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SotK | morning! | 08:31 |
persia | Good morning. | 08:40 |
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Zara_ | I'm not sure what the etiquette is for assigning yourself storyboard tasks. I made a fix for the 'right-click interpreted as left-click' issue, which is currently in review, so I'd like to assign myself the task, but I'm not sure if that's the done thing... | 11:32 |
persia | My understanding is that most assignment is self-assignment. Only assign yourself right before you do it, so as not to reserve the task for yourself (and prevent someone else from doing it), but it is nice to send a signal so folk can see it is in progress. | 11:34 |
Zara_ | okay, I'll assign it to myself :) | 11:36 |
Zara_ | will probably look into https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000069 next. | 12:22 |
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* SotK wonders if there is any information about other people's thoughts on "Priority" anywhere? | 15:05 | |
SotK | (excluding https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard/Priority and the two stories on StoryBoard, which I've already seen) | 15:06 |
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SotK | Also, what level do we care about prioritisation on? | 15:13 |
SotK | i.e. do we want to prioritise tasks within stories, or stories within a list of stories someone is assigned to? | 15:13 |
paulsherwood | I would just say that in some organisations, prioritization is achieved by using kanban lanes. however i think it's non-trivial to introduce that concept into storyboard | 15:13 |
paulsherwood | some experimental work was done previously on this somewhere i think, but i don't have a link | 15:14 |
paulsherwood | s/this/a kanban view for storyboard/ | 15:14 |
SotK | I think it was too, I believe CTtpollard was doing it, but he doesn't appear to be here right now. | 15:16 |
SotK | A kanban view would be nice to look at in the future I think | 15:17 |
paulsherwood | sure... i was just flagging this concept in case it was relevant to thinking about 'priority' | 15:21 |
paulsherwood | SotK: can you provide links to the two existing stories? | 15:22 |
SotK | https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/81 | 15:23 |
SotK | https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/329 | 15:23 |
paulsherwood | wow. yes, this is an 'interesting' problem | 15:26 |
SotK | indeed it is | 15:28 |
paulsherwood | so how's this for a radical idea.... if 'priorities' were meta data associated with views, rather than in the core data model, then folks could create their own custom view(s), and maybe share them to get a common understanding of priorities based on the particular perspective... eg kanban-mystartup-view | 15:31 |
persia | You conflate view and priority that way. | 15:33 |
persia | The existing design for priority is that various folk can assign priority, and other folk can view anyone's prioritisation. | 15:33 |
persia | Personally, I would prefer to see tasks prioritised over stories, but I am a detail-oriented person, prone to micromanagement. Less picky folk might prefer prioritising by story. | 15:34 |
persia | (and I suspect many people actually selecting tasks from a worklist would prefer to think at a story level) | 15:35 |
persia | re-reading https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard/Priority , it appears we previously agreed on tasks, so we should probably stick with that. | 15:40 |
persia | To be clear, I would like to see other views, which might consume the priority data in other ways, but I think that is better separated from Priority directly. | 15:41 |
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persia | For those interested, I have a mirror of the out-of-tree storyboard-kanban effort on github (https://github.com/persia/storyboard-kanban) | 16:02 |
persia | I don't believe it is reviewable in the current state, but interested people might take a look. | 16:03 |
persia | I also don't know if the effort continued after I received the snapshot. | 16:04 |
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* SotK grins at "trallo" | 16:12 | |
paulsherwood | it's pretty cool, i think.... wasn't it 50 lines of meteor? | 16:12 |
SotK | it looks pretty cool | 16:14 |
* SotK tries to fathom the table css | 16:33 | |
* SotK fails | 16:48 | |
SotK | src/theme/main.less appears to attempt to import a "./bootstrap.less" file which doesn't seem to exist | 16:52 |
SotK | aha! I guess there is some magic somewhere which tells it to look in the bower_components directory | 16:56 |
* SotK has a suspicion he understands better how things fit together now | 16:57 | |
paulsherwood | SotK: iirc there was some concern about whether/how the meteor approach could really scale/work for use in any OpenStack context? | 16:58 |
Zara_ | SotK: hah, my understanding of that was also 'some bootstrap magic' | 16:59 |
SotK | I managed to change the thing I wanted to change, so I guess I did the right thing :) | 17:00 |
SotK | paulsherwood: I don't know anything about the discussions around it, I'll have a dig around and see if I can find anything at some point | 17:02 |
paulsherwood | well, maybe it's not really relevant? it wasn't even certain that folks would actually get any benefit from the real-time meteor approach, iirc. | 17:04 |
paulsherwood | s/folks/users/ | 17:04 |
persia | The other part of the issue was that there was some odd extension to the server that assumed the server could reach the client r something. | 17:23 |
persia | I forget the details, but I recall it not being very REST | 17:23 |
paulsherwood | yup.... something camps on the database and pushes updates to clients iirc | 17:26 |
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paulsherwood | persia: let me put it another way.... for a kanban to work, there need to be lanes. and ideally lanes can be added, removed, renamed, shuffled. | 18:59 |
paulsherwood | and none of that has to affect the core data model for what the core of storyboard does. so why try to integrate lanes into the core data model? | 19:00 |
paulsherwood | (and then, for kanban users, using lanes gives them implicit ability to set their own 'priorities', based on lanes) | 19:01 |
* paulsherwood may be wrong, of course | 19:01 | |
paulsherwood | another thing the above concept, though... if i create a kanban view that has todo, doing, blocked-by-customer, review, done etc... | 19:03 |
paulsherwood | blocked-by-customer is clearly not how my customer would view things. so they'd probably want to have that as their inbox/todo lane or similar | 19:04 |
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