Monday, 2018-04-09

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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-ci master: gerrit: add local GerritUtils to support gerrit-2.14
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/cauth master: github: do not request for org read when not needed
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sfbenderFabien Boucher created master: Add sprint 2018-14 to sf website
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sfbenderMerged master: Add sprint 2018-14 to sf website
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pabelangergundalow: rcarrillocruz: trishnag: Just looking at we'll need to have zuul running on network-engine again, if we want to start testing PRs there. Do we want to re-enable it again this morning? I can help propose the patch to SF gerrit instances for zuul main.yaml14:09
pabelangerk, let me propose patch and people can +114:19
pabelangerthen will poke SF members14:19
gundalowrcarrillocruz: trishnag FYI Peter asked for us to have it disabled on network-engine14:32
rcarrillocruzoh did he?14:32
rcarrillocruzwhy was that?14:32
gundalownetwork-engine-zuul is a fork which you have power on14:33
gundalowGH admin powers14:33
pabelangerokay, that is easy to test PRs against, trishnag do you want to move your PRs into ansible-network-zuul14:35
gundalowJust till we get things happy/stable. Avoids test development getting in the way of product coding14:35
gundalowHopefully in a few weeks we can combine them :)14:36
trishnaggundalow: ack15:22
trishnagpabelanger: The current PR is going to be in network-engine anyway as we plan to have the testcases there. But I will open a separate PR to network-engine-zuul for testing this.15:22
pabelangertrishnag: ack, which timezone are you in?15:23
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sfbenderNicolas HICHER created software-factory/sf-elements master: nodepool-minimal: add block-device-mbr depend
* gundalow wonders why is giving: Job ansible-test-sanity not defined18:10
gundalowI have Depends-On:
gundalowI think this is one of the bits where I don't have access to the logs18:11
dmsimardgundalow: where would ansible-test-sanity be defined ?18:12
dmsimardhmm, that should probably work18:14
dmsimardmaybe something with github18:14
gundalowThis did work before, though I've recreated these as PRs from a fork. I'm not sure if pabelanger (or someone else) had to do some initial "bootstrapping"18:17
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jruzickatristanC, yo, you still online?18:45
dmsimardjruzicka: doubt it, not for another ~4hrs at least18:47
jruzickaright :)18:51
sfbenderNicolas HICHER created software-factory/sf-config master: sf-base: add depends from sf-releases
sfbenderNicolas HICHER created software-factory/sf-release master: Remove centos only depends
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