Monday, 2023-09-04> <> you can reply in-channel without creating threads (personally i find the threads feature horrible and wish they'd never added it)12:32
I personally prefer threads, but thinking about it now, they're good for busy environments, which is not the case with these StarlingX channels. Also I can see how their usage here (mainly because the "reply 'not in a thread'" comes first) might cause more problems yet.> <> sent an image.14:36
I got feedback that others cannot see the thread that I created 😠. Here goes the explanation again, but not in a thread (that I'll never use again!): we were getting 4600 MiB instead of 6600 MiB of memory for the platform because we were using the build available on the mirror, which is from Feb 11th while the change that bumps the memory was proposed on Feb 23rd (and merged later).
@brunomuniz:matrix.orgBased on that 👆️, shouldn't [this](  be cherry-picked into `r/stx.8.0`?14:59
@fungicide:matrix.orgif using the element web client, there's a thought bubble icon in the top-right which will expose the threads sidebar. the top-level view in it shows a summary of the first message from that thread, and if you click on an entry there it will take you to a scrollable view of all messages in that thread. the `<` button at the top of the sidebar will return you to the thread index, and the `x` button will re-hide the threads sidebar20:15
@fungicide:matrix.orgwithin the channel view, there's a shaded thought bubble icon with `N replies` immediately below the message which started a thread, and you can click on that to jump directly to the thread view for it20:16
@fungicide:matrix.orgi agree it's easy to miss, and one of the reasons i'm not a fan on the threads feature, but i'm in tons of rooms that do use them, so have come to at least understand the basics of their interface20:18 * if using the element web client, there's a speech bubble icon in the top-right which will expose the threads sidebar. the top-level view in it shows a summary of the first message from that thread, and if you click on an entry there it will take you to a scrollable view of all messages in that thread. the `<` button at the top of the sidebar will return you to the thread index, and the `x` button will re-hide the threads sidebar22:35 * within the channel view, there's a shaded speech bubble icon with `N replies` immediately below the message which started a thread, and you can click on that to jump directly to the thread view for it22:35
@fungicide:matrix.orgalso the client does provide "unread comment" indicators in the thread index as a filled white circle to the right of the synopsis22:36
@fungicide:matrix.orgbut, again, it's easy to miss unless you're looking for it22:36

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