Wednesday, 2021-08-04

eanderssonGood question NobodyCam. It depends on what you mean with predefined Ironic nodes. You thinking you want specific nodes (e.g. build a cluster with node1, node2 and node3)?16:56
NobodyCamhey hey good morning eandersson 16:56
NobodyCamThat was what I was thinking. I saw
eanderssonI would guess that at the moment the nova scheduler would be responsible for this and not sure if there is a way to pick specific nodes ahead of time.16:58
NobodyCamwhich looks like you can build a group of nodes16:58
eanderssonYea - that should work I think. dtruong might know this api better than me.16:59
NobodyCamAwesome... Thank you eandersson; 17:04

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