Tuesday, 2015-11-10

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Zarawhere has the day gone12:41
ZaraI tried getting up earlier, but that just made me tired12:42
SotKits flown away12:44
SotKI've realised that the way I was doing automatic worklists is the wrong way :(12:51
Zaraat least you've found out, though :)12:53
persiaSotK: Which way was wrong, and which right way are you doing them now?12:53
SotKtrying to force the existing stories_get_all tasks_get_all functions (which take parameters for filtering results) seems wrong, and instead I'm planning to do the filtering part seperately to make supporting negative conditions easier12:57
* Zara idly wonders about making storyboard compatible with some sort of calendar13:18
ZaraI was thinking that for tasks with deadlines, it could be useful, but beyond that I haven't given it much thought.13:21
Zara(well, 'tasks' or 'stories' or 'projects there)13:22
persiaAlso milestones, releases.13:23
persiaThat said, most sorts of deadlines are ill-suited to a task tracker.  People have different motivations.13:24
Zarayeah. In this case I was just thinking of the way I use things like worklists; maybe it's enough to have different lists for different days and title them accordingly.13:24
Zaraso that would just be something for the user to do13:24
persiaThat is probably the simpler immediate implementation: just document that as a possible workflow.13:25
Zarabe good to have some more eyes on the patch referred to here: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200039514:31
Zarasince we already have duplicate stories about it! I thought it had been merged but seems I'm the only reviewer so far...14:32
* Zara shakes fist at email notifications14:32
Zarathe patch itself is here, anyway: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236945/14:34
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* Zara bothers infra about it14:42
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ZaraI'm not sure if it'd be worth messaging the people who have filed it or if that's just not done.14:43
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* SotK still can't figure out how someone made the webclient do "POST /api/v1/stories/2000392"14:47
Zarayay, review! thanks, pedroalvarez!14:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Add an offset parameter to search endpoints  https://review.openstack.org/23694514:57
pedroalvarezso, how long takes to have that change in storyboard.openstack.org?15:00
SotKdepends on how busy zuul is15:00
SotKI think you can track the change's progress somewhere15:01
* SotK looks15:01
pedroalvarezI see15:01
SotKat the bottom of the "post" queue15:02
pedroalvarezfound it thanks15:04
paulsherwoodSotK: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200039715:38
paulsherwoodif i get time, i'll look deeper15:38
SotKpaulsherwood: thanks :)15:38
paulsherwoodwhy is creating a story logged twice? Paul Sherwood created this story.15:39
paulsherwooda minute ago Paul Sherwood created "Various UI issues...".15:39
persiaStory and Task15:39
paulsherwoodseems like an odd data model, to me :)15:40
paulsherwoodi believed i was creating one thing, not two.15:41
persiaYes.  Lots of folk believe that tasks should not be autocreated with stories.15:42
persiaOther folk have workflows that never involve creating a story without creating a task.15:42
persiaI'm in the only-do-one-thing camp myself, to support users who have no idea what tasks are appropriate, but I can understand the frustrating of the second camp when it comes to entering a lot of data.15:43
persia(then again, for mass data load, isn't there an API?)15:43
ZaraIn this case it's probably better splitting the ui issues into separate stories. A lot of these things look familiar.15:45
Zara(I'm talking about the specific story, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000397 here)15:46
paulsherwoodwell.. meta-story: when faced with adding a new issue, it's too difficult to see whether there's already something similar15:47
paulsherwoodand forcing autocreate of a task by default is a bad default imo15:48
* paulsherwood will now go and be grumpy somewhere else :)15:48
Zarayeah, agreed on the meta-story; I'm hoping tags can help with that in time15:48
* SotK wonders what the 500 error paulsherwood saw said15:48
paulsherwoodtags is insufficient i think. it needs something like google's realtime search on what user is typing15:49
paulsherwoodSotK: sorry, i can't reproduce it now15:50
SotKrealtime search when typing a "search" in that filter bar is an interesting idea15:52
SotKI'll look at doing that when I get some time15:52
Zarayeah, storyboard search is just unpleasant atm, but I'd love something like that. fixing search is a big job and I don't know where to start with it, but I could ask nikita if he knows anything about it15:53
ZaraI'm glad we've had more interest from all sorts of people since the summit, anyway! :)15:54
SotKre: the homepage (currently you get sent to the projects list), would it be worth redirecting to the about page instead of any given list?15:55
paulsherwoodfor a new user, not logged in, probably yes imo15:55
ZaraI didn't realise that page actually linked to stories and projects, but it does15:56
* Zara is too used to 'about' pages just being adverts...15:56
Zarawe're most likely to find UI stories filed in the storyboard-webclient project: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/45715:57
* SotK prepares some quick patches to clean up low-hanging fruit in that story15:57
Zarawe're steadily chipping away at the mountain... but I'm relieved that the issues there are different to the list we had when we first started (excepting the search)16:01
Zara(though that has reminded me that I meant to file a bug after I used it on the tablet...)16:02
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Redirect dashboard to about page when not logged in  https://review.openstack.org/24368216:03
SotKZara: that reminds me of a problem with the worklists/boards UI patches too16:04
ZaraI think I found it when looking at those storyboard.sotk.co.uk16:13
Zaramight be the same thing16:13
Zara*those on16:13
Zaraack infra meeting at 716:13
Zaraactual 716:14
SotKis it that the top bar has so many buttons in it obstructs half the page? :D16:14
Zaranope, though I do dislike having all the buttons at the top like that16:14
Zarathat said, i don't know how to do it better16:14
Zarawhich is why so far I haven't made a fuss about it. :P16:15
SotKyeah, I did it as a way to test adding boards/worklists, but then couldn't think of a better place16:15
Zarayeah, we need some ui experts really. I should ask around.16:16
persiaFrom curiosity, are there any worklists or boards hosted at storyboard.sotk.co.uk?16:17
* persia sees how to create a new one, but not how to reach one that exists16:17
Zarayes, but I don't think there's any obvious way to navigate to them16:17
Zarayou currently have to type in the url16:17
Zarait's in SotK's todo list, I believe :P16:17
SotKyeah, there should probably be a list page like stories and projects have16:18
* Zara remembers discussing it before tokyo16:18
Zarayeah, comes back to the UI already being quite crowded16:18
SotK+ I want to link to public lists/boards containing a story on the story detail page maybe16:18
persiaThe last is the bit I think most important.16:19
persiaSeeing a list of all the boards/lists would be quite daunting, and there are probably no good ways to sort them.16:19
* SotK isn't around after tomorrow for a couple of weeks, I'll try to look at that when I get back16:20
SotKunless finishing up automatic worklists is more useful than that, but I suspect it isn't16:21
Zarahopefully by the time you return, I will have assembled an army16:22
SotKthat sounds vaguely like some kind of threat :)16:24
Zaraabout to go off before infra meeting so I can get home and get some food first. in the meantime...16:25
ZaraNikitaKonovalov: we've been procrastinating from doing anything with storyboard search because it's so confusing (especially as there are multiple searches). if you can give us any tips on where to start untangling it, that'd be helpful. :) (thanks for the reviews, btw!)16:27
* SotK wonders where the patch notifier is16:28
* SotK does its job for it16:29
SotKAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Replace Dashboard button with About button when logged out  https://review.openstack.org/24370016:29
pedroalvarezhere you are16:29
Zaraopenstackgerrit posted above16:29
Zaraat 16:0316:30
SotKit should have posted again at 16:27!16:30
pedroalvarezdifferent patch I believe16:30
Zarathat'll teach me to skim read16:30
Zararight, I'm going going gone! see you in a bit16:31
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove the "Not updated" text in project and project_group lists  https://review.openstack.org/24370516:35
SotKoh there you are openstackgerrit16:35
* SotK leaves comments on that UI story17:03
* Zara waves at openstackgerrit from the distance o/17:14
* SotK grumbles about the npm-related test failure again18:30
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