Saturday, 2023-12-30> <> Hello everybody!01:04
> I am trying to install an AIO simplex system on bare metal.
> I am following the guide at
> Following the guide I had the problem, that ansible operations which use `sudo` would simply block. I worked around this, by calling `sudo` before starting the ansible playbook (allowing further sudo commands without password for a certain time).
> Should I open a bug for this, or did I do something wrong?
> I am now stuck with another error:
> ```
> TASK [bootstrap/prepare-env : Check volume groups] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> Wednesday 20 December 2023 09:33:28 +0000 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:09.276 ****
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=true
> cmd:
> - vgdisplay
> - cgts-vg
> delta: '0:00:00.033949'
> end: '2023-12-20 09:33:29.299119'
> msg: non-zero return code
> rc: 5
> start: '2023-12-20 09:33:29.265170'
> stderr: |2-
> Volume group "cgts-vg" not found
> Cannot process volume group cgts-vg
> stderr_lines: <omitted>
> stdout: ''
> stdout_lines: <omitted>
> ```
> I've seen the . Am I supposed to create the volume group?
After having reinstalled the initial debian system, the volume group does exist. I will report back if the `sudo` "bug" has also been fixed.

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