Tuesday, 2016-09-06

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ZaraI made `verify` properly configurable, but that's just in usr/local/lib, so now I get to move it all into git places and hope I do it right. :<12:34
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Give user option to bypass verification  https://review.openstack.org/36609912:47
ZaraI thiiiink that's all of it...12:47
Zarahaha, with bonus 'me working out how to do things' comments for free12:54
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Give user option to bypass verification  https://review.openstack.org/36609912:55
Zarait needs tidying up (there's a function that passes verify but there's no indication of that in the name, and it needs documenting in client.py)-- but I'd rather check if the overall approach makes sense12:56
Zarait does also mean that the commandline thing might need to get a  bit smarter, since atm it just decides what's been passed based on the order of arguments.12:57
pedroalvarezZara: reviewed, if you don't understand what I'm talking about in the comments, please, ping me. Brain and language is not working very well after holidays :)13:09
Zarapedroalvarez: it's fine, I think I get it, thanks. :) I did it the long way round! xD13:15
Zarahow was the holiday?13:20
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pedroalvarezZara: very good thanks :)14:36
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Give user option to bypass verification  https://review.openstack.org/36609915:09
openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make tags reusable  https://review.openstack.org/36618815:09
pedroalvarezZara: that looks great. Does is still work?15:19
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Zarait did for me, though there's a chance I've missed something (since I tested versions of files in usr/local/lib but sent that from a different repo...) so it's worth checking.15:21
pedroalvarezdon't have time for testing it now, but code looks correct15:25
pedroalvarezno idea bout the pep8 issue though15:25
Zaraah, line too long15:26
Zara2016-09-06 15:15:19.330975 | ./storyboardclient/base.py:34:80: E501 line too long (86 > 79 characters)15:26
Zara2016-09-06 15:15:19.331063 |         self.http_client = BaseHTTPClient(auth_plugin=self.auth_plugin, verify=verify)15:26
Zarasuppose I should learn how to do multiline python things15:26
pedroalvarezmeh, failed to see that in the log15:26
pedroalvarezthat one should be easy15:27
Zara:) sending patch now15:28
pedroalvarezself.http_client = BaseHTTPClient(auth_plugin=self.auth_plugin,15:28
pedroalvarez                                  verify=verify)15:28
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Give user option to bypass verification  https://review.openstack.org/36609915:29
Zarahah, the first thing I saw suggested the slash15:29
Zaraif it's not necessary I can chuck it.15:30
pedroalvarezI believe it's not needed, but my brain is still in holiday mode, mind15:32
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Give user option to bypass verification  https://review.openstack.org/36609915:32
ZaraI tried a few things, indentation should be nicer now too15:32
ZaraI can never keep track of the times python doesn't care about whitespace/newlines.15:33
Zarait seems to alternate between 'this is the most important thing' and 'lol I don't care'15:34
pedroalvarezit does care about  new lines, but if you put the newline inside '()', everything is fine15:34
pedroalvarezsame for '[]' I believe15:35
Zaraah, okay. yeah, I think I've done that with arrays before.15:35
Zarait makes sense, just hard to remember when also switching between python and js.15:36
Zaraalso I found this at the weekend when I'd forgotten to put something in a loop and was too lazy to do it in vim: http://wittman.org/projects/stackoverflowindentfourspaces/15:38
Zarabookmarked forever.15:39
persia34,72 s/^/    / ?15:39
* persia thinks typing that (or the equivalent for someone else's favourite editor) is faster than cut+paste and fussing with bookmarks15:40
pedroalvarezoh, i discovered that in vim you can do: 3>>15:40
pedroalvarezto indent 3 lines, for example15:40
pedroalvarezand assuming that you have configured vim to put 4 spaces instead of tabs, that will work15:41
Zarapedroalvarez: yeah, I looked at it and was like 'I'll have to scroll through all these and subtract to find out how many lines it is; if I'm scrolling I might as well copy as I go and paste it somewhere'. xD15:45
Zara(small batches of a few lines apiece would also work, just runs more risk of confusing me if interrupted)15:46
* SotK votes then changes his mind15:47
Zara(+ I mainly bookmark things so that when I type the first letter of their name (or a word), they come up in my browser, so it's not that different a workflow)15:48
persiaZara: Your editor probably gives you line numbers: if you look at the number at the top, and then again at the bottom (scroll, search, whatever), you can use those without math, like:15:51
persia`:17,21 >>`15:51
persia(put as many '>'s as you need to get the right amount of indent)15:51
persiaIf your editor is being uncooperative, ^g may help.15:52
SotKTIL about >> in vim15:52
ZaraI didn't realise you could use a range for >> when I searched the problem.15:53
Zaragah, meant to add to that docstring, thanks15:55
Zaraalso double gah I've just noticed that the api url is described as optional and defaults to s.o.o15:57
Zarathat seems risky15:57
persiaI haven't written elisp for a while, but I believe that in both popular editors, one can apply any command to either a range or a marked area.  Some of the results can be odd.15:57
pedroalvarezZara: that's for another change, but yes, I would change that too15:59
ZaraI can quickly add it now :)16:02
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Give user option to bypass verification  https://review.openstack.org/36609916:03
Zaraoh, the s.o.o thing, yeah16:04
Zaraagree it should be a separate change16:04
openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make tags reusable  https://review.openstack.org/36618816:09
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Make dev the default StoryBoard instance  https://review.openstack.org/36623816:10
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Zarahah, that pep8 is harder to fix...16:28
ZaraI guess I'll have to make it a named variable, unless anyone has a better idea16:28
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Make dev the default StoryBoard instance  https://review.openstack.org/36623816:31
Zarahuh... for browses, storyboard-dev does GET, but js-draft does OPTIONS17:29
Zara(along with GET. it ends up with a 204 no content with the OPTIONS)17:30
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