Monday, 2018-09-24

sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created master: Add Kubernetes Nodepool Driver blog post
tristanCshanemcd: here is a documentation about using kubernetes nodepool driver:
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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created scl/zuul-distgit master: Add React web interface
sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-config master: zuul: adapt gateway rewrite for React interface
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sfbenderTristan de Cacqueray created software-factory/sf-ci master: zuul: fix gateway test for React interface
sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: grafana: support missing providers
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sfbenderMerged software-factory/sf-config master: resources: use config_location to clone the config repository
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shanemcdtristanC: just now seeing this link. ty. i'll take a look after i get these static nodes provisioned for you.13:31
tristanCshanemcd: nice, if you can also setup a k8s cluster and give me the kube/config, i think we could try using it right away13:32
shanemcdoh sure.13:33
tristanCit seems like the openshift-base job "oc rsync" task works with kube pod13:33
matburt^^ nice13:50
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matburtwhere is the ansible tenant configuration from the perspective of the config repo?14:31
tristanCmatburt: it's
matburtdig it14:35
pabelanger Proxy Error14:38
tristanCpabelanger: seems like rdo-cloud network issue...14:39
tristanCpabelanger: it's back14:40
tristanCmatburt: the config-update job generate zuul configuration from that ansible/zuul-config/resources directory, you can check the final zuul tenant configuration using: "curl"14:41
tristanC(it's a bit slow to reply)14:41
matburtnp, I'm just looking at what config goes into building up the ansible tenants jobs and pipeline configurations14:42
matburtI see some base jobs defined in that zuul config and was wondering how that diverges from whatever the default for SF or zuul's normal base14:42
tristanCmatburt: ansible only has one config project (as seen here: )14:43
tristanCthat projects hold pipeline and base jobs (jobs which have no parent)14:43
tristanCthe jobs are generated similarly to the SF normal base14:44
tristanCmatburt: one thing to note is that config projects are considered trusted, that means they are not evaluated speculatively, only merged content is effective14:46
matburtyep that makes sense14:46
matburtthat'll be the initial pipeline / job usage14:56
pabelangermatburt: you'll want to drop gate, since zuul isn't merging commits. Will be okay to just have check14:57
matburtI mean, we do want zuul to merge commits14:57
pabelangerright, but that means zuul would merge all PRs14:58
matburtthat's right14:58
matburtis there some reason we shouldn't do that?14:58
pabelangermostly rdocloud14:59
pabelangerjust need to be away of the issues it has and if awx wants to be blocked by that14:59
matburtWell, I've been using this for Runner... and it's been fine? Should we start looking at setting up our own zuul infrastructure?15:00
pabelangerwell, running own has lots of other issues to discuss15:00
matburtI mean... the cloud goes down occasionally but it generally comes back up.15:01
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pabelangermy may concern, is if we start gating things, and not understand how fragile the cloud is we are running jobs, we'll give zuul a bad impression15:02
pabelangerthen we'll stop using zuul15:02
pabelangerI'd love to see us start gating, but want to make sure everybody understands what that means15:02
pabelangerright now, we don't have an SLA's in place, so this is just best effort15:02
pabelangerand, rdocloud is scheduled to be replaced with another cloud, upshift public15:03
pabelangerso, we'll need to deal with migration issues in the next month15:03
pabelangeror too15:03
tristanCpabelanger: have you found a way to make zuul the only user able to merge PR?15:08
tristanCi think that in the meantime, it's fine to add gate, and use it as best effort15:08
pabelangertristanC: looking, I think it is either something in branch protection, or remove merge permissions for all users on repo (adding them back when something is wedged)15:09
pabelangerright, I want to make sure people 100% understand this is best effort, and not get upset and frustrated at zuul if it doesn;t work15:10
pabelangerAnsible is in a great play to start iterating on zuul as CI, but also don't want to get under water is external issues not related to zuul (eg: infrastructure)15:11
tristanCmatburt: no event was sent for awx/pull/2309, maybe the project is missing github app installation?15:12
matburtit is, I need to get a certain person to add that to the config15:13
tristanCmatburt: i just submitted the exact same change to an awx copy in my zuul sandbox :)15:14
pabelangerremote: Create ansible-fedora-27 in vexxhost15:23
pabelangertristanC: nhicher: fbo: mhu: could I get a review of ^ please15:23
matburtzuul configuration added, recheck running:
pabelangerremote: Add haveged to ansible-base element15:39
pabelangertristanC: mhu: nhicher: fbo: another review^ adds haveged to diskimages15:40
spredzymatburt: tristanC what's the way to log in ?16:02
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tristanCspredzy: there is no authentication configured because there are no authenticated service, zuul doesn't support rest action (yet)16:11
tristanCspredzy: why would you want to log in?16:11
spredzytristanC: old habbits :D16:13
spredzyI thought zuul-jobs were on Gerrit16:13
spredzy(and zuul-config) but no I just saw that they are on Github16:14
pabelangerremote: Add mising ansible-fedora-27 label for nodepool16:16
pabelangernhicher: ^missed the label again16:16
pabelangernhicher: I approved16:20
nhicherpabelanger: ok16:21
spredzytristanC: I think that adding ansible_python_version below ansible_version here might be useful16:51
spredzypabelanger: ^16:52
spredzywanted to hear from you guys if you think its a good idea and hence I should submit a rview16:52
spredzyOr if there's another way to get the current python version in the runner16:53
pabelangerspredzy: it is in inventory file16:53
spredzyAck, then nvm what I said above16:56
spredzyThanks for the pointer16:56
pabelangerspredzy: but zuul will hardcode it to python2 right now16:57
pabelangerlong term, plan is to remove that16:57
spredzyActually I also can get it from here
spredzyThis isn't hardcoded right ^ ?16:58
spredzyansible_python_version: 2.7.1416:58
pabelangerthe python version isn't hardcoded, but to use python2 is16:58
pabelangerwe don't yet support python3 as default with zuul16:58
spredzyah, oki gotcha16:59
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matburtit does look like it picked up python 3 actually for that flake8 test run17:23
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pabelangerremote: Add ntp / ntpdate to ansible-network images19:45
pabelangernhicher: do you mind a review^ adds NTP support to our images19:46
nhicherdone pabelanger19:50
pabelangernhicher: thanks, do you mind deleted the latest fedora-28 DIB in nodepool-builder, to kick off a rebuild once that lands?19:51
pabelangerstill trying to debug why glean isn't working properly on fedora / vexxhost19:51
nhicherpabelanger: ok, I will19:53
pabelangernhicher: can you confirm which version of shade is installed on nodepool-launcher?20:03
nhicherpabelanger: shade-1.28.0-120:04
nhicherpabelanger: nodepool is building the image20:05
nhicherpabelanger: image is ready20:12
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pabelangernhicher: thanks! Do you mind ^ too, we'll also need an image rebuild please20:45
nhicherpabelanger: ok20:50
pabelangernhicher: thank you21:03
nhicherpabelanger: you're faster than me, image is ready =)21:03
nhicherpabelanger: we need to add your user to sf-core team, it will be easier for you to debug your stuff. ansible-network team need a sf-core user21:09
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pabelangernhicher: what does that allow me to review? eg: gerrit?21:10
nhicherssh access to sf instances21:10
nhichermanagesf, zuul-scheduler, nodepool ...21:11
pabelangernhicher: okay, so the plan will be to give ansible-network person access to the control plane in SF21:11
pabelangerjust want to make sure I understand21:11
nhicheryes, that's the plan21:12
pabelangerokay, I don't mind that being me. I'm mostly reaching out to SF member today, most to keep you in the loop of issues. But yes, access to servers will be easier to debug21:13
nhicherto be able to check executor logs, rebuild image ...21:13
nhicherit's not an issue for me when you ping me for a review, but it will be easier for you21:14
nhicherI will discuss with the team tomorow21:14
pabelangeralso, issue with glean and fedora is hostname21:17
pabelangerit is too long21:17
pabelangerI think tomorrow, we'll rename ansible-networking tenant in nodepool. It really should be ansible-network21:18
pabelangerin the mean time, we can setup the hostname via nodepool.yaml21:19
nhicherthe issue is the hostname ?21:21
nhicherpabelanger: ^21:21
pabelangernhicher: yup21:21
pabelangercap is 6421:21
pabelangerbut we setting 6521:21
nhicherthat's weird21:21
pabelangerworking on patch21:21
nhicherpabelanger: ok21:22
pabelangerremote: Fix hostname limit with ansible-network tenant21:23
pabelangernhicher: ^21:23
nhicherdone pabelanger21:25
pabelangercool, will try again once merged, and tomorrow we can look to roll back some of the debug stuff we added to glean21:25
pabelangerand I'll update glean upstream to just do that by default21:25
nhicherpabelanger: ok, work for me21:28
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