Friday, 2016-04-08

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Zaramorning, storyboard! just about!10:32
ZaraI have suddenly realised I have 11 working days to plan for austin and am panicking a bit10:32
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Zaracross project schedule posted!10:51
Zara(channel will be quiet today; I have a mountain of work I wanted to finish by 12pm; if you ping me I'll see it.)11:03
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krotscheckTee hee14:21
Zarauh oh?14:21
Zaraafk for a bit; brb14:22
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* Zara is back and curious about the omnious 'tee hee'14:50
anteayaZara: my house is less watery, thank you15:05
anteayaso May 16th?15:05
Zarayes, that's right15:05
anteayaif so I need to book things prior to summit15:05
Zara(and woo \o/)15:05
anteayaZara: I'd propbably be in manchester more than one day15:07
openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: requirements: Set upper version limit for 'apscheduler'
pedroalvarezsometimes is good to deploy a fresh instance... ^15:10
openstackgerritPedro Alvarez Piedehierro proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add story status to the Story detail template
pedroalvarezand that's my contribution for today :)15:32
persiapedroalvarez: From curiosity, why?15:32
* persia doesn't usually think of stories having "status", as such.15:32
anteayaI cleaned up this page if someone can add the storyboard sprint to it:
pedroalvarezpersia: but they do, and this way is clearer that the story you are in, is either active, merged, or invalid15:33
pedroalvarez"where is the 'close story' button??"15:34
persiaBut it isn't really ever any of those.15:34
persiaA story can't be invalid, although perhaps there is more discussion needed to identify the actual situation to be resolved.15:34
pedroalvarezyeah, feel free to drop a comment in the patch, or in the related story15:35
persiaAnd a story can't really be "merged": all the current tasks can be merged, but there's no way to know if new tasks are requried to ensure the story stays valid.15:35
persiaWhich is the related story?  That seems the more appropriate place.15:35
persiaAh, I should read commit messages :)15:35
pedroalvarezit was requested, I don't have strong opinions, but had some spare minutes :)15:36
persiaDespite me not liking the feature, I am happy to see the patch, because otherwise I may not have seen the story.15:45
Zaraanteaya: thank you, will do.16:13
anteayathank you16:14
Zarare: the above, on the implementation side, a story does have a status, but it's generated on the fly from the statuses of its tasks.16:15
ZaraI can't remember off the top of my head when it counts a story as merged, and when invalid, if there's a mix16:16
* Zara adds sprint to table16:18
Zarano etherpad for it yet16:18
pleia2Zara: so, during our infra bug days of old we were able to query launchpad for a listing of open bugs, can storyboard provide the same?16:23
anteayaZara: um the milestone 1 in the storyboard sprint title may give the impression you are planning on having 3 sprints in newton16:24
anteayaZara: which may make managers reluctant to okay travel for that16:24
Zaraahh, okay, I didn't know what to call it16:25
anteayaas they may believe that there will be 3 sprints and that they may believe they are on the hook for all three16:25
anteayaStoryBoard sprint has a nice ring to it16:25
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Zarayes, I understand the worry, I'm not attached to the name, can change it.16:25
anteayadon't want potential attendees to be blocked by a mis-understanding16:26
Zarapleia2: kind of... is it all bugs, or all bugs in a specific project? there are a few ways to do it, one which would have a url attached to the list, one which wouldn't16:27
Zaraoption 1) on stories list, filter by project and by tag (but you can only pick one project and one tag)16:28
Zarathere's no url attached to that16:28
Zarabut yeah, if you search things tagged 'bug' and do that, it should come up with things (story status = active is the default)16:29
Zaraoption 2) make an automatic worklist and set filters for it16:29
Zarain theory, this should be nicer, but there's  abug specifc to tas16:29
Zarathe good news is that adam's back next monday16:29
Zaraso I have cruelly put that right at the top of his todo list without consulting him, because I knew the bug stomp was coming16:30
Zarathe automatic worklist would have its own url16:30
pleia2Zara: I was thinking all the bugs in the openstack-ci group16:30
pleia2Zara: there is an API right?16:31
pleia2need something I can post into an etherpad16:31
pleia2the idea is that we have several people working on tracking down statuses of bugs, and we don't want 4 people all looking at the same bug and ignoring 50 other bugs16:32
* pleia2 grabs old etherpad from past bug day16:32
pleia2so we'd do something like this:
pleia2I get a grey box o_o16:33
Zarayeah, I just made it, it probably can't find anything yet!/worklist/5116:34
Zaraerrr, oops16:34
ZaraI've just given you owner permissions16:34
pleia2oh ok :)16:34
Zaraso you can see what it's trying to do. idk if anything in that group is tagged 'bug', but that'll be how to check that would work...16:34
pleia2searching for stories is fine16:34
pleia2just needs to be status open16:35
Zara(but yeah, in practice worklists based on tags are glitchy, hopefully fixed before session.)16:35
pleia2er, active16:35
Zaraohhhhh, right16:35
Zarayeah, that's the default16:35
Zaraif you go here:!/project_group/55 , there are all the open stories in that project group, though not filtered in any interesting way16:36
Zarawell, they're active16:36
Zarabut yeah16:36
pleia2ah yes, right16:36
pleia2can I get the api to spit out that list?16:36
Zaraah, it should be possible, I'm not sure off the top of my head how; you'd probably want to use the python-storyboardclient?16:38
* pleia2 nods16:38
pleia2I'll have a poke around it and see what I can come up with16:38
Zara(this is just because generally my api-fu is weak)16:38
Zarayeah, it should be straightforward enough, I just pretty much wrote my first python program this week, so.16:38
pleia2thanks, this helps :)16:40
Zaragot it16:41
ZaraI was being stupid16:41
pleia2oh, sweet16:42
ZaraIiii think that's right, anyway16:42
Zaraprobably want them in the opposite order16:42
pleia2lots of good data, so the api does expose all that stuff, should be easy enough to drag out with the python client16:43
Zarathe python client hadn't been touched in a year, and it basically worked perfectly16:43
Zarawhen does that ever happen in software16:43
pleia2that sounds like a challenge! ;)16:44
Zara:D I had nothing to do with making it so I feel free to go on about how much I like it.16:46
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Fix link to docs in README
pleia2actually, that sends you to the storyboard docs, the docs for the python client don't appear to be published16:48
Zarawell, maybe they're somewhere and I just don't know where16:49
pleia2that link is the only one on docs.o.o that references python-storyboardclient :\16:50
pleia2so maybe it's better than broken link16:50
* pleia2 shrugs16:50
Zaraheh, in practice they just say something like 'python install' anyway, probably makes sense to note its existence in the main main docs16:51
Zaramain main?16:51
Zaraanyway, yeah, I'm not sure the webclient has its own docs up there, either, come to think16:51
ZaraI'd put them in the same place,but I don't know if openstack has rules around that16:52
pleia2under infra/ with the rest of storyboard is fine16:53
* Zara checks, webclient docs point there16:53
Zarafor months, we pretty much didn't know the pythonclient existed; then I forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago.16:55
pleia2hah :)16:56
Zarawhat a strange new review16:56
Zara\o/ mystery solved!17:05
pleia2aw, first review :)17:05
Zaraheh, yeah, now I feel mean for poking fun.17:06
ZaraI'm closing irc for the night; night!17:15
pleia2have a nice weekend17:15
Zara(hm, that makes it sound like I'm turning off everyone's irc)17:15
Zarayou too :)17:15
* pleia2 switches the sign on the door to "closed"17:15
anteayathank you17:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Fix link to docs in README
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