Tuesday, 2017-10-31

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masbergood afternoon, is this the right place to ask about an issue about pinning instances to Numa nodes on openstack?02:42
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jmlowe_masber: afaik the resident expert in that kind of thing is Blair15:12
masberI see15:13
jmlowe_masber: CERN did some trials, I don't think they got much out of numa settings relative to cpu pinning15:13
masberI got my problem sorted15:13
masbermy problem was that I enabled this on my images --property hw_cpu_policy=dedicated --property hw_cpu_thread_policy=isolate15:14
masberwhich "disabled" hyperthreading reducing the number of cores I could use15:14
masberjmlowe_, do you have experience in provider networks?15:15
jmlowe_a little15:15
jmlowe_probably as much as anybody else15:15
jmlowe_what do you have in mind?15:15
masberI was thinking to start playing with provider networks so I can reduce the latency of my network15:16
masberthis openstack environment will be living next to an HPC environment so we are ok with all vms sharing same network15:17
jmlowe_linuxbridge or ovs?15:18
masberwe currently use ovs15:18
masberI mean do I still need ovs/linuxbridge with provider networks?15:18
jmlowe_ok, I'm not nearly as well versed in ovs15:18
jmlowe_you need one or the other to wire up your instances15:19
jmlowe_I guess you could use sriov and skip those15:19
masberjmlowe_, ok, I use kolla-ansible which has an option to enable provider networks but I am not sure how it works...15:20
masberso I guess the ovs/llinux bridge will act as a virtual switch which is connected to the physical interface15:21
jmlowe_as I under stand them, provider networks wire up external vlans into your instances15:21
masbercan u have just a flat network?15:22
jmlowe_ovs would create a virtual switch that has your hpc environment's vlans and your instance's tap interface15:22
masberok, and how are the vlans setup on the instances? do I need to setup an external DHCP server?15:24
masberor can I use neutron?15:24
jmlowe_I can tell you about a thing I did, I use linuxbridge so ymmv15:25
masberyes please15:27
masbermy problem is that I don't have a test environment and my hardware running openstack is currently used for a couple of projects so I can't test15:27
masberso I need some guidance from here to make my mind around15:28
jmlowe_We have a 10PB lustre filesystem reexported over nfs, I created a vlan and a RFC <whatever> non routable subnet, I have that vlan tagged on all my compute switch ports, I created the tagged interface on the compute nodes, added physical_interface_mappings for the tagged interface i.e. tg-cie160051:bond0.36415:28
jmlowe_I created a network in neutron and used the mapping as they physical_network argument so that it knows to attach that interface on the computes to the switch it builds when adding a interface on that network to an instance15:30
jmlowe_I set the subnet to match the subnet I created in my datacenter networking gear, used dhcp, no gateway, static route to datacenter router when talking to NFS server15:31
jmlowe_make sense?15:32
masberI think yes, if I am not mistaken tagged vlan all the way through from your luster to the switch and compute nodes, the neutron knows how to tag the nic of the instance assigned to that network and the DHCP is external15:33
masbercould you assign the VLAN through DHCP?15:34
jmlowe_dhcp is internal, forgot to mention, I also have the mapping on my network nodes so they can attach and serve dhcp15:37
jmlowe_but that's a minor site specific thing for us, dhcp is local to clusters and doesn't cross those boundaries15:38
masberok, I think I need time to play with this and digest15:39
masberI am not an expert in openstack networking, just use it15:40
bolligrbudden: jmlowe_: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-lightsail-update-launch-and-manage-windows-virtual-private-servers/ . Pretty cheap for a month of service for Server 2012 R218:08
jmlowe_not terrible, little light on the memory in my opinion18:10
bolligwindows has always been great at paging memory ;-)18:10
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