopecmartin: ups! a typo - they all provide 0.1.15, not 0.1.508:33
kopecmartintosky, :D .. rechecking it08:35
kopecmartinI'm still getting: Could not import extension sphinxarg.ext (exception: cannot import name Directive)08:37
kopecmartinmaybe something else needs to be downgraded as well? hmm08:38
toskyuhm, no, no way08:39
toskywe need that version08:39
toskysee this Debian bug:
openstackDebian bug 896636 in src:sphinx-argparse "FTBFS with sphinx 1.7.2: exception: cannot import name 'Directive'" [Serious,Fixed]08:39
toskyoki, thanks for trying08:40
toskynow, why that job failed?08:41
toskywhy did*08:41
kopecmartinno idea, I changed only help text, so probably recheck will solve that08:42
toskykopecmartin: can you please rebase 581058 directly on top of the current master? So it could be merged independently of 58098108:50
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add Contributor Guide
arxcruzdid you figure out why scenario004 was failing ?08:56
kopecmartinarxcruz, no08:57
arxcruzkopecmartin: so why did you recheck?08:57
kopecmartinI followed the last chkumar|ruck comment, where he said that some issue may be solved by merging two patches he mentioned in that comment, one patch was merged a day after the gate failed08:58
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add Contributor Guide
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openstackgerritLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add support for volume api microversion
openstackgerritLiron Kuchlani proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add support for volume api microversion
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add Contributor Guide
toskythat job is failing a bit too much12:33
toskyis it right to always recheck, or is it there some other issue that prevents it from being stable?12:34
kopecmartintosky, it failed during DLRN build step
kopecmartinmaybe the new dependency?12:47
toskykopecmartin: that's possible12:53
chkumar|rucktosky: kopecmartin DEBUG: Could not import extension sphinxarg.ext (exception: No module named sphinxarg.ext)12:54
chkumar|rucktosky: kopecmartin
toskyI guess I need to nag the poor amoralej again12:54
toskywe need to upgrade the package in RDO, let me see if I can do it quickly13:00
toskyand don't recheck :D13:00
kopecmartindo you think this failed because there is an error in the console log?13:04
kopecmartinbut it returns zero return code anyway, i checked, i don't understand why it failed13:05
toskythat's really weird13:06
kopecmartinoh shit, i know why13:08
kopecmartinCI counts on the first call of discover-tempest-config fails, because of resources (no nano and micro flavor)13:08
kopecmartinbut we have implemented the autodetect feature13:09
toskyoh oh13:09
kopecmartin.. so it failed because it passed :D13:09
toskyand why does the first call of discover-tempest-config fails? I mean, couldn't this have been fixed by just passing the required resources when calling discover-tempest-config for the first time?13:10
toskyalso because this will need to work differently for different branches13:10
kopecmartinit normally fails because creation of resources is not allowed13:10
kopecmartinat least we see that the feature works as we wanted13:11
toskyoh, oki, it's the locally-defined job13:12
kopecmartinso either we change the workflow of demo user testing or make the feature triggerable .. the first is probably better13:13
toskythat could be a different job - not sure13:14
kopecmartinwe could change the check of that task to not to look for a failure but for a success , because the tool found flavors which can be used13:14
kopecmartinthis way, we would test the feature all the time13:14
toskyoh, right13:15
toskykopecmartin, arxcruz, chkumar|ruck : I created the bug for the bump (, if I got the instructions right13:24 bug 1600549 in distribution "Bump sphinx-argparse to 2.2.0" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to lars13:24
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Improve flavor detection
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Improve flavor detection
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: add jobs for python-tempestconf only
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: add jobs for python-tempestconf only
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trevormcchkumar, if you're still online, I created that bug I was chatting with you about earlier here!/story/200296520:21
toskytrevormc: which version of tempestconf is that? git master or a tagged version?20:27
* tosky really hopes that chkumar|ruck is not around at this time20:27
trevormchey tosky, I just cloned python-tempestconf master and installed it with pip install -e20:30
toskyoh, right, sorry, you wrote it in the story20:32
trevormchaha i just updated20:32
trevormcgood question :)20:33
toskythe algorithm which tries to split the URI is a complex thing20:33
toskyarxcruz: ^^ when you see this, we want to use this use case as test case20:33
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