jxc | hello | 20:51 |
jxc | long time openstack person here - trying to work with stx | 20:51 |
jxc | anyone up for some questions | 20:51 |
jxc | if I am only planning on using VMs on OpenStack - does STX provide me anything more than just plane openstack. I see HA is a feature - but i assume it's only ha of the services and not the application VM - is that correct? | 21:22 |
jxc | 2) i'm working through installation of all-in-one duplex on bare meta. i have two machines - cluster and mgmt are 10G each - connect directly to each other. I cannot figure out how to tell the ansible scripts to use those interface eno7 and eno8. can you point me to the section in the config guide for phy interface assigment or where I can set a ansible config file. deault.yml only has ip address assigment and not interfa | 21:26 |
jxc | also i keep running into this error when i run the bootstrap playbook. is this benign ? fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "stderr": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/tmp/.ansible-sysadmin/tmp/ansible-tmp-1630185637.27-151707149833840/download_images.py\", line 144, in <module>\n raise Exception(\"Failed to download images %s\" % failed_downloads)\nException: Fa | 21:28 |
jxc | Exception: Failed to download images ['gcr.io/kubernetes-helm/tiller:v2.16.1']"], | 21:29 |
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