Monday, 2016-08-01

Zaramorning, storyboard!09:03
pedroalvarezmorning Zara!09:08
SotKmorning folks09:30
Zaralet's have a never-ending circle of 'good morning!'s10:13
SotKmorning :)10:29
Zaramorning, sotk, pedroalvarez!10:30
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ZaraI've been going through stories to remove characters that sb can't handle yet, so that scripts work better (horrible hacky workaround, yes)12:07
Zarano idea how to fix!/story/200025112:07
pedroalvarezoh yes, I remember that issue12:13
Zaragot it, it didn't like the quotation marks12:13
Zarait doesn't cope well with unicode characters yet12:14
pedroalvarezlast time nobody was pasting unicode directly IIRC12:14
pedroalvarezit was terminal color codes (like "[38;5;198mHello World")12:16
Zarayeah, I've had some like that, too. the last one was an apostrophe that was U+2019; that was fun to find...12:17
Zaraon the plus side, I'm learning the unicode character codes xD12:18
pedroalvarezat some point we should filter unicode, or just support it12:18
ZaraI've been doing this as a workaround since it's fairly quick and these are ancient stories12:20
Zarabut it isn't a proper solution12:20
Zaraup to 385/690 (the old lp stories are fine)...12:22
pedroalvarezI'm so happy that one can't put <script> tags in comments :)12:25
Zarayeah, that would get exciting12:26
pedroalvarezi was just reading about things related to the problem, and found the suggestion of filtering html tags12:27
pedroalvarezlooks like our markdown parser does that already12:28
Zarayeah, they display right in the browser, there just doesn't seem to be any builtin support for things like the python client. now worried it's just my script that should account for it.12:29
Zarabut then some things are slower in the browser, so... hm.12:29
Zaraalso, hm, story ids seem to go up to 2000690, but stories around 2000630 aren't there12:33
Zaraah, I think a few were just deleted rather than anything more dramatic12:33
pedroalvarezI think that's because the import from LP script reused their id's?12:34
pedroalvarez(or something like that)12:34
Zarayeah, that's earlier, around the 980000 mark; this was just a story that had been deleted.12:36
Zaraso my panic is over :)12:36
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Zaraokay, done. python clienty scripts will still error when stories aren't found but they shouldn't panic at apostrophes any more12:48
Zarathis workaround won't be practical in the future; it's only possible with relatively few stories.12:49
Zaraand where the characters removed or replaced aren't vital to understanding12:49
Zarastill confused about why it gives an ascii codec error for a story that isn't there.13:06
Zara(981278, presumably)13:07
pedroalvarezwith the client?13:10
pedroalvarezprobably the client is not handling the case where the story doesn't exist13:11
SotKdo we know its giving the error for one which isn't there and not just one with an unexpected id?13:11
ZaraI'm not sure what's going on. This is the last thing I get:
Zaraso it gets to the end of story 981277. in all other cases, when that happens, it's the next story which is the problem13:13
Zarabut it might not be, much mystery!13:14
SotKlooking at a dump of the production db,!/story/986212 is the next story after 98127713:14
Zaraaha, huh13:15
Zaramy other script hasn't got there yet13:15
Zara(the one that's printing each exception as it goes xD)13:15
Zarawell, I can go through and remove those interesting characters, for now; it's from 2012 so I doubt the world will end.13:17
pedroalvarezthey are 'space's I think13:18
pedroalvarezlike in the first comment13:18
Zara(I also like that the python error wasn't 'I don't understand this character here', but 'I don't understand all this stuff from here to here')13:18
Zarait gave up quickly13:18
SotKthe ids in my db dump are here:
Zaraah, thanks13:19
SotK(from after 981277)13:20
ZaraI just ran the script again and discovered it disliked the one after 101656713:20
Zara*why* there is a story there, I can't tell you13:20
SotKI assume these ids were imported from LP somehow13:20
Zaraah, actually, probably because just infra ones?13:20
SotKand yeah, they ended up all scattered because its only the infra bugs13:21
Zaraoh well, at least I have an excuse to use my cute little command line interface13:23
Zarathough I wish it could handle the 'up' arrow like the shell13:27
* Zara idly wonders who the bug in!/story/1184647 was assigned to13:33
SotKIonuț Arțăriși from the look of things13:34
Zaraaha, just found it in lp13:35
Zaracool, I found one that crashes my browser:!/story/119480713:48
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ZaraI'm only about halfway down this db dump ;_;14:04
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Zara!/story/1280545 hm, not the most functional link14:04
Zara('The module is available in PyPI:‎')14:07
Zarawe should really have proper unicode support pre-migration, or scripts will break14:08
persiaWhat sort of unicode support don't you have?14:09
persiaThe last time I remember a discussion of unicode support, it was actually about not having ANSI support, where supporting ANSI in a web page doesn't make much sense, really.14:10
Zaranot completely sure; at the moment if you try to browse to storyboard/api/v1/stories, you can't, and given that storyboard.stories.get_all() fails at each place where there's a non-ascii character, I've assumed they're related.14:11
persiaAny sort of non-ascii?14:11
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persiaOr just multibyte?14:12
Zarano idea. some unicode codes have come up, but I don't know if that's because of the python client (or even just the script I'm running) not converting things properly14:12
Zarabut not the hardest variable to eliminate while trying to be able to browse to api/v1/stories14:13
Zarajust the most boring14:13
persiaOh, if you're using python to check the codes, that might be the problem.14:16
persiaI don't understand the details, but my high-level understanding is that python2 and python3 both handle unicode differently, with the default being "not at all".14:17
persiaSo if you want to deal with things safely in python, be sure to tell python the encoding you're using, and that there may be multibyte characters, etc.14:17
ZaraI know nothing about python 3 but that matches my basic understanding of python 214:17
persiaThe underlying data may be fine, and uncorrupted, but the client could be causing issues.14:18
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Zarawell, things are also displaying strangely in the browser (though they are displaying)14:18
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Zaraand then there are still stories like that one that crashes the browser14:19
persiaFor the browser, Does the Content-type specify an encoding, or are you using OS-defaults?14:19
persiaIf the former, it probably makes sense to be sure the code is trying to use that encoding.  If the latter, everyone's browser will get different sorts of breakage, so you can't trust your local results.14:20
persia can help check some of that, but I don't know how well it deals with javascript, etc.14:21
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SotKfwiw my db dump shows nonsense in my terminal too14:23
persiaIs the DB encoding the same as the terminal encoding?14:24
persiaDid the content go through an encoding-aware pipe at any point?14:25
SotKthe DB encoding and my terminal encoding both appear to be utf814:26
SotKI don't think our API pays attention to encoding, so probably not14:27
persiaOh well.  That usually means the DB data is bad, for any of the various ways to put bad data in the DB (like the ANSI issue we encountered months ago).14:27
persiaIf the API doesn't pay any attention to encoding, it probably incorrectly recodes everything (because python does that if one isn't explicit, if python thinks the content is text).14:28
persiaHrm.  Found a confusing UI bit: in!/story/2000012, was the last update to task 2032 or 2033?  How would we tell?15:08
persiaNote that the actual answer to the question isn't important in this case, but I can imagine it being confusing for someone in the future.15:09
SotKdo `GET` and look at the "task_id" field in the event info of the latest event15:11
SotKbut yeah, we should probably display that15:11
persiaPart of me wants to constrain tasks so that one story can't have two tasks with the same description, but that's probably harder to impose, plus there are some use cases for which people may actually want to use the same names for things, despite my opinions.15:14
Zarastoryboard.stories.get_all() should now work. but brosing to api/v1/stories still fails :(15:35
Zarabut now at least I can script to find it15:40
Zarawell hello there,!/story/128559315:40
Zarayour time is at hand15:40
Zaraooh, and another one15:42
Zaraso much quicker doing this with get_all() :)15:42
Zarabrowsing to api/v1/stories now works :)15:47
Zarathough it'll take a while15:47
Zarato load them :P15:47
ZaraSotK: thanks for the db dump; the script to find stories is only at about 1000300 of 200069015:50
Zaraso that sped things up a lot :)15:50
Zara(oh, actually, it was 1009300. still)15:50
SotKhah, yw :)16:02
ZaraI'm heading off for the evening. 'night, all! :D16:51
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ZaraI gave up on every picking up my scanner and drew these out again. it needs some fleshing out but hopefully someone somewhere can use it.!/story/200066719:54
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