Wednesday, 2019-03-27

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mariocarrilloHi, does anyone know how often is created the pike wheels tarball?00:43
sgwmariocarrillo: good question, I think we moved to master, so I am not sure if we are still building the pike wheels, but I would defer to slittle1 but they are gone for the day00:44
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mariocarrillosgw: I have checked in different output build directories and I could not found them01:23
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mthebeauI found a "build wheels" script in build-tools  but I don't see that we build that on a regular basis, and the CENGN mirror is not presenting any...  rpm -qp --info gnocchi-wheels-4.2.5-1.tis.1.noarch.rpm:12:57
mthebeauDescription :Contains python wheels for gnocchi12:57
mthebeauWas there a change in approach perhaps?12:57
mthebeauThere's a couple of starlingx-discuss reports for STX_build_wheels back in february.  There's a request for better documentation, January 25 from sgw.  ;)13:03
mthebeauI'll stop poking until slittle1 and/or dpenney get a chance to respond13:04
sgwIs there a way to rebuild the mock builder chroots?13:14
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dpenneypike/master names are migrating to stable/dev to be a little clearer to folks about usage. Both build streams will continue to be built, as some images build only in pike (renamed stable). pike/master has caused confusion about when and where these should be built.13:35
dpenneyboth pike/master should have been built every week, but I believe the CENGN server was only setup to build master13:36
dpenneyScott was working yesterday to setup the stable/dev builds, and both should run13:36
mthebeauis there such a thing as a "wheels tarball" dpenney?13:37
dpenneyyes. For each build stream, stable and dev (formerly pike and master), there is a stx-centos base image, a wheels tarball, and images13:38
dpenneythe wiki has not been updated yet for the migration to stable/dev, but will be once all the pieces are in place and will be followed with starling-xdiscuss email13:39
mthebeaumariocarrillo was asking about where that tarball is found (or rather, how often it is built)13:39
mthebeau2019-Mar-26 00:21:5713:40
dpenneyyes, as I mentioned, it should have been built alongside master each week, but due to a misunderstanding, the pike wheels tarball and images had not been built recently13:40
mthebeaucool  I'm going to look for an email for mario and copy the link and "due to a misunderstanding, the pike wheels tarball..." text to him13:42
dpenneygoing forward, the "containers build" from CENGN should include both stable and dev, i believe will still only run once a week13:42
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mthebeausgw, re rebuilding the mock build chroots... the instructions I have for cleaning and deleting a build are "build-pkgs --clean && rm -rf <build_dir>".  That's all I have to offer on the subject.  The chroots are owned by mock and usually you can't rm those... so the build-pkgs --clean must be cleaning them(?)14:11
dpenneyI think you can do a mock --clean, passing the correct -r config file and probably some other option for cleaning the various parallel build mockroots... slittle1?14:12
mthebeauthere are a lot of mock.*clean functions in build-tools/build-rpms*14:15
sgwdpenney: the "correct -r config file", from the /localdisk/loadbuild/swold/starlingx/std/configs/swold-starlingx-tis-r5-pike-std/ directory?14:15
mthebeaufind $MY_WORKSPACE/configs/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT* -name "$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT*b[0-9]*.cfg"14:17
dpenneyyeah, that looks right.... you can do things like "mock -r <cfgfile> --shell" to poke around, for example... I wasn't sure where the parallel build files were, but that looks right14:17
mthebeauyes, that looks the same14:17
dpenneybut the build-pkgs --clean may do that already... that's a question for slittle114:18
mthebeauif all then # wipe all ... mock_clean... else # only what we built... mock_partial_clean14:26
mthebeauif TARGETS == "" then ALL == true14:27
mthebeauso I think 'yes', build-pkgs --clean ends up calling mock -r on all the cfg files found in that find command14:30
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mthebeausgw, I am reproducing FileNotFoundError on my build server.15:00
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dpenneydid you upgrade mock on your system? check its dependencies15:01
mthebeau"yes" I recently created my build server from internal wiki instructions; I promptly ran a yum update command.  The deps for mock on my system say python >= 2.7; I checked those previously; the red hat bugzilla applies to me in this case.15:04
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mthebeaups the error was absent from my first build because I was using build-avoidance15:05
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mthebeauI tried yum downgrade... but there was a conflict with mock-core-configs... so I removed mock and mock-core-configs and installed mock-1.2.17-1.el7.centos - the only alternative to mock-1.4.14-2.el7...15:25
mthebeauwill see that happens15:25
dpenneyinteresting that the dependencies for the centos mock-1.4.14 say python 2.7, if this is a python3 thing. I misread that when you noted the dependency earlier15:29
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mthebeauYa.  We don't have to open a stx bug, right?  Since it's a build server thing.15:52
* dtroyer scans scrollback after 3 hour meeting block is over…15:56
dtroyerI have a question regarding building pike vs master referenced above…15:57
dtroyeris anyone still pulling from starlingx-staging/stx-nova master branch?15:57
dtroyerI want to change that to be a mirror of upstream Nova master… if something is still using it we should sync up15:58
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mariocarrillodpenney: thanks :)16:19
dpenneydtroyer: the stx-nova container image is currently building only in master or dev build, from ... Once stein is released, we'll setup stx-nova (and others) stable build images16:25
dtroyerdpenney: Thanks. So it is safe for me to start that work on stx-nova and make master a mirror of upstream master?16:26
dpenneyI think so, but let me check something... Al has been working on removing openstack pieces from the host16:27
dtroyerok, no rush, I'm just getting things ready16:27
dpenneyAl has removed the openstack packages from the ISO, but not yet from the build (over concerns around wheels, etc, and not wanting to break image builds). He's going to raise a WIP review for removing everything from the build, and I'll verify the wheels/images build ok from that)16:37
dpenneyso the staging nova repo is currently used in the build, but doesn't need to be. In summary. :)16:38
dtroyerok, thanks.  I'll hold off on the repo changes until that merges16:38
dpenneyAl's WIP review:
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dpenneyheads up: it looks like the master / dev image builds are currently broken for stx-aodh and stx-heat, due to some upstream stuff. Someone purged croniter 0.3.27 from pypi, which is in the upper-constraints built into the loci/requirements image. I'll either need to update our master-wheels.cfg to specify the newer version, or wait for loci/requirements to rebuild to pick up the new upper-constraints.txt17:00
dpenneyour master wheels tarball is built by downloading the loci/requirements wheels tarball and adding to or modifying it17:03
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dpenneysgw: is created to update base wheels to handle the master/dev build failures due to upstream croniter module change18:13
mthebeauI have a happy build with downgraded mock.18:59
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sgwdumb question time: I am trying to debug a duplex installation with libvirt, controller-0 is booted and I think is operational when the controller-1 node boots, it's failing to get a response from DHCP and PXE fails20:25
dpenneyin the case of virtualbox, we have to configure it so that the boot goes over a specific NIC - the mgmt interface20:26
dpenneyif you think the DHCP request is going out over the correct interface, you could check on controller-0 if it's received (DHCP logs in daemon.log, I believe) or use tcpdump to trace for the incoming packet20:27
sgwdpenney: I looked at tcpdump and can see the bootp request come from the -1 node, I can also see activity (UDP) from the -0 node, so I am assuming they are talking, I will check the daemon.log (that helps)20:28
dpenneyyou can also check to make sure dnsmasq is running on controller-0: sudo sm-dump |grep dnsmasq20:30
sgwdpenny: yup enabled-active20:32
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mthebeauhey dpenney; do our containers have a common base container?21:11
dpenneywell, I think what you're asking is whether they have a common base layer, and yes. The images we build start from a stock centos image and build up from that21:12
dpenneywe build a base stx-centos first, on top of stock centos, and then use that as the base for the service images21:13
mthebeaudocker pull starlingx/stx-centos:dev-20190325T013001Z21:17
mthebeauwoot; ok thanks21:17
sgwyeah, that's a thing!21:19
mthebeauthe layers listed in docker image inspect are shasums...21:20
mthebeau(wondering if there's a way to get the names from shasums21:21
dpenneynot sure... I haven't looked into that21:21
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mthebeauya, google is not offering easy clues.  In anycase;21:29
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