Monday, 2016-06-06

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betherlymorning all!06:11
alexismonvilleHello, in case you did not see that :) there was answers from jroll and tristanC on the Trello for Ironic thread
SotKalexismonville: thanks for the link07:44
alexismonvilleSotK: :)07:44
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SotKkrotscheck: thanks for the reviews!09:03
SotKTIL about using $resource response interceptors09:04
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a note mentioning markdown is supported under the comment box
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persiaLooking at old changes: anyone know why 304565 didn't merge?11:45
SotKno idea11:45
SotKI guess maybe we hit merge when there was some zuul issues?11:46
persiaDo you think "recheck" will merge it?11:46
SotKI don't see why it wouldn't11:47
* persia tries11:48
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Allow superusers to edit other users successfully
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a cancel button to the Add Tag text box
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Allow superusers to edit other users successfully
SotKtoo hot to remember to run tests today :)13:21
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krotscheckSotK: yw14:08
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Allow superusers to edit other users successfully
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* persia still doesn't understand 304565, and hopes someone else has the relevant gerrit-fu16:09
krotscheckpersia: package.json line 16 in that review invokes bower install. gruntfile also invokes bower install. Since the first must always be done before the second can work, it doesn't make much sense to do both.16:11
krotscheckEspecially since making API calls against bower can fail.16:11
persiakrotscheck: So, the bit I'm having trouble understanding is what is needed to merge the patch :)16:12
pedroalvarez"why zuul is not merging it"16:12
persiaIt has +1, +2, +A, +V, dependencies merged.16:12
krotscheckpersia: Ah, right. It's based on an outdated revision of the previous patch.16:13
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed grunt-bower
krotscheckThere ya go16:13
persiaAnd that should just need +V and +A, and merge?16:14
anteayapersia: thanks for keeping things moving along :)16:18
persiaanteaya: I'd really like to see all the development-environment patches land before there are too many more developers.  Similarly, there are a couple large outstanding features I'd like to see land before there are too many more users.  I'm not sure there's much time for either set :)16:19
anteayaI understand the feeling16:19
anteayapersia: I'm not sure if you have seen this yet, my first round of a user's guide:
* persia thinks that wa the last of krotscheck's dev environment cleanups16:20
anteayaoh nice16:20
krotscheckThere's always more cleaning to do.16:20
* krotscheck points at the test coverage16:21
persiakrotscheck: Anything else that you have in mind that would be very visible to developers working with the repo?16:21
persiaanteaya: I did.  I will need to set aside a larger chunk of time to review that properly, and I don't think it would be a bad thing if it landed in advance of that (wherein the change would be a new change, if I take too long).16:22
anteayaright mostly this is a stick in the sand16:24
anteayaand much expansion needed on that16:24
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krotscheckpersia: Can't switch context to answer that question right now, bringing myself up to date on App Ecosystem things.16:26
persiakrotscheck: No worries.16:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed grunt-bower
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