Thursday, 2020-04-23

*** tosky has joined #refstack07:24
openstackgerritLukas Piwowarski proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: WIP: Fix heat plugin support
toskykopecmartin: did we lose the pep8 job on python-tempestconf ? O.o15:42
kopecmartinlol, it's not there :D15:42
kopecmartintosky: shit, it was part of openstack-python-jobs template15:44
kopecmartinand we removed that one when we dropped python215:45
kopecmartintosky: should we use some template specifically? or shall I just put to .zuul.yaml openstack-tox-pep8 explicitely?15:46
toskykopecmartin: as we still support more releases, I think we should just add it explicitly15:53
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add pep8 job
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tempestconf master: Add pep8 job
*** tosky has quit IRC22:58

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