Wednesday, 2020-04-08

openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/senlin-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-senlinclient master: Cleanup py27 support
rm_workdtruong / eandersson: how would you feel about an intern working upstream on senlin's LB stuff (with some guidance on my part) to make it possible to have multiple ports listening per cluster?20:24
eanderssonSounds great20:24
rm_workthey might need some advice / reviews from ya'll as well20:25
dtruongNo problem, we don't mind answering questions and definitely like to see more people get involve with senlin :)20:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/senlin-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata

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