Friday, 2023-10-13> <> Sorry to bother you again.13:20
> On my AIO-SX server in a DC architecture, I'm facing an error when I'm creating a new instance on openstack, it fails with the following error: nova.exception.NoValidHost: No valid host was found.
> I think My AIO-SX controller has the correct labels:
> ```
> [sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-label-list controller-0
> +--------------+-------------------------+-------------+
> | hostname | label key | label value |
> +--------------+-------------------------+-------------+
> | controller-0 | openstack-compute-node | enabled |
> | controller-0 | openstack-control-plane | enabled |
> | controller-0 | openvswitch | enabled |
> +--------------+-------------------------+-------------+
> ```
> But when I'm view the openstack host list, I don't have a compute service:
> ```
> [sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone\_admin)\]$ openstack host list
> +---------------------------------+-----------+----------+
> | Host Name | Service | Zone |
> +---------------------------------+-----------+----------+
> | nova-conductor-7b49c988cd-5s452 | conductor | internal |
> | nova-scheduler-695fdbdf48-t87tw | scheduler | internal |
> +---------------------------------+-----------+----------+
> ```
> And when i'm listing compute service, I see a status disabled and state down for the compute service:
> ```
> \[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone\_admin)\]$ openstack compute service list
> +----+----------------+---------------------------------+----------+----------+-------+----------------------------+
> | ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
> +----+----------------+---------------------------------+----------+----------+-------+----------------------------+
> | 2 | nova-conductor | nova-conductor-7b49c988cd-5s452 | internal | enabled | up | 2023-10-12T20:51:23.000000 |
> | 3 | nova-scheduler | nova-scheduler-695fdbdf48-t87tw | internal | enabled | up | 2023-10-12T20:51:24.000000 |
> | 5 | nova-compute | controller-0 | nova | disabled | down | 2023-10-12T20:51:32.000000 |
> +----+----------------+---------------------------------+----------+----------+-------+----------------------------+
> ```
> I tried to enable it with no success, the state is still down. I think it's because the host does not have the correct hostname, because my compute pod has this name:
> ```
> \[sysadmin@controller-0 ~(keystone\_admin)\]$ kubectl get po -A | grep compute
> openstack nova-compute-controller-0-937646f6-zzhdm 2/2 Running 8 (4h26m ago) `22h`
> ```
> I'm not sure about my diagnostic and how to resolve this ... If someone has an idea, thank you ! 😀
Not sure about how to answer your quesiton, but just to be clear you're referring to a subcloud controller that is AIO-SX? * Not sure about how to answer your quesiton, but just to be clear for others you're referring to a subcloud controller that is AIO-SX?13:20> <> Not sure about how to answer your quesiton, but just to be clear for others you're referring to a subcloud controller that is AIO-SX?13:21
Yep that's right a AIO-SX subcloud controller.
@maloute:matrix.orgI assumed that stx-openstack would work on an AIO-SX controller like it does in standalone mode, but maybe that's not the case.13:23
@maloute:matrix.orgI am in the process of changing my architecture to have the following:13:24
- AIO-DX in central cloud
- AIO-DX in subcloud + 1 worker
and test stx-openstack on the worker. * I assumed that stx-openstack would work on an AIO-SX controller in the subcloud like it does in standalone mode, but maybe that's not the case.13:26
@jreed:matrix.orgI don't know. Only want the person might understand you were referring to a subcloud.  13:27
@maloute:matrix.orgthank you :)13:27
@jreed:matrix.orgI "think" you should be able to run it on an AIO-SX.  13:27
@jreed:matrix.orgSo, I just "googled" it and the best doc I can find on the subject led me here:13:29
@jreed:matrix.orgIn bold red text "DEPRECATED" at the top.  13:30

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