Monday, 2019-07-22

-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to a failure on the volume, old logs are unavailable while partition is recovered. New logs are being stored. ETA for restoration probably ~Mon Jul 22 12:00 UTC 201906:07
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Due to a failure on the volume, old logs are unavailable while partition is recovered. New logs are being stored. ETA for restoration probably ~Mon Jul 22 12:00 UTC 2019"06:07
*** kopecmartin|off is now known as kopecmartin06:18
*** ChanServ changes topic to "#refstack now we're on storyboard:!/project/700"06:27
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: volume has been restored. please report any issues in #openstack-infra06:27
*** tosky has joined #refstack07:21
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*** kopecmartin is now known as kopecmartin|off16:38
*** tosky has quit IRC22:49

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