Monday, 2020-05-04

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sgwMorning all13:15
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sgwslittle1: Did you review what Austin suggested? Will the downloader work correctly when the package is in the 3rd party list or is it still blocked?13:54
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stampederIs there an orderly way to shutdown a server running StarlingX? If I use shutdown -h now my server looses the StarlingX ip address.15:17
sgwstampeder: I am still not sure why it's loosing the IP address, it should be a static IP that you set in the localhost.yml when you run the ansible-playbook15:51
stampedersgw: That is exactly why it is so confusing to me as well. I run the playbook and it runs fine. It appears to store everything because I can spin up the controller-0. I can ssh into the controller-0 as well and run configs. When I am done for the day I simply run shutdown - h now to shutdown the server. The next morning it boots up but it has no15:59
stampederstatic ip nor dhcp ip's so I cannot ssh into it. I have to go to the console and assign them. Do you shut you NUC down at night or leave it up all the time?15:59
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stampedersgw: By the way, I took your advise and put as much as I could into bash scripts. Makes it a WHOLE lot easier to install. Thanks for the tip.16:06
sgwBoth, I reboot them all the time16:09
stampedersgw: What process do you follow to shut it down in an orderly fashion?16:18
sgwreboot, halt, powercycle!16:19
sgwall of the above!16:19
sgwpull the plug ;-)16:19
stampederOK, so I'm reinstalling it now and will see how it does when I shut down tonight.16:20
stampederOne other question. I would like to have this instance act as a CPE. I would like to use some kind of Orchestration on another machine to control it. Kind of like a HeadOffice controlling a branch. What orchestrator will work with StarlingX out of the box?16:23
sgwWhen you get it re-installed take a look at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<your nicname>, I want to see if they are getting setup correctly16:29
sgwstampeder: we have the concept of "Distributed Cloud" which I think is what your asking for.  it's referred to as "distcloud" : for the blog and docs here:
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stampedersgw: Thanks for that. I'll take a look at the docs.19:17
slittle1More fixes for build breakages at the distro layer19:37
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