Wednesday, 2022-06-15

opendevreviewMichel Thebeau proposed starlingx/config master: OIDC upgrade script
opendevreviewLucas Cavalcante proposed starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: Fix FluxCD controller install when running restore
opendevreviewZhixiong Chi proposed starlingx/integ master: Debian: kpatch: Support the multikernel
opendevreviewSteven Webster proposed starlingx/integ master: cni: debian: fix issue with bond-cni binary install
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/root master: add back "targz ="
opendevreviewhqbai proposed starlingx/tools master: Debian:pkgbuilder: Support parallel build with multiple chroots
opendevreviewhqbai proposed starlingx/root master: Debian:build-pkgs: Support parallel build with multiple chroots
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/metal master: Debian: modify rashDumpMgr to adapt the vmcore name format.
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/integ master: Debian: add kdump-tools package.
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/tools master: Debian: Add crashkernel kernel parameter.
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/tools master: distro/os-std.lst: Remove kdump-tools.
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/integ master: Debian: add kdump-tools package.
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/integ master: Add support for building armada image
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/integ master: Debian: add kdump-tools package.
opendevreviewJiping Ma proposed starlingx/metal master: Debian: modify rashDumpMgr to adapt the vmcore name format.
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/integ master: Debian: Upversion armada sources for container build
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/integ master: Add support for building armada image
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/docs master: Fix escaped underscores (r5,r6,dsR6)
opendevreviewElisamara Aoki Gonçalves proposed starlingx/docs master: Istio Service Mesh Application
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: Fix FluxCD controller install when running restore
opendevreviewJunfeng Li proposed starlingx/config master: Prevent a new host to be added to simplex
opendevreviewRon Stone proposed starlingx/docs master: Configurable coredump size parameters and storage
opendevreviewReinildes Oliveira proposed starlingx/tools master: oidc-auth executable not in the path
opendevreviewElisamara Aoki Gonçalves proposed starlingx/docs master: vRAN Intel Tool Enablement
opendevreviewLi Zhu proposed starlingx/distcloud master: Tech debt: move portions of dcorch.common.consts into dccommon.consts
opendevreviewElisamara Aoki Gonçalves proposed starlingx/docs master: Istio Service Mesh Application
opendevreviewReinildes Oliveira proposed starlingx/config master: Delete certificate alarm when secret is deleted
opendevreviewDavi Frossard proposed starlingx/config master: sysinv_fpga_agent merge with sysinv_agent
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/integ master: Add support for building armada image
opendevreviewJunfeng Li proposed starlingx/config master: Prevent a new host to be added to simplex
opendevreviewMauricio Biasi do Monte Carmelo proposed starlingx/root master: Update stx-platformclients tag to stx.7.0-v1.5.7
opendevreviewMauricio Biasi do Monte Carmelo proposed starlingx/clients master: Update stx-platformclients image to version stx.7.0-v1.5.7
opendevreviewJunfeng Li proposed starlingx/config master: Prevent a new host to be added to simplex
opendevreviewDavi Frossard proposed starlingx/config master: sysinv_fpga_agent merge with sysinv_agent
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/config master: [PTP] Update notification namespace to be privileged
opendevreviewLuiz Felipe Kina proposed starlingx/metrics-server-armada-app master: Fix centos_iso_image for metrics-server
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/config master: Delete certificate alarm when secret is deleted
opendevreviewLi Zhu proposed starlingx/distcloud master: Tech debt: move portions of dcorch.common.consts into dccommon.consts
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/root master: Add armada-image container tag
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: Update armada image for k8s >=1.22
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: Update armada image for k8s >=1.22
opendevreviewDan Voiculeasa proposed starlingx/integ master: Add support for building armada image
opendevreviewSteven Webster proposed starlingx/integ master: cni: debian: fix issue with bond-cni binary install
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/config master: Handle status_code / status error in HTTP response
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/config master: Update certs spec to work with version v1
opendevreviewDavi Frossard proposed starlingx/config master: sysinv_fpga_agent merge with sysinv_agent
opendevreviewLi Zhu proposed starlingx/distcloud master: Tech debt: move portions of dcorch.common.consts into dccommon.consts
opendevreviewRamon Gazoni Lacerda proposed starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: Fix ldap dir on ansible playbook for backup roles
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/integ master: Add support for building armada image
opendevreviewMichel Thebeau proposed starlingx/config master: OIDC upgrade script
opendevreviewJuanita-Balaraj proposed starlingx/docs master: Updated notes based on comments Received (r6)
opendevreviewDouglas Henrique Koerich proposed starlingx/monitoring master: Fixing PTP conf files in Debian for alarming
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/config master: system health-query response on ceph query
opendevreviewDouglas Henrique Koerich proposed starlingx/monitoring master: Fixing PTP conf files in Debian for alarming
opendevreviewJunfeng Li proposed starlingx/config master: Prevent a new host to be added to simplex
opendevreviewKarla Felix proposed starlingx/config-files master: sudo with one wrong passwd emits 3 password fails
opendevreviewCarmen Rata proposed starlingx/config master: Update application namespaces PSA labels
opendevreviewYuxing Jiang proposed starlingx/distcloud master: Extend timeout of patching REST API
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/monitoring master: Fixing PTP conf files in Debian for alarming
opendevreviewLuiz Felipe Kina proposed starlingx/metrics-server-armada-app master: Fixing debian meta_data for metrics-server-helm
opendevreviewAl Bailey proposed starlingx/ha master: Changes for service-domain-scn
opendevreviewPedro Monteiro Azevedo de Moura Almeida proposed starlingx/docs master: Update cert-manager version to v1 from v1alpha2
opendevreviewElaine A Fonaro Antonio proposed starlingx/docs master: Updated host-update max_cpu_frequency parameter
opendevreviewThiago Paiva Brito proposed starlingx/config master: Demote log when multiple entries of app is found
opendevreviewJim Gauld proposed starlingx/monitoring master: debian: exclude unused cgroup directores from collectd plugins
opendevreviewJuanita-Balaraj proposed starlingx/docs master: Updated notes based on comments Received (r6)
opendevreviewEric MacDonald proposed starlingx/metal master: Debian: add controller-0 pxeboot grub menu setup utility
opendevreviewEric MacDonald proposed starlingx/metal master: Debian: add controller-0 pxeboot grub menu setup utility
opendevreviewEric MacDonald proposed starlingx/metal master: Debian: add controller-0 pxeboot grub menu setup utility
opendevreviewEric MacDonald proposed starlingx/metal master: Debian: add controller-0 pxeboot grub menu setup utility
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/docs master: Platform Application Components updates oidc-dex
opendevreviewHugo Nicodemos proposed starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: B&R: Restore coredump.conf.d directory
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/docs master: Updated notes based on comments Received (r6)
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/docs master: Mellanox support changes
opendevreviewPedro Monteiro Azevedo de Moura Almeida proposed starlingx/docs master: Update cert-manager version to v1 from v1alpha2
opendevreviewAdriano Oliveira proposed starlingx/config master: Remove deprecated upgrade scripts
opendevreviewAdriano Oliveira proposed starlingx/config master: Remove deprecated upgrade scripts
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/monitoring master: debian: exclude unused cgroup directores from collectd plugins
opendevreviewMerged starlingx/ansible-playbooks master: debian: reenable kubernetes cgroupRoot: k8s-infra
opendevreviewJoao Paulo Tavares Musico proposed starlingx/stx-puppet master: Fix collectd service config on Debian
opendevreviewGabriel Silva Trevisan proposed starlingx/distcloud master: Shorten subcloud pre-check error on patch update

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